The Mighty Female Immortal

Chapter 1479: return

I am very grateful to Ann ^_^ Jing classmates (200), Tuyi water students (100) reward!


Xu Haotian heard the air and waved the cup to the ground. A face was so dark that it was dripping out of water. I took a few deep breaths:

"Let them sit back and send them back!"

After half an hour, another message came, and the Xu family had returned to Tiangui City, but the monks in the Sky Blue City snatched some resources.

“砰~~” Xu Haotian smashed the table and shouted: “Let them return to the family immediately!”

"The patriarch!" Xu Ling rushed in from outside the gate. His face was angry and hurried: "We were attacked at the Xianjing Mine outside the city. More than 200 disciples were killed and they were robbed. A lot of fairy crystals."


Xu Haotian stood up and the whole body was trembled slightly. For a long time, slowly sitting back in the chair, the emotions are slowly calming down.

"The patriarch, what is going on here?" Xu Ruyun asked with anxiety: "Is it a dragon family..."

Xu Haotian waved his hand: "The dragon family does not have such a great ability, it is a grandson."

"Sun family?"

"Not bad!" Xu Xiaotian said with a bite on his teeth: "All this is a ghost in the darkness of the Sun family. Their grandson is afraid that our family will grow up quickly and threaten their status as a grandson. In the Ming Dynasty, we will suppress us. Home, let us make a purchase and make a loss. If we don’t do business, we can only wait for it. Then we secretly attack our Xu family’s business and disciples. You look at it, and later like the Xianjing Mine. The attack will continue to happen."

Xu Ruyun and Xu Ling stood there, and they only came back to God when they heard it: "The patriarch. Then what do we do? Do you want the purple smoke to ask for Jiang, or the hidden family?"

Xu Haotian shook his head and said: "No one has attacked Xu family. If we can't solve this kind of thing, we will not develop it afterwards. Not to mention. Super family like Jiang family, and hidden family. Will it be time-consuming and laborious for this little thing? Sun’s family is very clean on the bright side, and they are not involved at all. Even if the Jiang family or the hidden family helped us to make this home for the sake of purple smoke, this time But can they help us all the time? These things will ultimately depend on our own family to solve."

"But... how do we solve it..."

Xu Haotian frowned and sat there, sighing: "The strength of our home is now able to destroy the Dou family, but I am afraid it will be badly hurt. And there is still a force in the dark to deal with We. We can't act rashly."

"But if we don't take action, we have to be killed alive."

"That's it!" Xu Haotian tweeted his fingers and gently tapped the chair's handrail: "First recall the disciples who sell and purchase resources. Then increase the power to protect the mine outside Yueji City. Then squat down the pile. First, we will dig out the forces that attacked us in secret. As for the things that have been recruited outside to join us, we will stop first. I don’t think it will take long for us to spread the experience of our family. If you don't have a loose repair and join the Xu family, don't waste that energy first."

"Yes!" Xu Ruyun and Xu Ling respectfully responded.

"Oh, I don't know where the purple smoke and Qin Yang went, and I won't come back for so long."

Proud star.

Xiaobai spread his wings and flew toward the green hills. Xu Ziyan and Xu Qinyang stood in the back of Qi Peng, and Xu Xiang sat in the feathers, eating an elixir one by one.

"Ziyan. We have been in the black space for so long, your apprentice will not think that you don't want him? Then, do you really want to accept him as a disciple?"

Xu Ziyan nodded and said: "I have been watching him for a while. His personality is still good. In addition to some arrogance, but there is arrogance, it is also because of the ability, a loose repair can become a six-product alchemy, its qualification is really good. And our Xu family also needs an alchemy teacher like him. Although we now have six alchemy masters, but they have not studied for a long time, they are far from the princes in terms of experience, and they have a prince’s arrogance. Pointing. They will progress very quickly."

"Is there not you in Xu family? Where is the prince and you are up to you?" Xu Qinyang laughed.

Xu Ziyan turned a white eye: "Where do I have time?"

"Ha ha……"

The little white figure fell to the bottom. The white clouds were broken.


Xu Ziyan and Xu Qinyang changed their faces and turned into the appearance of Lingbo fairy and dulcimer. They jumped from Xiaobai's body, and Xiaobai turned into a human figure and Xu Xiang followed Xu Ziyan. Falling toward the green hills.

I haven't fallen from the sky, and I saw a figure rising from the green hills. It is the prince who is proud. I came to the front of Xu Ziyan in an instant and stumbled in the clouds:

"The disciple meets Master!"

"Get up!" Xu Ziyan waved his sleeves and helped the prince arrogantly: "I will let you come back to pack up, can you pack everything?"

"Return to Master, they are all packed up. The people on the mountain are also dismissed, waiting for Master to take me away. The disciple stood on the peak every day and looked forward to Master. Today, I finally hoped that Master would come."

Xu Ziyan gently nodded and said: "If this is the case, let's leave here."

Xiao Bai was once again turned into a Peng Peng, and several people emptied into the back of Xiaobai. Xiaobai spread his wings and flew to the proud city.

On the back of Xiaobai, Xu Ziyan looked at the prince sitting opposite him and said succinctly: "The prince is proud, do you really want to worship me as a teacher and join my family?"

"Yes, I hope Master will be perfect."

"The prince is proud, you have to listen. First, I don't have much time to teach you, but I can pass it on to you. Second, my family is not a hidden family, nor a big family. Now you are sure you The decision?"

The prince arrogantly, and then smiled bitterly: "Master does not want to make disciples, I have never heard of a family other than the hidden family, there is a fairy teacher like you. You don't have to test your disciples anymore, no matter What kind of identity is Master? The disciples are eager to accept Master."

Xu Ziyan looked at the prince proudly and said seriously: "I am telling the truth."

The prince looked at Xu Ziyan with a proud look. Seeing Xu Ziyan looked very serious, his look could not help but be serious. Respectfully said:

"Zao proud to swear to God, sincerely worship you as a teacher. No matter what your identity, just ask for disciples when you are free."

Two quarters later, the prince stunned and looked at Xu Ziyan and Xu Qinyang who had recovered their original appearance. quite a while. I adore and say:

"Master, Shi Bo, you two are too powerful. Even the first-class family, the super family and the hidden family have been made a turn!"

Xu Ziyan solemnly said to the prince: "Zi proud, this matter must be kept secret. After you arrive at Xujia, you will live in the amount of Tianfeng, don't leave Xu family. You can rest assured that Xu will not dominate the family for a long time. The hidden family can't resist my family. By that time, the fairy world will travel around with you."

"Yes! Master, I believe!"

Tiangui City.

Xu Ziyan and Xu Qinyang came out with a small white and Xu Xiang from the transmission array. Both of them were eager to follow the arrow. They did not stay in Tiangui City. They left Tiangui City directly and flew to Yueji City in Xiaobai.

Qinglan Mountain.

Outside the Yueji City, Xu's chromite mine.

At this time, shouting to kill the earthquake. There are more than 500 people in the Shadow Fairy who are raiding the Xujia Mine.

Xu Jia is here to station a nine-day Xuanxian late peak and two nine-day Xuanxian late, and two hundred monks. At this time, the nine-day Xuanxian late peak is being attacked by two nine-day Xuanxian late peaks, and the two nine-day Xuanxian late Xu family monks also have three nine-day Xuanxian late shadows in the pinch, the remaining shadow points Part of the pursuit of the Xu family monks, but poured out fifty shadows are madly looting the resources of Xu family.


Xu Jia, the nine-day Xuan Xian late peak monk was blasted out, a blood spurted in the air, the ribs came out with severe pain, he knew that he had broken eight ribs, facing two flying shadow. He has nothing to do. Seeing the Xu disciples who were struggling to fight around, he closed his eyes desperately. Waiting for the shadows of the two peaks of the late nine-day Xuan Xian.


Xu Jia’s nine-day Xuan Xian’s late peak exploded, and the two figures were bombarded and flew in the air. When the air is parked in the air, the blood of the mouth is constantly ejected. The shadows of the two peaks of the nine-day Xuan Xian were severely wounded, and both figures were crumbling in the air.


Xu disciples saw the old self-explosion from their parents, all of them red eyes, forgetting their lives, and madly attacking the shadows.


Xu Jia, two nine-day Xuan Xian late monks were also blasted out, and the two Xu family monks were violently violent, and at this time they also chose to blew themselves.

The sky suddenly darkened, and the two sides killed involuntarily looked up and saw a huge, ten-mile-old bird flying over their heads.

"Yi Peng! The Holy One is back!"

The monks of these Xu family naturally knew Xiaobai, and they were excited in an instant. A pair of excited eyes looked at the huge fear in the air.

The two figures fell from the back of Kun Peng, very fast, like two meteors. It is Xu Ziyan and Xu Qinyang.

Xu Ziyan instantly fell into the shadow of two peaks of the nine-day Xuan Xian in the air. The two shadows also saw that Xu Ziyan was the repair of the late nine-day Xuan Xian. The eyes flashed a bit of sorrow, and at the same time, even if we The two were seriously injured, and it was not that you could be bullied in the late nine days of Xuan Xian.

I just wanted to sway and smash, but I found myself unable to move. Xu Ziyan was imprisoned in the air. Now Xu Ziyan's cultivation is the late nine-day Xuan Xian, but the state of mind is the realm of Xianjun. There are many insights about the Xianjun period, especially the enchanting women in the black space, the demon monk in the black space, the huge space in the black space has been banned many times, and has a deep understanding of this magical power. Therefore, it is possible to display the cultivation of Xianjun by virtue of the cultivation of the late nine-day Xuanxian.


*(To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to vote for the recommended ticket, monthly pass, your support is my biggest motivation.)

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