The Mighty Female Immortal

Chapter 1497: Provocation

Congratulations to Nightjngal for becoming the best law!



Master Xu Jia set off and went to the place where the comet was ranked second in the second-rate family.

After Xu’s deliberation, he was divided into two groups of monks and monks who went to the ground. Xu Zhenshan stayed behind the family, Xu Yutian and Xu Qinyang took the sixteen nine-day Xuanxian late peaks and twenty nine-day Xuanxian late monks as Mingli all the way. Xu Qinyang will be repaired to suppress the peak of the late nine-day Xuan Xian, plus a touch of Xu Yantian who has broken through the opportunity of the Xianjun period. In fact, with such strength, there is basically no danger.

However, Xu is still cautious. Also arranged another strength in the dark. Xu Ziyan and Xiao Bai protect Xu Qinyang and Xu Haotian in the dark.

Xu Haotian’s way is to go from Yuejicheng to Tiangui City. Xu Ziyan took the baby with Xiaobai and Xu Xiang, and the cloud baby became the body, a cloud-like appearance, flying above the fairy boat where Xu Tiantian and others were riding.

Nothing happened along the way. It was not far from Tiangui City. Xu Ziyan changed his appearance, and he followed the day of Xu Yutian and entered Tiangui City.

Doujia sent people to enthusiasm Xu Xiaotian and other people into the sinus family. Dou Fangcheng saw the strength of these monks in Xu family, his eyes could not help but shrink, and he was more intimate and polite, as if Dou and Xu had never Not too general.

Dou Fangcheng has no way at this time, and he is deeply afraid of Xu. Today's Xu family is completely different from the past. After three years of development, Xu’s reputation has grown far beyond the fairy world. Who does not know that there is a moon in Jixian, and there is a high-quality Xiandan fairy and Xianxian Xianfu in Yueji City. Every once in a while there will be a grand auction in Yueji City.

Yueji City is now almost synonymous with prosperity.

The strength and reputation of Xu Jia has completely overshadowed the Dou family. In the fairy world, many monks only know the Xu family of Tianguixing, but do not know that there is a sinist family.

But what about the Dou family?

For example, other families on the expensive star are gathered around the Xu family. The Dou family has been isolated. At this time, let alone deal with the Xu family, you can burn high incense without being killed by the Xu family. Dou Fangcheng did not doubt that if Xu Jia released the message to destroy the Dou family. I am afraid that there is no need to do it, and the family of the big and small stars will join forces to destroy the Dou family.

Nowadays, the strength of the Dou family has not shrunk, because the large and small family on Tianguixing does not listen to the command of Doujia, but also secretly competes with the Dou family for the territory. If there is only one family, the Dou will immediately Will anger to destroy the family who dared to challenge the sinister majesty. However, nowadays the families of the entire Tianguixing seem to have a very tacit understanding of the Dou family. This makes the Dou family very difficult to deal with.

Therefore, although the Dou family is resentful against Xu Jiaxuan. However, they have to put down their stance. I hope to make up for the cracks in the home.

Xu family now does not have to deal with Dou's thoughts, not Xu family does not avenge, it is easy to destroy a doujia. However, after destroying the Dou family, Xu family is bound to become the star of Tianguixing. It is impossible for Xu to be unwilling. I have a family standing there. Which family dare to say that he is the star of the sky? To collect the tax amount of each family? Will people take care of them?

Once Xu Jia became the star of Tianguixing, he must face the first-class family grandson. For this, Xu is not ready yet. Therefore, Xu Jia still puts his energy on improving his strength. For the hobby of the Dou family, I also accepted it.

Xu Ziyan lives alone in an inn in Tiangui City.

Three days later.

The team that Doujia participated in the second-rate family contest and the Xu family team took the transfer array and left Tiangui City. Of course, Xu Ziyan is also behind.

The land is a star, the sky is a comet, the earth is a star, the sky is a star, and the earth is a dark star. Heavenly sin star. Arrived at the comet.

From the transmission array, it is the Huicheng.

At this time, more than 200 second-rate families have been gathered in the city of Huicheng, and the whole city of Huicheng is crowded. Although these families have purchased a lot of fairy wares from the Xu family, there are many families selling them to Xujia materials. But from the bottom of my heart, I don’t want to look at the rise of Xu’s family, leaving them far behind.

and so. When Xu Jia’s eighteen-day Xuantian late peaks and twenty nine-day Xuanxian appeared in Dihui City, although they gave great pressure to these families, the famous artists still arranged accommodation for Xu in accordance with the previous ranking. The last Xu family was ranked one hundred and eighteen, and the place of residence is very general.

The Xu family did not raise an objection, and the status was played out. The Xu family had already smashed a lot of strength. This time, the ranking must be won first, and the strength is used to suppress everyone. At that time, the development of the Xu family will enter a period of rapid improvement. After all, in the fairy world is still respected by strength. In the past, although Xu’s legend is very powerful, it has not been revealed in public. Through this big ratio, I believe that there will be many second-rate families and Xu family formed an alliance.

However, there are always people in this world who are too proud to recognize themselves.

Cold home.

The main character of the North Pole.

It was an extremely cold planet, and almost the entire planet was in a frozen state. However, in this environment, it also created the fairy law of the Han family.

The entire Han family is cultivating the ice, and its strength ranks third in the second-rate family. The Polaris is a very remote planet. They just vaguely heard about the reputation of Xu's present, but they never sent a family monk to Yueyuecheng, and they have never had a deal with Xu.

After entering the city of Huicheng, I often heard about the Xu family. This can not help but make the Han family's mind angry. A family ranked 118th is still more concerned than the third-ranked Han family, and it is vaguely known that these families are preparing to jointly suppress Xu in this big ratio.

More than 200 families joined forces to suppress a list of the 118th family, which made the Han family laugh. Today's second-rate family is getting more and more unbearable.

The Han family won a third place in the last session. This is the first place to come. Now I heard that the Xu family has been so concerned. If there is no joint pressure, this first place will be taken away by the Xu family. How can this not make the Han family furious?

Therefore, the monk of the cold family has long been stunned, and there is no need to wait for anything big. As long as Xu Jia went to the Huicheng City, their cold family would give Xu a profound lesson, so that Xu Jia could no longer stay on his face and immediately returned to Xu.

The arrival of Xu family excited the Han family.

Xu family has just entered their own courtyard, and the monks of the cold family have been forced to the door. The Han family came to fifty monks this time, all of which were nine days of Xuanxian. The cold family ice cold edge personally led the team. The disciple who participated in Dabi was an elder of the Han family.

Participation in this ratio is usually the strongest of the family, and many families are patriarchs personally. Because this big reward is very rich. Each family must submit different quantitative resources according to the previous ranking before the big ratio. The more the top ranked families, the fewer resources they will pay. The more the lower the ranking, the more resources will be handed over. .

These resources will be divided into more than two hundred copies, the first one will account for one-third of the total, and then will be less and less. In the future, we will receive corresponding rewards according to the ranking of this session. That is, the first family will get a third of the total resources. This first place has earned enough resources for a family to spend hundreds of years.

The cold home forced to come to the door, is to simply defeat the Xu family, but also use this victory to pressure the famous, psychologically superior, to beat the famous masters on the big ratio to win the first paving.

The cold thorns, the strongest of the cold family, repaired as a faint has a breakthrough in the late nine-day Xuan Xian peak. This time it is to win the first place.

At this time, he stood beside the patriarch's cold ice rim, and there was a trace of sarcasm in his mouth, looking at the gate of the Xu family courtyard. In front of him is the hum of the Han family. Around the family, the look of the various places is watching the excitement.

The gate of the courtyard was pushed open, and two people came out from the inside.

Xu Haotian and Xu Qinyang did not come out. Not only did the two of them not come out, but the other disciples of Xu’s family did not come out. Only Xu Linghou and Xu Tianzhu slowly came out.

This time, the interior of the Xu family was over, and Xu Ling won the competition and won the quota for the representative Xu.

Xu Linghou.

The spiritual roots of the civil and gold three are infinitely close to the peak of the nine-day Xuan Xian.

Xu Tianzhu.

The golden roots of Jinshuimu are infinitely close to the peak of the nine-day Xuanxian period. At the beginning, only half of the difference was defeated by Xu Ling.

These two people are not only aware of the nerd of cultivation. The two men have been trial-tested for a year in the Tianfeng trial pagoda, which is full of combat experience.

Slowly walked out of the courtyard door, standing in front of the gate, left and right, glanced coldly at the opposite Han family.

The opposite Han family monk saw the Xu family coming out, and they flew to the sides, slowly moving from the middle of the ice rim and the cold thorn to the front, slightly frowning, coldly said:

"Let you make the family grow up."

Xu Linghou and Xu Tianzhu have no words, but the eyes that look to the opposite side are getting colder.

The face of the ice is gloomy, and he is the leader of the family. The other party has two disciples who do not know who it is. What does it mean? Is it clear that you look down on yourself? How can this face be lost in the face of so many families? Thinking of this, his eyes flashed so fiercely. Mind:

"Since you are so stupid, send two disciples out to die, don't blame me."

The eyes swept away in Xu Linghou and Xu Tianzhu, and there were some surprises in his heart. He did not think that the other two people turned out to be the late nine-day Xuanxian.

What about the late nine-day Xuanxian? Just kill them and let Xu family hurt in the bones.


*(To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to vote for the recommended ticket, monthly pass, your support is my biggest motivation.)

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