The Mighty Female Immortal

Chapter 1545: Narrow strip

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Xu Ziyan shook his head and said: "I don't know, but I have to pull it out if I can't do it. Haikuixing needs to leave the boat again, and our strength is not enough."

Huang Mengmeng's hood was opened, and the Qiankun Lei, which was rotating around the Haikuixing, moved to both sides and opened a passage. Eight thousand ships were like a torrent of water and left the sea.

Half-day kung fu came to Hai Weixing, the planet occupied by three second- and third-rate families and the fairy boat sent by the planet occupied by a scattered alliance. The family forces sent out 3,000 ships, and the squad sent 2,000 ships to the squad, and the sacred boat of the Xu family merged into one place, and there were 13,000 sacs flying toward Haijie.

Xu Ziyan sat in the cloud baby, sitting next to Xu Tianwo and Ling Xiao, standing around a dozen family monks. Suddenly she looked up and said:

"Stop moving forward."

More than a dozen family monks immediately conveyed the order through the communication jade, and the huge fleet stopped in the air, and Xu Tianlang’s eyebrows jumped:

"Ziyan, why stop?"

Xu Ziyan frowned slightly: "The nine first-class families are distributed throughout the Xinghai. Why did the Mozu specialize in attacking the Sun family closest to our Xu family? But not attacking our Xu family? The Sun family is not the weakest in the first-class family. It is not the strongest. What is the reason for the Mozu to decide to attack the Sun family and let us go?"

Xu Tian’s mad look: “Does this need no reason? Maybe this is what the Mozu thinks we are not good at playing, and this time we will give up attacking our home.”

Xu Ziyan looked at Xu Tianma silently, and Xu Tian smiled and said: "Ziyan. If you have anything, you will say, you know how to fight, I will be the other one..."

"Sirius brother, if the nine first-class families are in the hands of the Mozu. The most let the Mozu suffer, and let the Mozu have no way is our Xu family. They do not attack our Xu family, but come to attack the distance. Xu’s recent Sun family, what does this mean?”

Ling Xiao suddenly sat up straight. The look is a little nervous: "Ziyan, you mean..."

Xu Ziyan slammed his finger and tapped the table gently: "The Mozu wants to fight around, kill the main force of our family, and then attack the Haikui Star, and completely wipe out our Xu family from Xinghai."

Xu Tianwo suddenly realized that he stood up and said: "Ziyan, what is still stopping here, we will go back immediately."

Xu Ziyan shook his head and smiled. Gently tapping his finger and gently tapping on the desk: "We will go back like this, and the Mozu will occupy Haijiexing as a base and start attacking the surrounding people. And this is our first home." After the formation of the coalition forces, it is so unclear to go back, this military will be scattered."

When I reached out and took the chart, I came over and threw it into the air. The scrolls unfolded and the charts in the Xinghai appeared in front of everyone. Xu Ziyan stretched his finger and dragged it in the chart, and quickly dragged the area of ​​Haijiexing.

"I know where the Mozu will ambush us!" Xu Ziyan extended his finger to pull a piece of Haitu near Haijiexing to the front, pointing to the chart:

"From Haikui Xing to Haijiexing, this road is the only way. On the left is a thick mist of the Xinghai. This fog is always the best ambush. It is the best ambush. Belts, these lucky ones are made up of some different sizes of gravel, which flow irregularly in the star belt. It is estimated that those indigenous people who are familiar with the Xinghai can ambush inside.

Ling Xiao looked at the chart and said: "Ziyan, or do we detour to Haijiexing?"

Xu Ziyan shook his head and said: "The road is too far. It takes at least five days. Call the heads of the second and third-rate families and the scattered alliance. I will arrange the things, we will still follow this one. road."

The second and third-stream families led the two monks of the nine-day Xuan Xian, named Cheng Xiaodong and Wu Hefei. The leader of the Sanshou Alliance is a nine-day Xuanxian late peak called Jiang Liang. Together with Xu Ling's Xu Linghou and Xu Tianzhu, they are all standing on the side of Xu Ziyan. Listening to Xu Ziyan pointing to the chart to explain the situation and the task of arrangement.

After the task has been laid out. Xu Ziyan waved and closed the chart. His eyes became cold and fell on Cheng Xiaodong, Wuhe Fei and Jiang Liang, and he said unceremoniously:

"We Xujia welcomes all the road friends to join the alliance, but what we need is the human hero who can fight with the Mozu, not the encounter with the Mozu.

I know that the forces you belong to have lost in front of the Mozu, lost the planet they occupy, and have a potential fear of the Mozu. However, today is the first battle for us to form a coalition. If we fail again, we should stop staying in Xinghai, simply let the Xinghai, and leave it far away. Because we can no longer defeat the Mozu, because our failure is not because our strength is weak, nor because our number is small, but because our heart is weak, and we are not smashed. ”

Xu Ziyan suddenly patted the table: "Since all of you are headed by our Xu family, then my request is very simple. You must watch our Xu family action. If we let the family escape, you can naturally escape. But if we Xu family did not escape, even if there is only one boat left in our family, as long as it is still fighting, you have to give me a fierce attack on the Mozu."

Cheng Xiaodong, Wuhe Fei and Jiang Liang were shaken by Xu Ziyan. At the same time, the face also rose red, after all, people make people face to face, they are not wary, who is not comfortable. However, this is another fact, and the rebuttal is not allowed.

The Xu family is indeed like Xu Ziyan said, in the face of the Mozu, it has never retreated, and never failed. They also saw the Xu family's record, which is willing to rely on Xu.

Xu Ziyan glanced at the people in a majestic manner. This time it was not only the process of sweeping Xiaodong, Wuhefei and Jiangliang, but also Xu Linghou, Xu Tianzhu, Xu Tianwo and Ling Xiao. In the eyes, I turned cold and said:

"This is the first battle of our coalition forces. Xu Sheng will not be defeated. Every fleet must follow the pre-station deployment to do every step. Including Xu Jiaxian, which Xianzhou dare to retreat, his small team The captain will live differently. If any team dares to run away, then only the squad leader of the squad will take the lead to see, and so on, if the entire fleet you belong to escape..."

Xu Ziyan’s gaze swept the process of Xiaodong, Wuhefei and Jiangliang again, and said coldly: “I’m sorry to be a friend of yours, and I will personally pick you down.”

Cheng Xiaodong, the face of Wu Hefei and Jiang Liang is a white. The three of them knew that these words were specifically given to us by Xu Ziyan. And they have no doubt that once the escape has happened, Xu Ziyan will kill us three without any difficulty. Sucking a spit, the three men looked at each other and saw a meaning from the other's eyes:

"Fight, big deal, this time on the battlefield."

"How to control the fleet you belong to, I don't care. What I need is a warrior who can obey my orders and kill the devil. Tell the monks under your jurisdiction. We have been fighting the Mozu many times and have not failed once. It proves what? this proves that they have nothing to fear, as long as you are willing to beat him, beat him now and hit him, killing him. "

Cheng Xiaodong's face was white and red, red and white, like a dyeing house. Finally, a heavy fist:

"Xu Daoyou, although we are second-rate families, but it is not a kind of scorpion. You don't have to run out of the army. As long as I have a boat in my boat, I will come to see you."

Wuhefei is also blushing and whispering, saying: "Xu Daoyou, is not insulting the mission."

As a sprawl, Jiang Liang has a bit of awkwardness and hears hard: "Know how to do it!"

"Good!" Xu Ziyan did not have a good complexion, and snorted: "Return to each position, open."

The fog of Xinghai drifted away, making 13,000 boats become looming...

Not far from the front, there is a narrow passageway between the star belt and the mist of the Xinghai. On the left is a fog that stretches for hundreds of miles, and on the right is a star belt that stretches for hundreds of miles. On one side is the fog that cannot be seen through, and on the other side is the nebula that is broken by the gravel. From time to time, there is a huge piece of gravel that has left the orbit and rushed into the narrow passage, which is extremely dangerous.

The fog on the left was blown by a hurricane, floating on a narrow passage, making the line of sight more unclear.


A fairy boat was dodging and was hit by a situation that was out of orbit. When it was time, it collapsed and the boat destroyed.

Suddenly, the mist of the Xinghai on the left swelled, revealing countless fairy boats, sweeping away, and there were 10,000 ships. The top of a canoe is condensing a light bomb and rushing toward the flank of the Xu family.


A humming sound, above the sky, a slap-sized object hurriedly rushed toward the Mozu fleet below. Just in the blink of an eye, the unobtrusive palm-sized object expands into a war castle that covers dozens of miles.

This war castle did not make any sense at all. It directly crushed the past with its own overbearing strength, and at the same time, thousands of runes on the war castle violently bombarded.


The space is shaking, and the thick fog is tumbling. The Wan Daguang bombs covered the sky, and the Mozu fleet collapsed, and the miles were full of flames.

Xu Ziyan was sitting in the cloud baby at this time, looking at the flames stretching for a hundred miles, and the mood was slightly relaxed. She had long allowed Xu Tianwo and Ling Xiao to command a war castle that had shrunk into a slap in the sky and flew over the fleet. Upon discovery, the Mozu immediately launched a full-scale attack.

Xu Ziyan is not worried about Xu Tianlang and Ling Xiao, Ling Xiao is very calm, Xu Tianwo is a militant, these two people simply do not know the fear, I think the two faced a group of repairs higher than their two The monks dared to rush to save Yang Linglong and Long Aotian, and even Xu Ziyan admired the courage of both of them.


*(To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to vote for the recommended ticket, monthly pass, your support is my biggest motivation.)

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