The Mighty Female Immortal

Chapter 1525: Big than the beginning

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Everyone came to the hall with graciousness, and had already set up a banquet inside and outside the hall. Fifty Xu disciples naturally stayed outside the hall and took seats in the arranged seats, while Xu Zhenshan took Xu Ziyan and others. The individual entered the hall and was placed in the seat. As the leader, Xu Zhenshan naturally sits in a seat with the eight patriarchs.

Xu Ziyan glanced over the monks in the hall. These monks were important monks in the elders of each family. In the eyes of Xu Ziyan, they did not find disdainful eyes on the Xu family, but they revealed a hint of hostility.

Xu Ziyan’s mouth flicked a smile, and he understood that this was the effect of their hard work. I secretly breathed a sigh of relief, so that I got the respect of the eight major families from the heart, and it was a lot easier for the development of the Xu family.

At the table of the patriarchs, Feng Xingjun determined that the Xu family was indeed coming to the competition, not to travel. Then he smiled and said:

"Xu Daoyou, I don't know who the disciple of the Xu family represented this time?"

Xu Zhenshan smiled slightly: "It is the younger generation of our Xu family, Xu Ziyan." Here, Xu Zhenshan turned to the Xu Zi flue on another seat:


Xu Ziyan stood up from the chair. Smiling to the eight patriarchs as a courtesy: "I have seen eight patriarchs."

Feng Xingjun looked up and down a few purple smoke, and his eyes showed appreciation: "It is said that you are a master of the fairy tales? The guardian family of Xu family, and the interstellar transmission array of today are all you set up?"

Such a thing is simply not a human being, and there is no need to confront each other. Xu Ziyan smiled and nodded. The glorious monarchy once again revealed its appreciation:

"I heard that you are just a master of the fairy tales. Now, when you see it, you don't think that it is also the peak of the nine-day Xuanxian period. It is really awesome. The old man has cultivated for ten years and it is only this cultivation. You are much stronger than the old man, and the future belongs to them. of."

"Thank you!"

The words of Feng Xingjun are quite satisfactory, but they are appreciated. Although they are placed in the position of an elder, Xu Ziyan is only called.

After Xu Ziyan sat down, Feng Xingjun turned to Xu Zhenshan and said: "Xu Daoyou, you have now broken through Xianjun, I don't know the patriarch..."

Xu Zhenshan smiled and said: "The patriarch also broke through Xianjun!"


The eight patriarchs could not help but **** a cold air. Xu Jia actually had two Xianjun unconsciously. The eight patriarchs looked at each other and looked at each other in their hearts. One by one, the secret:

"I originally thought that Xu family was not qualified to participate in the first-class family ratio. Now it seems that people come to the family. It is for the faces of the eight major families. One family has two immortals, and it is really barely able to upgrade to the super family. It is definitely not a first-class family. Comparable."

"Wind patriarch!" Xu Zhenshan revealed a slight embarrassed question: "We are the first time to participate in the ranking of the first-class family, do not know how this ratio is carried out?"

Feng Xingjun smiled and said: "Oh. This is the wrong thing. This is for Xu Daoyou. The ratio of the first-class family will continue, there is no rest in the middle.

On the square of the Feng family, there will be four downfalls. For the first time, the Xu family participated in the first-class family ratio of Fujian and Taiwan, and had to temporarily rank the Xu family in the ninth place. ”

"Should!" Xu Zhenshan nodded gently.

Feng Xingjun smiled back and continued: "Every family of monks must fight with the other eight monks, such as the first round, the ninth to the eighth, the seventh to the sixth, the fifth For the fourth place, the third place is for the second place. The first place is round.

And after the first round. The second round will be held immediately. It does not give the monk a break. In the second round of the program, the eighth place is the seventh place, the sixth place is the fifth place, and the fourth place is the third place. The second place is on the first place and the ninth place is on the wheel. And so on. Complete the big loop. Finally, the family ranking is determined by the number of times each monk wins. ”

Xu Ziyan also listened to the ear below, listening to the side and nodding his head. This kind of comparison method has a high demand for the monk. In the whole process of the big ratio, he can only rest during the time of the wheel. The rest Time is continuous. At this time, the tone of the popular gentleman is a bit sloppy:

"That... Xu Daoyou... you know... In fact, this first-class family is about the same as the second-rate family."

Xu Zhenshan understood it as soon as he heard it. Before the second-rate family ratio, each family needs to pay a certain amount of resources as a reward after the end of the big ratio. The more the previous rankings are, the more resources you need to turn in. Of course, the first-class family ratio is also the same. Does Xu family lack resources now? Of course not missing. Moreover, Xu Zhenshan firmly believes that no matter how much resources are put up, it is only released there. Xu Ziyan will surely win the first place, take these resources back, and also take part in the resources of the eight major families. So, immediately said with a smile:

"I understand this truth, just don't know how much resources we need to get home?"

"This is the case, we are a billion-dollar fairy crystal as a unit. The first place in the previous big ratio needs to produce one billion yuan of fine crystal, the second one takes out two billion yuan of fine crystal, and so on, the first Nine people need to come up with nine billion yuan of the best, or the equivalent of nine billion yuan of the best, or all the fairy, Xiandan, Xianfu, Xianzhen and so on."

Xu Zhenshan handed a storage ring that had already been prepared to the popular monarch: "This is the resource that our family has handed over."

Feng Xingjun used the knowledge of God to sweep inside, and there was a shocking color on his face: "Xu Daoyou has a big hand!"

The eyes of the other seven homeowners are all looking forward to the wind, and the popular storage ring is in the hands of Yang:

"There are some elixirs of the late six peaks. Xianfu, fairy and fairy. If this family gets bigger than the first, it can be a prize, which is a big deal. Hehehe..."

The other seven homeowners immediately got a little excited. Gazing at the storage ring in the hands of the wind, until the wind and the king to collect it.

Everyone has a heart for it, this banquet is not long, and it’s over in less than an hour. And the big ratio will be held the day after tomorrow.

The representatives of the eight major families are very confident. Eight people are also the peaks of the nine days of Xuan Xian. They are the strongest of the eight major families, and they are stronger than the patriarchs. These eight people are the cultivation madmen in each family. They have no heart in them, only knowing cultivation. Such people have reason to despise Xu Ziyan, a weak woman, even if it is the peak of the late nine-day Xuan Xian, I am afraid that it is only a cultivating type, not a combat type.

Moreover, Xu Ziyan has always been a monk known as a fairy sect in the fairy world. As for her combat power...

You don't have to ask, right?

A fairy singer with such a high level, where will go out to fight, like this kind of research-type monk, can be cultivated to cultivation in the late nine-day Xuanxian peak, that is, burned high incense.

As for the heavy shadows on the road, what is the relationship with Xu Ziyan? Will it matter? Will there be?

Of course not! The reason why the Xu Family monk succeeded in smashing the shadow interception, is this credit still used? Of course, the merits of the immortal Xu Zhenshan, will it be the credit of Xu Ziyan?

on the square. The four blocks were shrouded in formation.

The four pairs of monks have stood on the platform. Only the representatives of the Feng family stood in the air, and stood freely, with a shallow smile on their lips and confidently looking at the four platforms. He firmly believes that the champion of this big match must be his. His strength is already a half-step Xianjun. He believes that as long as the other party is not Xianjun, this is the first non-herself. These people in the ring are all just giving him green leaves and setting off.

On the opposite side of Xu Ziyan stood the monk Liu Jia, two people after the relative gift. The Liu family monk showed a sword. But the look was immediately followed, because he found that Xu Ziyan still stood there quietly, and did not take out any fairy. Slightly hesitated, Liu Jia’s monk said:

"Please tell your friends to brighten the fairy!"

Xu Ziyan shook his head gently. Smile without saying. The monk Liu Jia was angry. What does this mean? underestimate me? Angry and laughed:

"So be careful!"

The right foot is on the ring. The whole figure flew up, and the sword in the hand spurred toward Xu Ziyan, and a sigh of anger, Wan Qianjian shot to Xu Ziyan.

Xu Ziyan’s mouth was slightly upturned, and his left foot was on the platform.


With Xu Ziyan as the center, it has become a circle of water world. A circle of water waves rises into the air, forming a circle of water curtains that will cover the purple smoke.


Thousands of swordsman spurred on the water curtain, swaying the circle, the water curtain slowly turned, and the water curtain still could see Xu Ziyan smile.

Xu Ziyan’s big sleeve suddenly rose, and the water curtain collapsed. The shape of Xu Ziyan rose and his feet turned into a sea.


The turbid waves smashed the sky, the thousand dragons roared, and the entire sky lost color.

At this time, the monk Liu Jia had no anger in his heart, only a hundred times careful. A fairy sword took out a million brilliance, and a piece of Wang Yang took out a boulevard, and his body swept toward Xu Ziyan.

“It’s a long way to go!”

Xu Ziyan’s right foot was on the water, but the Liu’s monk felt that although he was flying fast, he was still farther away from Xu Ziyan...

Xu Ziyan’s other sleeves rose again.


The avenue from the swordsman of Liu Jia’s sword was filled with water, forming a super vortex, trapping the Liu family. The monk Liu Jia struggled in the whirlpool and was gradually bound.


A huge faucet rushed out of the water, rising upwards, pulling out a huge dragon body, a huge faucet instantly came to the head of the Liu family, staring at the monk Liu Jia, the power of the demise fell from the sky...


Only sixty-three votes...


*(To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to vote for the recommended ticket, monthly pass, your support is my biggest motivation.)

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