The Mighty Female Immortal

Chapter 1502: Shadow master

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Only when the eyes touched, the minds of the monks decided. These monks are also the pride of each family, the heroes of each family. They are all courageous people, and once they make a decision, they will immediately take action.


More than a dozen figures each took the fairy to rush to the past with Xu Linghou. Under this ten times of gravity, everyone's actions were restricted. Even the release of the fairy would be restricted, so these monks simply gave up the fairy. Directly killing with celestial techniques.

When the surrounding monks exchanged their eyes, Xu Lingji felt keenly that the surrounding atmosphere was not right. It was a kind of hostile atmosphere. The nerves are immediately tightened, and the three-line force flows rapidly in the body, and the sword in the hand flashes.

After a dozen monks rushed to his side, his sword suddenly burst into a dazzling light. The light formed a light group, and suddenly burst out, like a hedgehog, piercing hundreds of swords.

The sword has a sharp gold, a thick soil, and a woody flexibility...

On the ancient road, there was a strong sound of the collision of the fairy, accompanied by a scream of screams, and the blood in the air fluttered. It was only a dozen times of time, and the dense impact sound disappeared. Ying Ting's posture. Looking across the eyes, Wei Ling is full. There were more than a dozen bodies lying under his weight.

Xu Ling waited step by step, stepped on the blood, leaving a **** footprint on the ancient road.

The sixth day.

Xu Qinyang and Xu Ziyan were blocked in the second shadow. Destroy the soul and echo in the sky...

Above the ancient road.

Xu Linghou dragged the **** long sword step by step...

At the ruins center.

Except for the Xu family's monks, the rest of the monks are not very good. There are already thirty-seven of the monks who died under the sword of Xu Ling. The number of the thirty-seven monks on the image has disappeared. These monks saw the embarrassment of Xu Ling through the image. Everyone’s heart has a thought at this time:

Xu family! Already unstoppable!

The twenty-seventh day.

Xu Ziyan and Xu Qinyang landed on the cloud baby to the ninth secret hall...

Heritage Center.

Xu Ling waiting for the first match...

At this time, the monk of the Tiangui Xingjia family had already died on the ancient road. Dou Fangcheng’s look was very cloudy. He did not kill Xu’s participating monk because of Xu Ling’s, but he suddenly wanted to understand a problem.

Before. The reason why Xu Jia did not start with the Dou family was because Xu had not fully grown up before. And maybe the family may not know to what extent their strength is.

Nowadays, the three years have allowed the Xu family to grow up completely, and in this ranking, once the Xu family wins, the confidence of the Xu family will burst. At that time, I am afraid that it is the moment when the Xu family will destroy the family. After all, it was the Dou family who took the lead and joined the various families of Tianguixing to suppress the Xu family. They even formed a coalition army to attack the Yueji City, in an attempt to destroy the Xu family. Such a genocide. Xu family can't report it.

If the Xu family can give up this hatred, what is the prestige of the Xu family? Isn't it possible for a family to provoke a family in the future? Anyway, Xu will not retaliate? Once this idea is formed, it is absolutely a devastating blow to Xu.

Therefore, Xu Ziyan must stand up and the Dou family must also be destroyed.

Dou Fangcheng is desperate!

Now he has no doubt that if he and others are now withdrawing, they want to leave the ruins. Xu will immediately kill them.

For the toughness of Xu family, no one here will help Dou.

On the one hand, Xu Jia has seventeen nine-day Xuanxian late peaks here, which is a shock to any second-rate family. Because no one in the other families here is the peak of the nine-day Xuanxian period, so in the face of the seventeen nine-day Xuanxian late peaks, no one dares to act rashly.

On the other hand, Xu Jia occupied the righteousness, and it was Dou Jiaxian’s attempt to destroy Xu’s family. Therefore, there is no reason to allow Xu to retaliate after your Dou family has not destroyed Xu.

No matter when, the righteousness cannot be publicly violated.


Dou Fangcheng sighed in the heart. Looking to the other side of Xu Haotian. The eyes reveal remorse, but more is the blame. Gradually, his gaze became fierce, and he gradually closed his gaze. Go back a few steps. Let the former monk cover his body and take out a jade message. Unicom connected with the son of Dou Wulong, who stayed in the Tianguixing sinus family.

"Wulong..." Dou Fangcheng gathered in a bundle, so that the monk next to him could not hear his voice: "You don't want to talk, listen to me. Dou's family can't do it, Xu family has already saved the idea of ​​destroying the sinus family. Nowadays The Xu family wants to destroy the sinister family, and the Sun family will not help us. The families on Tianguixing are hiding from our sinister family.

"Oh..." There was a flustered voice from Dou Wulong.

"Wulong, you can't go back. After the end of this big game, Xu will not let the cockroaches go out of the ruins. Doujia will rely on you afterwards."


"Listen to me..." Dou Fangcheng interrupted Dou Wulong’s words: "Do you remember the jade that I gave you when I left Tiangui?"

"Remember!" The voice of Dou Wulong choked on the side of the jade.

"The jade slip was two thousand years ago, and it was unwitting to help a hidden family disciple. It was given to the sinister family disciple. He is a blessed family from the hidden family, called Fukuo. At the beginning he It has been said that if the Dou family is in trouble in the future, the disciples of Dou can go to him.

You immediately leave your sinus home with your confidant and go to his sky star. There is a place called Tianping Town outside the sky starburst mountain range, where there is a balance tavern. When you go, you will hand over the jade to the shopkeeper of the tavern. He will naturally let you see Fukuo.

When you see Fu Kuo, you will tell the story of what happened in the Dou family. However, you have to remember, don't beg for you to avenge you. The theory of the hidden family is called the hidden family, because they are unwilling to be born, and they are even less willing to provoke the cause and effect of the world. If you are pleading for him to avenge you, maybe he will kill you in order to break the cause and effect of the original. So, you just ask him to take you. After you have cultivated and succeeded, you will revenge the Dou family with your own skills and rebuild the Dou family. ”

When Dou Fangcheng fell, he simply put away the jade. Taking a deep breath, the look of his face returned to calm. Not only did the look on the face restore calm, but once the heart made a decision, the heart calmed down. The first few steps were silently watching the ring, and Xu Ling blasted the opponent.

Forty-second day.

Xu Ziyan and Xu Qinyang ended the last ending, and the soul-killing is still lingering in space. Xu Ziyan and Xu Qinyang smiled at each other, and both of them felt that only one step of sound work reached the second stage, and one sound broke through the law.

This is the last of the thirteen halls. Xu Qinyang and Xu Ziyan put away the MIDI flute and walked into the door of the Shadow Chamber to collect resources.

It is still Xu Ziyan who has selected some resources that he can use. After Xu Ziyan has finished picking, Xu Qinyang also picks some. After that, the two men each took a hundred cents, and the rest let Xu Qin Yang collect it and hand it over to the family.

Not only Xu Jiafa, Xu Ziyan and Xu Qinyang also made two people. Xu Ziyan firmly believes that even if he goes to the Shangyuan Galaxy now, he will not be a poor person. These resources have made two people look brighter, and they are looking forward to discovering secret secrets in the future.

Ok! There is also the main hall!

After two days, Xu Ziyan and Xu Qinyang went to the main hall of the fourth main lord. There are no masters here. All the masters were taken away by the fourth lord. They smashed the Xu family in the past few days, and they were Xu Ziyan and Xu Qinyang. The little white cockroach has been killed. Therefore, Xu Qinyang and Xu Ziyan easily removed the remaining shadow monks. I scraped all the resources and floated away.

Ancient ruins.

Xu Ling's battle was in full swing, and the stage of the stage was so fascinating.

Xu Ziyan and Xu Qinyang started to return to the city with the baby in the cloud, and took the transfer to the city of Huicheng. Then I took the baby to fly to the ancient ruins.

Came to the ancient ruins, several people found an inn outside the ancient ruins, waiting for the end of the big.


In a ruined abandoned building, Shadow First, Second, Third and Fifth Lords walked anxiously in a room.

The light was dark, a tall man, and the whole person shrouded in a black robe suddenly appeared in front of four people. The gaze swept through the four lords through the two holes in the hood.

"See the Lord!"

The four lords bent down deeply, and the gaze of the Lord was cold and angry, and asked in a hoarse voice.

"The fifth lord, the fourth lord is missing, and the forty-nine divisions under his jurisdiction are all destroyed. Is this true?"

The fifth temple owner trembled and said with respect: "Yes, the Lord. The subordinates received the order from the Lord to find the fourth lord. According to the position you gave, I searched the remaining 13 secrets. The hall and the fourth main hall, all found to be destroyed, have become ruins."

"Hey!" The Lord snorted, and as the ruins felt the temperature dropped, the four temple owners bent down.

"Is this the Xu family killed the fourth master? And destroyed the fourth main hall and the subordinates?"

The four lords only had to bend their bodies lower, and a drop of sweat dripped from their faces.

"Xujia..." the Lord whispered in a low voice: "Why do I always want to forget you, but you always come up inadvertently? Oh, I want to be irrelevant to you, but you forced me to make Xu Jiaxuan Don't blame me for being ruthless."

The four princes listened to the whispers of the Lord, but could not understand the meaning contained in the Lord's words, only standing quietly beside them.


Fighting power! Fighting power! Comrades! Pink ticket! Our dreams!


*(To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to vote for the recommended ticket, monthly pass, your support is my biggest motivation.)

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