The Mighty Female Immortal

Chapter 1496: Trial battle (three more pink)

Congratulations to Ann ^_^ Jing classmates become the best elders!


"Xiaobai, go with me to go to the Qinyang brother to rob the law." Xu Ziyan shouted.

"I want to go too!" Xu Xiang stepped forward and pulled Xu Ziyan's sleeves.

"Good!" Xu Ziyan turned his head to Xu Qin and said: "Qin Yang brother, now your breath has been hidden by the convergence, we quickly left the place through the secret of the transmission."

"Yeah!" Xu Qin Yang's eyebrows filled with joy, and four figures flew toward the transmission array.

Tiangui City.

In the secret room of Sifang Restaurant, the transmission array of brilliance flashes, Xu Ziyan, Xu Qinyang, Xiaobai and Xu Xiang appear in the secret room. Xu Ziyan directly transferred Xu Qinyang, Xiaobai and Xu Xiang into the cloud baby body, and then changed the appearance, left the secret room, swayed away from the Sifang restaurant, and went outside the city.

When I came outside the city, Xu Ziyan did not care about the direction, and a big move disappeared. Then release the cloud baby, let the cloud baby fly overseas to find an island.

Yunbao is now a seven-piece fairy, and the speed is doubled. It just disappeared in a flash. After an hour, it appeared above an island in the deep sea.

Four people came out of the fairy boat, and Xu Ziyan put the baby in the cloud. Xu Ziyan, Xiao Bai and Xu Xiang sit on the ground, Xu Qin Yang is a person plundering away. Standing in shape, he began to prepare the fairy, the fairy and the elixir, ready to robbery.

The robbery clouds of the sky are gathering. After three hours, the thunder is screaming, and the massive thunder and lightning are falling from the sky. Xu Ziyan looked at Xu Qinyang in the thunder, and when he saw that he was very prepared, he let go of his heart. I began to study the days of Xu Qinyang’s robbery.

"Little white. How does Qin Yang’s brother’s fairy robbing compare to your fairy tyrannical?”

Xiaobai snorted and said: "There is too much difference. With regard to his thunder, I can swallow it directly."

Xu Ziyan was crying and laughing, but in his heart he also sighed the power of the beast. Looking at Xu Qinyang's day robbery, Xu Ziyan could not help but shake his head. It is reasonable to say that Xu Qinyang’s catastrophe is much stronger than other monks. After all, he is the root of five attributes. But compared to myself, it is still not as good. However, Xu Ziyan thought that he could not be a spiritual root of five attributes. Now he not only understands the five attributes of Jinmushuihuo, but also understands the light and dark thunder and the spatial attributes. The heart will be relieved.

After nine days and nine nights.

The day of the robbery gradually dispersed, and Xu Qinyang sat there with his knees and entered the interest rate adjustment. After another three days, Xu Qinyang changed his clothes and stood up from the ground and flew in the direction of Xu Ziyan. The face is full of joy:

"Ziyan, I broke through to the Xianjun period!"


A person's shadow was in front of Xu Qinyang's body, and Xiaobai shook his two small fists on his chest:

"Qin Yang brother. Let's try it?"

Xu Qinyang’s eyes brightened, and Xiaobai’s breakthrough in the Xianjun period was not known to Xu Ziyan and Xu Xiang. She has been repairing it for the first time in the late nine days of Xuanxian. However, Xu Qinyang knows that Xiaobai is Zhai Peng! A nine-day Xuan Xian late peak is not necessarily his opponent. He just broke through to the Xianjun period and was thinking about experiencing the power of the Xianjun period. When he saw Xiaobai sent to the front, he immediately nodded and nodded:


Xu Ziyan’s face has a weird smile. Reaching out and pulling, he retreated toward the rear.

Xiao Bai suddenly released his own scent of Xianjun, and Xu Qinyang opened his eyes in shock and said:

"Little white... you... have you broken through Xianjun?"

Xiaobai "嘿嘿" smiled and said: "Be careful!"

The figure was erected and rushed toward Xu Qinyang. A small fist was rapidly enlarged in the eyes of Xu Qinyang.

Xu Qinyang's hands hurriedly, the metal was transported to the great consummation, and a metallic shield appeared in front of him, while his body quickly flew away toward the rear.


The metallic shield crashed under the white fist. The white figure rushed out of the metallic fragments.

What is Xiaobai?

It’s Peng Peng!

Is the speed of Kun Peng comparable to human beings?

The moment the metal shield breaks. Xiao Bai’s figure has already rushed to the front of Xu Qinyang, and a small fist has arrived in front of Xu Qinyang.

Xiao Bai did not need immortality at all, but he bullied Xu Qinyang violently by the strength and speed of his own beast. but. That Xu Qinyang did not have the slightest way.

And Xiaobai spell the body?

Isn't that humiliating?

However, dodge is not as fast as white. Xu Qinyang turned his left hand. Another metal shield appeared in front of the body, and the figure once again flew back quickly. At the same time, the right hand sleeves waved toward the front, and the water attribute was transported to the great consummation. A piece of Wang Yang took advantage of the situation, and the thousands of water dragons looked up. Going to Xiaobai.

However, what Xu Qinyang does not know is that Xiaobai itself is a water attribute. On the water property supernatural power, how is Xu Qinyang her opponent?

I saw a little white mouth suddenly, and a piece of Wang Yang poured into the mouth of Xiaobai. It’s just less than ten years, what water dragons, what Wang Yang, all disappeared, and was swallowed up by Xiao Bai.

The figure was swaying and appeared in front of Xu Qinyang. This time, Xiaobai was a two-handed combo. In the roar, Xu Qinyang’s body was blasted out. His face was pale and his hands were swaying:

"Don't fight! Don't fight!"

Xiaobaiton lived in his body and his face disdained: "It's not interesting!"

When the words fell, I looked at Xu Ziyan, and the challenge in the eyes was very obvious.

Xu Ziyan’s face could not help but show a bitter smile. The long hair in her hand was so long that she couldn’t help but think of Xiaobai’s challenge to her when she was on the mainland.

The eyes were slightly lifted and the eyes were bent into crescents. Xiaobai broke through to the Xianjun period, and the strength of the ontology has reached the eight-piece fairy, but it is still worse than the purple smoke. As for the speed, Xu Ziyan is still more than a little white.

However, no matter how you can't be despised by Xiaobai. The right foot slammed into the ground, and the body slammed into the air, screaming in the air:

"White, be careful!"


Xiaobai not only did not evade, but also collided with Xu Ziyan.

up in the air.

Xu Ziyan and Xiaobai's two small fists tore the space and hurriedly collided.

"Two madmen!" Xu Qinyang whispered. However, a pair of eyes stared at the two people without hesitation.


The space is turbulent, and the cracks in the space are hidden.

However, in the battle, Xiaobai and Xu Ziyan did not retreat by one person. The two men were deadlocked in the air, and they couldn’t stop each other’s fists. The sound of “banging” was endless, and the two waves were The center spreads around, and the surrounding trees and rocks are all powdered when the romance is over.

After all, Xiaobai was weak on the strength of the body, and his hands were stunned by Xu Ziyan. The figure began to slowly recede. The face is depressed, and the heart is dark:

"Who is the beast, who is human?"

As soon as the figure changed, Xiaobai played out her speed advantage and swung around Xu Ziyan.

The speed is too fast!

The whole space seems to be the shadow of white, and the sky is the shadow of the white bombardment.

Xu Ziyan's body shape is fixed in the air, and the double fists quickly counterattack, and every punch in the air is shattered.

Xu Ziyan was in a shape, and the body of the cloud was unfolding. The figure was shaken in the air, and there were countless purple smokes in an instant, bombarding the past with countless whites in the air.

An infinite bang, the shadow of the sky dissipated, revealing the true body of Xu Ziyan and Xiaobai. Xu Ziyan was swept away and rushed toward Xiaobai. Xiaobai began to retreat. However, the speed of Xiaobai is higher than that of Xu Ziyan, and Xu Ziyan can't catch up with her.

However, the results have been doomed, and Xiaobai has lost. This is still the case when Xu Ziyan did not use the fairy. Of course, Xiaobai did not use some of the peninsula. The two of them are now fighting on their own.

On the side of Xu Qinyang, he saw itchy. When he saw that he had defeated himself, Xiaobai was not the opponent of Xu Ziyan. When he was shocked, he couldn’t help but think that if Xu Ziyan broke through Xianjun, how strong would it be?

The figure jumped violently, and the two big sleeves swelled toward the front at the same time. The huge waves gathered together, and a pair of Wang Yang spread to the past. At the same time, both hands suddenly rushed upwards, and a golden dragon that stretched for thousands of feet smashed on the sea, and rushed toward Xu Ziyan with the huge waves.

Xu Ziyan rushed up and lifted one foot and kicked it toward Xiaobai’s fist. The right hand sleeves swayed toward the rear. The same water attribute was transported to the great consummation. A piece of Wang Yang was instantly generated and released to Xu Qinyang. Go against it. At the same time, the left hand sleeves slammed back, and the fire attributes were transported to the Great Consummation. One round of the Asahi jumped into the sea, and that round of Asahi suddenly turned into a three-legged Jinwu and flew over to the opposite Jinlong.


Xu Ziyan was on the fist of Xiaobai, and the two figures were separated in the air.


The two sides collided with Wang Yang and stirred up a huge wave in the middle to rise into the air, just like a sky.


Then the sky curtain was broken, Jinlong and Sanzu Jinwu rushed together, Xiaobai and Xu Qinyang teamed up with Xu Ziyan. This battle lasted for an hour, and the island was almost razed to the ground. The living spirits of the surrounding seas were far away from the distance, and the wind was discolored.

None of the three people used the fairy, nor did they use the magical power. Xiaobai has always relied on his own body strength and speed, and Zhang Ziyan melee. And Xu Qinyang has been using Xian and Xu Ziyan to fight. Xu Ziyan is the strength of the body, the speed and the use of the fairy, and it is difficult to win and lose.

After another three-person collision, the three men retired in three directions. When the three people stopped in the air, they didn’t look any more, they looked at each other and laughed at the same time.


The three people gathered and smiled in the middle, and Xu Xiang flew over at this time, and his eyes were filled with worship. Xu Ziyan smiled and touched the head of Xu Xiang:

"We should go back!"


*(To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to vote for the recommended ticket, monthly pass, your support is my biggest motivation.)

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