The Mighty Female Immortal

Chapter 1477: Received a younger brother

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The little boy's dancing arms gradually slowed down and finally stopped. Xu Ziyan tried to slowly loosen the hand that pressed the boy's head. The little boy raised his head, and the dark eyes gradually became black and white. There was a hint of graciousness in his gaze.

Xu Ziyan reached out and tried to pull the boy's hand. The little boy slammed Xu Ziyan's hand and leaned tightly on the thigh of Xu Ziyan. His face showed an attachment color.

Xu Ziyan took him to sit on a large rock. Xu Qinyang and Xiao Bai looked at each other and found a big stone to sit down. Xu Ziyan whispered:

"What is your name?"

The little boy shook his head and his face showed a confused color: "I don't know, I don't have a name."

Xu Ziyan caressed his head with some pity: "How come you come here, your parents?"

"I..." The little boy's look was even more confused: "I haven't seen my parents, I don't know how to get here."

Xu Ziyan looked at him seriously and felt that he did not lie. When he remembered what the monk had said to himself before, he whispered:

"Then why do you want to eat people, and eat raw beasts?"

"I'm hungry……"


Xu Ziyan heard the word and immediately remembered the fact that he had been in the sky on the mainland of China. At that time. I also stood in front of a restaurant and said "hungry!"

The eyes of Xu Ziyan got wet and fell into memories. The ups and downs of the sweet and sour tastes poured into my heart. Sigh a sigh. Xu Ziyan looked up at the sky, and his thoughts were as white as clouds...


Yue Jicheng.

Xu Yutian and Xu Zhenshan stood on the peak of the Tiantian Peak, and looked far away at the Dragon House in Yueji City.

"Zhenshan, the dragon family really left."

"Well. A few days ago, the first-class family Sun family and the super family Jiang came, and then the super family Yun family, Chu family and Xiangjia also sent people to express goodwill, and did not know how to do purple smoke and Qin Yang?"

"Yeah, how can we just call back and say that the matter has been solved, and we have not said how to solve it. Besides, it has been so long, and the two of them have to go to see Xinghai. It should be back. Wanxian Conference will end. Now, where are the two of them running?"

Xu Haotian frowned slightly, and his face was worried: "They won't have an accident?"

Xu Zhenshan glanced at Xu Weitian: "No, the ability of Ziyan I know, people are also very cautious, and there will be no accidents. Let us first plan what happened after the Dragon family left."

"Well, the dragon family put the Yang family. The iron family and the family have been destroyed. Now we have become the only powerful family in the city of Yueji. And you and I are the peaks of the nine days of Xuanxian, these days within the holy land. The tribes also have breakthroughs of different sizes, and our Xu family has been different. Hehehe..." Xu Haotian said excitedly.

"Yes! Xu Zhenshan also said with a smile: "If it was such a big city that used to let us control it, our Xu family was really frightened, I am afraid there will be other family members." Now the strength of our Xu family can not care. As long as the Sun family is not embarrassing us, our Xu family can meet any second-rate family. ”

"Well, let's go back and send the family disciples to Yueji City, and let everything be taken down first, then we will plan in detail."

Half a day. The dragon family was withdrawn. Longjiajia, the main dragon, personally came to Xujia to apologize and thank you. Apologize to the damage caused by Xu. Dao Xie Lingbo and Yangqin gave help to Long Aotian, and asked Xu Ziyan to hope that Xu Ziyan could convey the gratitude of Longjia to Lingbo Fairy and Yangqin. And presented a gift.

Xu Weitian and Xu Zhenshan will naturally not see him Xu Ziyan, because Xu Ziyan is not in the family at all. So that the purple purple smoke retreat on the grounds. However, wait for the dragon to leave. Xu Haotian and Xu Zhenshan are opposite each other. They have already understood the matter, but they do not know the true identity of Lingbo Fairy and Yangqin. When Xu Qinyang sent the message back, he did not explain it in detail.

At this time, the two people’s hearts also thought at the same time, is it true that the purple smoke really has a deep relationship with the Lingbo fairy in the hidden family? Ok! Perhaps the thirty-six disciples of the family are studying in the family of Lingbo Fairy.

Two people sat in the hall and stayed for a while. Xu Zhenshan suddenly said: "The patriarch, many families have come to congratulate these days. But the family on Tianguixing has hardly come, especially the doujia who is the star of the sky, there is no sound, this is not Normal!"

Xu Xiaotian’s eyebrows rose and said: “The strength of Dou’s family is very strong, ranking the tenth in the second-rate family. However, today’s Xu family is not the former Xu family. Now we have only nine days of Xuanxian’s late peak. There are five, nine days of Xuanxian late is more than fifty, waiting for the purple smoke to bring back the thirty-six disciples, family cultivation is not lacking immortality, there will be more disciples to break through, defense has a fairy, attack There are fairy charms and fairy instruments. No one in the current Xu family wants to bully. If anyone dares to come, I will destroy his family."

Earth Yin.

Small town.


Xu Ziyan’s thoughts gradually pulled back and turned to see the little boy looking at himself with a look of concern. When I saw Xu Ziyan looking at him, he whispered:

"Sister, are you hungry?"

Xu Ziyan shook his head in a wet voice: "Little brother, haven't you all been in the fairy season? How can you still be hungry?"

"I don't know! Anyway, it's hungry!"

Xu Ziyan frowned slightly and thought about it. Suddenly his eyebrows rose and his eyes glowed blue. He looked at the little boy up and down seriously. For a long time, Xu Ziyan put away the eyes of Kun Peng, and it seems that there are some insights.

All this is made up of the layer of his body. The prohibition not only impeded the dark attribute of his body, but also prevented the outside force from entering his body, so he only supplemented by food. The energy and cultivation in his body. Seeing the power of that ban, I am afraid that he will not break the ban during the cultivation of the Xianjun period.

Who is he? Is there such a powerful ban in the body? He didn't know everything, let me try to help him.

Xu Ziyan looked at the boy's eyes and said softly: "Little brother, look at me."

The little boy looked at the eyes of Xu Ziyan innocently. The eyes of Xu Ziyan suddenly transmitted two blues and displayed the magical power to "receive the soul."

Looking at the boy's gaze became awkward, Xu Ziyan said softly: "Who are you? Where are you from? Who is your parents? How come here?"

The boy’s eyes began to tremble sharply, the muscles on his face became distorted, and the forehead oozes sweat. The voice of the purple smoke hits his soul over and over again. He seems to have entered a strange dream, his mind. The scene of the scene was swiftly passing, causing him to stun.

"who am I?

Where am I from?

Who is my parents?

How do I get here? ”

His heart has a resistance to his past, his body suddenly shocked, and the confusion in his eyes became clear. Xu Ziyan’s heart is awkward, and a child in the fairy season can actually break away from the magical power of his late nine-day Xuanxian’s “Soul”.

How did he do it /

Xu Ziyan put away the magical power to "receive the soul", and he was not sure whether his magical power "to rob the soul" had any effect on the little boy in front of him. If it doesn't work, is there a ban in his soul?

However, Xu Ziyan did not dare to explore his soul, it is likely to destroy the soul of the other side. Two people have no innocence, and Xu Ziyan cannot do that.

Xu Ziyan sighed softly and reached out to touch the boy's head. He said softly: "Forget it, little brother, sister can't help you."

Xu Qinyang and Xiao Bai also know that Xu Ziyan was a fairy sorcerer who applied his soul to the little boy. He was afraid that this strange little boy would provoke an attack and his nerves would be tightened.

The little boy's eyes looked at Xu Ziyan's eyes in black and white, and Xu Ziyan's heart was a little nervous, but his face still had a gentle smile. The little boy suddenly smiled and laughed so innocently, whispered:

"My sister won't be like that in the future, I just feel bad!"

Xu Ziyan sighed with a sigh of relief, softly said: "Sister will not."

Looking at the little boy's innocent smile, Xu Ziyan said softly: "Little brother, don't eat any more people in the future, that's not good. If you let the people who are highly educated see it, they will kill you."

"But... I am hungry!" The boy's face was full of grievances.

Xu Ziyan’s heart is also embarrassing. She tasted the taste of being hungry and slightly thought about it: “Little brother, or you will follow your sister and my sister will give you food.”

"Yeah!" The little boy nodded happily.

"Then you will not be allowed to eat again in the future!" Xu Ziyan said seriously.

"Yeah!" the little boy nodded hard.

"Little brother, my sister will give you a name."

"Yeah!" The little boy's eyes lit up.

"You call... let me think about it, I want to give my brother a resounding name..."

The little boy looked at Xu Ziyan with a gaze and looked excited.

"Xu Xiang? Xu Liang? Xu Louliang? Little brother, which one do you like these three names?"

Xu Qinyang smirked and smiled, and his face was flushed. Xiao Bai is looking at Xu Ziyan with a small star. The little boy’s straight shoulders suddenly pulled down. Half-sounding, weakly said:

"Just... it’s called Xu Xiang!"

"Well! That's called Xu Xiang." Xu Ziyan stood up from the stone and said: "Go, scream, go home with my sister."

"Yeah!" the little boy stood up.

Xiaobai incarnation, Peng, Xu Ziyan, Xu Qinyang and Xu Xiangfei on the back of Xiaobai, Xiaobai spread his wings and flew toward the city.


*(To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to vote for the recommended ticket, monthly pass, your support is my biggest motivation.)

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