The Mighty Female Immortal

Chapter 1513: Scorpio comprehension (three more pink)

I am very grateful to my classmates, the pink ticket of the Lan Yu classmates!


A few nine-day Xuan Xian mid-term monks swarmed toward the Dongfu and fought each other. Xu Ziyan shook his head helplessly, lamenting the cruelty of the fairy world, and his body shape continued to fall downward. On her top, there was a burst of bombardment. You don't have to look up to know that there are monks who are attacking other caves.

The monks around Xu Ziyan were much less, and they fell by about a hundred miles. By the end of the nine-day Xuanxian period, the monks endured the limit.

At this time, the monks around Xu Ziyan left about a hundred or so. Of course, this is only their wave. There are countless wave monks in the distance.

The monks looked at the cliffs on both sides, but the face was still disappointing. The Dongfu on both sides was still dense and there was no place to open the cave.

These nine-day Xuanxian late monks focused their attention on the monks in the same realm as they were, and they were wary of each other. However, their eyes suddenly saw a glimpse, because they saw that Xu Ziyan, who was also repaired in the late nine days of Xuan Xian, did not stop like them, but continued to fall below.

Gradually falling to the bottom, the number of people around Xu Ziyan gradually decreased, and dropped by about 50 miles. Finally, there was an open space on the cliffs on both sides, and occasionally there was an abandoned cave house. The look of these monks were a little easier. The feelings of mutual hostility have eased slightly.

At this time, there were only a few hundred monks around Xu Ziyan. These monks were infinitely close to the peak of the late nine-day Xuan Xian, or the peak of the nine-day Xuan Xian. And from time to time there are monks who stop and occupy an abandoned cave house. Or just look for an open space on the cliff and start to open the cave.

The surrounding monks looked at Xu Ziyan strangely. They all could see that Xu Ziyan was only a late nine-day Xuanxian. I don't understand why she didn't find a place to open a cave. Still as they landed below, wouldn't she be afraid of being bombarded by the rich soil properties?

It was about 50 miles lower. At this time, there were only a dozen people left around Xu Ziyan, and these dozens of people also stopped. This is already the limit that the peak of the nine-day Xuanxian period can endure.

Xu Ziyan also stopped, trying to run the Qiankun 诀, the soil properties of the body swarmed, but Xu Ziyan did not feel any discomfort. Looking towards the dozens of monks around, they all had some hard work. A slight brow around, a little thought to understand.

The reason why I don't feel the slightest discomfort is that the body is too strong. An eight-piece fairy body is equivalent to the strength of a fairy king, not to mention she is still the peak of the eight-character fairy?

I want to understand all of this. Xu Ziyan also put down his heart, and his body shape continued to fall to the bottom. Her move directly led to the petrification of the dozens of nine-day Xuanxian. Among them, there were several nine-day Xuanxian late peak monks who squatted and tried to land a little below, but then they immediately flew up, and the soil concentration below, they could not bear it.

These monks looked at the back of Xu Ziyan with amazement. One by one, I think, who is this female repair?

Today's Xu Ziyan is not famous in the fairy world. It should be said that there is still no name. The sensation she had caused before was not her true face, so almost no one knew her in the fairy world, and heard about her.

Xu Ziyan flew down to the side, and the knowledge would spread out. This spreads the knowledge and immediately feels different. It turns out that at the same height, the soil property concentration is also different. Xu Ziyan followed the gods and flew in parallel to the most concentrated part of the soil property. This flight flew for more than an hour. Xu Ziyan finally came to the most concentrated place of soil properties. Then fly to the bottom again.

"Little girl, are you looking for death?"

Suddenly a voice came from above her, Xu Ziyan looked up and saw a monk flying towards her. Xu Ziyan was in the middle of a police. Such a person is flying towards the bottom. There is no discomfort, even if Xu Ziyan is not good at using the face of others, he knows that the other is Xianjun. Therefore, Xu Ziyan stopped to descend, quietly standing in the air, looking to the other side.

"Little girl, you don't have to guard me!" The monk fell to the front of Xu Ziyan and said with a smile: "Where, there are a lot of places to understand, we will not cause conflicts of interest. It is already a fairy period. The place where the monk can stay is too dangerous for you to be a late monk in the nine days of Xuan Xian. You should not go any further."

It turned out that the other party was kindly reminding himself that Xu Ziyan was secretly relieved, but his heart was still vigilant. The face is sincerely grateful:

“Thank you for your predecessors!”

The monk puts his hand in his hand: "Hurry up, don't make fun of your life, it's not something you can come here."

If the words fall, I will no longer pay attention to Xu Ziyan, and the figure will fall to the bottom. Xu Ziyan licked his long hair and smiled helplessly. The figure was moving and he was behind the monk.

The monk heard the sound of the back of his clothes, and looked back in surprise. He saw that Xu Ziyan had landed with himself, and his face could not help but anger and shouted:

"How can you not know how good you are? Don't let you down, how do you follow?"

Xu Ziyan’s look is awkward. Anyway, the other person is good for himself. I can’t refute others, but I have to say weakly:

"The younger generation wants to try!"

"Want to try?" The monk was speechless and went to the extreme. He was too lazy to talk to Xu Ziyan and flew down.

Seeing that the monk ignored himself, Xu Ziyan breathed a sigh of relief, and as the monk fell to the bottom. She had the idea of ​​leaving here and went to another place to land below. However, I can't bear the concentration of soil properties here, so I have to continue to drop here.

The speed of both people was very fast. Xu Ziyan looked at the back of the monk and calculated that the concentration of soil properties has reached the limit of the mid-Jianjun, but the monk is still landing below.

It fell about sixty miles, and the monk stopped. Xu Ziyan felt a bit, and now the concentration of soil properties here should have reached the endurance level of the mid-peak of Xianjun. Xu Ziyan couldn't help but look at the monk, and he said in his heart that if he could comprehend here, he would wait until he went out. Just don't know which super family he is, or which hidden family, or a loose?

Xu Ziyan’s body shape did not stop, and continued to descend from the monk’s side. The monk looked awkward and could not help but exclaim:

"Little girl..."

Xu Ziyan did not look back, just raised his hand and shook it upwards, and his figure continued to fall downward.

The look on the monk's face was extremely shocked, and his mouth whispered unconsciously: "Is she a fairy? Isn't it, I won't be wrong! It's a... a strange little girl."

Once again, I glanced at the shadow of Xu Ziyan, took back my gaze, shook my head, flew to a cliff, and began to dig a hole in the cave.

Xu Ziyan landed down the road and gradually reached the limit of the endurance of Xianjun. His eyes looked around and there were only a few caves. Soon she rushed past the peak area of ​​Xianjun, and fell to the area that Xianwang could endure. At this time, there is no more a hole in the cliffs on either side.

Xu Ziyan is still falling, and finally she feels that she can't stand it. Then I stopped my figure, my face was regrettable, and the soil properties below it were obviously more intense. If I could fall to the bottom, what would it be so rich?

I want to come up with Xu Ziyan, and I can create such a mineral concentration. There must be some treasures at the bottom, which is decisive for my own understanding of the soil properties. However, she is only able to fall here, and how deep is the bottom, Xu Ziyan simply can not detect.

Although I am unwilling, I have to do so. It must be understood in this place where only the king can stay, which will greatly help his understanding of the soil properties.

Xu Ziyan took out a six-piece fairy and began to dig the cave.

"When", a piece of dirt of the size of the nail fell off the cliff. Xu Ziyan stunned for a moment, but instantly realized that it is not the most concentrated place of soil properties, the cliffs will be so hard. You don't have to try every place, Xu Ziyan knows. The harder the cliff is, the harder it is. The more it goes up, the more steep the cliff will be.

The six-piece fairy in his hand was taken up, and Xu Ziyan took out the congenital fairy-colored five-color sword and smashed it toward the cliff.

It is worthy of the innate fairy treasure, just this time, it will lay down a large piece of soil. Xu Ziyan used a half-day to open a Dongfu. Originally, I did not care about other monks coming down here, but Xu Ziyan still arranged a line of law outside the Dongfu to prevent any eventuality.

Entering the Dongfu, the formation will be opened, and the body shape will flash into the purple smoke space. I took a shower in a hurry and washed away the dust from the hole in the cave. Then I hurriedly left the purple smoke space and returned to the cavern of the big crack. She didn't want to delay a little bit of time. She sat in the hole in the middle of the house, took out the earthen lotus, hugged it between her hands, closed her eyes, and entered into comprehension.

Inside a large hall.

Xu Liangtian sat in a large chair and stood in front of him with the fifth lord.

"Lord, during this time, our fifth main hall made a detailed investigation and research on the Xu family. All the evidence shows that the Xu family began to take off from a monk named Xu Ziyan from the lower galaxies to the Xu family. Xu’s strength is very weak. He has never heard of the Xujiahui alchemy system, but since Xu Ziyan came to Xu, all this has changed.”


The bell has been working very hard...


*(To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to vote for the recommended ticket, monthly pass, your support is my biggest motivation.)

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