The Mighty Female Immortal

Chapter 1498: Clean and neat (one more pink)

I am very grateful to my classmates, ygong classmates, Lv Xueqin classmates, classmates, book friends 08910205917581 classmates, susantsh0905 classmates, God Mo Wangdao classmates, book friends 120927170647085 classmates, wuxiangbobo classmates, tea fragrant? pleasant classmates, 霏洛同学, lida666 classmates , Nightjngal classmates, hknt16104 classmates, Yu Xiaokai classmates, Xueyong Languan 0000 classmates, students flying between the students, jj Xiaojin adults, smashing students, exquisite students' pink tickets!


Hanbing whispered a cough: "I am cold..."

He just said that Xu Linghou interrupted his words: "I don't care who you are, you ran here for a long time, you won't be swearing. If you want to die, we will fulfill you. Just you are fast. I will go back to take a shower."

The face of the ice-cold edge became a purple sauce, and he screamed: "The juniors really don't know how to live and die. Let me teach you lessons today."


Xu Ling waited for a vertical shape, and rushed toward the cold ice ridge. He grasped the big hand in the air, and the earth under the ice rim edge suddenly began to climb toward his cool legs, and the sound of the "deep" was from His feet quickly turned into stones and spread toward his knees.


The ice-cold legs chilled, and the layer of rock on the legs was frozen and then fell off his legs. The legs of the ice rim are restored to their original appearance. Pull your hands toward both sides. An ice sword is built in the hands...


Xu Ling waited for the knife to go down like a knife, running metal, and the air condensed a golden axe and chopped it over the newly formed ice sword.


The golden axe smashed the ice sword, and there was still a force to hit the chest of the ice. This is dissipated. The power of this axe will hit the body of the ice.


Innumerable vines in the air hang over the ice, and the ground spurs silently, and the cold ice that has fallen backwards in the air has stabbed the past.

The cold thorns were shocked. With one hand and one turn, a huge icicle is instantly generated, and the spurt strikes toward the ground, trying to break the ice.


Xu Tianzhu snorted coldly, one hand and one turn, a metallic giant column across the sky, Xu Tianzhu single-handedly pushed. The golden pillar collided toward the icicle.


The icicles shattered in the impact of the gold column, and the golden column flew past the cold thorns.


The thorn was pierced from the back of the ice. A burst of blood came out.

At this time, the cold thorn did not care for the cold ice. When he saw the golden column colliding, his body was just about to flash, and he saw his dense vines from the ground and clasped him tightly.


The golden pillar bombarded the chest of the cold thorn, let him spurt a blood, and the whole body was hung in the air by some giant vines.

The two bodies in the air swiftly crossed. It is Xu Linghou and Xu Tianzhu. The six-pronged sword flickers in the air and disappears instantly.

Xu Linghou and Xu Tianzhu had already returned to the front of the gate. The two heads were dropped from the neck of the ice rim and the cold thorn, and two blood were sprayed.

The surrounding is silent.

The power of the three attributes is not something that ordinary monks can resist. What's more, the ice and the thorns are contemptuous, and they don't do their best. The cold thorns are in a hurry, but they are more than enough. Xu Linghou and Xu Tianzhu used the full force at the beginning to kill each other.

The two gods ran out of the body of the ice icicles and the cold thorns, just just outcropping. Sitting in the room, Xu Qinyang calmly. Quite with a bullet. Two golden arrows roared out and shot the gods of the ice and the cold thorns.

Xu Linghou and Xu Tianzhu glanced coldly at the opposite Han family monks, and the Han family monks involuntarily retreated. Xu Linghou and Xu Tianzhu smiled and turned and took their hands. Xu Ling waiting for the big sleeves to the back. The gate was closed and the outside monks were kept outside.

The monks of all ethnic groups face each other. There was a clear shock on his face. One by one, the secret:

“Is this Xu really able to suppress it?”

The monks scattered, everyone's minds are different. Especially the famous people, they deeply felt the threat brought by Xu family. A cold thorn that was infinitely close to the peak of Xuantian in the late nine days was killed by Xu Ling, and the first famous artist in this ranking felt that he was not sure.

As for the death of the cold family and the elders, no one said anything. This is the case with the immortal world. If you don't have the ability, don't provoke others. If you are provocative, you must be prepared to accept the results.

The next day, the cold family quit the big ratio and left the city of Huicheng.

In the next few days, more than 200 families left the city of Huicheng. This is because the location of this year's Dabi is not in Huicheng. It is in the middle of an ancient relic in the western part of Huicheng.

This ruin seems to be the place of the duel in the ancient times. It occupies a vast expanse and is surrounded by a pattern. As a place of trial of famous disciples, it is now used as a place to be compared.

This ancient ruins is very strange. There is no difference between the center of the ruins and the outside world. Even Xianyuan is much richer than the outside. There are countless platforms in the center, and each block has a pattern of enemies. However, there is a gravity array method on the periphery of the relic center, and the gravity in the outer area is ten times that outside. It is very difficult to fly here, only walking on foot.

From the outside there is a trail leading to the center of the ruins, and the participating monks are required to enter the center of the ruins through this trail. After that, I was able to participate in the competition in the center of the ruins.

Instead of the participating monks, you can enter the ruins directly through the transmission array. There is a huge image there, you can see everything that happened in the ancient road from the image.

Before entering the ancient road, each participating monk will send a jade slip. And this jade slip marks the last ranking. The number of this ranking will appear on the image in the center of the relic. In the course of walking the ancient road, there are also various fairy beasts attacking these participating monks, and there is also a battle between these participating monks.

If someone dies, his ranking number will disappear above the image in the center of the ruins. The rankings of these dead monks are discharged in the order in which the numbers disappear. The first to die is the first place.

Wait until the monks who have not died have entered the center of the relics. Start the draw and play the real ranking game.

Therefore, many families first took the participants away from Huicheng and arrived in the western relics in advance. Although before the start of the day of the game. They are not able to step into the ancient road. However, at the very least, you can observe it at close range.

Xu family did not rush to leave the city of Huicheng. Although many families have come to invite Xu to go to the western relics in these days. However, Xu Jia refused. Because Xu Jia believes that the shadow will definitely attack the Xu family at this time when the Xu family is far away from the sky. Just don't know when it will happen.

Always being remembered by the shadows, no one is too upset. Therefore, Xu decided to take the initiative to bring out the shadow. Want to lead out the shadow, then from the Huicheng to the Western ruins is a perfect opportunity. But also let the family go on the road alone, creating opportunities for the shadow. and so. Xu family has been waiting, waiting for those families to leave almost the same, and then leave alone.

I don’t say that Xu’s family is not in a hurry, Xu Ziyan is far away from Tianguixing, and he is not afraid that Dou’s family knows that he is here. Therefore, at this time, Xu Ziyan has recovered his appearance, and the skirts are swaying and Xiaobai is wandering around the city with Hui Xu.

The sapphire blue dress is Xu Ziyan. The white skirt is white, and the blue shirt is Xu Xiang.

At this time, three people are in the gazebo, looking far and wide.

This is a beautiful mountain in the city of Dihui, called the Yunfeng. The reason why it is called the Yunfeng is because of its height, even the white clouds are halfway up the mountain.

This pavilion is called Guanyun Pavilion.

Located just halfway up the mountain, you can watch the sea of ​​clouds here, and the name of the pavilion comes.

This pavilion is built on the mountain, and it is actually called the pavilion is very inaccurate. It should be called a gallery. Can accommodate many people.

At this time, there are dozens of monks in this Guanyun Pavilion.

Xu Ziyan is in the middle, Xiaobai is right, Xu Xiang is left, and three people look at the fence. The surging of the clouds below is really spectacular. Xiaobai looked at the vast sea of ​​clouds. His face is eager to try. Xu Ziyan looked and smiled:

"What? Want to continue to inspire the storm?"

"Yeah!" Xiaobai nodded hard.

Xu Ziyan heard a whisper and said: "You still forget it. Don't be shocked here. Once you show your body and exude the scent of Xianjun, wouldn't you scare the monks in this city?"

Xiaobai also smiled embarrassedly. I looked around and looked around, then whispered:

"Sister, do you say that the shadow will come to kill us?"

Xu Ziyan stretched out the slender jade fingers and gently tapped on the railing, slightly frowning and whispered:

"I don't think the shadow will let go of this opportunity, and they will explore the strength of the monks who came out this time. They will definitely send out a large number of powerful monks according to the strength of the monks who came out this time. But they are I don’t think Qinyang’s brother is already in the early days of Xianjun. I don’t even think of Xiaobai, you Xianjun and I are in the dark.”

"Sister, there is me!" Xu Xiang pulled the sleeves of the purple smoke.

Xu Ziyan couldn’t help but smile. He reached out and touched Xu’s head. He said softly: “Yes, my sister knows, there is a small ring.”

"Sister!" Xiaobai suddenly frowned slightly: "Do you say there is a fairy in the shadow?"

Xu Ziyan heard the eyebrows and looked at it for a long time. He only whispered: "I don't know, maybe it should be! When I first arrived at the Zhongyuan Galaxy, I thought that only the four super families had Xianjun. Later I learned. There are also hidden families, and there are some scattered Xianjun. If there is no accident in the shadow of Xianjun."

"That..." Xiaobai’s face showed a hint of excitement: "Will this shadow send Xianjun to come?"

Xu Ziyan’s heart was moved. This time, Xu’s family was on the bright side, but it was dispatched by eighteen nine-day Xuanxian late peaks, and twenty nine days of Xuanxian later. This strength is already strong. So, if there is a fairy in the shadow, will they really only move the peak of the nine-day Xuanxian, but not the fairy?


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*(To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to vote for the recommended ticket, monthly pass, your support is my biggest motivation.)

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