The Mighty Female Immortal

Chapter 1499: Old knowledge (two more pink)

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The shadow has been destroyed by himself and Qin Yang brothers thirty-six secret halls, the shadow may not know that he and Qin Yang brother, but it is estimated that this account will be on the Xu family. Because before this, only the Xu family had destroyed the shadow tens of thousands of monks in Yueji City twice.

So, if the shadow has Xianjun, I am afraid it will appear. After all, if you only send some nine-day Xuanxian late peak monks to come, even if they come more than one hundred, I am afraid that under the hard work of Xu family, there will be casualties. Shadow has lost 36 branches, can they still afford it?

Therefore, if the shadow has Xianjun, it will definitely be dispatched.

Do not know that the shadow will send a few Xianjun? What is the realm of Xianjun?

I couldn’t help but worry about it. I turned to look at Xiaobai and found her face full of excitement. Xu Ziyan could not help but smile:

"Thinking about touching Junjun?"

"Yes! Sister!" Xiaobai said excitedly: "Since the breakthrough, I have not played well."

Xu Ziyan nodded, knowing that Xiaobai and himself had not enjoyed themselves last time. I remembered the battle with Xiao Bai, and Xu Ziyan’s heart was somewhat relaxed. With the power of Xiaobai, if all the magical powers are opened. I am afraid that there is a headache in the middle of Xianjun?

This time, as long as the shadow comes, it is not the late Xianjun, Xu family has himself, Xiaobai and Qinyang brother three people, there should be no problem.


Xu Ziyan spit out a breath. The look relaxed, and the heart said: "If the shadow sends the sinjun this time, he and Xiaobai, Qinyang brothers and three people will join hands to kill the shadow Xianjun. Do not know if the head of the shadow will be vomiting blood?"

Holding the railings with both hands, I was thinking of God, but I suddenly heard a voice coming from behind her:


Xu Ziyan looked back and saw a monk in the Qingpao scholarship standing in front of himself, and his eyes were looking at himself with redness.

Xu Ziyan’s mouth burst into a smile, and the smile spread from the sides of the mouth to the face, like a peach blossom. Happy to call:

"End of the World!"

Duan Tianya stepped forward and came to the front of Xu Ziyan: "Sister. I want to see you for a long time, but my repair is too low, the family has always disagreed with me and I have experienced it. And Duanjia is away from you." Very far away..."

Xu Ziyan looked up and down the horizon, and he said: "The end of the world, it’s good. It’s nine days old Xuanxian!"

Duan Tianya smiled bitterly: "I have just broken through, and I have not qualified to follow the family to watch the ranking contest. I still sneak out myself."

Speaking of this, his eyes looked enviously and looked at Xu Ziyan and said: "I can't see through my sister's cultivation. What is the sister's repair now?"

"Nine days of Xuanxian late!" Xu Ziyan said with a smile: "End of the World, your speed is already very fast. And you have a dragon world, it will always help you on the road of your cultivation. Do not be too anxious, then commit again The last mistake."

Duan Tianya was almost mad at the beginning because of his urgency. Now he heard Xu Ziyan’s embarrassment, his face was not red, and he nodded honestly:

"I know, my sister." Speaking here, Yan Yan smiled again: "I originally wanted to see if I could get into the ancient ruins, and then I thought about going to Xu to visit my sister. I didn't expect to meet my sister here. My sister came here to represent the Xu family to participate in the ranking contest?"

Xu Ziyan shook his head and said: "The Xu family came to participate in Dabi's monk this time. I just came over and looked at it."

Although Xu Ziyan trusted the segment of the world, but this action against the shadow is related to the life of the Xu family, so Xu Ziyan did not finally say with Duan Tianya.

Duan Tianya’s eyes turned and said: “Sister, are you going to enter the ancient ruins?”

"What? You want to go?" Xu Ziyan asked with a smile.

Duan Tianya hurriedly nodded: "The main purpose of my coming out this time is to hope to see Dabi. I hope I can get some insights from their big ratio. Sister, can you let me enter the ancient ruins with Xu?"

Xu Ziyan slightly frowned. She didn't know if it was right to let Duan Tianya follow her. Once the power of the shadow is beyond his imagination, it hurts him. However, when I saw the look of the end of the world, I couldn’t bear to refuse it. I was hesitant for a while.

Duan Tianya’s face was a little urgent: “Sister, but what is the difficulty? Sister, I will not be in trouble, and I will only watch it honestly.”

Xu Ziyan discretionary words: "End of the World, this time Xu may come out with some trouble, you are with us, it is not safe..."

Duan Tianya’s eyebrows screamed: “My sister should not look down on me. I am also a monk in the early days of Xuantian, and my strength is not weak. If my sister has any trouble, I should bring me, so I can help. Going busy."

"噗嗤~~" Standing on the side, Xiaobai, who had never heard a voice, heard that Tian Tianya said in front of Xu Ziyan that his combat power was not weak and could not help but laugh out loud.

Duan Tianya and Xiaobai were also very familiar. When they heard Xiaobai canceled, they stunned Xiaobai and said, "Do you look down on me, do you want us to have one?"

When Xiao Bai was in the lower galaxies, it was not high. Duan Tianya thought that he could bully Xiaobai. Therefore, I was very dissatisfied when I heard Xiao Bai’s sneer, and I slammed Xiao Bai.

I didn't think that Xiaobai turned a blind eye directly and said faintly: "There is no interest."

Seeing that Tian Tianya’s face was tight, Xu Ziyan smiled and said: “Little white don’t make noise.”

Duan Tianya thought of himself as a big individual and what he said, he would no longer speak. Xu Ziyan saw that Duan Tianya was much more stable than when he was in the lower Yuan Dynasty, and he couldn’t help but be happy. Then laughed:

"You have to enter the ruins to see the big ratio, it is not a big deal. It is better to go back and talk."

Duan Tianya’s eyes brightened: "Well, let's go now."

Back to the inn. Several people sat in the house drinking tea, and Duan Tianya told Xu Ziyan about his coming to the Zhongyuan Galaxy section.

Duan Jia is also a second-rate family. The previous ranking was ranked before the Xu family and ranked eighth. But this is not a great place. and so. Duan Jia is also actively training the next generation, and hopes that Duanjia can have outstanding talents in the next generation.

At this time, Duan Tianya appeared. When he first came to the Shangyuan Galaxy, there was nothing outstanding. And he also clings to the secret of the dragon kingdom, of course, will not be valued by the family.

However, with the rapid improvement of Duan Tianya, the family noticed him and paid attention to him. It took another half year. Duan Jia decided to focus on training him, which will allow Duan Tianya to rush to the realm of the early days of Xuantian in a few short years.

Knowing the experience of Duan Tianya, Xu Ziyan did not want to let Duan Tianya participate in the events of Shadow. If he had any accidents, Xu Ziyan would have a hard time in his heart. Slightly thought about it, took out a jade slip, and entered a message. Delivered to Duan Tianya:

"End of the World, this jade is holding you. Then you go to the ancient ruins yourself. I am waiting for me there. If I go, I will naturally take you in. If I don't go, you will take this jade to find a home." The patriarch, he will naturally take you into the ancient ruins."

Duan Tianya did not pick up the jade, but looked directly at Xu Ziyan and said seriously: "Sister, what are you doing with me?"

Xu Ziyan silently, Duan Tianya looked directly at Xu Ziyan for a moment. The look became awkward: "Sister. Are you starting to distrust me now?"

Xu Ziyan looked awkward and looked at the end of the world and shook his head gently: "The end of the world, this is very dangerous, I don't want you to get involved."

Xu Ziyan regretted this sentence. She knows that Duan Tianya’s heart has always had a flaw in her. Now that he is not the emperor of the Yuan Dynasty, he has lost his suspicion of Xu Ziyan. This is even more embarrassing to Xu Ziyan. and so. Now Xu Ziyan tells her that she is in danger. The end of the world is that she will never leave. Sure enough, Duan Tianya’s eyes are bright:

"Sister, that's great. In my life, only the time with my sister is the most exciting. I often miss you and me in the dragon world. Sister, what are you doing this time? Take me one. Don't leave me."

Xu Ziyan has no choice but to smile. At this point her heart already knows that it is impossible to take the paragraph to the end of the world. As long as I can’t help but say:

"Forget it, you will follow me."

"Great! Sister, you are waiting for me here, I will set a room."

There is an inn opposite the gate of the famous family. At this time, in the room facing the street, two monks stood in front of the window and looked at the gate of the famous family. One of the monks pressed down and said with respect:

"The four main lords, almost all of the second-rate families have left the city of Huicheng and went to the ancient ruins, but this family still lives here. Every day, I see those Xu disciples coming out to play in the city of Huicheng. What do they want? What are you doing?"

The fourth lord slightly frowned and thought about it. At this time, the disciple of the opposite Xu family was playing back and went into the famous door. The batter of the fourth lord was locked, and turned to look at the monk beside him:

"What do you think?"

"I don't see anything under the genus. Is it true that Xu really forgot our shadow? They really think naively that we have killed tens of thousands of people in our shadows. Will we shadows here? If not, they don't know, only and Will other families walk together to be safer? Now they have been dragging on now, what exactly does it mean?"

The fourth lord's look changed slightly: "Don't the family have expected that our shadows will look for opportunities to deal with them. They are also deliberately creating opportunities for us, ready to fight with us in the shadows?"


*(To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to vote for the recommended ticket, monthly pass, your support is my biggest motivation.)

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