The Mighty Female Immortal

Chapter 1508: What is your mouth? (three more pink)

I am very grateful to Lucy Hua, Lin Chun, susantsh0905 classmates for the pink ticket!


Xu Ziyan took a breath and felt that Xianyuan Li, which was emitted from the Xiandan, had no potency at all. It is necessary to know that the reason why the elixir is more than ten times stronger than the monk directly absorbed the celestial force, it is because of the potency of the elixir. When the original medicinal material was grown, it was transformed into the body of the medicinal material through the transformation of the medicinal material, and it became a purely powerful force. The higher the medicinal materials, or the longer the medicinal materials, the more pure the elements they contain. In this way, it is possible to refine the pure elixir, which naturally has a great effect on the monks.

However, Yuan Lidan, who likes Liu’s refining, also uses herbs, but uses closed grass. This herb has a low drug grade and does not last long. Their instinct is to constantly absorb the power between the heavens and the earth, but it can not transform the immortal force. It is just a simple absorption, and then the more you suck, the more you wait until the limit, then the "beep" explosion.

The monks such as Xu Xiangliu used the characteristics of closed grass to refine Yuan Lidan. This kind of medicinal medicine simply absorbs the celestial force between the heavens and the earth into the medicinal herbs, and then passes through the compression of the road to form a concentrated Yuanli Dan. When it is used, it only needs to break Yuan Lidan, and the concentrated Yuanli Dan will be distributed.

This is definitely a pioneering work, because there is no such thing as a closed grass in the fairyland. However, a Yuanli Dan can at least play the role of a medium-sized fairy crystal. If this Danfang is circulated, it will definitely cause madness. Imagine those poor monks. There is no cultivation of Xianjing. If they build a closed house and then crush these Yuanli Dan, it seems to be cultivated in a sacred place with a strong sacred power, and it is so cheap. This can not help but let Xu Ziyan deeply admire Xu Qi Liu's whimsy.

Xu Ziyan’s look was serious. Say your own thoughts, and then you can't let it go. This Dan will become a high-level secret of the alchemy hall.

At this time, Xu Tiantian and Xu Zhenshan immediately realized that Yuan Lidan, who had not seen it in the eyes, could still use it. Also immediately said:

"Like Liu, this Danfang must be kept secret. Then the alchemy hall will be refining every month. The Xujia disciples will re-arrange their respective Dongfu. At that time, especially the disciples of Tianfeng will have a strong fairy power. In addition, Yuan Lidan, Xu’s disciple’s cultivation is impossible, and it’s impossible to improve.

Xu Haotian gratifiedly took a shot of Xu’s shoulder: "This will give you a credit, I will study it with the Holy One and give you a generous reward."

"Like Liu! I will pass you a set of Taoist cards. It will enhance the quality of Yuanli Dan and will absorb and compress more Xianyuan."

The words fall. Xu Ziyan raised his hand and pointed a light into the eyebrow of Liu. A message enters into the sea of ​​Xu’s like a will, and after seeing Liu’s closed eyes, he surprises and opens his eyes:

"Miao! This is a wonderful thing!"

Xu Ziyan turned his head to Xu Jiefei: "You are in the castle fairy boat, you have to forge some places to store Yuan Lidan. These places have simple operations, as long as one person operates, you can make the whole castle fairy The place where the Yuanli Dan is stored in the boat is automatically smashed and released. The Xianyuan force is released. When the Tianyuan Yuanli is evacuated, there is a strong fairy power in our fairy boat. This is of great help to the monks in combat."

Xu Jiefei pondered and said: "This is not difficult!"

"Good!" Xu Ziyan patted Xu Jiefei's shoulder and stood up and said: "You will work together to create a Xu family ancestor in the four halls. Come and remember for you!"

"Yes!" Xu Jiefei, Xu Xiangliu and Xu Shicheng were all excited and flushed.

“Dissipate it!” Xu Ziyan waved his hand, then invited Xu Haotian, Xu Zhenshan and Xu Qinyang to go to their own bamboo building.

Three people sat around the table in the bamboo building. Xu Ziyan took out a teapot, and then took out a little bit of Enlightenment Tea for the first time in the teapot.

Xu Haotian, Xu Zhenshan and Xu Qinyang sucked their noses, which was a shock to their faces. Looking at Xu Ziyan asked:

"Ziyan. What kind of tea is this?"

Xu Ziyan shook his head without words, then took out a gourd, opened the gourd cover and poured it into the teapot, and a clear liquid fell in the air. Pour into the teapot.

Xu Haotian, Xu Zhenshan and Xu Qinyang are stunned. Xu Xiaotian said, "This... is this... Xian liquid?"

Xu Ziyan nodded lightly, took out a small tea stove, put it on the table, and then bent a finger, a flame burned in the tea stove. Xu Ziyan gently placed the teapot on the stove and then sat quietly there.

Xu Haotian once again sucked his nose and asked: "Ziyan, what is this tea?"

Xu Ziyan is still shaking his head: "Wait for a while."

Xu Haotian glanced at Xu Ziyan in a depressed mood. Xu Ziyan just sat there laughing, so that the three people did not have the slightest way.

Sitting quietly for a while, Xu Ziyan said softly: "The patriarch, now our wounds have recovered, and the Dou family has reached the time of extinction!"

What made Xu Ziyan unexpected was that Xu Yuntian had no words, and Xu Zhenshan and Xu Qinyang did not pay attention to her. It turned out that the tea had begun to roll slightly and there was a hot air. Xu Haotian, Xu Zhenshan and Xu Qinyang just smelled the hot air, and they felt that the gods were clear, and they squinted one by one, and there was no reason to think about it.

Xu Ziyan saw the expressions of the three people, and they couldn’t help but smile. Simply ignore the three of them and sit quietly there, smelling the tea.

Soon, the tea has completely boiled. Xu Ziyan extinguished the flame. Take out four teacups and pick up the teapot for a cup of coffee.

Xu Haotian, Xu Zhenshan and Xu Qinyang hurriedly put the teacup up and put it on the lips, but slowed down again and sighed softly. After that, he opened his eyes and saw that Xu Ziyan had dropped an empty cup at this time, leaning against the back of the chair and closing his eyes.

The three people also realized that they would drink the tea in the cup and put down the tea cup. They all leaned on the back of the chair and closed their eyes to comprehend the heavens in the tea.

One day later.

Xu Ziyan warmed the tea again. After four people drank a cup again, they closed their eyes again.

After three days, I finished drinking a pot of tea. Xu Ziyan collected the teapot and the tea stove and looked at three people.

The faces of the three people were full of surprises. Xu Haotian said excitedly: "Ziyan, my understanding of the Xianjun period is deeper. I think I should be able to break through to Xianjun within three years."

"Me too!" Xu Zhenshan said excitedly at the side.

"I also have a lot of insights!" Xu Qinyang said excitedly.

"Ziyan, what kind of tea is this?" Xu Haotian looked at Xu Ziyan with gaze, and the other two people also had blue eyes.

"Enlighten tea!" Xu Ziyan said faintly.

"Enlighten tea!" The three men began to wake up, their faces were shocked and distorted, and they trembled slightly: " the treasure?"

Xu Ziyan licked his long hair and asked softly: "Is it worth it?"

"Is it worth it? Are you asking it worth it?" Xu Haotian was anxious to go around and see the look on his face at any time. Xu Zhenshan and Xu Qinyang also looked at Xu Ziyan with a look of idiots. Xu Haotian suddenly stopped and stood in front of Xu Ziyan:

"It is priceless! Can't be measured with Xianjing! Do you understand?"


Xu Ziyan sat down and gestured, and Xu Xiaotian was awake from the chaos. Enlighten tea! That is the legendary thing! I took a few deep breaths and forced myself to calm down. I took a few steps back and sat back in my chair, staring at Xu Ziyan. Xu Zhenshan and Xu Qinyang were not much better. The two men looked at Xu Ziyan as a statue.

Xu Ziyan secretly licked his mouth and said: "Is it so shocking?"

"What are you talking about?" Xu Xiaotian said with a wink: "Give me the tea I just drank, and it can still be soaked several times."

Xu Ziyan was speechless. Three jade bottles were taken out. Each jade bottle contained two or two Gou teas. Then he took out three gourds, which contained the fairy liquid and pushed them to the front of the three people, whispering:

"This is what I got at a chance, and I will give you one each!"

The faces of the three people showed ecstasy, and Xu Ziyan could see that they were all dysfunctional. The three people carefully opened the jade bottle and saw the two or two teas inside, and they sniffed deeply, and the face showed an extremely satisfying color. Quickly cover the lid of the jade bottle, take the gourd up again, carefully open it, and sniff it deeply, extremely satisfied, then cover the lid and carefully close it up. Half-sounding, this was waking up from the extreme ecstasy, and hurriedly stood up and thanked Xu Ziyan.

Xu Ziyan also quickly stood up, posing with his hands and three people politely, and everyone was re-settled. Xu Ziyan saw that the emotions of the three people have stabilized, and this is the old saying:

"The patriarch, the saint, the Qinyang brother, and now our injuries have been restored. Should we go to Tiangui City to deal with the Dou family?"

Except for Xu Ziyan’s expectation, the three people did not have the positiveness she imagined, but they were all hesitant. Xu Ziyan just thought a little and knew why they hesitated. I whispered:

"Are you worried about the shadow?"

"Not bad!" Xu Haotian nodded. "We Xu Jia will kill Dao’s sinus family and his disciples after the ancient ruins, and declare that they will kill the sinus. This thing is already in the fairy world. Spread out, I don’t think it’s impossible to know the shadow. If the five people secretly lurk in Tiangui City waiting for us, are we not investing in the net?”


*(To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to vote for the recommended ticket, monthly pass, your support is my biggest motivation.)

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