The Mighty Female Immortal

Chapter 1531: War Castle (one more pink)

I am very grateful to ploverrodger classmates, forever after the rainy season classmates, Hong Fuyuan to classmates, niveqiu classmates, rained azure _007 classmates, refers to flying classmates, Wang Beiyi classmates, and the pink tickets of the wind dance clear classmates!


After another seven days, Xu Qinyang will Xu Xuantian, Xu Zhenshan, fifty nine-day Xuanxian late peaks and five thousand Xujia monks received the Qiankun ball, secretly changed the appearance, and left in the transmission array. Go all the way to the Xinghai.

half year later.

Xu family, the amount of Tianfeng.

The original embryo of the castle Xianzhou led the construction of the refining hall under the guidance of Xu Ziyan through the device and the second. The first and second instruments were already the seven-product refiner. Under their guidance, this is only this. The original embryo has reached the late stage of the Seven Pinxian.

Xu Ziyan magnified the castle, and all the people around him were silent.

It’s too shocking!

Where is this a fairy boat?

This is simply a steel castle!

The entire castle is hexagonal, with six turrets erected and a cannon placed above the turret. This is not the flat rune of other fairy boats. It is a huge barrel. There is a thick wall connection between the six blocks. There is a wide battleway in the wall. This is the battle platform for the defense and attack of the monks. On the wall, it is usually a smooth wall, but at this time there are holes, and a barrel is protruded from the hole. . Like a steel hedgehog.

Within a circle of battleways, there are rows of houses and streets, like a real city.

No need to fight. Just looking at the castle from the outside, it makes people feel chilly. There is an irresistible pressure to come.

Next, it was the turn of the Xiandiantang and the Fufutang. Nowadays, the two halls have also thoroughly studied the three-dimensional array and the spiral system, and the alchemy hall began to refine and refine the Yuanlidan.

It’s half a year in a hurry. The entire castle Xianzhou has been successfully completed, and the comprehensive grade has reached the peak of the eight products. With this grade you can cross the Xinghai to the Mozu territory. It’s just that such a castle fairy boat is also very expensive.

The driving force of the entire castle must be driven by the top grade, which is only the most basic drive. If you fully drive the buoyancy array, hide the array. Wind Spirit Array, Mirror Array, Gathering Array, and most importantly, this castle has also joined the empty stone, laid out a space array, made it into a space fairy, and it is the kind that can make people live. The kind of space in it. Therefore, the costly fairy crystal is absolutely amazing.

Fortunately, the Xu family is no longer the home of the past. In the past few years, the situation has expanded dramatically. Not to mention the gains that Xu Jia got from the normal channels, that is, Xu Qinyang and Xu Ziyan from the two main halls of the shadow and nearly a hundred branches of the fairy crystal is also absolutely enough for the entire castle fairy boat for hundreds of years.

Xu Ziyan stored a fairy crystal that could be consumed for about 50 years in the castle fairy boat, and then selected two thousand monks in the family to enter the castle fairy boat, and then entered the control room of the fairy boat in front of him. It is a huge image made of crystal. Being able to clearly see what is happening around the outside.


With the command of Xu Ziyan, the castle fairy boat slowly rises and zooms in quickly. A huge steel castle floats on the Xu family ground, giving people a suffocating pressure.


The huge castle, like a meteor, quickly disappeared into space and entered the interstellar void.

Xu Ziyan constantly dragged on the crystal image in the control room. The stars were pulled in and moved away by Xu Ziyan. Finally, she chose a deserted planet and headed for it.

Above the ridiculous planet. No one is missing. Active group of crawling fairy beasts. The breath of one body is definitely not weak, and even the fairy beast of the immortal period.


These fairy beasts rioted, a panic spread in their hearts, and they tried their best to raise their heads. Looking into the air.

A heavenly thing hangs down from the sky, releasing the cold metal of mans.

"what is that?"

The fairy beasts looked into the air with fear.


A few Xianjun period fairy beasts roared. Staring nervously at the thing in the air.

"Open the battle state!" In the control room, Xu Ziyan whispered, but the sound was clearly transmitted to the ears of every monk above the fairy boat through the device.

In the view of the fairy, the thing floating in the air, the original smooth surface suddenly appeared a hole, and then a cylinder protruded out of the hole, although I don’t know what it is, but let them feel It was a great shudder.


The fairy beasts of the Xianjun period suddenly spurted out their breath, and the mighty power of the Xianjun period hit the huge castle floating in the air.

"Hang ~ ~ bang ~ ~ bang ~ ~"

The incomparably huge castle swayed out gently, like a cliff that blocked the attacks of the few immortals, without any harm.

The celestial power in the sky madly gathered toward the castle, precisely to the galleys above the castle, and the light clusters quickly gathered in the barrels.

"Open fire!" Control the room, Xu Ziyan gave a command.

"Hang ~ ~ bang ~ ~ bang ~ ~"

The sound is so depressing that it seems to have come to a silent world. There are tens of thousands of barrels in the row that spurt a beam of light, and they are bombarded intensively toward the ground.

Xu Ziyan looked at the ground through the crystal image, opened his mouth and was full of shock. Today, on this planet, it seems that a disaster has occurred. The mushroom cloud rises in the air, the mountain is slammed into the ground, the earth is sunk for a few feet, and the fairy beasts are turned into powder.


Xu Ziyan exhaled a long breath, reached out and touched the console, and whispered in a shock:

"Where is this a fairy boat, it is simply a war machine. Well, from this moment on, this fairy boat is called a war castle!"

"Restore!" Xu Ziyan said softly through the control room.

The barrels of the war castle were silently stowed, the holes disappeared, and the walls of the war castle were restored.

"The disciples of Xu family!" Xu Ziyan's voice echoed throughout the war castle: "From this moment on, this fairy boat is called a war castle!"


Two thousand monks cheered and cheered.

"We are going to the Xinghai, let the Mozu tremble in front of our war castle!"



Three days later.

Xu Ziyan left alone in Yueji City. She collected the war castle in the cloud baby, then put the baby in the cloud and took it to the Xinghai.

Hai Kuixing.

The whole city was built with fortifications. The Xu family completely occupied the Haikui Star in the wake of the rapid recovery of Haikui Star a year ago. After that, several attacks by the Mozu were neatly cleaned by the Xu family. Repel the ground. After that, Haikui Star calmed down.

The Mozu also seems to recognize the greatness of the Xujiaxing on the Haikui Star, and the Haikui Star is in a position that is not very important. The most abundant planets are occupied by the four super families. While the four super families have gained rich resources, they also ushered in the crazy attack of the Mozu. In this way, it has attracted most of the firepower of the Mozu to the other side.

In the past few years, the Mozu has also figured out the distribution of the influence of the Terran, knowing that as long as the four super families are defeated, the Terran will immediately fall apart. Therefore, they also targeted the main super attacks for the four super families. This gave time to the eight families like Xu.

In the past year, the Xu family did not take the initiative to attack the Mozu, but to build fortifications and to recruit monks from all ethnic groups. The monks in Xinghai saw that the Xu family occupied the Haikui Star with the ruin, and Xu Jia announced various rules, attracting a large number of families to come. In just one year, Xu has recruited seventeen second-rate families, twenty-three third-rate families, and some small families that are not influx and a large number of scattered repairs, making Xu’s arrangement on Haikui Star handy. .

However, with the constant addition of monks, Haikui Star has become crowded, and these newly added monks are also clamoring to take the initiative, because only by taking the initiative to occupy a new planet, they can get more Great interest. Xu Jiake said, as long as they occupy a new planet, they will be handed over to them. The Xu family only charges 30% of the benefits.

Therefore, Haikui Star is now in intense training. Because once they attacked, they did a naval battle, which was a huge test for these monks. If you rush to attack without experience, I am afraid that death does not know how to die.

"There is no difference between the Xinghai and the sea above the planet we live in, but it is even more dangerous and contains more unknown dangers. And, do you know how different between combat in this Xinghai and our usual operations? ?"

Xu Ling stood in the air, floating in front of him tens of thousands of monks, neatly listed a block team, each square team centered in the center of a fairy boat. There are more than 3,000 boats in the area.

A row of monks floating in front looked at Xu Ling’s fierce eyes, and shook his head weakly. There were even a few monks who glared at Xu Ling and did not pay attention. They quietly raised their hands and wiped out the sputum that was sprayed on the face by Xu Ling. The heart also secretly praised:

"It’s not the peak of the nine-day Xuanxian period. The second-rate family was bigger than the first one, and the spit-stars were able to spray so far!"

Xu Ling's gaze slowly swept through the nearly 50,000 monks, and there was no one to answer, and there was some disappointment in my heart. It seems that these monks have not experienced the Star Wars! Although I have never experienced it, I secretly went to the planet of the four super families to observe. Thinking of this, Xu Ling waited for a moment and had confidence.

"I don't know if it doesn't matter, I will tell you today!"


*(To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to vote for the recommended ticket, monthly pass, your support is my biggest motivation.)

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