The Mighty Female Immortal

Chapter 1526: A first-class family (a pinker)

I am very grateful to the dream back to Tang Dynasty 007 classmates, Crystal ~angel classmates, lida666 classmates, I am not Angel classmates, I want to fly the crying fish classmates, love the breeze - classmates, little girl dragon dragon classmates, Yutian 9666 classmates, Yiyi Jianxin classmates, Bookmates 100120210846645 classmates, Yu Yu 645098 classmates, jg1959 classmates, Luo Luo classmates, Zhuzhu listen to rain classmates, wqiy2003 classmates pink ticket!


"I surrender!"

Liu Jiaxiu's face was bitter, Xu Ziyan's double sleeves were on the sides, and then back to the back, the surrounding Wang Yang disappeared instantly.

"Thank you for your help!"

After the monk Liu Jia applied a ritual, the figure was worn out. Xu Ziyan’s body shape also wore a ring, and the next round she took the wheel and landed at the seat of the Xu family. Xu Qinyang erected the thumb:

"Great, it only takes a quarter of an hour!"

Xu Ziyan proudly tilted his chin and looked at the remaining three platforms. The monks above the three platforms were still fighting there.

A figure volleyed and entered the platform where Xu Ziyan had just left. Then he sat on the floor with his knees and closed his eyes.

"The wind home player, it is said that the title of the championship is very high!" Xu Qinyang said softly.

"Then he is going to be disappointed!" Xu Ziyan said faintly.

"Also!" Xu Ziyan said with a smile: "The child needs to know your true strength. I am afraid that it is not the current one. It looks like that, it may cry there!"

Xu Ziyan looked at Xu Qinyang with a funny smile and looked at the ring.

Half an hour or so. The first round of competitions was all over, and the brilliance flashed above the platform, and the monks were directly sent to the various platforms for the next round.

Xu Ziyan looked at the monk of the Feng family. Seeing the momentum of the monk's monk suddenly let go, the patriarchs of the seven families who were present were all changed. The wind family was a smirk on the face, and Xu Zhenshan was a silent face. I am used to the enchanting existence of Xu Ziyan. Nothing can shock him.

"The wind patriarch, the wind is invisible to him..." Qin Jiajia asked indefinitely.

"Yes, invisible, he has broken through to a half step Xianjun!"


There was a roar in the upload of the ring, and the wind invisible had knocked down the other side, and the hand was standing on the platform. The whole time is less than ten minutes.

On the top of the ring, Guanghua flashed, and the defeated monk was sent out. The third round was the first place in the previous session against the ninth. The invisible eyes of the wind looked at Xu Ziyan.

Xu Ziyan smiled lightly and stood up from the chair. The volley flew toward the ring...

When Xu Ziyan entered the ring, the wind invisible, the half-step Xianjun's power was pressed. With a confident smile on his face, he just used the half-step Xianjun's pressure to make the Xuejia monk collapse instantly. Now he repeats itself, that is, to end the battle quickly, not only this, he wants to Absolute advantage to solve all the games. Win the championship with absolute advantage and make yourself famous.

However, the ideal is very full, the reality is very skinny!

With his spiritual strength, how can he cause a little bit of pressure on Xu Ziyan?

Suddenly, a large sleeve of Xu Ziyan suddenly rose, and a vast ocean surged.


The turbid waves smashed the sky, the thousand dragons roared, and the entire sky lost color.

There was a slight surprise in the invisible eyes of the wind. He did not think that Xu Ziyan, who was at the peak of the nine-day Xuanxian period, could not only have a little reaction under the pressure of his half-step Xianjun. And can also make a counterattack.

but. His heart is still indifferent, he does not need to care. One-and-a-half-step Xianjun needs to care about a nine-day Xuanxian late peak?

Stepping forward on the right foot, a mountain rises on the top of the ring, and the mountain grows sharply. It spread rapidly and became a mountain at a speed visible to the naked eye. Cut the piece of ocean and cut it, and hit the past with Xu Ziyan.

“It’s a long way to go!”

Xu Ziyan’s right foot is on the water, but the wind invisibly feels that although the mountain that he released is spreading quickly, it is farther and farther away from Xu Ziyan...

Xu Ziyan’s other sleeves rose again.


The vast expanse of the ocean suddenly grew rapidly, and in an instant it overtook the mountain that the wind invisibly released, completely submerging the mountain. Gathered around the invisible body of the wind, it formed an oversized vortex that trapped the wind invisible. The wind invisibly struggles in the vortex and is gradually bound.


A huge faucet rushed out of the water, rising upwards, pulling out a huge dragon body, a huge faucet instantly reached the wind invisible head, staring at the wind invisible, the power of the demise fell from the sky...

The invisible face of the wind is full of unwillingness and unbelief. However, the reality tells him that if he does not admit defeat, the huge leader will not hesitate to attack himself, and he is absolutely unable to withstand the other side's blow.

"I surrender!"

A glimmer of light flashed over the ring, the wind was invisibly transmitted, and Xu Ziyan was still standing on the ring, waiting for her next opponent to end the battle.

Under the ring, Xu Qinyang said with a smile: "It’s another quarter of an hour, huh, huh..."

Xu Zhenshan chuckled: "You didn't find it? The purple smoke used the same move to defeat the opponent, and the time spent was almost the same."

Xu Qinyang heard a glimpse of it and then reacted. The eyes showed an admirable color: "As a result, Ziyan left everyone a face and did not hurt the other side. At the same time, this method is used to highlight the strength of our family. Let the other party be both shocked and grateful. Since then, our family should stand firm in the first-class family."

“唉~~” Xu Zhenshan sighed a bit: “The idea is good, but if you want to do purple smoke, the heat and time are very good. Is it so easy? This is the purple smoke. Do it."

"Not bad!" Xu Qinyang also said with emotion.

The next big ratio is as Xu Zhenshan said, Xu Ziyan uses the same moves. At the same time, the monks were defeated and won the first-class family championship without any dispute.

At this time, the eyes of the eight family clan leaders looking at Xu Ziyan have changed. I will no longer regard Xu Ziyan as a younger disciple. Instead, they treat each other as equals and even reveal their respect in their eyes.

Because they can understand, Xu Ziyan's strength is stronger than them. Moreover, Xu Ziyan clearly showed his enthusiasm in the ring and gave the eight major family faces. This allowed them to respect the Xu Ziyan at the same time, and also had a kind of kindness in their eyes.

Inside the hall of the Wind House.

All the matters after the big ratio have been completed, and the monks of all ethnic groups have retired and been entertained by the people of the Feng family. The door slowly closed, leaving only ten people in the hall. They are the patriarchs of the eight major families and Xu Zhenshan and Xu Ziyan of the Xu family.

After the gate was closed, the eyes of the eight patriarchs focused on Xu Zhenshan, hoping that he could give an explanation. Just now the wind invisibly proposed that the nine patriarchs left to discuss some things, and the monks of other families took the initiative to retreat. Only Xu Zhenshan will leave Xu Ziyan. This made the eight great patriarchs feel a little displeased. Even though Xu Ziyan is very strong and strong enough, they are only a disciple. Is this a patriarchal level a part of her young disciple?

Xu Zhenshan naturally understood the meaning of the eight patriarchs and smiled and said: "The patriarchs, purple smoke is the first person of our family. Any decision of her is above the patriarch."

Xu Zhenshan is just such a simple sentence. The look of the eight patriarchs has changed. There are many kinds of rumors about Xu Ziyan, but Xu Ziyan has always been mysterious, giving them the feeling that they only know cultivation and rarely come out of the family. Now that they know that they are wrong, Xu Ziyan is not the kind of person who only knows cultivation, and seems to be the real master behind Xu. With a full face, these people instantly adjusted their mentality and treated Xu Ziyan as a family leader.

Feng Xingjun coughed a bit: "This time our nine top-class families are here, there are a few things to discuss."

Speaking of it, I took a look at Xu Zhenshan and Xu Ziyan. There was a hint of helplessness on his face: "Now the family has become a first-class family. We need to discuss some of the benefits."

When I heard this, Sun Hao’s face became the most ugly. Within the sphere of influence of the Sun family, the Xu family’s strong rise, there is no doubt that Sun’s loss will be the most important. He is ready to cede some planets to Xu. But at this time. Xu Zhenshan coughed twice and said:

"The patriarchs, about this matter, we have some words to say to you."

The eight patriarchs looked a stagnation, and they looked at each other and looked uneasy between the looks. It seems that Xu’s preparations have already been made well. It’s impossible to simply fool this new first-class family into the past!

"We Xujia as long as Tianguixing is a planet!"

"What?" The eight patriarchs looked at Xu Zhenshan incredulously, confirming whether he was joking.

Xu Zhenshan smiled and continued: "And we can promise that we will not expand to the stars that our family already possesses."

The silence inside the hall, Xu Zhenshan’s words are too unbelievable. For a long time, Fengxingjun cautiously said:

"Xu Daoyou, if the Xu family is not in the expansion of the star field that our eight major families already possess, there is almost no room for expansion. You Xu family..."

Xu Zhenshan smiled and said: "We Xujia did not think about expansion."

"This..." The eight patriarchs are stunned.

Xu Zhenshan’s smile is a bit proud: “We Xujia positioning the direction of family development in the business!”


The eight patriarchs were only slightly stunned and immediately understood. What is Xu's most famous nowadays?

It’s not that their family has a fairy, but the alchemy of the Xu family. Xu Jia has these skills, but also need to occupy the planet to scrape resources? To put it bluntly, the eight first-class families will send their own resources to Xu, and ask the family to give their family the alchemy.


Add more pink today!


*(To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to vote for the recommended ticket, monthly pass, your support is my biggest motivation.)

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