The Mighty Female Immortal

Chapter 1494: Xian Xia (a more pink)


The group around Xu Ziyan’s body and its rich flames slammed into a slashing sword. Circling around the amount of Tianfeng, like a huge fire dragon hovering in the sky, releasing endless power. The entire amount of Tianfeng is like a torch, and the power released by Xu Ziyan is the flame on the torch head.


The fire sword in all directions slammed into the amount of Tianfeng, and instantly invaded the body of Xu Ziyan. Xu Ziyan stood up from the stone bench. The finger was slightly moved, and a six-character fire attribute sword was taken out from the device, and the sword was pushed in the amount of Tianfeng.

A large number of monks surrounded by the sky around the peak of the peak, surrounded by the entire amount of Tianfeng, one by one, locked in the body of Xu Ziyan.

At this time, Xu Ziyan did not have them at all, and the whole mind was immersed in the sword of fire.

A set of swords was made in the hands of Xu Ziyan, which was extremely subtle and made these monks of Xu family look fascinated. Xu Ziyan finished a set of swords, and then he made the next set of swords. For two months, Xu Ziyan’s swords were not repeated. The surrounding Xu family disciples learned a lot from this set of swords.

Among these swords, there are swords that they cultivated. After watching the Xu Ziyan demonstration, the monks who cultivated the fire-soiled swords have benefited a lot.

After the third month of the local area, When Xu Ziyan began to deduct from the first set of swords, many monks were disappointed to fall into the clouds. These monks are not practicing swords of fire. At this time, they have already understood that Xu Ziyan is comprehending the meaning of the fire attribute, and they have no need to read it. Each monk is obsessed with the envy of those who practice the fire of the sword.

And those monks who practiced the fire of the sword are overjoyed. Because they saw that Xu Ziyan was not only deducing a set of swords. Instead, it begins to merge. At this time, Xu Ziyan is combining the first set of swords and the second set of swords, and merges into a set of swords.

one year later.

Xu Ziyan will merge the last set of swords. At this time, Xu Ziyan has not moved, just standing there. A big sword in the sky will start to rush. Unleashed the sword of the endless fire, sharp and forced. Like a pillar of fire that connects the heavens and the earth, it releases the scent of destruction.


Xu Ziyan spit out a breath and opened his eyes. The sky's great swords are slowly shrinking. Hidden into the body of Xu Ziyan, revealing her figure.

At this time, there are very few monks around the Tianfeng. Many of them suddenly got comprehensible, landed in the clouds and entered the epiphany.

At this time, I saw Xu Ziyan really opened his eyes and put away the giant sword. Just want to say hello, but see Xu Ziyan once again closed his eyes. The sword in the hand has disappeared, and the double fist is slowly running the mysterious trajectory. With her fists waving. It seems that the fire attribute between the whole world is fascinating with Xu Ziyan.

At this time, Xu Ziyan is comprehending the fire attribute boxing in the treasure boxing. There are six types of each attribute of the treasure boxing, and Xu Ziyan is deduced in one form and one way, from simple to complex, from complex to simple. From simple to complex, and then from simple to simple. Repeatedly, gradually, the million-fist method became only six.

A month later. These six styles are combined into five styles.

After another month, the five-style boxing method merged into four.

half year later.

Xu Ziyan slammed into a fist, and the six styles had been transformed into a style. The entire space was exploding, revealing a huge black hole.

Xu Ziyan’s face showed a happy color. She spent more than a year comprehending the meaning of the sword of fire and the fist of fire.

Open your eyes and look around, his face can not help but reveal a smile, the entire amount of bamboo forest and Taolin are destroyed by themselves.

Two figures landed from the air.

"Ziyan, congratulations!" Xu Zhenshan and Xu Haotian greeted Xu Ziyan.

Xu Ziyan also nodded and looked away. I knew that the Xu family’s monks were comprehended when they were deducing themselves. Did not see Xu Qinyang, he whispered:

"What about Qin Yang brother?"

Xu Haotian happily shook hands and said: "He has learned the fire attribute from your sword, and he is retreating at this time!"

Xu Ziyan heard the words and said: "What level does Qin Yang’s original fire attribute have?"

"Xiaocheng!" Xu Xiaotian said with pride: "I feel that he can understand the realm of Zhongcheng this time. He closed the door after you finished the idea of ​​the sword of fire. Now it has been half a year. I don't know when. Can go out."

Xu Ziyan’s eyes are bright: “Qin Yang’s brother is already the peak of the nine-day Xuan Xian’s late stage. If the meaning of the fire attribute is realized from the small realm to the realm of Zhongcheng, wouldn’t it break through the early stage of Xianjun?”

Xu Haotian’s proud pride: “Yes, Xu’s family will have Xianjun.”

"Good! Good! Good!" Xu Ziyan was overjoyed, and he made three sounds.

Everyone knows that Xu Ziyan has just finished cultivation and needs to settle. I will leave one by one. Xu Ziyan looked around for a moment, but did not see Xiaobai and Xu Xiang, the heart of the two people did not know where to go to play. However, Xu Ziyan is not worried about both of them. Don't say that here is the Xu family, that is, elsewhere, with the strength of Xiaobaiqiang, there will be no problem.

Looking around in a mess, Xu Ziyan shook his head and smiled, sinking a glimpse into the purple smoke space. Came to the edge of the space, grabbed the cloud baby, and saw that the cloud baby not only completely restored the repair, but also upgraded the grade to seven products, and could not help but be overjoyed.

The cloud baby was called out, let her cover the entire amount of Tianfeng, and isolated the outside knowledge. Then the peaches and other monsters are called out, let them re-arrange the amount of Tianfeng. Bamboo forests and Taolin Xu Ziyan, which are naturally needed, will be removed from the purple smoke space.

It was only a few hours of time, and the entire amount of Tianfeng was completely restored, and the layout was completely renewed.

The peaches and other demon were collected, and the cloud baby was also collected. I saw Xiaobai and Xu Xiangchong coming up and shouted at Xu Ziyan:

"Sister, I heard that you have finished your cultivation?"

"Yeah, are there any troubles for you two, here is the sister's family. It is not allowed to be fooled!" Xu Ziyan looked at Xiaobai, very worried. At the beginning, Xiaobai’s Lotus Peak on the vast mainland was no less trouble.

"No! No!" Xiaobai quickly waved: "Sister, everyone is growing up now, no longer a small child like a small ring."

"Hey!" Xu Ziyan covered his mouth and laughed.

Xu Xiang whispered: "I am not a kid!"

This day.

Xu Ziyan is accumulating Xianyuan. Two figures flew up the amount of Tianfeng. Xu Ziyan opened his eyes and saw two people, Xu Tiantian and Xu Zhenshan, through the window, and they got up and pushed the bamboo door to welcome the two people.

Xu Haotian and Xu Zhenshan hurriedly sat down. Xu Haotian hurriedly said: "Ziyan, there is news from the Xinghai, the Mozu has appeared."

Xu Ziyan heard a sigh of relief and asked in a hurry: "I have not paid attention to the things in the Xinghai over the past few years. How is that over there?"

Xu Haotian took a deep breath: "There has been a good development in the Xinghai over the past few years. The stars that are close to us on the Xinghai are basically occupied, including the dwarf star, which forms a line of defense. There are huge resources in Xinghai."

"The dwarfs are destroyed?"

Xu Haotian shook his head and said: "No, they withdrew with the Mozu. But just six months ago, a large number of Mozus began to appear, and they also occupied some stars in the farther places, forming a confrontation with us. The situation."

Xu Ziyan heard the news is a shock, the Mozu began to occupy the planet, establish a base, which shows that the Mozu is ready to fight with the Terran. Does the Mozu really have that ability? They are too crazy. Even dare to go far into the Xinghai, to build a base on the side of the Terran.

Xu Ziyan had fought against the Mozu in the lower Yuan dynasty and knew the cruelty of the Mozu. They were even more vicious than the Yaozu. If they stand firm in Xinghai, it will be a long-lasting battle of demons.

When Xu Ziyan didn't have time to think about it, he hurriedly asked: "How about the Mozu and the Terran? How is the result of the fight? How many are the Mozus arriving today?"

Xu Haotian said: "It is said that the hand has been handed over. The Terran and the Mozu have their own casualties. At present, the Terran has not revealed the disadvantages. The casualties of both sides are similar. The number of the Mozu seems to be small, and there are only a few hundred thousand."

"Hundreds of thousands... The speed of the Mozu is so fast!"

Xu Ziyan pondered for a while and said: "So... how many people are we in the Xinghai?"

Xu Haotian’s face is also gloomy: “It is said that there are millions.”


Xu Ziyan stood up from the chair. Walking back and forth on the ground. Finally, I went back to the table and said: "The battle between millions and hundreds of thousands, even the two sides have almost the same casualties. Is the Mozu already so powerful? How did the four super families decide?"

"According to the four super families, this time the fight is too sudden. The Terran is not ready. And because the number of Mozu is now small, the four families are ready to take the initiative."

"Proactive attack? Didn't the four super families start a new round to recruit monks?"

“No!” Xu Haotian shook his head. “At present, I look at the four super-families. They feel that they can cope with those demons and have no idea of ​​further recruiting monks. After all, one more monk will take more resources. But, four The big family also issued a notice to make the people ready to enter the Xinghai and the Mozu to fight."

Xu Haotian looked at Xu Ziyan again: "Ziyan, do we want to prepare for the family, and then enter the Xinghai and the Mozu to fight?"

Xu Ziyan thought for a moment: "Preparation is still to be prepared. After all, this is a big battle between the Terran and the Mozu. We have no reason to shirk."

"Ziyan, if we send family power to Xinghai, maybe our home is just getting better, it will..."

Xu Ziyan walked slowly to the bamboo window, standing with his hands on his head, looking at the white clouds under the peak, faintly said:

"The patriarch, people never live for themselves. If you just live for yourself, that life will have no meaning, no fun. This is where we human difference and the devil, life is in the world, no matter Is it a cultivation of immortality or a common custom, something is done, something is not!"

Xu Ziyan turned slowly and looked at Xu Weitian: "The ancient rumor spread, the original fairyland is not called the fairy world, but the fairy tales.

Xian Xia!

It is this heroic word that has created ancient glory! ”


I am very grateful to Nanxun Yuyao classmates, dream back to Tang Dynasty 007 classmates, Kdnio classmates, book friends 090808154340312 classmates, silina0628 classmates, Hui Yun classmates, 91885901 classmates, ~~Fireworks~~ classmates, I love Manchurian classmates, Nightjngal classmates, rilla001 classmates, Tu Yishui classmates, lazy paradise classmates, little love cc classmates, book friends 081131091013313 classmates, gq1000 classmates, cool snake classmates, shadow-wind classmates, Xi Mengying classmates, Fanghua Ruomeng classmates, orzt classmates, momotrista classmates, wuyunxujiant classmates Xuexue 1225 classmates, Liu Wuchen classmates, cat classmates in the study room, ginkgo fruit classmates, yanz0530 classmates, old-fashioned classmates, oldandstupid classmates, Ж绫罗Ж classmates, book friends 080315134415314 classmates, plums~~~ classmates,幻の青青草同学,书友101201122727856 classmates, large flying pig classmates, wd2222 classmates, Xiangxi classmates, dream poetry 0327 classmates, sand time classmates pink ticket!


*(To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to vote for the recommended ticket, monthly pass, your support is my biggest motivation.)

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