The Mighty Female Immortal

Chapter 1538: Sensation (two more pink)

I am very grateful to the gleaming glitt classmates (588), the forever post-rain season classmates (200), the sand time class classmates (200), the Qingjiang Moliu classmates (100), the light rain thinks classmates (100), I really like Jin Lingyun classmates (100 ), Ciesy classmates (100), Shang Yi classmates (100) reward!


Xu Qinyang lost more than 200 boats in the 300 boats. Xu Ziyan also lost more than 500 ships, but almost eliminated the two thousand or so boats of the Mozu, but only the remaining dozens have fled.

However, Xu Ziyan did not have the slightest joy, because she saw a piece of Xianzhou flying towards her side. The signs on the fairy boat undoubtedly indicate that they belong to the Mozu, and of course there are signs that they belong to the Xinghai Indigenous.

Looking at a full boat of about 10,000 boats, Xu Ziyan frowned deeply. The Xu family and the Mozu are fighting here. The Mozu and Xinghai Indigenous people have received news. Will the Terran not receive the news? The reinforcements of the Mozu will arrive in time, why is there no movement for the Terran?

Looking back, I saw that the monks standing on the fairy boat were full of exhaustion. Although they took turns, in the Xinghai area, the release of the spells relied entirely on their celestial power, and the consumption would be very fast. And seeing the tens of thousands of fairy boats in the distance like a black cloud, the morale of the Xu family began to decline. It can be said that with the strength and morale of the current Xu family fleet, there is no other way to escape, and it will not be able to escape. Once it is surrounded by the other side, there is only one dead end.

"Ziyan!" Xu Xiaotian's figure flew over and landed on the cloud baby. Urgent channel:

"Use the war castle!"

Xu Ziyan nodded, and that's the only way. With Xu Haotian and Xu Qinyang saying: "You are evacuated with the family!"

The words fall, a step baby, the cloud baby. Xu Yuntian and Xu Qinyang flew, then slammed forward and flew away, floating at the forefront of the entire fleet, Xu Ziyan stood on top of the cloud baby. Lifting his right hand and swinging, all the fairy boats behind him stopped, looking at Xu Ziyan in front of them, I don’t know what she was going to do.

A slap-up castle came out of the body, and Xu Ziyan’s figure was like a streamer entering the war castle. The war castle was rapidly enlarged, but it was covered with a circle of dozens of miles in the blink of an eye.

The monks of both sides of the fleet were stunned and shocked to lose consciousness.

what is this?


The speed of the war castle is fully open. Like a huge star, it hit the past with the Mozu fleet. Wherever he went, a piece of fire broke through countless Mozu fairy boats. Just a few moments of time, I smashed into the middle of more than 10,000 demons.

A burst of organs roared, and there were 10,000 holes in the war castle. Then, thousands of barrels were extended from the 10,000 holes, and a ray of light was ejected from the barrel.


Infinite loud noise. The whole sky seems to have become a hell, and thousands of Mozu fairy boats are instantly destroyed.

"This... is the real war castle!" Xu Haotian squinted and muttered to himself.

Looking at the war castle again, my heart finally put down the heart that has been hanging. This time, Xu also lost a lot of money, and the fleet's strength was almost brought out. He was also very worried about the safety of Haikui Star. He sighed:


The Xu family’s fleet quickly left, the war castle was fully fired, and the 10,000 guns on the six artillery and walls continued to spur the flames and smashed a ship’s fairy boat.

The fairy boat of the Mozu finally reacted from the chaos in shock. The formation changed dramatically. It opened the distance from the war castle, while dodging the bombardment of the war castle, and releasing the rune guns to counterattack.

The fleet of the Mozu gradually formed an inwardly curved half moon shape, approaching the war castle. The gunfire continued to bombard the war castle. The war castle slowly rotates in the air, and the runes on the castle can't stop the light bomb. When the side facing the Mozu is sprayed. Then he turned to the other side to condense the rune gun, and the other side turned to face the Mozu fleet to continue firing.

The battle lasted for two quarters, and the Mozu fleet recognized the situation. They had no way to take this war castle for a while. Today, there are only 4,000 ships left in the 10,000 ships. If they continue, they may be wiped out.

The Mozu Fleet began to retreat. The speed is a short board of the War Castle. Although it is also very fast, such a big war castle is not as fast as the ordinary fairy boat.

Looking at the Mozu fairy boat that began to retreat, Xu Ziyan’s mouth passed a sneer: “Small fairy boat attack!”

On the small platform around the war castle, four hundred small fairy boats are already ready. The defensive mask opened a window, and four hundred small fairy boats swarmed out like a meteor across the sky. In the blink of an eye, the Mozu fleet was chased one after the other.

"Hang ~ ~ bang ~ ~ bang ~ ~"

Four hundred dazzling beams are ejected. It is necessary to know that the rune cannons on the four hundred small fairy boats are the same as the rune guns on the war castle. They are all three-dimensional runes, whether they are attacking or range. It must be far higher than the ordinary fairy boat. Only this round of bombardment, and hundreds of Mozu Xianzhou suffered different damages, and some directly burst.

"Hang ~ ~ bang ~ ~ bang ~ ~"

Another round of shelling, but also hundreds of Mozu fairy boats caught fire, which finally caused the anger of the Mozu.

We can't beat the war castle. Isn't even your little fairy boat running to bully us?

The Mozu's fleet turned around and forced them to the four hundred small fairy boats.

"Hang ~ ~ bang ~ ~ bang ~ ~"

Four hundred small fairy boats are another round of bombardment, then turn around and run. Behind the Mozu, the fairy boat rose up and chased. However, what the Mozu monks did not think was that on the four hundred small fairy boats, each fairy boat was equipped with two three-dimensional runes. One is mounted on the top of the fairy boat and one is mounted on the tail.

At this time, four hundred small fairy boats fled quickly, while letting the rune of the tail continue to fire. The range of this three-dimensional rune cannon is farther than that of the demon's ordinary canon, and the Mozu fleet is not yet close. It was bombarded by a round of runes.

However, under the four sides, the range of activities of small flying boats is getting smaller and smaller. Xu Ziyan in the war castle immediately issued an order through the communication of jade:


Four hundred small fairy boats flew toward the war castle before the Mozu fleet had not completed the encirclement. This makes the Mozu monks very helpless. If they continue to pursue, they believe that it is possible to eliminate the 400 people of the human race. However, the problem is that it has not yet reached the scope of the huge war castle. To withstand the intensive and powerful artillery of the war castle.

The fleet of the Mozu stopped and watched as the four hundred small fairy boats flew into the war castle, and then the war castle slowly flew away into the distance. But even the pursuit of the gesture is not willing to make it.

When I saw the fleet of the Mozu also began to retreat, and eventually disappeared in the depths of the Xinghai. Xu Ziyan flew out of the war castle and closed the war castle. It was too expensive. Even if Xu Ziyan was a rich man, it would consume her heartache.

Called out the cloud baby. Fly in the direction of Haikuixing.

First class family.

Sun family.

Sun Hao sat on the top and slammed his fingers and gently tapped the arm of the chair and said: "Hundreds of Xian Zhou of Xu Qinyang met the Mozu Fleet?"


Purple home.

Zitai put down the teacup in his hand and said faintly: "How is Xu Qinyang now?"

"The loss is not small, it is in the direction of the red tide."

Snow home.

Snow drifting on the forest path, easily asked: "How to compare the strength of the two sides /"

"Xu Qinyang has three hundred fairy boats, and the Mozu has more than a thousand ships!"

Wind home.

Feng Xingjun closed his eyes and meditated.

"The patriarch, do we want to reinforce?"

The monarchy opened his eyes. There is a smile in the eyes: "Why do we need reinforcements? They have a family of Xianjun, and families like us who don’t have Xianjun don’t want to join in the fun. We just look at the Xu family and defeat the Mozu. It’s fine for the Terran, hahaha...”

Liu Jia.

Liu Wei slightly squinted: "How about other families?"

"The Hui family, the other families are not moving."

"Then we don't move!"

"That... if Xu Qinyang was wiped out by the Mozu..."

“Xu is now a first-class family. As a first-class family, you should be alone!”

Zhou Jia.

Zhou Wei looked at the family monk in front of him and asked, "How is it now?"

"Xu Qinyang has escaped into the red tide, but there are some fairy boats in the Mozu. At this time, there are already more than 2,000 fairy boats. Xu Qinyang this time..."

Lu family.

"Do you mean that Xu Jia has sent more than 3,000 ships in the East to the Red Tide Rescue?" Lu Yuying Huo Ran stood up from the chair.

Qin family.

Qin Yu’s mouth fluttered a trace of sarcasm: “Xujia reinforcements? Do they have time?”

Four super families.

Chu family.

"The patriarch, the Xu family fleet has reached a red tide and launched a fierce attack on the Mozu fleet. That Xu Qinyang is still alive."

Chu Yun said with no joy and no worries: "If Xu's reaction is not fast enough. Let Xu Qinyang die in the sea of ​​stars, this family is not worthy of attention, which is expected."

Cloud home.

The clouded leopard dropped a piece of chess and frowned slightly. "You mean that the Mozu suddenly appeared in a million boats. Stop the way of the Xu family?"

Jiang family.

Jiang Zixiong stood up from the chair and unbelievable in his eyes: "What? Does Xu have a huge fairy boat covering dozens of miles? Like a castle?"

Item home.

The project shot leaned the body against the back of the chair. Both eyes thought and said: "You mean, the fairy boat of the Xu family's castle has destroyed more than 5,000 demon sin boats and returned safely?"

The Xujia Fleet and the Mozu Fleet fought frontally, and the news of the victory was quickly spread among the Xinghai Terrans. For a time, the human race was uplifting and rejoicing. The four super families, the eight first-class families sent people to congratulate, and those second-rate families began to ask to join the Xu family.


Thanks to the pink tickets of the new and old comrades, but the gap has not narrowed, and the comrades are giving some strength. The territory immediately went to the third chapter.


*(To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to vote for the recommended ticket, monthly pass, your support is my biggest motivation.)

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