The Mighty Female Immortal

Chapter 1110: Dou's cage (five more pink)

I am very grateful to the heartbreak 33 classmates, Hua Tuo classmates, full-time bookworm 888 classmates pink ticket!


Xu Ziyan just stunned Xu Zhenshan as soon as he removed the formation. He waited to see Xu Ziyan leave, Xu Zhenshan was shocked, and a thousand miles of voices informed Xu Haotian, while chasing away in the direction of Xu Ziyan disappearing.

Just after chasing out the Xu family, I saw Xu Ziyan standing in the air. Xu Zhenshan swept to the side of Xu Ziyan and asked softly:

"Ziyan, what are you doing here?"

Xu Ziyan smiled and said: "I just returned from Tiangui City?"

"Are you going to Tiangui City?" A figure flew away, but it was Xu Yutian who heard Xu Zhenshan's voice.

“Yes!” Xu Ziyan nodded and smiled. “I arranged a small transmission array in my room, and then went to Tiangui City. I stole the interstellar transmission from Tiangui City at night. I am thinking about it now. Where is the interstellar transmission array in Yuejicheng!"

After listening to Xu Ziyan, Xu Weitian and Xu Zhenshan were completely sluggish. For such a day, Xu Ziyan stole the only interstellar transmission array of Tianguixing.

Then two people were ecstatic. On the one hand, Xu Jia did not destroy the Dou family, but Xu Ziyan’s actions were also a statement to the various families in the fairy world.

Xu Jia was able to take away the interstellar transmission array of Tiangui City without knowing it. This shows that Xu Jia wants to destroy Dou Jiayi, but Xu has not yet poured out time to start.

On the other hand, what is this interstellar transmission array?

That is the only way for other planets to come to the sky, and there are still very few monks who have the magic boat that can sail in the interstellar space, not to mention the interplanetary transmission. And safe! So the vast majority of monks in Star Trek have chosen to transmit.

what does this mean?

This means wealth! The transmission array is not used in white, it is to pay. An interstellar transmission array is a cash cow.

More importantly, this is only one aspect. Don't forget that the monks of each star come to the sky. From now on, the first place to settle is Yueji City. This month, Jicheng wants to not prosper.

"Ziyan!" Xu Haotian said excitedly: "This interstellar transmission array will of course be placed in the center of Yueji City!"

"Alright!" Xu Ziyan nodded: "When is the time to build a hall!"

“Yeah!” Xu Haotian nodded and said: “These are handed over to us, and you will be able to set up an interstellar transmission array.”

"it is good!"

Xu Ziyan’s body shape fell to the bottom and selected a place. Begin to set up the interstellar transmission array.

The sky gradually brightened, and there was a flow of people in Yueji City, and the monks gradually increased. Someone saw what Xu Ziyan laid in the center of Yueji City. Xu Yuntian and Xu Zhenshan are standing next to each other.

"What is Xu Jia doing?"

"What is Xu Ziyan laying there?"

"Let the family and the saints personally protect the law?"

"I still can't see anything."

There are more and more people onlookers. When there are more and more monks and they reach a certain number, Xu Yutian and Xu Zhenshan look at each other. Xu Xintian said:

"Everyone, last night we made our family to Tiangui City. We removed the transmission array of Tiangui City. Now we are going to set up the transmission array here. From now on, Yueji City will become the center of Tianguixing. ""


The crowd was boiling and I remembered a voice of discussion. Everyone knows what this means, which means that Yueji City will prosper and become the most prosperous city of the entire Tianguixing. And these people will be the first beneficiaries, and it is conceivable that in the future, Yueji City will be insured.

Tiangui City.


The monks on the streets began to increase. Some monks were ready to take the transmission array to other stars, but found that the transmission bursts with a **** taste. When they enter, they have more than a dozen bodies. It is the monk who guards the transmission of the sinus guards. .

This is a sudden stunned. Soon the news spread out, and Xu Tiantian dressed up as a common monk with four temple masters, and suppressed it to the peak of the nine-day Xuan Xian, standing in the crowd and looking at the dozen bodies. And the transmission matrix that has disappeared. The look on his face is cloudy.

Dou family panic!

A few days ago, Dou Wulong suddenly took away the property of Doujia and disappeared with several of his confidants. Then came the Xu family to kill the Doujia family and the monks who went to participate in the second-rate family rankings.

When Xu Haotian and others appeared in Tiangui City, the monk Dou Jia was extremely nervous. However, at that time, Xu Haotian and others all focused on the shadow. I didn’t take care of Dou’s family at all, and I left in a hurry. This made the Dou family breathe a sigh of relief.

But is it only a few days?

The interstellar transmission matrix has disappeared! This does not have to ask, it must be Xu Jiagan! What is Xu Ziyan doing for this? Is it because you want to trap these people in the Tiangui City and slowly eliminate them?

To know that there are few people in Doujia who have the fairy boat of interstellar travel, most monks are able to leave Tianguixing through the transmission array. This can not help but completely panic.

When Doujia began to sneak away, even if he could not leave Tianguixing, it would be fine to find a place in Tianguixing.

However, Dou's reaction is fast, and other families are not slow. This opportunity to beat the dog, no one will let go, and killing a Dou family monk, will get a lot of resources from him. As the star family of Tianguixing, Doujia is very rich in every monk. This is not only to make those families red-eyed, but also those who are involved in the practice.

Several Doujia monks who had a Star Trek boat also hurriedly left, but they did not expect Xu Tian to tilt the anger of Xu family to them, and stopped them in StarCraft. Take their resources away.

The monks of Doujia are honest. They know that they have no chance to leave Tiangui City. As soon as they leave Tianguixing, they will be attacked by the families of Tiangui City and the madness of scattered training. They huddled Tiangui City, but they were still scared at first, but over time, they found that no one in Tiangui City had trouble finding them.

This is not the family that does not want to attack the sinus family, nor does it have the ability. A family can't do it. Isn't it possible to have dozens of family associations? Doujia did not have a big array like Xu.

However, the problem is that everyone knows that the Dou family is going to be destroyed by Xu. And if they give up the Dou family, then the question of who is the star owner is highlighted. If today's expensive star has a family, who dares to sit in the position of the star owner? Therefore, the Xu family did not move, but other families did not dare to move.

Although Doujia temporarily saved his life, Tiangui City is undoubtedly a cage for them...

Within the city of Yueji.

The transmission array has been built and the main hall that is enveloped by the transmission array is being built. However, the transmission array has begun to work, and other interstellar monks began to appear in Yueji City.

At this time, Xu Ziyan was sitting in the bamboo building of Tianfeng Peak, sitting on both sides of Xu Yantian, Xu Zhenshan and Xu Qinyang.

At this time, Xu Yutian and Xu Zhenshan were screaming there. The two of them sneaked to Tiangui City for Xu Ziyan, and they stole the transfer. It was really dumbfounding. There is happiness in the heart, more worry, and the mood is very complicated.

If Xu Ziyan was alone in the day, they were stuck in Tiangui City, and the result was terrible. Therefore, two people will block Xu Ziyan in the house, and they will be arbitrarily arrogant. It is nothing more than purple smoke. You are already the hope of Xu family. It is the pillar of Xu family, the spiritual leader of Xu family, so you must be self-respecting. I can't do anything that is so risky. Can't be a stupid thing like a child.

Xu Qinyang was sitting on the side and looking at Xu Ziyan with a sullen look, and his face was gloating. Xu Ziyan has no way, how to say that this is also the two old people are worried about themselves, for themselves. It’s awkward, but it’s part of family. Therefore, I had to listen to my ears.

The two said for a long time, seeing Xu Ziyan did not refute, but that way of clear is not to hear the heart. This makes the two people depressed, and the heart is also very difficult.

Don't say that Xu Ziyan is still sitting here honestly listening to them. It is Xu Ziyan who doesn't listen, and goes away with his hands. With Xu Ziyan's prestige and strength in Xu's family, how can they bother her?

The two men looked at each other and sighed in unison. Xu Ziyan quickly slammed the two people into tea. They waited for the two of them to continue to look like they were, and let Xu Qinyang "snap" and laughed.

Xu Haotian turned his head and slammed Xu Qinyang. Xu Qinyang immediately put on a posture of being in danger. It was better than Xu Ziyan, and Xu Ziyan covered his mouth and laughed.

Xu Haotian and Xu Zhenshan also had no choice but to smile. Shaking their heads, Xu Zhenshan smiled and said: "Forget it, you are all big, and we can't listen to them."

"Where!" Xu Ziyan and Xu Qinyang sat up straight and said in unison: "The two elders are all good words, so that the juniors will benefit a lot."

"Get out of the way!" Xu Xiaotian smiled. Everyone couldn't help but laugh, and the atmosphere in the room was suddenly active.

When the laughter is gone, Xu Haotian snorted and asked: "Ziyan, now you have already heard the news from the Sifang Restaurant in Tiangui City. You have already known the Doujia. The Tiangui City is a place for Dou. Cage, I believe that we can easily go to the Dou family to destroy the family, but I still suggest that we can not act rashly. Who can say that the shadow will not lurk there, waiting for us to change home."

Xu Ziyan thought for a moment: "I don't care about this matter. Anyway, this time I moved the transmission array to Yueji City, which has already demonstrated the prestige of our Xu family. The rest of the matter is to ask the patriarch and the ancestors to discuss it!"


The fifth is even more! Justifiably ask for a pink ticket!


*(To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to vote for the recommended ticket, monthly pass, your support is my biggest motivation.)

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