The Mighty Female Immortal

Chapter 1501: Double kill

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At this time, the fourth temple owner was shocked. He has already seen a Kuangpeng just a move to kill the shadows of seventy-nine days of Xuanxian.

You don't have to look at the results, just look at the breath that the Peng Peng exudes, and you know that it is a Xianjun period. The fourth lord has even a crying heart at this time. Who said that Xu is only relying on a large array, and has no strength in itself?

Who said that Xu has only a dozen or so nine days of Xuanxian late peak?

Nima! Where did the Xianjun I met come from?

Where did the fairy king beast Peng Peng fly from?

Don't say that a Xu Qinyang completely suppresses him. Now, with the addition of a fairy king of the beast, you can't escape now, waiting to die?

Xu Ziyan saw that the fourth temple owner wanted to escape. He couldn’t help but shake his head. Can you speed faster than Peng Peng? Can you pass the cloud baby?

Sure enough, the fourth lord had just strove to repel Xu Qinyang's step, and then flew and fled, but felt the face of gold. Looking up in a hurry, he saw a huge giant Peng Peng grabbed him.

In the rush, only the sword in the hands was raised, and Xiaobai resisted a record. A blood spouted in the air, but through the power of white. Fly away in the other direction.

Xu Ziyan urged his feet to white, but he stopped in front of the fourth temple owner.

a punch!

The fire fist was sent to the great consummation, and with the punch, it seemed that there was a world of fire. Going to the fourth temple master. Not yet, the hot temperature will melt the fourth master.

The fourth temple master took out a sword, and the mountains were rising from the air, one on top of each other. It was as if the whole sky was filled with mountains and it was pressed against Xu Ziyan.

However, Xu Ziyan’s fire fists ignited the mountains and turned the layers of mountains in the air into a family of flame mountains. The double fists were shot in succession, and they actually resisted the attack of the fourth lord, and the mountain began to collapse in the flame.

At this time, one left and one right, Xiaobai and Xu Qinyang have already caught each other.

The heart of the fourth temple is like a gray.

He has seen it now. None of the three people around him can play. He also knows that Shadow and Xu are dead enemies, and it is impossible to spare themselves. Seeing that three people are getting closer and closer to themselves, the look of the fourth lord suddenly flashes, and that is to blew himself.


At the same time, Xu Qinyang and Xiao Bai released a ban, and even Xu Ziyan made a force. The three imprisonment slammed the fourth lord tightly, and his eyes showed despair.

Xu Ziyan has a shape. Then he stood in front of the fourth lord, and one hand was buckled on his head, and he searched for the **** of search.

A large amount of information rushed into the sea of ​​Xu Ziyan's knowledge. The fourth lord was the Xianjun period, and the power of the gods made Xu Ziyan's knowledge of the sea oscillate. If Xu Ziyan’s current knowledge has slightly surpassed the early stage of Xianjun, it will be hit hard by the gods of the other side of the Xianjun period, and even have the possibility of becoming a fool.

Even the intensity of Xu Ziyan’s knowledge is stronger than that of the fourth temple, and it is uncomfortable to face the other’s gods. If ordinary monks may be ignorant of God. Searching for the gods is not for what kind of monks can be used, at least in the knowledge of the gods to be higher than the other side of the realm, otherwise there will be life and worry.

The realm of Xu Ziyan is not higher than the realm of the fourth lord. But in her knowledge of the sea there is a maze of gods. Divide the raging gods of the fourth lord, and then send them into the central palace one by one, and let the gods inside read them one by one.

Two quarters later. Xu Ziyan vomited, and Xian Yuan Li rushed into the body of the fourth lord. Shake his body and shape, and the figure returned to the cloud baby. Sitting cross-legged, reading a message in the memory of the fourth master.

Xu Qinyang and Xiaobai also entered the cloud baby. Xu Haotian and others quickly cleaned the battlefield, then entered the fairy boat and flew in the direction of the ancient ruins. The cloud baby still turned into a cloud, automatically following At the back.

The message from the memory of the fourth lord made Xu Ziyan sigh, this shadow is really mysterious and powerful. From the memory of the fourth lord, Xu Ziyan learned that the shadow has five main halls, and this is the fourth lord. However, this fourth lord only knows where his fourth main hall is, and does not know where the other four main halls are, and who does not know who the shadow is.

However, he knows that the other four masters are all in the early days of Xianjun, and the cultivation of the first lord is the peak of Xianjun. As for no one on the Lord knows his cultivation, he only knows that he is higher than the five lords.

Moreover, it is also known from his memory that the fourth lord has fourty-nine sub-districts, and thirty-six of them are Xu Ziyan and Xu Qinyang. The shadow monk he brought this time was not the remaining divisional monk, but the elder of his fourth main hall.

Xu Ziyan opened his eyes and flashed a hint of coldness in his eyes. Now that you know the secret of the fourth main hall, you will destroy the fourth main hall of the shadow.

Xu Ziyan turned to look at the end of the world: "End of the World, I will send you to the patriarch, then you can follow the patriarchs and they can enter the ancient ruins to watch the big comparison."

Duan Tianya looked at Xu Ziyan: "You don't go to ancient ruins? Where are you going?"

At this time, Xu Ziyan had nothing to hide. He said with dignity: "At the end of the world, I have already learned some secrets of the shadow through the search of the gods. My brother and Qin Yang are going to destroy those shadows."

Duan Tianya thought for a moment, and saw the power of Xu Ziyan, Xu Qinyang and Xiaobai. I feel that if I am forced to follow Xu Ziyan, I might only be able to add chaos. And that level of battle can not help with the current self, it is better to follow the Xu family to enter the ancient ruins to watch the big ratio. Then he nodded and agreed with Xu Ziyan's suggestion.

Xu Ziyan sent Duan Tianya to the fairy boat of Xu Haotian. He entrusted Duan Tianya to Xu Haotian, and then he gave his intention to Xu Haotian. Xu Haotian also saw Xu Qinyang, Xu Ziyan and Xiaobai three people today, and they are reassured by the combination of the three of them. but. Still lingering for a long time, this allowed Xu Ziyan and Xu Qinyang to leave.

Xu Haotian controlled the fairy boat to fly toward the ancient ruins. Xu Ziyan flew in the other direction on the cloud baby. Within the fairy boat of Xu Haotian, Xu Ling waited through the porthole to look at the shadow of the cloud baby's departure, and his eyes were shining. There is a voice in his heart:

"This time I must take the first place, I will also bring glory to the Xu family!"

Forty-nine secret halls have been destroyed by Xu Ziyan and Xu Qinyang, leaving only thirty-three. In order to successfully destroy the thirteen secret halls in abundance, it is necessary to destroy all the shadow monks in each of the halls. Can't let it escape one person.

Otherwise, it will be a big trouble for Xu Ziyan to be informed by other branches in advance, or to escape, or to inform them of the Lord. Xu Ziyan thought, if the Lord had the remaining four main halls to intercept himself and Xu Qinyang and Xiaobai, his own side is really not necessarily the opponent of the other side.

Discussed with Xu Qinyang, two people decided to still use the soul to lead. Then let Xiaobai hover over the sky. In this way, even if a shadow monk can escape for other reasons, it will be discovered by Xiaobai and then killed.

The third day.

Xu Ziyan and Xu Qinyang landed in the first dark shadow room to be cleaned, and Xiaobai and Yunbao hovered in the sky.

the same day.

Xu Linghou embarked on the ancient road of the ancient ruins, and Dabi began.

Shadows are divided.

Under the leadership of Xu Ziyan, two people easily passed through the formation, standing in front of the secret door of the secret. A few shadow monks outside the gate looked at Xu Ziyan and Xu Qinyang. I don't know what happened to these two people. How come here. Still passing through the big array? Is it the elder from the main hall?

Just when they are still confused. Xu Qinyang has been sitting cross-legged, a guqin placed on the lap, Xu Ziyan ten fingers. Gently hold a green jade flute across the lips.

A few shadow monks felt bad, but it was at this time. A smashing soul lingers around the ear, and several shadow monks instantly lose their knowledge. The gods who knew the sea kept shaking, and they crashed into the sea, and several people fell to the dust.

Extinguishing the soul quickly spreads, infiltrating into the entire secret hall, such as mercury and diarrhea, everywhere invading, and the entire shadow is shrouded in the spirit of the soul.

Remains of the ancient road.

Xu Linghou took the fairy sword step by step toward the central bank in the relics. Ten times the gravity made every monk walking on the ancient road very difficult. The power of the three layers of the golden wood and soil in Xu Ling's body worked at the same time, resisting ten times the gravity, surpassing the monks and marching toward the front.

Seeing that Xu Ling was walking by his side, the eyes of monks were very complicated. Before Xu Linghou's power in the famous family to kill the cold ice edge, now the footsteps on the ancient road are clearly lighter than others, so that these monks who participated in the big than the feeling of a huge threat.

There is no doubt that if Xu Ling is out of the ancient road, who else can stop him from winning the championship?

Only when he is killed will others have the chance to compete for the first. Even those families who did not have the chance to compete for the first place did not want the name of the family to jump to their heads.

Xu Ling is very powerful, one-on-one no one is his opponent.

However, this is not a downfall, but an ancient road.

Above this ancient road is the place to survive the fittest. There is no rule on this ancient road. If there are rules, it is to survive and try to survive.

The surrounding monks looked at each other and revealed the same meaning in the eyes: Heli killed him! Kill Xu Ling!


Weakly ask, do comrades have a pink ticket? The ranking has fallen again!


*(To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to vote for the recommended ticket, monthly pass, your support is my biggest motivation.)

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