The Mighty Female Immortal

Chapter 1509: Stealing the interstellar transmission array (four more pink)

I am very grateful to the glittering glitt classmates (588). I really like Jin Ling’s classmates (100), Xiao Xiangyou’s classmates (100), and Qingjiang Moliu’s classmates (100).


Xu Ziyan frowned slightly and thought for a moment: "But... If we don't take action against Dou, don't you say empty talk? Doujia attacked us Xu three years ago, and our family has already waited for three. I didn’t do it in the year. This has already made some people in the fairyland look down on us. Now we let go of our words, but we have lost our words. How can we make a foothold in the future?"

At this time, Xu Haotian shook his head firmly: "No matter what, I can't let Xu's family take this risk. At this time, the five people in the shadow will definitely lurk in Tiangui City, so we definitely can't go." We can't afford to lose."

Xu Zhenshan also said with a sigh: "Ziyan, it is really not the moment of attack. Originally, I was thinking about letting the disciples of Tianfeng go to Tiangui City together, and the family will be destroyed. This is also a rare opportunity for trials. But Now, in this case, it is undoubtedly sent to death. Even if Xu Jia is ridiculed by the fairy world, our Xu family can only bear it."

Xu Qinyang’s look at this time finally stopped hesitating, and his look became firm. He stood up from the chair and said:

"Then you don't have to let the Xu disciples go out, as long as I go with the purple smoke. I don't believe that I and the purple smoke continuously sweep the shadows of the forty-nine branches and a main hall to destroy a doujia. Will it still be overturned by the gutter?"

Xu Haotian saw that Xu Qinyang also followed the chaos, and now he was in a hurry. He still has a polite attitude towards Xu Ziyan, and he has no scruples about his son. He took a table and stood up and said:

"You bastard. Give me a shut up!"

Xiao Bai and Xu Xiang, who were playing at the pond, heard the quarrel in the bamboo building. The face of Xu’s face changed. He slammed into the door of the bamboo building and reached for the door. But he reached out from behind his hand and grabbed his neck. He swept back to the pond.

"Little White sister!" Xu Xiang saw Xiaobai, some inexplicably called: "The house is playing, I am going to help my sister!"

Xiaobai raised his hand and slammed on the head of Xu Xiang’s head: "Don’t talk nonsense. Your sister’s business still doesn’t work for you. Besides, this is the housework of my sister. What are you involved in?”


Xu Xiang scratched his head. He was not very clear about the concept of family, but he could also feel that the little white words meant that their sisters were not really fighting in the house. I was asked with some concern:

"Little White Sister, my last move, will my sister blame me?"

Xiaobai smiled and raised his hand and took a shot and said: "Sister will not blame you for this little thing, well, you can catch fish and play."

these years. Xiaobai has been playing with him, and Xu Xiang is very attached to Xiaobai. When I heard Xiaobai, I nodded and went to the pond to catch the fish.

The little white attire watched the little white catching the fish but sneaked out a glimpse of the gods and spread it out. It was posted on the door of the bamboo building and secretly listened to the controversy inside the house. Although she felt that the house was only arguing about something, she also worried that Xu Ziyan was being bullied. Ready to rush in and join Xu Ziyan.

Xu Qinyang in the house was scolded by his father. He naturally did not dare to quit his mouth, but his face was obviously not convinced. He sat on the chair with anger and did not look at Xu Haotian.

The room was quiet and four people did not speak. These four people have different ideas. Xu Zhentian and Xu Zhenshan are resolutely disagreeing with the action of Doujia at this time. They all take safety as the first priority. However, Xu Ziyan and Xu Qinyang believe that words must be done, and that must be done. Since the declaration to destroy the Dou family has been issued, it must be put into action. Otherwise, people will be ridiculed by the world.

This is the collision of two generations of ideas!

The old man's defensive and young people's passion! At this moment, it violently collided.

Although Xu Ziyan suffered a loss in the hands of the shadow. But there is no fear. I have seen the power of the heart in the black space. There is also the magic of the seductive woman in the black space, and the strength of the shadow is really scary. Xu Ziyan felt that he had a white and cloud baby, even if he was ambushed by five people in the shadow, there is no problem in trying to escape. There is no need to scare Jicheng to dare to go out.

The two sides did not speak. Silently said that there is absolutely no compromise. In the end, Xu Xiaotian and Xu Zhenshan couldn’t get two young people. It’s not that they are not young and young. Instead, they are afraid that the two young people will go out privately and go to Tiangui City. If they have a good time, Xu will be destroyed. Xu Haotian and Xu Zhenshan placed Xu Jiaxing’s hopes on Xu Ziyan and Xu Qinyang. If there is something wrong with these two, Xu Yutian and Xu Zhenshan have a heart of death.

Xu Haotian tangled for a while, sighed a sigh: "Ziyan, we will release this matter for the time being, and negotiate again in the next day?"

Xu Ziyan knows that this is Xu Yutian’s technique of delaying, and he will not agree to take action on the Dou family. Slightly lowered his eyes, his eyes turned. Then nodded:


Xu Xiaotian and Xu Zhenshan met Xu Ziyan and agreed to it. I was afraid that Xu Ziyan would repent and hurriedly stood up and said:

"Ziyan, there are still some things that the family needs us to deal with, we will leave!"

Xu Ziyan stood up and smiled and said, "I will send you!"

Xu Haotian glanced back at Xu Qinyang and said, "Don't you follow me?"

Xu Qinyang glanced at Xu Ziyan with a gloomy look, and stood up and walked away with Xu Xiaotian. After Xu Haotian and Xu Zhenshan left, they still did not trust Xu Ziyan and Xu Qinyang. They were afraid that the two men would sneak out, but it was not good to arrange disciples to monitor Xu Ziyan and Xu Qinyang.

Simply do two divisions, Xu Haotian monitors Xu Qinyang, Xu Zhenshan monitors Xu Ziyan. The two of them think that as long as there is a ten-day, eight-day, Xu Ziyan and Xu Qinyang did not leave the family, it proves that these two people have broken the mind of Tiangui City, and then they will not monitor them again. In order to make these two stars of hope for Xu Jia, Xu Zhentian and Xu Zhenshan actually started a dark whistle, which is a good intention.

After Xu Ziyan sent the three people away, they returned to their bamboo buildings. Then he called Xiaobai in. He didn't think that Xu Xiang also ran up and followed. Xu Ziyan couldn't help but smile, and it seems that he has to bring him.

Xu Ziyan was paying attention to her, she was going to sneak into Tiangui City, not to attack the Dou family. If the shadow masters are really lurking in Tiangui City, they will undoubtedly find death.

However, if you don't do anything, Xu Ziyan feels that his heart is not strong. Therefore, she decided to take the night to steal the interstellar transmission of Tiangui City.

She said these things with Xiaobai, and with Xiaobai, I want Xiaobai to take the wind for myself. Xiaobai naturally agrees, and Xu Xiang is clamoring to follow. Xu Ziyan nodded, so that two people sat on one side, and then set up a formation to cover the entire bamboo building.

Xu Zhenshan, who has been secretly monitoring Xu Ziyan outside, has seen that the entire bamboo building has been shrouded in formation, but he is relieved. What he was most afraid of was that Xu Ziyan sneaked away. Now Xu Ziyan has set up a formation method, which shows that Xu Ziyan is likely to close. The reason why Xu Bai and Xu Xiang were called in, Xu Zhenshan did not want to understand, maybe I want Xiao Bai and Xu Xiang to practice together.

The reason why Xu Ziyan set up a formation is to set up a small transmission array connecting the Tiangui City Sifang Restaurant within the bamboo building. She can't use the family's transmission array, so it will be known by Xu Haotian and Xu Zhenshan, and will come out to stop themselves. Therefore, she decided to lay out a small transmission array that could only be transported by one person. This transmission array is much simpler and consumes less material.

Xu Ziyan spent half a day setting up this small transmission array. Then he took Xiaobai and Xu Xiang into the cloud baby and entered the transmission array. The light in the house flashed, and the shape of Xu Ziyan disappeared. It was only in a moment of time that it appeared in the Sifang Restaurant in Tiangui City.

Out of the secret room, Xu Ziyan lived in a secret room behind Xu's disciples. The Xu family disciple of the Sifang Restaurant naturally did not dare to ask Xu Ziyan to come here to do something. After Xu Ziyan entered the room, he sent out the Xu disciple and quietly sat in the room waiting for the dark.


Xu Ziyan turned into a nightingale, secretly left the Sifang restaurant, and soon appeared in the transmission line of Tiangui City. Called Xiaobai, and then let the cloud baby become a magical array to cover the entire transmission array, and then Xu Ziyan and Xiaobai teamed up to quickly kill the transfer of the Dou family monks.

Sure enough, as Xu Ziyan expected, there was no slight reaction in the transmission array. Xu Ziyan has already expected that even if the shadows of the five monks lurk in Tiangui City, they will pay attention to the sinus family, and will never pay attention to the transmission line.

Xu Ziyan immediately let Xiaobai be responsible for the whistle, and she began to disassemble the transmission array. This transmission array is troublesome to set up, but it is very simple to disassemble.

Xu Ziyan first quickly put the fairy crystal placed on the transmission array, and the entire transmission array lost the fairy crystal, and stopped running. Then start disassembly. Although it was easy to disassemble, Xu Ziyan also took a full time.

After all the transmission array parts were collected, the basic array on the ground was destroyed. Xu Ziyan let the cloud baby put up the magic array, let Xiaobai return to the cloud baby, Xu Ziyan will receive the white After getting up, he turned into a nightingale and returned to the Sifang Restaurant. He took the transmission array and directed back to his bamboo building.

Put Xiaobai and Xu Xiang out, and then dismantle the small transmission array. In addition, the method of covering the bamboo building was collected, and the door was opened. The body shape flashed and left the Tianfeng, leaving the Xu family, and the empty sky of Yueji City looked down.


*(To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to vote for the recommended ticket, monthly pass, your support is my biggest motivation.)

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