The Mighty Female Immortal

Chapter 1532: Arrived at Hai Kuixing (two more pink)

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The eyes of more than 50,000 monks were bright, and the eyes focused on Xu Ling’s body, letting Xu Ling’s chest unconsciously straighten up again, shouting loudly:

"Xianzhou everyone has seen it all the time, and everyone's heart must have felt that there is nothing in the fairy boat. The fairy boat will only release the rune gun. But, you feel that you want to avoid the rune gun by your own skill. It’s not that difficult. But, I want to ask you, if thousands or even tens of thousands of fairy boats are firing at you? Are you still hiding?”

More than 50,000 monks are discolored on their faces. As long as they think about thousands or even tens of thousands of canons, they will tremble in their hearts.


how is this possible?

"And, I want to tell you. In the Xinghai, if there is no fairy boat, it will not be able to fly for a long time, let alone release the magic within the Xinghai. The fairy power in the Xinghai is very violent, I think this Everyone knows already. Therefore, fighting with the Mozu in Xinghai is the battle between Xianzhou.

Let's start with a fairy boat. The monks in the fairy boat must perform their duties. The duties of other monks have nothing to do with you. You only need to do your own thing. No matter how terrible the war is, the monks around you will die so much, and you will only pay attention to your own duties. The other monks died, and naturally there were other monks who went up. I need a fairy boat to keep up with normal operation. If anyone misses the normal operation of Xianzhou, don't say that I am ruthless.

Let me talk about the cooperation of the entire fleet. I have already talked about the formation many times. You have to keep your position, no matter how many fairy boats we have been knocked down, and whether we have a few lucky boats left, as long as I have no orders to withdraw. I will give my position to you. It is to withdraw, but also to maintain formation. Can not be chaotic, to maintain a counter-attack at any time while withdrawing. ”

Xu Linghou was so vocal, and sometimes his hands were accompanied by powerful moves. Seeing that more than 50,000 monks were concentrating on listening to their own instructions, Xu Lingji sneaked a glimpse of the patriarchs and others who stood in the clouds not far away. At this time standing in the middle of the cloud is a purple sapphire skirt. He just glanced at it and saw the smile on Xu Ziyan's face, and there was a heat flow in his heart. It seems that the ancestors were very satisfied with my training, and Xu Ling immediately felt that all of them were strong.

"Now we are starting to exercise our formation!"

More than 50,000 monks immediately got into their own fairy boat. More than 3,000 ships in Xianzhou quickly moved and set up a huge fleet. The formation can not change in the air, attack, defense, attack and defense combination...

Accompanied by Xu Haotian and Xu Zhenshan, Xu Ziyan slowly navigated the cloud to watch the training of the fleet.

Under the command of Xu Linghou, more than 3,000 ships were transformed into various formations in an orderly manner. Above the azure star sea, there is a metal light shining on the fairy boat.

“These are some of the monks we recruited in the past year. Their morale is very high. But there is no experience in fighting in the Xinghai. Those experienced monks and families have been recruited by the four super families. Therefore, in the past six months, although we have formed the Xinghai Fleet, we have not gone out to fight with the Mozu. We train them daily and hope that they can meet the requirements of combat as soon as possible."

Xu Weitian and Xu Zhenshan explained the current situation of Hai Kuixing to Xu Ziyan, and the faces of the two people showed pride.

The pride of the two people on the face of the purple smoke is naturally clear, and their two psychological Xu Ziyan is also very clear. It has been swimming in the second-rate family, but now it has surpassed the first-class family and is approaching the super family. This is the goal that many generations of Xu family have not achieved. It is now being realized by them. How can you not be proud?

The clouds in the sky landed on the ground, and below it was a large hall.

"Here is our deliberation. There are charts of nearby Xinghai. We often use here to deduct various methods and formations of naval battles. Attacks. Defence and methods of retreat."

Xu Ziyan nodded happily and looked around and said: "What about Qin Yang's brother?"

"Qin Yang led a small fleet. About 300 ships went to Xinghai field exercises. We took turns to send the fleet out to exercise, and should return after a few hours.

To fight in the Xinghai, you must first familiarize yourself with the Xinghai. Within the Xinghai, there are unpredictable times, when there are starry behemoths, so only when we are familiar with the Xinghai, can we truly have the ability to fight in the Xinghai. Otherwise, if you rush to play, I am afraid that we will only wait for our failure. ”

Xu Zhenshan looked up at Xinghai and smiled. "The situation in Xinghai is still normal today. After another month, these monks will almost adapt to Xinghai. At that time, it is time for us to try some small-scale battles."

"Yeah!" Xu Ziyan nodded with a smile and said: "It is not a matter of talking on paper. It is a feasible way to start with a small battle.

However, once we begin to take the initiative to play, even a small battle will inevitably attract the attention of the Mozu. Therefore, we must prepare for the coming of the war. I won’t get confused when I get it. ”

“Not bad!” Xu Xiaotian said with appreciation: “Ziyan is justified. It seems that we have to prepare more fully. At the very least, the first battle cannot fail. If the first battle fails, there will be in my heart. The shadows are not well controlled in the future."

When he fell to the front of the main hall, Xu Ziyan turned his head and saw Xu Xiang standing on a high ground and looking toward the Xinghai, as if a stone, motionless.

Xu Ziyan came here this time, and naturally brought Xiaobai and Xu Xiang over. In the past six years, Xu Xiangchang has become a teenager, but the cultivation is only the middle of Luo Tianshang.

Xu Ziyan frowned slightly, didn't know what Xu Xuan stood still and did? Where did Xiaobai go? Shaking his head and turning to Xu Haotian and Xu Zhenshan smiled:

"The patriarch and the saints have been operating in a well-organized manner, and they are flourishing. As our family begins to conquer the Xinghai, the reputation of the Xu family will gradually spread. At that time, our strength will become stronger and stronger, but we will face The enemies will become stronger and stronger. Therefore, the repairs cannot be made. To ensure that our Xu family monks have sufficient high-quality elixir, this time I brought a lot of six products from the family to the peak of the elixir and a small amount. At the beginning of the seventh product, Xiandan was handed over to the patriarch for a while and sent to the family monk."

Xu Xiaotian and Xu Zhenshan’s eyes are bright: “The family now has seven products in the early days of Xiandan’s teacher?”

"Yeah!" Xu Ziyan smiled and nodded.

Upon hearing the confirmation of Xu Ziyan, Xu Yutian and Xu Zhenshan rejoiced: "Ziyan, you can rest assured. In the past year, although we are very busy in Haikuixing, we have never put down our cultivation."

Xu Ziyan also rejoiced and nodded: "The patriarch, the saint, the family side will have a special person sent to Xiandan every once in a while. Here, the harvested resources should be sent back to the family regularly. Well, the resources harvested by Xinghai are 10%. give me."

Xu Haotian nodded immediately, and did not ask Xu Ziyan to leave what he did.

Xu Ziyan, Xu Yutian and Xu Zhenshan entered the hall. Xu Ziyan’s big sleeves slammed, and the two doors of the hall rumbling closed. Xu Ziyan threw out thirty-six-faced flags and arranged the array to cover the entire hall. The look of Xu Weitian and Xu Zhenshan is a glimpse. The two of them did not know what Xu Ziyan was doing, and they looked at Xu Ziyan.

Xu Ziyan Yuzhang, a palm-sized castle appeared on the palm of her hand, and then flew toward the air, rotated in the air to enlarge, almost enlarged to the size of the space inside the hall, before stopping the enlargement. Floated in the air.

Xu Weitian and Xu Zhenshan looked at the castle slyly, suddenly woke up with God, excitedly looking at Xu Ziyan:

“Ziyan, the castle Xianzhou was made successfully?”

Xu Ziyan smiled and nodded: "Yes, I named it War Castle. It is subject to this hall, otherwise it can be enlarged to a few dozen miles. Inside is an independent space. The patriarch, the saint, we go in Look."

Xu Haotian and Xu Zhenshan nodded quickly, and the three men flew up and drilled into the war castle. As soon as he entered the war castle, Xu Weitian and Xu Zhenshan were there. This is still a fairy boat, clearly a city. At this time, the city was silent, and all the monks were concentrating on time to cultivate in their own cultivation room.

Xu Ziyan led Xu Xiaotian and Xu Zhenshan to walk and introduce: "This war castle is a mid-level peak of the Eight Elements, which is considered to be the top fairy in the Zhongyuan Galaxy. It is almost indestructible and can cross the Xinghai. Go to the Mozu territory opposite the Xinghai.

There are a total of two thousand monks in the war. Each monk has an independent cultivation room in the war castle, which releases Yuan Lidan, so the Xianyuan force in each cultivation room is not much worse than the Tianfeng. Of course, the gap is there, but as long as enough Xiandan is provided, their cultivation will still improve quickly. ”

Xu Ziyan took Xu Yuntian and Xu Zhenshan on the battleway and smiled and said: "The patriarch, the saint, the wall of this war castle now looks smooth, but the built-in organs. As long as the war, there are 10,000 cannons. It does not look like there are so many cannons. In fact, only five hundred monks can control them. Each monk will control the fire of a small area. It is controlled by the organs. The monks only need to lock the target and press the agency. .

There are also a hundred monks used to control the normal operation of the entire spacecraft. They are distributed in the general control room and twenty auxiliary control rooms to ensure the rapid operation of the war castle. ”


*(To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to vote for the recommended ticket, monthly pass, your support is my biggest motivation.)

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