The Mighty Female Immortal

Chapter 1511: High-rise building (a pinker)

I am very grateful to Sungnee classmates, ruthless demon classmates, I want to fly the crying fish classmates, free fall classmates, heartbreaking 33 classmates, gayear classmates, wll112233 classmates, ykwxh classmates, treasure egg moms~ classmates, ximeng56 classmates, book friends 08910205917581 classmates , Dong Ge invincible classmates, flat and flat bear tail classmates, Jun Lianyang classmates pink ticket!


Xu Ziyan thought for a moment: "I don't care about this matter. Anyway, this time I moved the transmission array to Yueji City, which has already demonstrated the prestige of our Xu family. The rest of the matter is to ask the patriarch and the ancestors to discuss it!"

"Really?" Xu Haotian and Xu Zhenshan looked at Xu Ziyan with a look of surprise.

Xu Ziyan said nothing, "Nature is true."

"This is good!" Xu Yutian and Xu Zhenshan both sighed with relief. Putting down this matter, Xu Haotian began to think about the development of the family and asked Xu Ziyan:

"Ziyan, now the development of Xujia has reached a rapid period. What advice do you have for the future development of Xujia?"

Xu Ziyan smiled and said: "Our Xu family still grasps the high-end products of Xiandan Xianfu, Xianji Xianzhen. Well, on the refining and selling of the later five items, these five products will stay like the Xiandan fairy. Let other families go to business."

Xu Ziyan took a sip of tea and said: "The profit of the low-end things is still a lot less, and it takes more time and effort than the loss. The high-end things are more than ten times the profits. As long as we try to catch high-end things, we can't develop fast. It is impossible. And we Xujia does not have so much manpower to monopolize all the markets from low-end to high-end. There are four super-families in the high-end market, so they leave some space for other families to operate. As for the Xu family to enemies on all sides."

Xu Haotian just thought a little about it and knew that Xu Ziyan was completely correct. Can not help but praise:

"Yes, just follow the purple smoke."

The four people discussed the development direction of Xu's family in detail, and finally determined the various issues of Xu's development. Finally, Xu Zhenshan looked at Xu Ziyan and asked:

"Ziyan. After five years, it is the ranking of the first-class family. Do we want to participate in the family?"

Xu Ziyan gently turned the teacup in his hand: "The patriarch and ancestors think that the eight first-class families will invite us?"

The room suddenly fell silent. For a long time, Xu Xiaotian said with a deep voice: "We may not invite us. The eight first-class families have a history of tens of thousands of years, and they are proud of themselves.

Although this time we have achieved the first place in the second-rate family, and it shows that our Xu family has the strength of the nine-day Xuanxian late peak monk. However, they may not put our home in the eye. Be aware that once they invited us to Xu Jia. It means that they recognize the status of our first-class family, they...may not be willing. ”

"Five years!"

Xu Ziyan frowned and frowned, his eyes suddenly brightened: "The patriarch, ancestor. What happened to the collection of materials collected by the family to refine the Yuanshen Dan?"

"Collect some!" Xu Haotian's eyes are also bright.

Xu Ziyan thought and said: "The fairy power inside the Tianfeng is already very rich, about five times outside. Now because of the Yueji City big array, the amount of Xianyuan in the Tianfeng is better than before. It has doubled again. In addition, Yuan Lidan, which was developed by Xu Liu, will make the Dongfu Xianyuan of the monk in Tianfeng double again. This condition is probably the inner fairy. Yuanli has the strongest point. Under such conditions, plus Yuan Lidan, who I am refining, what kind of strength does Xujia have in five years?"

Xu Haotian and Xu Zhenshan’s faces all released an excited light: “Other people don’t know what to expect, but my patriarch and I will definitely break through the Xianjun period. In fact, there is no such thing. My patriarch and I think that it will be in three years. Breaking through to the Xianjun period. Now with these, it will break within a year."

Xu Haotian nodded again and again: "Yes! Purple smoke, and the ancestors of the Xu family are actually good, but in the past they were affected by the resources and the cultivation environment, and the promotion was slow. With today The cultivation environment and resources. They have entered a fast-growing channel. For five years, I don’t know if there will be a breakthrough in the Xianjun period, but there will be a lot of peaks in the late nine-day Xuanxian.

And with the improvement of our status, there will be a lot of scattered people coming to join us, and the strength will expand very quickly. ”

Xu Ziyan’s eyebrows screamed: “The patriarch. For those monks who rely on our Xu family, we must of course look at the cultivation and qualifications. But what is more important is to look at their quality, their past. It’s not enough, even if we develop Slower.

Now in the lower Yuan dynasty, our Xu family has established a fairy country. After the branch of the Xu family in the small world will fly to the fairyland, there will be a place to be settled. It will be protected by the Xu family, and will not be in the lower galaxies as in the past. So high. Over time, more and more Xu family disciples will come to the Zhongyuan Galaxy. Therefore, our Xu family will not lack disciples in the future, and will not lack the disciples with good qualifications. ”

Xu Ziyan’s words made the three people present sigh, and Xu’s eyes were full of gratitude:

"Ziyan, the ability to establish Xianguo in the lower galaxies has a huge impact on the Xu family, and it has far-reaching influence. The entire Xu family and the branches of the small worlds must be grateful to you."

Xu Ziyan waved his hand and thought about the side: "Since our Xu family can make rapid progress in five years, then we will go to the first-class family."

"But..." Xu Haotian hesitated: "If the eight first-class families did not invite us..."

"Then we will go by ourselves!" Xu Ziyan said with a slap in the face.

"Does this cause the resentment of the eight major families? Join forces to suppress our Xu family? Even work together to take action against our Xu family? Purple smoke, if the eight major families join hands, a big guardian can't stop them."

Xu Ziyan said with a deep sigh: "The patriarch is very good, the eight first-class families are profound, and each family has hundreds of thousands of monks. If the eight families really join hands, even if our family has several immortals, they will fill them with others. We fill it up. But, do they dare to do this?"

Xu Ziyan’s mouth smacked a bit of irony: “They’s eight big families have joined forces to attack our Xu family. How many people will they die? And if we let these immortals hold the Xu family, then they will eventually be dragged down by the eight families. But, if we ran away? Are the eight great families who can withstand the escape of the Xu family constantly attacking?"

"Yes!" Xu Xiaotian and Xu Zhenshan look a glimpse, and the family with Xianjun has the power to shock. Which family can guarantee that the family will be in good condition when facing the anger of Xianjun? What's more, the end of the time is the endless death and hatred?

Waiting for yourself to wait for the first-class family to compare, show the momentum of Xianjun, the eight first-class families really dare to anger Xu family?

“So!” Xu Ziyan said, “We are not only going to participate in the first-class family rankings, but also to win the first prize. And it’s not a problem for us. Now we’re different, not just It is a question of having a good cultivation of holy places and resources, but our Xu family has many ancient practices and immortals that are not found in this fairyland.

These exercises and immortals are very powerful. It can be said that beyond the eight major family-owned exercises and immortals, I am afraid that the four super-families are not as great as ours. With so many advantages, we can't win the first place. ”

"Ziyan!" Xu Zhenshan asked in surprise: "You mean, what kind of cultivation exercises and immortals you gave to the family were in ancient times?"

"Not bad!" Xu Ziyan nodded.

Xu Haotian and Xu Zhenshan looked at each other, but both chose not to ask. At this time, Xu Ziyan is full of mystery in front of them, will be alchemy, will be a system, will be refining, will be arranged. There are enlightenment tea and fairy liquid, and there are many ancient exercises and fairy tales.

However, these are the secrets of Xu Ziyan. Xu Ziyan does not say that they have chosen sensibly without asking.

"Of course!" Xu Ziyan pulled back the words again: "After we won the first place, we must also show our attitude towards our family."

“What attitude is it?” Xu Haotian asked inexplicably.

"It shows that our family will not threaten the attitude of their eight big families in the future. Otherwise, our family will win the first place too strongly. In the future, they will threaten the status of their eight big families. Maybe they will force the eight families to take risks. We can tell the eight major families that we only want Tiangexing, a planet that will never expand. However, Tianguixing is the private territory of our Xu family from now on."

"Do they believe it?" Xu Qinyang asked suspiciously.

"Yes!" Xu Ziyan said firmly: "We can tell them the future direction of Xu family."

“What is the future direction of our home?”

"Yes, the future development direction of our Xu family is the business line. It will not go to other planets to expand, and will not seize any other planet's territory to seize their resources. We have a system of alchemy and refinery. The advantage, so the future direction of our home is in this regard.

It is to go to the sphere of influence of other families, but also to open shops. With our family's reputation in this respect, they want us to go to the business of their family to start a business. This is a matter of mutual benefit.

In this way, on the one hand, our family has the strength to make them fear, on the other hand, they do not conflict with their interests. Just occupying a planet, that is, the Sun family will not say anything.

Moreover, Sun Jia will be very happy. After all, our Xu family is within the sphere of influence of their grandchildren. As long as they make good friends with us, they can get the moon in the water, and we will not give Sun’s face, so their grandchildren. The family will be much more convenient in purchasing the Xiandan Xianfu fairy and the fairy tales from our Xu family. With these conveniences, their grandchildren will also have an advantage in the first-class family. This is why they will not understand their grandchildren. ”


*(To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to vote for the recommended ticket, monthly pass, your support is my biggest motivation.)

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