The Mighty Female Immortal

Chapter 1521: Double pass

I am very grateful to the two students who have been in the rainy season forever (588), forever after the rainy season (200), Yu Ling Qing Zhang (100), and the waterless classmates (100)!



Yue Jicheng.

Xu family.

The main hall of the proceedings.

Xu Haotian is entertaining the second-rate family patriarchs who came to attend the conference. A family elder rushed in, and his face showed something to say, but it was inconvenient to say. Xu Haotian looked at him and said:

"what's up?"

The elder looked around and saw the patriarchs of each family looking at him. And Xu Haotian did not leave, let him report separately, he said with a bite:

"The patriarch, the monk who went to the wind home was ambushed by the shadow."


The entire hall of the meeting was smashed, and the shadow was under pressure for every second-rate family. At this point they heard the shadows ambushing Xu, and they all swayed in their hearts. Can Xu family escape the shadow blow? If Xu is the ally of the second-rate family, Xu Jiaruo is letting them deal with the shadows together. How is this good?

"How are they hurting purple smoke?"

What surprised the patriarchs was that Xu Haotian’s look did not change. It didn’t seem to care too much about the shadows. But Xu Haotian’s problem attracted their attention, and they all looked toward the monk standing in the middle of the main hall.

The elder swallowed a sip, and Xu Tiantian’s calm made his mood smooth, and said:

"It is said that the shadows have dispatched five people. We have no death monks in our family. Only some people have suffered some injuries and successfully rushed out from the ambush of the shadows."

"Well, I know. Go on, keep watching the news of the purple smoke."

After the elders went down. Xu Haotian’s eyes swept over the patriarchs of the second-rate families in the hall, and their looks were changing. I said faintly:

"You all know that our Xu family and the shadows have been confronted many times. The shadows have attacked Yueji City twice, but they have thrown away about 60,000 shadow monks here. And today it is here. I may wish to disclose it to you again. Message."

The spirit of everyone is a revival, and all eyes are gathered on Xu Tiantian. Xu Haotian looked faint, as if he was not worried about the Xu family who went to the wind home. Condensed asked:

"In the past few years, everyone should find that the shadows of hundreds of planets around Tianguixing have disappeared?"

The heads of the patriarchs are gazing at the color of thinking.

"Shadow! Now we have some understanding of them. They have five main halls, each of which has dozens of branches. The reason why the shadows of the stars around Xu have disappeared over the years, because In the shadow of the fourth activity of the fourth main hall and forty-nine halls, we let the family disappear."


The hum of the hall was even louder. The patriarchs did not expect Xu to not only understand the mysterious shadow. It also destroyed a main hall and forty-nine halls.

Is this thing true and false?

If it is true, does Xu family really have such a strong force now?

If it is false, in recent years, the shadow of this star field has indeed disappeared.

Is it that the shadow becomes fragile? Or is Xu family too strong?

"Xu patriarch, what is the shadow of the lord of the Xu family who destroyed it?" asked the famous family name.

Xu Haotian sighed and said slowly: "It was the beginning of Xianjun."

Inside the hall is a quiet, looking at Xu Haotian's eyes become a bit ridiculous. Have you made a big bash? One is a fairy. Can your family give up? At this moment, these families have a thought, that is, they will not form an alliance with Xu. Such a bragging family is too unreliable.

Xu Haotian faced the eyes of the patriarchs, faintly smiled, and unveiled the suppression of his own cultivation. The atmosphere of the Xianjun period was spread.


All the patriarchs in the main hall changed dramatically, and they jumped up from the chairs one by one, looking incredulously at Xu Tiantian sitting on the top.

"You... Xu patriarch... you... is already... Xianjun?"

Xu Ziyan smiled and stood up from the chair, raised his hands and pressed the pressure down: "Dear friends, please sit down."


Within the entire hall, a sound of inhaling sounded, and the fairy power in the entire hall was taken away. at this time. The breath of Xu Xiantian’s Xianjun has spread throughout the hall. It is difficult to breathe the patriarchs of these nine days of Xuanxian later.

Xu Haotian smiled with satisfaction, sat down slowly, and once again signaled everyone to sit down. Everyone is once again seated again, but there is still a bit of sarcasm in the eyes of Xu Tiantian. Dear, there is this fear.

Xu Haotian took the breath of Xianjun back. Let the patriarchs within the hall breathe a sigh of relief. The voice of Xu Haotian rang softly inside the hall:

"Everyone, although I have broken through to the Xianjun period, Xu family has no shortage of nine days of Xuanxian late peak. But at least, so far, our Xu family is still a second-rate family. Because we have not participated in the first-class family rankings. More than that, not to mention the super family rankings.

Therefore, I only have the ability to convene all of my friends to form alliances, huh, huh..."

Xu Haotian smiled faintly, and the family patriarchs also echoed and smiled. Xu Haotian’s look became serious:

"Now we have sent people to Fengxingxing to participate in the first-class family rankings. I don't think it will take long for Xu to become a member of the first-class family.

Since this is the case, why do we want to convene everyone to form an alliance? ”

Speaking of this, Xu Haotian's look has become more serious: "That is because of the upcoming fairy war."

The monk's face in the entire hall is a drastic change, and Xu Haotian's tone is very sincere at this time;

"Everyone, although our Xu family now has the strength of a first-class family, but to tell the truth. Our Xu family is just out of the second-rate family, and we have a deep understanding of the sufferings of our second-rate families.

The opening of the Devil War is undoubtedly a disaster for us, and we are united. Just to get a fair..."

With Xu Tiantian's remarks, the patriarchs in the hall began to move, and each one began to think seriously.

"And, we promised to promise. In the future, we will sell the Xiandan Xianfu, the fairy sage, to the family that joins the alliance at the price of 80% of the market price..."


There was a voice of discussion inside the hall, and Xu’s proposal was too tempting for them. Now in the fairy world, who else does not know Xu's production, it must be a boutique. It is definitely the best deal to get the product of Xujia at 80% of the market price.

However, they also have concerns. Xu Jia destroyed the shadow of a main hall, forty-nine halls. This absolutely irritates the shadow to the greatest extent. Will get shadow mad revenge. The ambush of the shadows that the Xu family went to the monks of the Feng family today is a very obvious example. Can Xu family survive the revenge of the shadows? If the monks who went to the wind home are dead...


Xu Haotian stood in the sky and peaked, looking at a new moon, with a dignity between the eyebrows, whispering in a low voice:

"Ziyan, you are smashing, I am also at the gate! I hope that we can all come over this time..."


Red clay city.

Xu Ziyan and his seven people walked out of the interstellar transmission array.

Every time they walk out of the transmission array, they are very vigilant, because they know that the shadow will definitely wait for them on the way ahead.

One step out of the transmission array. Xu Ziyan immediately felt the difference. Because she saw the big battle of the red clay city is open. She instantly thought that this is Xu Tiantian ambushing them here.

She didn't even think about it, shouting loudly: "Be careful!"

The figure quickly rushed forward, and at the same time turned around in the air, the five-color sword had been taken out of his hand, and a sword-like mankind spread toward him.

She firmly believes that Xu Tiantian must be behind, in case they return to the transmission array. Sure enough, Xu Tiantian appeared in front of the interstellar transmission.

However, this time, Xu Tiantian was clearly prepared. The nine bells in front of the body were all together, and the practice of Xu Ziyan’s spread was shattered, and the remaining four temple owners sealed the other directions.

Xiaobai flew over the sky. A punch was blown at the shadow of the temple. The baby of the cloud was also summoned out, waiting for Xiao Bai to break through the big battle of the city, and then fled with everyone.

Xu Liangtian had already expected the actions of Xu Ziyan and others, and shattered the training of Xu Ziyan. As the figure flickers, it moves toward the white. His intention is to kill Xiaobai. Even if Xu Ziyan has a cloud baby, it has no effect. There are a lot of people shrouded, Xu Ziyan and others can't escape.

Xu Ziyan took the rest of Xian Jun and attacked each of their most aggressive moves, separated between Xiaobai and Xu Tiantian.

An infinite explosion, Xu Tiantian's body shape was repulsed by Xu Ziyan and five immortals, and two steps back in the air. The body of Xu Ziyan and others was tumbling out, and blood was leaking from one corner of the mouth.

In the sky, the figure flickers, and the four shadows are in the white. I will entangle the little white and get away from it. At this time, the amount of sky was empty and it was shocked.

Xu Zhenshan and Xu Qinyang sacrificed the banner of the seven-character sects of the soil that Xu Ziyan refined for them. They swept the wind and the huge mountain ranges pressed against the sky.

Xu Ziyan's double sleeves were raised, and a green light was shot in the left hand sleeve, and the right hand sleeve burst into a red-violet light.

The green light is the hope of the ancient vine, and it instantly turns into an ancient vine forest, and thousands of ancient vines are entangled with Xu Tiantian. Xu Tianyin cold smile, left foot vacant, a loud explosion, the entire ancient vine forest was shocked to the air, thousands of ancient vines scattered, the desired figure flew out.

At the same time, the right hand up and explore, turned into a giant palm, grabbed a mountain, and threw the past to the successive mountains. The sound of the thunder is endless, and the sky is cracked with a piece of gravel.


Xu Liangtian just flew the ancient vine hope, broke the mountain, and saw a red and purple monk, exuding the power of the Xianjun period to pounce on him. Xu Liangtian single-handedly raised, the air and the wind will meet, a huge fist banged to the red and purple fairy.



*(To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to vote for the recommended ticket, monthly pass, your support is my biggest motivation.)

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