The Mighty Female Immortal

Chapter 1493: Returning from white (five for pink)

Celebrating the 2nd Anniversary of "The Best Female Fairy"


Space attribute?

Hard to comprehend! Because she did not understand the opportunity of space attributes.

The dark attribute can be considered, because the huge heart in the black space once gave her a dark attribute of the heavenly ball, which can help her understand the dark attributes.

Light properties?

There is also no opportunity to comprehend, and it is equally difficult for her to understand the light attributes out of thin air.

Ray attribute?

It is not impossible. If the Thunder giant sword in the purple smoke space is willing to cooperate, let Xu Ziyan hold the understanding of it, it is likely to have an opportunity to comprehend. But will it work?

Wood properties?

I have the opportunity to comprehend, because now there is built wood in the purple smoke space, but it is still too small, and if it grows up a little longer, the chance of comprehension will be even greater.

Soil properties?

I have the opportunity, because she has left a very earthy lotus in the purple smoke space, that is to keep her own understanding of the soil properties.

Now Xu Ziyan has only three attributes to understand the opportunity, one is the soil attribute, the other is the wood attribute, and the third is the dark attribute.

Some of the dark attributes do not conform to the characteristics of immortals. If Xu Ziyan cultivates the dark attributes to the realm of perfection at this time, will there be signs of dark attributes on the surface features? This makes Xu Ziyan very hesitant. The construction of the wood is still small, and finally Xu Ziyan decided to comprehend the soil properties.

Xu Ziyan entered into his own bamboo building, laid out a defensive array method, and then took out the extremely earthy lotus seed from the purple smoke space, holding his hands in his arms and entering into the comprehension.


Shadow secret main hall.

The fourth lord shouted to the black robe monk sitting at the top: "Lord!"

The black robe monk flashed a fierce gaze in the two eye sockets on the hood. Said faintly: "What happened again? Will this prince wake up from the retreat?"

The fourth lord said respectfully: "With the Xu family as the center, the surrounding 36 branches have been captured. The thirty-six divisions of the monks have not survived, and the divisions have been completely destroyed, and the treasures have been completely looted. Empty."

The eyes of the Lord suddenly shot two substantial peninsulas. Like the two arrows, let the fourth main body tremble. Slowly regained his gaze and lowered his eyes:

"Go on."

"Yes!" The fourth lord took a sigh of relief and went on to say: "After serious investigations, the forces that destroyed our shadows of thirty-six branches were not confirmed. Because they were not found in those days. There was a large number of monks expelling the monks, and there was no Xu family.

However, a few days ago, our shadow spy found that Xu Ziyan and Xu Qinyang, who had not appeared for a long time, returned to Yuejicheng from the outside. Therefore, the subordinates inferred that Xu Ziyan and Xu Qinyang both destroyed our shadow thirty-sixth branch. ”

The main faintly glanced at the fourth main hall: "Whether or not Xu Jia did, Xu Jia also destroyed our tens of thousands of monks in Yueji City. This must be reported."

"Just..." The fourth lord said hesitantly: "We can't cope with the big family of Xu family. Unless... it is able to lead the monks of Xu family out of Yueji City!"

"Leading the moon and the city?" The shadow Lord looked at the fourth lord. The fourth lord said in a hurry: "On the Lord, there are still more than two years. It is the year of the second-rate family of the Zhongyuan Galaxy. The Xu family is also not likely to not participate, so the elite of the Xu family must leave the Yueji City. , including the purple smoke and Xu Qinyang will definitely go. When the time..."

The shadows listened to the Lord and suddenly laughed...

Dou family.

Inside the hall of the council.

The monks of Dou's family were all dejected, and all these changes were too much for their expectations.

"The patriarch, what do we do?"

Dou Fang grew up and sighed: "Now our Dou family is very passive and has been isolated by the entire heavenly star. Xu family... is not something we can afford!"

"That... do we want to apologize with a gift?"

"Apologize? Do you think that you can get the forgiveness of Xu's family if you apologize?"

"But other families..."

"The other families are other families. They just listened to the orders of our Dou family. We are different from each other. It is the initiator. The Xu family will not forgive us. Hey, I will go to the Sun family!"

Sun family.

Sun Yue’s study, Sun Yue’s threw the teacup on the floor and said: “That Dou Fangcheng dared to come to our grandson’s house? The matter for Xu’s family has nothing to do with our grandchildren.”

"He... didn't say that it has a relationship with our grandson, just... want to ask our grandson to come forward and talk..."

"Say and?" Sun Yue gnawed his teeth: "I moved my things, and dared to let me talk about it? Let him drive me out!"

One year.

Xu Ziyan opened his eyes and looked at the extremely earthy lotus in his arms. The vast earth lotus did not shrink much, and almost could not be seen. Sigh a sigh. This year. Xu Ziyan did not understand much about the meaning of soil properties, but only slightly improved in the realm of Xiaocheng. This can not help but let Xu Ziyan feel a little discouraged.

The body swayed and the dust swayed. Xu Qinyang smiled helplessly and stood up. First I took a shower and changed my clothes. Sapphire blue dress. Wash away the dust, expose the eyebrows and fog, gently walk to the window, slowly push open the window leaves, stare at the opposite bamboo forest, thinking in the heart.

Is that the earthen treasure is too small?

Xu Ziyan sighed softly, or wait until it grows up.

Looking up at the depths of the woods, I saw that Xu Xiang actually took off his clothes and played in the pond. From time to time, the water splashes, accompanied by laughter.

Shaking his head, no longer paying attention to him, fell into meditation. Nowadays, it is impossible to comprehend the meaning of attributes. Jianmu is still small, and the dark attribute has many uncertain factors. Xu Ziyan thinks that at least he must wait for the five attributes to be cultivated to the realm of perfection and then comprehend the dark attributes.

Nowadays, only the sword of fire and the fist of fire are first realized. Although it is not possible to increase the repair, it can increase the combat power.

Suddenly, Xu Ziyan’s eyebrows were picked up, and the brows revealed their happiness. She felt the smell of white.

really. A figure rushed to the amount of Tianfeng. The look of Xu Ziyan is a glimpse. The figure in front of her eyes turned out to be a girl of about fifteen years old, but her body was clearly with a little white breath.

"Little white?" Xu Ziyan whispered softly.

"the host!"

The girl was really white, her figure was floating, and the bang broke into the bamboo door. I rushed into the bamboo building. Xu Ziyan can't help but smile, this must be Xiaobai, still the original character. Reaching out and pulling Xiaobai to the front, looking up and down her. I feel that Xiaobai is still the peak of the nine-day Xuanxian late peak. Then opened the eyes of Kuang Peng, and his face showed a smile:

"Xiaobai, you really broke through to the beginning of Xianjun."

Xiaobai smiled and said: "Master, originally thought of giving you a surprise, deliberately suppressed the cultivation, did not expect to be seen by you, hehe..."

Xu Ziyan caressed the head of Xiaobai with care: "Little white, don't call my master later. Call my sister!"

"Yeah!" Xiaobai tried his head. The eyes are full of attachment.

"砰~~" The bamboo door was knocked open again.

"Little White Sister, you are back!"

Xu Xiangguang rushed in with his ass, a look of surprise.


Xiaobai raised one foot, and before she waited for the sound of the body to settle down, she was smashed out, accompanied by a white roar:

"Give me the clothes!"

"Oh! Oh! Little white sister, I didn't mean it, I was so excited!"

Xu Xiangsa scorpion ran to the bamboo forest. Xu Ziyan and Xiao Bai looked at the back of Xu Xiang and couldn't help but giggled.

After a while, Xu Xiang dressed up neatly ran back, three people sitting around the table, Xu Ziyan took out the tea, and the three people listened while Xiao Bai talked about her going out to practice and rob.

Xu Ziyan's eyes are somewhat blurred, his eyes are passing by Xu Xiang and Xiao Bai.

I am a person, Xiaobai is a demon, and Xu Xiang is probably a demon. In this small bamboo building, the demon demon actually talks around the table. I don't know what the future will look like?

The second day.

Xiaobai took Xu Xuan around the entire Xu family to play. With a white lead. Xu Xiang is a lot bigger. And Xu Ziyan is beginning to comprehend the sword of fire.

Xu Ziyan left the amount of Tianfeng, first went to the family's library, and watched the various fire attributes one by one. It took two months to read all the fire attributes. Later, I returned to the collection of books in the Tianfeng, and took the two-time time to see the various fire attributes of the Yanshan soul.

Four months later.

Xu Ziyan was sitting cross-legged in the pavilion. Closed eyes, all the fire attributes are pushed in my mind. again and again. Gradually, it radiated a hot breath from Xu Ziyan's body.

The hot breath became more and more intense, and gradually transmitted red light from the body of Xu Ziyan. The red light gradually turned into a flame, and the whole person was covered in Xu Ziyan.

Seven days passed.

The flame around Xu Ziyan is getting stronger and stronger, and the surrounding bamboo forest has begun to make a sound of squeaking and burning.


Countless figures flew up to the volume of Tianfeng, and at this time the amount of Tianfeng ignited a raging fire. Xu Weitian and Xu Zhenshan stood outside the fire and looked toward the fire. They saw a huge flame burning in the fire. And in the extremely rich flame there is a human figure sitting there knee-flops.

With the cultivation of the two of them, it is natural to see that the human form is Xu Ziyan.

"What is purple smoke doing?" Xu Haotian whispered.

"it seems that……"

Xu Zhenshan’s words have not been finished yet, and his face is a change. Debating and debut: "Run!"

When the words fell, Xu Zhenshan's body shape flashed, and he was far away from the amount of Tianfeng. The face of Xu Tiantian was also changed. He flew away in the distance. The rest of the monks saw the patriarch and the saints ran. Although they didn’t know why, they also quickly moved away from the Tianfeng, and the space was full of clothes. The sound of sweeping.



I am very grateful to Nightjngal classmates (10000), Fansi classmates (200), and susantsh0905 classmates (100) for their rewards!


*(To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to vote for the recommended ticket, monthly pass, your support is my biggest motivation.)

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