The Mighty Female Immortal

Chapter 1537: Rush out of the encirclement (a pinker)

I am very grateful to Linglong Chengtu classmates, flying students, Xiaojinjin CH, nana8214 classmates, big and small classmates, white busy left classmates, monsters Xiaoxinge classmates, human and animal harmless hairy classmates, classmates, eccentric demon Classmates, Swdn1314 classmates, KONG888 classmates, espflykite classmates, Fanghua Ruomeng classmates, dream poetry 0327 classmates, faint moon dance 629 classmates, snow marks 1225 classmates, jj Xiaojin adults classmates, world students in your eyes, zl9773 classmates, book friends 090808154340312 classmates, write Xin baby classmates, X through classmates, Li lazy classmates pink ticket!


In this starry sea, the celestial force is extremely violent, and it cannot be used at all. Only the rune cannon can be used. The body of the monk simply could not absorb the eternal power of such riots. The released sorcerers are all dependent on their own reserves. After this period of release, the tens of thousands of people in the body are almost exhausted.

Therefore, on the one hand, it is necessary to change a group of monks, and the other side has passed the fifth Mozu fleet camp, and there is still a distance from the fourth Mozu fleet camp. In this case, the best combat method is rune. The cannon, not the fairy released by the monk.

More than 10,000 monks quickly entered the fairy boat, and more than 3,000 Xianzhou boats quickly unfolded into the two wings, which became a series of characters. Quickly pressed to the fourth Mozu fleet camp.

The fourth Mozu Fleet camp is the same as the fifth camp. All the fairy boats face the direction of Xu Qinyang.

Looking at the fire of the fifth fleet of camps, a general who will lead to the side will say:

"The devil will be an adult. It seems that the reinforcements of the Terran are in the camp! We should not prepare."

The middle of the devil will frown and hesitate, looking at the fire of the Fifth Fleet camp, and looking at the direction of the second fleet camp, said:

"The Fifth Fleet will not be so easily broken! If the gang of people in the middle breaks through the fourth fleet we guarded, it is not you and I can afford it!"

"But, adults! If the Terran broke through the Fifth Fleet, and we were unprepared! That..."

The devil will look up again and look at the direction of the Fifth Fleet, frowning:

"You take a hundred boats to the Fifth Fleet to see. If the situation is serious, I will tell you."

One hundred canons flew in the direction of the Fifth Fleet. Just flew out without a mile, I heard a high drink:


I saw thousands of runes of guns and volleys. I haven’t seen the situation of the Terran, and a ship of fairy boats bursts. I heard a clear sound from the ear.


A huge fleet of sharp cones slammed into it.

"Prepare!" The voice of Xu Ziyan Qingyue sounded again.

In the 鉄 cone array, the top of the 3,000-plus celestial boat is glory.


Guanghua was shot, and one hundred demon people's squadrons were completely destroyed. Xu Ziyan rushed to the fourth group of the Mozu with more than 3,000 ships.


Xu Ziyan’s voice has some hoarseness. It’s cold and it’s cold.


More than 3,000 ships at the top of the fairy boat are condensed with light bombs.


An infinite roar, the sky's light bombs plunged toward the 4th Fleet of the Mozu, and suddenly there was a roar of sound.

The demon of the 4th Fleet of the Mozu will scream: "All the boats turn backwards, turn backwards, and meet the enemy!"

When the voice just fell, I heard a "bang", but the fleet of Xu Ziyan crashed into the enemy camp.


Another group of thousands of monks rushed out of the fairy boat. Standing on the fairy boat, thousands of fairy weapons were blasted out, hundreds of demons and celestial boats were broken, and countless pieces of corpses exploded.

Thousands of celestial devices surged like tides, and the monks of the Mozu could not stop the continuous offensive. At this time, the Rune Guns have lost their functions, and the Mozu monks have also rushed out of the fairy boat, but they have just blocked the first wave of the attack of the fairy, and have not seen the shadow of the Terran. The Terran monks have already taken the fairy boat. As the wind blew from the side, then the people who took the fairy boat had already smashed the fairy.

The Xu family's monks rushed forward like a machine. Every monk is constantly releasing the fairy. A fairy is sent out. No matter whether it is in the middle or not, it will never stop, and it will be like a wind in the fairy boat. Because the subsequent fairy boat will arrive in an instant, the monk above the fairy boat will drop the fairy in his hand.

Even the monks of the Mozu blocked the first wave. But can't stop the second wave, the third wave...

I saw the fire of the fourth fleet. The third fleet hurriedly re-arranged, and a ship of the fairy boat turned its direction, compounding the cannon guns and the magical boat, and the ordinary fairy boat was moving rapidly and was rapidly forming.

Xu Ziyan’s footsteps cloud baby rushed out of the fourth fleet, followed by the Xu family fleet that rushed out, like more than 3,000 bloodthirsty demons screaming at the third fleet.

"A word array! Back to the fairy boat! Lock! Prepare!" Xu Ziyan's voice is like Feng Ming in the air.

The Third Fleet of the Mozu has just completed the defensive formation. In front of the array, there are nearly 200 complex Rune Cannons, which have just been assembled. The devil will be shouting through the jade:

"Come on, hurry up and open the rune."

Suddenly, the busy monk calmed down, and the magician who kept on drinking was also staring at the front of the fleet. I saw a light dragon suddenly appearing in the sky. It was a 3,000-plus boat that condensed the light bullets and quickly drifted in the air. There was a burst in the ear:


The light dragon suddenly turned into a thousand light bombs, covering the sky.

"鉄 cone array! Out!"

The Xu family fleet crashed into the Mozu camp. The body of the demon had been shattered, his head flew into the air, his mouth was still wide open, and his eyes sparkled with horror. Dozens of complex rune guns were instantly smashed into pieces.

Xu Ziyan’s footstepping cloud baby rushed into the fourth fleet, and met a magical willer in the foot of the fairy boat. The magic will twist the black dragon gun in his hand. Speak loudly:

"Come to -"

Xu Ziyan has been scraped from his side like a wind. The word "He Ren" of the devil has not been spoken yet, and the body has become two sections that have fallen from the fairy boat.

Without stopping at all, more than 3,000 Xianzhou quickly rushed the composite fleet of the Third Fleet to a fleet of seven and eight, and killed the complex rune gun fleet. Behind him was a sea of ​​fire, and the Mozu monks who wail in the sea of ​​fire.

At this time, Xu Qinyang and others who were surrounded also saw that the artillery fire was getting closer and closer to themselves and others, knowing that the reinforcements would come soon, and the desire to survive in the heart was even stronger. Fighting spirit is once again motivated. Although I can't go further, I haven't taken a step back.

Xu Ziyan’s foot-footed baby rushed toward the defense fleet of the Fourth Fleet. She did not let the Xu family fleet become a character again. Because she knows that since the compound runes and guns have been made to block their defenses, now the Mozu must have been prepared to block. Waiting for his fleet to collide up. However, on this part, there is no room for conversion. Hard hits have to hit! It can't be changed into a character array, so the face that is attacked is too big, so he retains the formation of the 鉄 cone array, such as a sharp sword stabbed to the Mozu.

Xu Ziyan turned back and shouted at the foot of the fairy boat behind him:

"The front of the Mozu has prepared, return to the fairy boat!"

Ten thousand people quickly returned to the fairy boat. In the sky, only the sound of the emptiness of the fairy boat and the radiance of the rune-gun were heard. The entire fleet was like a white ghost flowing through the air.

There are still five hundred meters. Both sides have already seen each other's fleet. The tops of the two sides of the fairy boat are radiant.

The magician standing in the front of the fairy boat keeps his eyes fixed on the Xu family, which is getting closer and closer, only waiting for the other team's fleet to fly closer.

The air between the heavens and the earth seems to have solidified, and only two murderous murders between the two fleets are constantly colliding. The Mozu monks are standing with their ears waiting for the devil to issue orders. The Xu family’s monks also stared at the front, waiting for Xu Ziyan’s order.

The distance between the two sides was instantly close, leaving only four hundred meters.

"Let!" Both sides issued orders at the same time.

At the same time, the fleets of both sides released the rune guns, and the whole air was shuttled into a light curtain. Both sides continued to bombard each other, and each of them constantly had a fairy boat broken in the air. This is the first time that Xu Ziyan’s fleet was destroyed on a large scale, and countless fairy boats collapsed in the air.

"Boom", Xu Ziyan's 鉄 cone array hit the defense fleet. Rushing to the ordinary fleet of the Mozu. So fast and close to the speed of the Mozu is in extreme shock, thousands of rune guns continue to bombard, as if the tide is endless. At the same time that Xu Jiaxian’s boat collapsed, it destroyed the last fortress of the Mozu Third Fleet.

In the explosion of the sky, an iron dragon ran straight through. Wherever you go, the fragments are everywhere. The sound of blasting directly hit the sky.

For a moment, Xu Ziyan took the fleet and rushed to less than 50 meters from the Mozu Second Fleet. Xu Ziyan stood on the cloud baby and looked at Xu Qinyang inside. Xu Qinyang saw Xu Ziyan with his flag and excitedly shouted:

"Ziyan is coming!"

The surrounded Xu family was shocked and looked up. Seeing the hand-held five-color sword, Xu Ziyan, who is walking on the cloud baby, can’t believe it. I can't believe that it was Xu Ziyan who came to rescue them. My heart is overjoyed, and I can’t help but scream:


After Xu Qinyang shouted, "haha" laughed, and he didn't care about the surrounding demons. His expression was full of joy and pride.


Xu Ziyan’s fleet smashed into the enemy camp. More than 10,000 monks stepped on the fairy boat and sacrificed the fairy to smash the fairy boat in front and rushed in.

"Ziyan!" Xu Qinyang jumped into a shape and jumped on the cloud baby and Xu Ziyan.

"Qin Yang brother, we turn around and kill!"

"Kill!" Xu Qinyang shouted, as the thunder rolled, the cracked mountain stopped.

"Kill!" Xu Jiaxiu shouted in unison, and the boundless murder spread to the surrounding.

The Xujia fleet turned around and rushed out, and Xu Ziyan's scorpion cones rushed out of the encirclement, making it easy for even Xu Qinyang to be unbelievable. He did not know that the Mozu had been taken away from morale.

The Quartet's fleet of monsters began to be surrounded by the Xu family fleet. The Xu family fleet kept releasing the rune guns. The Xu family and the Mozu side added thousands of runes and guns to release a light bomb in the air. The whole sky was woven into a giant net by light bombs. Everything in this giant net has turned into a powder.

After the gunfire attacked each other, the two sides of the fleet slammed into each other, and a burst of stunned sound of the fairy boat, the sky filled with fragments of the fairy boat.


I saw the name of the old robe and the name of the new comrade in the name of the pink ticket. Thank you! Let us continue to work hard!


*(To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to vote for the recommended ticket, monthly pass, your support is my biggest motivation.)

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