The Mighty Female Immortal

Chapter 1533: The situation in the Xinghai (three more pink)

“What are these?” Xu Haotian pointed to dozens of small platforms in different directions around the war castle.

“Here is the take-off platform!” Xu Ziyan said with a smile: “In these years, we have deployed four hundred super-small fairy boats for this war castle. This small fairy boat can only carry three monks, but their maneuver Very strong, fast, dexterous, and the defensive power has reached the peak of the late six products, more importantly its attack power.

Each small fairy boat is equipped with two cannons. This is a new type of rune gun developed by the refining hall and the sacred hall. Like the cannons on the war castle, the attacking force has reached the middle of the seven products in tandem. As long as the other side's fairy boat is hit, no one can withstand the bombardment of several cannons.

The tens of small platforms have been set up specifically. When fighting, the defensive shield of the war castle will be fully opened. On the dozens of small platforms, a small array of fairy tales contained in the overall defensive array has been set up, and they can be turned on and off separately, so that when the small fairy boat attacks and returns, it does not affect the defense of the entire war castle. The combat system of the entire war castle is enriched. ”

Xu Weitian and Xu Zhenshan were stunned. I imagined a huge war castle in the mind while destroying the enemy's fairy boat. At the same time, the scene of four hundred small fairy boats swarmed out.

"There are more than 100 of the remaining 200 people who are reserved for the monks who have died. There are also dozens of monks who have just grown up and raised the Xiandan Division, Xianfu Division, Xianshi Division and Xianshi Division. There is a special place for their alchemy-made refinery array here. So, I will leave the family with a star-studded resource and give it to them."

"This... is just a small family!" Xu Xiaotian and Xu Zhenshan said with a sigh of relief.

"Not bad!" Xu Ziyan nodded with a smile: "This war castle will be a deterrent weapon for us. It can be used or not, it is too expensive."

Xu Weitian and Xu Zhenshan learned about the consumption of the war castle to Xu Ziyan and learned about it. They all smiled and nodded. Three people flew out of the war castle, and Xu Ziyan waved the war castle and three people were seated. Xu Weitian and Xu Zhenshan calmed down the shock that the war castle brought to them, and then they said:

"Ziyan. We have not been idle for the past year. We have done some research on Xinghai. In fact, not all of us who fight with us within this Xinghai are the Mozu, there are many Xinghai indigenous people. This indigenous also has two kinds. One is a semi-magic indigenous, such as the original dwarf star monks, and the indigenous people who have not been demonized at all. But they are conquered by the Mozu, and our Terran does not accept them, so they Become our enemy."

Xu Ziyan solemnly nodded: "Why don't we accept those indigenous peoples. Are they not human?"

Xu Haotian shook his head and said: "No, they are all real people. This thing should start from the time when the four families began to conquer the Xinghai. At that time, the four families were ambitious and they wanted to occupy the entire Xinghai. Therefore, the four super-families simply did not give the Xinghai indigenous opportunities, the all-round slaughter of the Xinghai indigenous people, and then occupy their planet. This has caused the situation today."

"Confused!" Xu Ziyan's face was cold: "And extremely cruel! They are not demons. They are not semi-devils, but real humans. Is it for the sake of profit, what do you care about? The four super families are The title of the super family."

“So!” Xu Haotian said earnestly: “We are ready to recruit indigenous monks who have not been demonized. These indigenous people who have lived in the Xinghai for generations are very familiar with Xinghai and are also better at Star Wars. Being able to recruit them will greatly enhance the power of our family in Xinghai."

Xu Haotian spoke a long breath: "We feel that we humans need to deal with these Terran Aborigines, but the indigenous and real Mozu who have been demonized. And in a sense, like the dwarf stars. The semi-magic indigenous people are more hateful than the real Mozu. The behavior they show is more brutal than the Mozu, so we must not be soft on these semi-devils and must be strangled resolutely.

Finally, I will talk about the Mozu. Their number is not much here. It is also eighty thousand. And the remaining millions are semi-devils and indigenous people. However, they are undoubtedly the most powerful. Whether it is repairing or equipment, one day and the other are right, it is a real test for us. ”

Xu Ziyan frowned slightly: "How strong is it? How is it compared with our Xu family? How is it compared with the four super families?"

Xu Hao said with a smile: "If the current Xu family and the real Mozu meet. I don't think they are their opponents. As for the four super families, I don't think I can take advantage. But our number is More than the Mozu, this has withstood the attack of the Mozu. If the Mozu continue to transport the Mozu to this place, when their number expands to a certain extent, our Terran defense in Xinghai will collapse."

Xu Ziyan's brow wrinkles more tightly, thinking for a moment: "So, it is an urgent task to recruit those who have not been demonized. Only those who have been recruited in a short time are stunned. The tribes have not been transported to the monks in large numbers. The expansion of our superiority and the extinction of these devils will enable the devils across the Xinghai to have fear and break their minds of invading the Terran territory."

“Not bad!” Xu Haotian nodded. “But it’s easy to do this thing!”

Xu Ziyan said with a stern look: "This thing is difficult to do only by our family. It should be done by the four big families. I think it is better to find an opportunity to talk with the four families."

Xu Haotian shook his head regretfully and said: "I have already mentioned this idea and the four big families, but they refused even if they didn't even think about it. I came back and Zhenshan studied it and found that the four families took the lead. It’s unrealistic to do this. On the one hand, the order to kill the indigenous people was released by the four major families. Now they let them eat their own words, and their faces can’t afford it. On the other hand, they are on their faces, but they There is no trust in the indigenous people, and the indigenous people will not accept their solicitation."

Inside the hall was filled with silence. Xu Ziyan stood up from the chair and walked back and forth within the hall. Suddenly stopped, and turned to look at Xu Zhentian and Xu Zhenshan:

"How much success will this matter if we make a home?"

Xu Haotian said with a deep sigh: "After our family came to Haikuixing, we only occupied this place. There is no real battle with the Mozu, so we have not recorded the record of killing the indigenous people. I think this, those Indigenous people also understand that there is no indigenous to attack our Haikui Star in the past year. However, we belong to the four super-family camps. They should have great vigilance against us. This is not a good thing. ""

Xu Ziyan’s gaze reveals a firm color: “It’s not good to do it.”

"Not bad!" Xu Yantian and Xu Zhenshan looked at them.

"We will do it again if we are tough. This is the only good opportunity. We can't watch the four super families throw aside the interests of the entire Terran for their own face and interests. If this fairy war is delayed, Waiting for a large number of monks from the Mozu to be transported, that is the disaster of the entire Terran."

"But if we do this, will the four super families have a view of our family, even..."

Xu Ziyan waved: "We can't manage that much. In the face of this big and the big, we can't give in. If the four super families really want us, let them come."

Xu Ziyan breathed a sigh of relief: "Beyond the Xinghai, there are many fogs. Our Xu family must first understand those indigenous people who have not been demonized. Among those indigenous peoples, those who have the first chance to be recruited by us need us. Xu Jia sent a spy."

"We have been exploring for a long time!" Xu Zhenshan nodded.

“Hey?” Xu Ziyan’s eyes showed excitement: “How is it going?”

"The full family on the sea star is a strong family, and the next one is in control of more than 30 small families. The total number is millions, and the number of warriors is nearly 100,000. The various grades of Xianzhou There are also more than 5,000 ships. There is also an ally in the family, which is not far from the sea star. The number and strength are not under the full house.

Although the two have been fighting the four super families, it seems that they are not very good at buying the Mozu. Not like some other Xinghai families surrendering to the Mozu, they seem to be a cooperative situation with the Mozu. ”

Xu Ziyan walked slowly inside the main hall and slowly thought and said: "The two forces we want to try to recruit. But now we can't rush to go, if we Xujia went so rashly, increase It’s ridiculous. We have to make a good decision.”

"No matter what kind of strategy we use, we must demonstrate our strength." Xu Zhenshan said with a sigh: "Everything in Xinghai is also a respect for strength. If we do not surrender their strength, let us plan, we will not Will be attached to us. You know, even the Mozu did not conquer them, but just cooperate with them."


The ranking is overtaken, the pink ticket is not strong, yeah yeah...


*(To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to vote for the recommended ticket, monthly pass, your support is my biggest motivation.)

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