The Mighty Female Immortal

Chapter 1523: Give me a call

I am very grateful to Nightjngal (10000), forever after the rainy season (200), Mulin Fengyu classmates (100), Wuyouyun 5425 classmates (100), and the book **** thousand magic classmates (100)!


Xu Qinyang and other five immortals, once shrouded in the ancient vines, quickly formed a small five-line array, the fifth main circle in the formation of the law, at this time the ancient vine dense, watery dense, let the four shadow monks I can't see each other at all.

The third bell hit the second bell, and the huge body of the person was flying in the air...

The small five-line array is hovering, and the power of the five sages doubles the power through the small five-line array. The body of the fifth lord is fragmented...

The fourth bell hit the third bell, and the huge futuristic was shaken backwards...

Xu Qinyang waved his hand and grabbed the **** of the fifth lord.

The fifth bell struck the sound of the fourth bell, and the sound of the big bell was loud, and the whole sky was shaking. But after the ten-footed man turned over in the air, he rushed to the sky again. The ten-feet is covering the sky, and the power is overflowing!

"Not self-reliant!"

Xu Tiantian said contemptuously, flexing his fingers in the air, and the sixth bell hit the fifth bell.

"Hang ~ ~"

Xiaobai released the "breaking" supernatural powers, and broke the big hole in the big city. The ancient vines and otters suddenly disappeared, and Xu Qinyang and others rushed toward the cloud baby in the air.

The remaining three shadow monks originally thought of chasing after Xu Qinyang and others, but suddenly stunned in the air. Surprisingly looking at the ten-feet in the air. The three of them were facing the back of the ten-character at this time. At this time, they saw that the ten-character was rushing to the sky, but on the back of the ten-character, the purple smoke was retreating from the body. . Under the cover of the huge body of the ten-footed man, he flew backwards.


Xu Ziyan’s figure broke into the cloud baby, leaving a word in the air:


"Hang ~ ~"

The huge Fuman suddenly blew himself up, and the whole space was cracked. There was a "beep" sound from the big guard in the city, and it was about to collapse...

The huge air wave will fly the five shadows of the sky, and the sky and the sleeves will continue to rise. Looking at a huge mushroom cloud, Xu Tian’s mouth oozes a trace of blood.

Looking around, I saw that the space had already lost the shape of Xu Ziyan and other people, and the throat was swollen violently, only to feel a sigh of anger in the chest.

"Lord! The fifth lord is gone!" The body of the three shadows of the temple flew over.

"噗~~" Xu Tiantian felt a sigh of anger on his heart. A blood can no longer spurt out.


"Xu Ziyan, I must kill you..." Xu Tiantian’s mouth was hanged with blood, and he yelled...


Wind moving stars.

Windy city.

Wind family.

The main hall of the proceedings.

At this time, the eight first-class family leaders gathered here, one by one to see the pockets. Half-sounding, the popular gentleman asked softly:

"You mean, that Xu Ziyan suddenly released a giant, and then used the giant's self-destruction to successfully escape again. And also killed a person in the shadow?"

"Yes!" An elder standing in the middle of the main hall swallowed a hard time.

"And the self-destructive giant exudes the scent of Xianjun?" Feng Xingjun asked.

"Yes, the giant is too big, ten feet high, and the family is very clear."

Silence in the hall. For a long time, Feng Xingjun whispered: "The Xu family is not far from the wind star. There is only one chance for the shadow. If you can't stop the Xu family, Xu will soon come to the wind star..."


Yue Jicheng, Xu Jia, the hall of the proceedings.

After a moment of silence in the main hall, I remembered Xu Xiaotian’s loud laughter...


Within a tea room. Xu Ziyan and others are tea. Xu Ziyan gently put down the teacup. The condensate said:

"I think we will be able to meet the shadow again soon."

Xu Qinyang and others nodded, Xu Ziyan said softly: "This is the last chance of the shadow. If we still smashed the past, we will soon arrive at the wind star. The eight major families are gathered together in the wind, even if the amount is heaven The peak of the late Jun. I have to be scrupulous. So, after we arrived at the wind star, it is safe."

"But...there is a lot of madness in the sky? This last level is not good!" Xu Zhenshan said softly.

"Not bad!" Xu Ziyan's look is also serious: "But the shadow is dead again, our advantage is expanding, the advantage of the shadow is shrinking. The shadow has prevented us from advancing."

"Ziyan, now your card has been touched by the sky, he will not give you a time to make people..."

Xu Ziyan frowned slightly...


Spring and Autumn Stars.

Xu Tiantian held his hand in front of the interstellar transmission line, standing behind him, the first, second and third temple owners.

"Xu Ziyan, I will definitely let you die this time!"

Xu Liangtian’s gaze tightly locked the interstellar transmission array. This continuous ambush of Xu Jia, not only has not been successful so far, but was murdered by a Xu family, which has already provoked all the anger of the heart. He felt that if he still couldn't kill Xu Ziyan this time, he would probably die in the hands of Xu Ziyan.

The transmission brilliance flashed, and a wave of monks came out from the inside and looked at the four shadow monks shrouded in the black robe. Their faces were changed, and they hurried away. However, some monks also saw shadows and thought about killing. However, I felt the stunned scent of the four monks in the shadow, and quickly hurriedly left with a low head.

Xu Ziyan stepped out of the interstellar transmission array, and did not wait to see the amount of days, he felt that the tremendous power was falling from the sky. Looking up, I saw the nine bells forming a circle, and they fell down on their faces. The nine bells slammed down in the air. The sound is crisp and shocking. In the vision of Xu Ziyan, it was clearly seen that the circle formed by the nine bells formed a world.

As long as you are sucked in by this world, I am afraid that it will die there. Xu Ziyan and others wanted to move, but they suddenly found themselves and others were locked up by the nine bells. At this time, the world formed by the nine bells was falling, and the people such as Xu Ziyan and others were still strongly sucked, and the feet of Xu Ziyan and others were off the ground and flew toward the world in the bell.

Xu Liangtian’s face was pale. The double-handedly pulls up the afterimage, and in the sharp flipping of the fairy, it is the display of the amount of heaven's cultivation. This kind of fairy feels strenuous, and the power of this fairy is obvious. This time he did not let the shadows of the three main masters, he feared that he lost a temple owner. He showed his strongest fairy, and this is his first time to display this fairy. He firmly believes that there is no monk in the middle galaxies that can rival him, the fairy that has just been realized, even the late Xianjun. The peak is not good either.


Three thousand handle purple swords. Each of them has the power of the mid-peak of the eight products, which is like a dragon and a purple river.

"Zihe upside down!"

The purple river composed of three thousand-handed swords spread toward the world formed by the nine bells.

The air ringing is a masterpiece, and the world is spinning faster. The purple river composed of three thousand-handed swords is like a tributary, and it has been sucked in by the world. At the moment of sucking in, Xu Ziyan felt that he had lost contact with himself.

Xu Liangtian’s face is paler. There was a trace of blood in the corner of the mouth, but I saw that the body of Xu Ziyan and others were heading towards the world, and the eyes revealed a hint of coldness.

"Tian Luo Jing! Out!"

Eight Pinxian Tianro mirrors come out.


The celestial mirror is shining, and the nine bells are to be collected into the mirror.


The nine bells in the air vibrate sharply and instantly zoom in. Each bell has a size, like a giant clock, and the power is suddenly enlarged. An irresistible power was passed from the world in the bell.

The radiant eight-piece fairy celestial mirror was faint, and the "嗖" sound was actually taken in by the world. Instantly, Ziyan felt that he had lost contact with Tianluo.


Xu Ziyan spurted a blood out of his head, and his knowledge was hurt. Mind the electric turn. I found that there is no way for this nine-bell world. Even if it is messy, it doesn't work.

The world of nine bells is constantly zooming in. From the world of the nine bells, the sound of the eternal sounds shrouded. The body of Xu Ziyan and others are constantly shrinking, and they will be swallowed up by the world.

Moreover, Xu Ziyan and others discovered that they had completely lost their ability to act and were shrouded in the light of the world of Jiuling. The body flew helplessly to the world...

Everyone’s eyes are full of despair!

"No! I am not willing!"

Xu Ziyan’s heart is screaming wildly, and his mind is running wildly. Suddenly she remembered the Thunder giant sword.


At this time, Xu Ziyan was completely trapped, and could not move.


The three hundred and sixty-five acupoints in Xu Ziyan's body were completely opened at the same time. The singular force of the singular scorpion in the body's meridians circulated rapidly, breaking the shackles of the nine bells.

"Thunder giant sword, you give me out!"

The purple consciousness of Xu Ziyan caught the Thunder giant sword in the purple smoke space and dragged it to the outside of the body...

Xu Liangtian’s gaze is shrinking, and his eyes are shocked.

In his vision, the Xu Ziyan, who was bound by the nine bells, moved!

How can this be?

Under the restraint of Jiuling Space, Xu Ziyan actually raised a hand, although it was slow, but it was indeed moving.

In the right hand of Xu Ziyan, a dazzling electric light was bursting out, and then a giant sword appeared in the hands of Xu Ziyan. The electric light instantly expanded, and the body of Xu Ziyan was shrouded in a group of electric lights. The inside of the "beep" sounded, exuding the taste of barbecue.

Xu Ziyan endured the extreme pain of being thundered by the Thunder giant sword, holding the hilt with both hands and smashing toward the nine bells.

"Give me a drive!"


"Boom ~ ~" Jiu Ling space burst, sprinkled thousands of pink tickets ...


*(To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to vote for the recommended ticket, monthly pass, your support is my biggest motivation.)

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