The Mighty Female Immortal

Chapter 1512: Big crack in the sky (two more pink)

I am very grateful to Mo Hua students (1888), forever after the rainy season students (200), An ^ _ ^ Jing classmates (20), anna1978 classmates (100), Borzi Git Ruo Qing classmates (100) reward!


After listening to Xu Ziyan's analysis, Xu Xintian's heart was bright. Excitedly said: "So, after five years, our family can stand in the first-class family and become a member of the first-class family. This fairyland has had nine first-class families since then?"

"Not bad!" Xu Ziyan nodded firmly.

Xu Haotian was silent, and suddenly burst into a shock, laughing and bursting into tears...

The laughter was lost and it was awkward. The development of Xu's family has surprised them, but it is also very gratifying. Looking at Xu Ziyan, the heart is full of emotions. At this time, they have already firmly believed that Xu family can only climb the top of the Zhongyuan galaxy if it has Xu Ziyan, and it is not a dream to climb the Shangyuan Galaxy.

"Ziyan, how do you decide next? Is it necessary to retreat?"

Xu Ziyan shook his head gently: "I have to leave Xu for a while."

"Leave Xu family? Where are you going?" Xu Haotian and others immediately became nervous.

Xu Ziyan sighed a bit: "I seem to have reached the bottleneck recently, and I want to make it even harder. So I have to go out and look for opportunities. The patriarch..."

Xu Ziyan’s eyes brightened and he looked at Xu Wei’s heaven: “The patriarch knows where there is the most pure planet of earth properties? My soil properties have realized the bottleneck and I can’t understand it.”

"Yes!" Xu Haotian said without thinking.

Xu Ziyan could not help but sit up straight and asked excitedly: "Where?"

In Di Saturn, it is the tribe of the Qin family in the eight first-class families. There is a big crack there. The soil properties there are extremely rich, down the big cracks, the deeper the soil is, the more concentrated the soil is, the more concentrated the soil properties of the whole fairyland.

Xu Ziyan's eyes are bright: "I will finish the Yuan Shen Dan and leave!"

The second day.

Xu Ziyan began to retreat Yuan Shen Dan. A month later, Xu Ziyan began a trip to Di Saturn.

Xu Ziyan left the city of Yueji in a transmission array. She did not bring Xiaobai and Xu Xiang. If there is no problem with just taking the white, she can put Xiaobai into the purple smoke space, and Xiaobai can cultivate. Also not boring. But what about Xu Xiang? Xu Ziyan still has scruples about Xu Xiang. After all, she is not clear about the origin of Xu Xiang, and Xu Xiang’s body is full of magic power. She can’t let him know about the purple smoke space.

Therefore, she had to let Xiaobai stay with the Xu Xiang, so Xu Xiang was reluctant to let Xu Ziyan leave.

After three months, this is still Xu Ziyan constantly riding the interstellar transmission array. This came to Di Saturn. As soon as you enter Di Saturn, the rich soil properties come to the surface.

Xu Ziyan temporarily stayed in an inn in Di Tucheng. After taking a shower, Xu Ziyan came out of the room and went to the lobby downstairs. He called a cup of tea and threw it to Xiao Erjie. Slightly asked:

"Do you know where the cracks are?"

Xiao Er quickly took the piece of fairy crystal up, and then smiled and said: "Fairy, from here to the east, nearly ten thousand miles, you will see that it is very large. Fairy, where are you going? Practice?"

"Well! Is it still like the past, allowing any monk to go down and practice?"

"Yes!" Xiao Er nodded and said: "As long as you are willing to spend Xianjing, you can go in and practice. But..."

"But what?"

When Xu Ziyan saw that Xiao Er was a little swallowed, he frowned slightly and threw him a piece of fairy crystal. The little two quickly put the fairy crystals away. Then said:

"The cracks in the Scorpio are not calm. It is full of competition and danger. In order to compete for a better position, the competition is very fierce."

Xu Ziyan's slightly wrinkled brow stretched out, and she thought it was something. This kind of competition had already been thought of before she came. If there is no competition for such a treasure, it is not normal. Wave the hand and send the second child away. Quietly sitting there drinking tea.

Put down the teacup, Xu Ziyan walked out of the inn. Directly left Di Di City, flying in the clouds baby to the cracks of the sky.

At the speed of the cloud baby, there is no time spent at all, and Xu Ziyan has already stood up in the sky above the crack of Tianzhu. The whole big crack is like a huge wound, and it is not at the bottom. Xu Ziyan was looking around and saw a small group of monks flying towards her.

Xu Ziyan’s gaze looked at the small group of monks and saw that they had a “Qin” on their clothes. They knew that they should be the monks who were stationed in the Qin family. They looked very far and there were many such teams in the distance. It is the Qin family who is at a distance from this big crack, and there is a group of monks stationed.

There are a total of seven people in this squad, headed by a nine-day Xuanxian late monk. Seeing Xu Ziyan's cultivation is also the late nine-day Xuan Xian, the look is slightly friendly. Said the hand:

"Does the Taoist come to cultivate in the cracks of the Tianzhu?"

"Yeah!" Xu Ziyan nodded gently.

"Daoyou, here is the territory of our Qin family. The Taoist friends must have known that they need Xianjing to enter the big crack."

"How much?" Xu Ziyan said faintly.

"One million top grades."

Xu Ziyan nodded, although a million top grades were perhaps expensive for other monks, but for Xu Ziyan, it was nothing. Transfer one million top grades to a storage bag and throw it at the Qin family. The monk of the Qin family used the knowledge of God to clean up the storage bag and let the road open. He said politely:


Xu Zi fluttered a "thank you" and his body shape fell to the big crack below.

The monk of the Qin family, who was headed in the sky, shook his head and said: "It is also a monk who comes to understand the nature of the soil. I don't know if she can finally come out. A beautiful fairy, it's a pity!"

Another monk next to him said: "The chances of her coming out should be great. After all, she is also the late nine-day Xuanxian!"

The monk headed by the monk snorted: "What is the late nine-day Xuanxian? There are many monks in the late nine-day Xuanxian, and there are many nine-day Xuanxian late peaks. You don’t know, it is said that there are still immortals in it. Jun. Of course, if she is interested, she will come out safely if she does not grab any place. However, every monk who enters here spends a million top grades. Will they not take better places?"

Xu Ziyan landed down with his body shape. In the eye, along the big cracks of the sky, the monks opened up a dense cave from the top to the bottom. Even the available space on both sides of the big crack was occupied. The array is arranged outside each cave. No need to ask, there are monks in the cultivation.

These arrays are very low in the eyes of Xu Ziyan. Xu Ziyan opened the eyes of Kun Peng. If it is a high-level array, it is still difficult to see through the law. But these are just a few of the five-in-one tactics, and Yan Peng’s eyes instantly see through the past. When I saw it, I saw some monks in the early days of Xuantian.

Xu Ziyan couldn't help but secretly swear, there are so many nine days of Xuanxian early here to understand the nature of the soil. It's just just entering the big crack.

In the distance and in the vicinity, there are many monks who are falling toward the big cracks. At the same time, there are also monks who have broken the caves and left. Those monks who leave should be the monks who are comprehended.


Suddenly, the sound of the sound will stun the Xu Ziyan, and Xu Ziyan looked for the sound. He saw several monks fighting for a monk Dongfu who had learned to leave. There are also some nine-day Xuanxian early monk eyes gazing unscrupulously toward the Dongfu on the two sides of the cliff, it seems that they want to break the other side's array, and rush to practice the Dongfu.

Xu Ziyan shook his head, and the soil properties here did not reach her level of understanding, and the figure continued to fall below. Those nine-day Xuanxian early monks looked at Xu Ziyan with vigilance, but when they saw the repair of Xu Ziyan, they knew that Xu Ziyan would not stay at this level, and that Xu Ziyan continued to fall down, they were relieved. . Of course, there are still many monks who are falling down with Xu Ziyan. These monks are the masters of the nine days of Xuanxian. The lowest is also the monk who is close to the peak in the early days of Xuantian.

Those monks who could not see through the cultivation of Xu Ziyan, although they had awe of Xu Ziyan, were no longer wary of her, knowing that Xu Ziyan’s cultivation would not compete with them for the same Dongfu. Those monks who can see Xu Ziyan's cultivation are wary of Xu Ziyan, especially the Xu Ziyan, who is a late monk in the late nine days of Xuanxian, and has a deep warning to Xu Ziyan.

As Xu Ziyan's body shape fell to the bottom, the nine-day Xuanxian mid-term monk began to appear. Xu Ziyan took back the eyes of Yan Peng, and the heart has already understood that the more he goes down, the higher the monks who are comprehended here.

Looking up to the top, the blue sky is already like a line, and Xu Ziyan has fallen by about a hundred miles. The surrounding soil properties are more and more concentrated, and they do not need to be absorbed, and they automatically flow into the body of Xu Ziyan. Xu Ziyan’s heart is clear, why the higher the monk is, the lower it is. It is not that those monks who are low-educated do not want to come down, but the properties of the soil below are too strong and will blast them. When I got here, it was the limit that I could bear in the early days of Xuantian.

Looking down, the cliffs on both sides are still densely populated by the cave house, without a pinch. Xu Ziyan knows that starting from here and down, it should be the space for the nine-day Xuanxian mid-term monk to comprehend.

Sure enough, those monks in the mid-nine days of Xuan Xian stopped and no longer landed below. The number of monks around Xu Ziyan began to decrease. But these monks are also more vigilant with each other.

The array in front of a cave in the cliff swayed, and a monk took the battle and flew out from it. With a happy face on his face, he was comprehended at first glance, his eyes glanced at Xu Ziyan and others, and his body shape rose into the sky, leaving for a moment.



*(To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to vote for the recommended ticket, monthly pass, your support is my biggest motivation.)

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