The Mighty Female Immortal

Chapter 1522: To make him hurt

I am very grateful to hS classmates, 6056918 classmates, Nightjngal classmates, Lao Yang or Lao Yang classmates, `ぉ冰星o.`_ classmates, I love Manchurian classmates, Zi Yan? Zhao Yilin classmates, bright color classmates, maylao classmates, Cycs classmates, The pink ticket of the dreamy flower student!



Just in the moment when the mighty giant punches hit the red and purple two-color Xianjun, the red and purple sinisters smashed away, turning into a dense water shovel, slamming into the air, and the air rang. There was a horrible bite of biting.

At the same time, in the moment of Xu Ziyan and Xu Tiantian’s fighting, Xu Qinyang’s several celestial bodies flashed and slammed away, and attacked the past with four shadow monks.

Everything was between the electric and the flint, and the four shadows in the air were repelled, and the white rushed out, and the gods that had been brewing for a long time were shot.

The cloud baby **** in everyone, and the water that wraps around the sky is scattered, and it turns into a red torrent that has entered the cloud baby.


Cloud baby disappeared!

The amount of robes on Xu Tian’s body was broken, looking at the direction in which the cloud baby disappeared, and the teeth biting loudly. He considered the magic of Xiaobai, considering the speed of the cloud baby, taking into account the strength of Xu Ziyan and others, taking into account the ancient vines of the Xianjun period, but did not consider that Xu Ziyan still has a group of otters, and there is also a sin in these otters. Early Jun.

The otter appeared too suddenly, and even let Xu Ziyan and others run.

"I want to see what other cards do you have? Hehe..." Xu Liangtian suddenly smiled: "It's getting more and more interesting, I am more and more interested in you!"

Turning heads to the four subordinates: "The next time we change the tactics. You four can only entangle the Xu Ziyan for a moment, let me kill the Peng Peng, and then the Xu family of those monks will let us be slaughtered. let's go!"


"What? Shadow once again ambushed Xu family in the red clay city?" Feng Xingjun looked at the family elder standing in the middle of the hall.

At this time, the Qin family in the eight major families, Lujia. Zhou Jia, has already arrived at the Feng family, the three family leaders are sitting in the main hall of the wind, listening to the old reports of the wind parents.

"The patriarch. Xu Jia once again encountered a shadow ambush in the Red Clay City. The shadow was still sent by five people. However, the shadow was still unsuccessful and was still escaped by the Xu family. As for their cultivation, because they dare not Close, not very clear. It seems to be the breath of Xianjun."

"Xianjun? Is it true that the Xu family already has a monk monk?" The monarchy looks awkward, and the other three patriarchs also look dignified.

"It's hard to say that the speed between the two sides is very fast. The short break time is over. The family members have rarely seen the fight between Xianjun, or they have never seen it." They can't judge, they just say that they are very strong, and they are suspected of being immortal."

Within the hall, the four patriarchs of Fengjia, Qinjia, Lujia and Zhoujia looked at each other. At the same time, I thought that this family has passed through the customs. Should I reposition the Xu family?


Xu family discussion hall.

At this time, there are more and more families arriving at the Xu family. The second-rate family has already come by two-thirds, and one-third of them are coming to the Xu family because of the long distance.

These patriarchs listened to the old parents’ reports, and they were shocked by their faces. They did not expect Xu’s monks to escape from the ambush of the shadow twice.

One can be regarded as accidental, two times is not just accidental, it represents strength.

Is it true that the Xu family monks who went to the Feng family also had a fairy period?



The cloud baby is flying fast.

Within the cloud baby, everyone is healing. This injury has not been heavy last time. With the help of Xu Ziyan Xiandan. It was only two days, and everyone was fully restored.

Xu Ziyan still let Yunbao find a recent planet to fly. And she was frowning and thinking. For a quarter of an hour, Xu Ziyan looked at the crowd and said:

"Everyone, I want the shadow to ambush us next time. I will focus on the white body. We must know that once Xiaobai is killed, we will lose the possibility of leaving the moat quickly. I am going to break. Array. It takes a lot more time than Xiaobai, so Xu Tian will not give me time to break. At that time, we only have one dead end, and our joint force is not an opponent of Xu Tian, ​​he is probably a fairy. In the late period of the king, even the peak of the late Xianjun."

"What do we do?" Xu Zhenshan also lost his mind.

"We want to make him hurt, let him have some scruples!" Xu Ziyan's eyes flashed a trace of arrogance.

"Let him hurt? Let him be scrupulous?" Some people couldn't touch their minds.

Xu Ziyan thought and moved, and he hoped to summon a group of otters and said to Xiao Bai: "You have temporarily received them in your space. You can completely entangle the other three princes for a while, so you You can go to break the big city."

Speaking of this, I also looked at Xu Qinyang's five immortals and said: "I have already taught you a small five-line array. When there are three immortals in the shadow, I hope to be entangled with the water, and you will form a small five-line array to kill. The remaining shadow, Xianjun, five immortals to kill a fairy, and also use the small five-line array, can you solve the three-time time?"

The five immortals looked at each other. At this time, they had some understanding of the four shadow masters. When they measured it, they all nodded:

"no problem!"

"But, what about the amount of the day?" Xu Qinyang asked inexplicably.

"I am dragging him!"

"you alone?"

"Yes! I have no problem with the time when I dragged him." Xu Ziyan said firmly.

The people looked at each other and no one spoke again. They are used to the mystery of Xu Ziyan, and they have a blind trust in Xu Ziyan. Xu Ziyan said that there is no problem, then there must be no problem.

Xu Ziyan has been indulging for a while: "We are like this..."

Heavenly sin star.

Heavenly sin city.

Xu Ziyan and his group walked out of the interstellar transmission array and immediately felt that the whole sin city was enveloped by the formation. Xu Ziyan immediately shouted:

"Xu Tiantian. Can you dare to fight with me?"

Xu Tiantian, who was originally preparing to make a surprise attack on Xiaobai, and the four lords who were preparing to entangle Xu Ziyan and others, paused. Just this one, Xu Ziyan and others have already flown into the air.

Seeing Xu Ziyan and other people flying into the air, Xu Tiantian's face became gloomy, and the dark road itself was on the Xu Ziyan. Plainly lost the opportunity to attack Xiaobai. However, what he did not think was that after Xu Ziyan and others flew into the air, they did not let Xiaobai break the battle. Instead, he turned around in the air and looked at Xu Tiantian and others. The amount of heaven is a glimpse.

Does the purple smoke really want to fight with itself?

Her head is not broken, right?

Xu Ziyan waved his sleeves, Xu Zhenshan, Xu Qinyang, including Xiaobai and others slowly retreating toward the back. Xu Tiantian did not understand what Xu Ziyan wanted to do, and he looked at Xu Ziyan with some confusion. However, he is sure that Xu Zhenshan and others are not trying to escape. Because their hind legs move very slowly. So he resisted his impulse and wanted to see what Xu Ziyan was going to do.

Seeing that Xu Zhenshan and others have retired a hundred meters away, Xu Ziyan said faintly:

"Xu Tiantian, can you dare to fight alone with me?"

Xu Liangtian really stunned, even if he was really a whimsical person, he did not expect that Xu Ziyan would challenge him alone, not to mention that he was not a whimsical person at all. but. Xu Ziyan has already put up a gesture to be singled out. Can Xu Tiantian refuse?

Of course not!

And this is a situation that clearly shows that he is winning. How can he refuse?

Xu Liangtian waved his hand, and the four lords also retreated toward the rear, but they rose toward the air, apparently in the air, to prevent the Xu family from fleeing.

Xu Ditian's figure rises from the ground, and is about 50 meters away from Xu Ziyan. He stands in the air and stands opposite to Xu Ziyan. Looking at Xu Ziyan said faintly:

"Take out your sword, I will give you absolute fairness."

Xu Ziyan’s mouth curled up to both sides. Showing a faint smile. Hands clasped to the chest. Then pull it away on both sides...

The dense seven-character fairy appeared silently in front of Xu Ziyan, layered on top of each other, like a dragon, which made Xu Ziyan's body instantly become fascinated and separated...

Xu Tiantian and other shadows and Xu Qinyang and other Xu family monks are stunned. They have never seen Xu Ziyan use so many fairy charms at once, I don't know what Xu Ziyan is ultimately doing.

Xu Tiantian was keenly aware of the danger. Hands folded in front of each other, pulling toward both sides, nine bells floating in front of him, eyes fixed on the Xu Ziyan who was rapidly disappearing.


The dense fairy in the sky suddenly smashed into a huge person with a height of ten feet. Exudes the power of Xianjun.


The ten-feet was suddenly slammed, and one step went to the front of Xu Liangtian, and lifted a big foot and stepped on it toward Xu Tian.


A sudden scream, Xiaobai turned a head in the air, restored the body, flew in the air, the eyes flashed blue, it is obvious that the performance of the life-threatening "breaking"!

Xiao Bai’s shadow of this supernatural power has not been seen before. The four shadows of Xianjun’s body shape flashed, blocking the path of Xiaobai in the air.

The amount of the gods changed, the big sleeves rose, and the nine bells flew one after another. The first bell hit the big foot of the person who was stepping on, letting the person's foot fly in the air...

The four shadow monks over there had just stopped Xiaobai's way. They hadn't waited for them to send Xianxian, but they suddenly saw the ancient vines and otters that had appeared before and rushed out of Xiaobai's body. In the air, an ancient vine and a dense otter, like a giant net, enshrine the four shadows of the immortal and the five Xu family.

The second ringing hit the first ringing motion, and a clear, ten-footed big foot was shocked and ran out of control.


Progress, there are still 69 votes from the fourth place, comrades to force!


*(To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to vote for the recommended ticket, monthly pass, your support is my biggest motivation.)

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