The Mighty Female Immortal

Chapter 1478: Join forces

I am very grateful to Dan Feng, lonely fleeing classmates, little love cc classmates, book friends 08910205917581 classmates, joyzhang2012 classmates, ygong classmates, washing book fan classmates, hknt16104 classmates, little chrysanthemum classmates, nini425666 classmates, ginkgo fruit classmates, jj Xiaojin adults Classmates, Qing ☆ classmates, the passing years of the wind, a ZZ classmate, my heart classmate, 15335226216 classmates pink ticket!


Xu Xiang was sitting in the soft white feathers with his hands on his knees, looking at the white clouds flying through the air, his heart slamming, and an unspeakable emotion was lingering in his heart.

He had already remembered when Xu Ziyan used the soul-stricken magical powers, and a piece of memory continually flashed in his consciousness.

From the time he remembered, he was in an independent space. It seemed that he was alone, but there seemed to be a voice always shouting in his consciousness:

"You are born in heaven and earth, you are the demon body, destined to become a generation of demon. When you break open the body to ban, it is the day when the blood of the immortal world flows into a river. You want to kill! Kill! Kill..."

One day.

The independent space didn't know why, and suddenly there was a crack, and then he was sucked in. Then he was in a coma, and when he was awake, he found himself in the ruins of the small city of the sinus.

There is no such cry in consciousness, and he does not remember the previous things. He felt very happy, as if he had waved something annoying.

However, what followed was that he was chased. Being bullied or even being chased...

Later, when he was in a hurry, he killed a person and found that he had sucked the blood of that person. Can actually improve their own cultivation. And can make you not hungry...


His stomach was called again, woke him up from his memory, and looked up at the present back sitting in front of him, his eyes flashing a complex color.

"This sister is the first person to be nice to me. But if she knows the secret, will she still like me? The voice that once said, as long as I broke the seal of the body, it was the day when the blood of the fairyland became a river." At that time, I will lose my mind, even my sister will kill?"

"That... my sister will kill me at that time?"

"If my sister knows how my secret will treat me now?"

"Sister, will she kill me?"

"I... I don't want to be an enemy with my sister. She is the first person in the world who is good to me!"

Xu Ziyan suddenly looked back at Xu Xiang, with a smile in his eyes. This smile made Xu Xiang’s heart squint, and looked at Xu Ziyan weakly and said:

"Sister... Why are you looking at me like this?"

Xu Ziyan smiled and said: "Hungry?"

Xu Xiang’s face was red, and there was no speech.

"Oh..." Xu’s stomach rang again, and Xu Xiang simply lowered his head and buried his head between his legs.

Xu Ziyan took a jade bottle from the storage ring and handed it to Xu Xiang. He said softly: "Small ring, give you this. You will eat one when you are hungry."

Xu Xiang looked up and took the jade bottle to open. The medicinal fragrance of Xiandan floated out, let Xu Xiang swallow a sip of water, and looked at Xu Ziyan's eyes full of cordial words:

"Thank you sister!"

Looking at Xu Xiang poured out an elixir will be stuffed into his mouth, Xu Ziyan grabbed his hand:

"Small ring, can't eat like this, eat one by one, otherwise the body can't stand it."

"Oh ~~" Xu Xiang looked at Xu Ziyan, and put the fairy in his hand back into the jade bottle. Then take one and put it in your mouth and swallow it. Let’s lick your mouth. After waiting for a while, I felt that the strong force was flowing in the body, and I was really hungry.

But...the body is only discomfort!

I glanced at it weakly and asked: "Sister. Can I have another one?"

Xu Ziyan looked awkward and asked with concern: "You... sure?"


"Okay. Then you are eating one!"

Xu Xiang then happily ate one, Xu Ziyan stared at him tightly and found that he did not have any abnormalities. Seeing that he had stopped receiving the jade bottle from the storage ring, he put down his mind:

"Small ring, is this storage ring that you have?"

Xu Jiaxuan said for a while: "I grab it."

"Oh!" Xu Ziyan no longer speaks, reaches out and touches his head, turns around and chats with Xu Qinyang.

After a while, Xu Ziyan heard the sound of a grin on his back, and his look stunned, and he released his consciousness to observe Xu Xiang. Seeing that Xu Xiang was there and took the jade bottle out of the storage ring, looked up and sneaked a look at Xu Ziyan and found that Xu Ziyan did not look back. This only poured out an elixir swallowed his mouth and his face appeared satisfied. The color.

Xu Ziyan’s face could not help but smile, and he always observed him with his knowledge, for fear that he would eat more problems.

In a short while, he saw that he had poured out an elixir and swallowed it into his mouth. During an hour, he swallowed thirteen elixir, although Xu Ziyan gave him not nine products. Xiandan, but that is also Liupin Xiandan, Xu Xiang is eating like this one by one, an hour of time, Xu Ziyan did not find any discomfort. Shaking his head in a wry smile, remembering the appearance of Xiaobai eating medicinal herbs like eating jelly beans, can not help but reach out and touch the feathers of Xiaobai, the heart secretly:

"It is another metamorphosis."

However, in the end, Xu Ziyan still worried. Turning around and looking at the hurriedly grasping the jade bottle's hand hidden behind the Xu Sheng, said with a smile:

"Small ring, don't hide, I saw it."

"Sister!" Xu Xiang lowered his head and did not dare to see Xu Ziyan.

Xu Ziyan touched his head and said softly: "If you want to eat, just eat it. When you are not feeling well, don't eat it."

"Yeah!" Xu Xiang happily looked up at Xu Zi flue.

"And, you have to remember. If you have any discomfort in your body, be sure to talk to your sister."

"Yeah!" Xu Xiang's eyes sparkled and began to wet.

"And. If you eat up, you should go with your sister. Well, I will give you some more."

When the words fell, Xu Ziyan took out ten jade bottles and handed them to Xu Xiang. Xu Xiang silently closed up, looking at Xu Ziyan's eyes full of attachment.

The little white fan **** his wings. Breaking through the clouds in the air, flying through the air.

Xu Ziyan and Xu Qinyang both stood in the soft white feathers and talked about the future of Xu. Occasionally, Zi Zi squinted and looked at Xu Xiang, seeing Xu Xiang holding his knees. Put your chin on your lap and look at her with madness. Xu Ziyan couldn’t help but feel a bit strange. He looked at him with a slight head and smiled:

"Small ring, what are you thinking?"

Xu Xiang then shook his head and said: "I didn't think about anything. It was just the first time I took Da Xiaopeng to fly in the sky, and some of them went away."

Xu Ziyan smiled and said: "There are opportunities in the future!"

Xu Xiangyu nodded and saw Xu Ziyan turned his head and talked with Xu Qinyang. He could not help but sigh. Now I am far from the small town. My sister said that she was going to the Yincheng City to take the transmission array, and then she would leave the planet. In the future, I am not alone, but my brother’s younger brother. I have a family.

What would my sister’s home look like? How many people? How will they be to me? Will it be like the monks in the small city who hate me? If they hate me, what should I do?

Xu Xiang suddenly became nervous. In the past, he simply lived, and even hatred of human beings. But now I have concerns in my heart. I am afraid that my sister is not happy. Looking at the eyes of the eyes, looking at the Xu Ziyan lying in the feathers, his eyes were a bit stunned, and his heart was a little overwhelmed.

He knew that he had a ban on his body. When he was in a small town, he did not want to open his ban in the body all the time, and then he killed and killed those human beings. but……

If my body ban is opened, will I not know my sister and kill my sister? Or will my sister kill me? My sister told me. Don't let me eat people later...but. If it is only killing people and not eating people...

His heart suddenly panicked, and a wandering child suddenly had a person who felt bad about him and gave him a family. Suddenly found that he is likely to bring disaster to this person who loves him, he really did not know what to do.

Will my sister always love me so much?


Yue Jicheng.

Xu family.撼天峰.

The main hall of the proceedings.

Xu Ruyun, the head of the Xu family, went in a hurry: "The patriarch."

Xu Haotian frowned slightly, and Xu Haotian was very comfortable during this time. He has never been so comfortable. This month, the minerals around Jicheng and Yuejicheng are now Xu's. With these resources, Xu Weitian believes that it will take a long time for the family to take off. Nowadays, the repairs of more than 30,000 monks of Xu family are steadily improving, and their strength is getting stronger and stronger. The glory of Xu family is just around the corner.

At this moment, I saw Xu Ruyun as a foreign affairs master, but ran in flusteredly. What kind of system? Then I said something unpleasant:

"What, is this anxious?"

Xu Ruyun went up two steps and said in a hurry: "The patriarch, we are in trouble."

"Well?" Xu Haotian's brow wrinkled deeper: "What? Speak well, don't panic."

Xu Ruyun took a few breaths and stabilized his emotions: "We Xujia went to other cities to send a message from the disciples, saying that the families on Tianguixing have reduced the price of our Xujia resources by 50%, and sold them to The price of our resources has increased by 50%."

“Well?” Xu Haotian said with a sigh: “This is a pressure, how much do we lose if we buy or sell?”

"Yeah, patriarch, you have an idea!"

Xu Haotian thought about it and suddenly said to Xu Ruyun: "Now we have a disciple in Tiangui City?"

"Yes!" Xu Ruyun nodded quickly.

"You immediately get in touch with him and let him go to the squad, saying that he wants to go to other planets to buy and sell resources."

Xu Ruyun immediately took out the storage ring, got in touch with the other side, and then said a pass, then he sat in the hall waiting for the news there.

After half an hour, there was news. Xu’s disciple took the Tianlan City, which had just arrived at Tianlanxing, and was blocked by dozens of monks. He said that Xu’s disciples had stolen their things, and the people who made Xu’s family were thieves. The city guards of Sky Blue Star just looked around them and looked at the meaning. As long as Xu’s disciples did not start, they would pick up the Xu family.


*(To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to vote for the recommended ticket, monthly pass, your support is my biggest motivation.)

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