The Mighty Female Immortal

Chapter 1546: Smoke filled

I am very grateful to the flower kingdom peas classmates, the book friends 0814215111134340 classmates, the book friends 110410192204613 classmates, the lonely fleeing classmates, the Linye71 classmates, the Nanling classmates' pink tickets!


Xu Ziyan was worried about Cheng Xiaodong, Wuhefei and Jiangliang’s fleet at the time. Although these three people had already informed their men that they would encounter a sneak attack here, Xu Ziyan was fully prepared, as long as he obeyed the order, Panic, but these monks who have failed many times in succession can not hold their minds, but let Xu Ziyan have no bottom.

Xu Ziyan turned to the first place and saw a hidden Mozu fairy boat behind the gravel in the Star Belt. There were 10,000 boats, and they were rushing to the right side of the Xu family.

Xu Ziyan was shocked and hurried to the fleet on the right side of his side, and he took a long sigh of relief. Seeing that the fleet on the right side did not panic, but neatly turned around and pointed the Rune Cannon to the Mozu Fleet that was rushing out of the Star Belt.

At this time, Xu Ziyan did not know that her status was greatly improved in the hearts of the joint fleet of monks, especially those who joined the Xu family. They had heard that the Mozu would ambush themselves before, but they were still hesitant. Suddenly there was a squad of the Mozu fleet, and Xu Zi was expected to be a god, and this confidence in these monks was greatly enhanced. There is a coach who knows what is like a god, and who has no choices, so that these monks are full of confidence.

It is this kind of confidence in Xu Ziyan that led to the fact that the monks who knew the escape to the Mozu fleet had stabilized, and according to the previous orders, the Xianzhou was turned around in an orderly manner. Open the Rune Cannon and quickly condense the Light Bomb.

Moreover, Xu Ziyan took into account the qualities of these newly added monks, and arranged most of them on the left side of the war castle, only a small part on the right side. Most of the fairy boats on the right side are Xuzhou's fairy boats. This will ensure the stability of the fleet to the greatest extent possible.

"Hang ~ ~ bang ~ ~ bang ~ ~"

The Xujia United Fleet on the left opened fire. There were more than 6,000 ships in this side. They saw the mighty war castle, especially after the newly added monks were shocked by the war castle. It is the ecstasy of the heart. With such a war castle, do they still need to be afraid? Once confidence is established, speed and precision are raised to a higher level. Only this round of volley, coupled with the bombardment of the war castle, the Devil's 10,000 fleet lost 70%.

The fleet on the right saw the results and began to encircle the remnants of the Mozu fleet. The time was full of gunfire and the infinite roar was deaf. The fragments of the fairy boat roll in the air.

Numerous Mozu monks rushed out of the smoked fairy boat and teleported toward the distance. However, all around it was gunfire, and there was no teleportation in the denseness. One of the Mozus just rushed out of the fairy boat and was bombarded by the Rune.

The newly added fleet on this side was a monk led by Cheng Xiaodong and Wu Hefei. At this time, the two people were completely excited. I have been fighting the Mozu many times. Never been so happy. One by one, yelling at the neck of the jade:

"Give me, don't let me go to a demon."

Seeing that thousands of Xianzhou were almost completely annihilated in such a short period of time, and this side only lost more than a dozen Xianzhou, which is equivalent to no loss. All the monks trust and worship Xu Zhiyan immediately. Sharply improved, they started the fairy boat and annihilated the subsequent Mozu.

These Mozus have now become flies without heads and completely lost their resistance. Some of the Mozu want to surrender, but the Terran monks are willing to accept, how many of their relatives and friends died in the hands of the Mozu. They completely ignored the pursuit of the Mozu. A round of rune guns slammed the Mozu with their accumulated anger.

Xu Ziyan took his eyes back from the left side. At this point, there is nothing to watch out for. There are fewer than a hundred ships left in the Mozu fleet, and it is only a matter of time to destroy them. Moreover, Xu Ziyan firmly believes that after this war, the joint fleet will be formed, and there will be no more happenings.

Looking around to the right side of the fleet. The fleet of the Mozu is rushing out of the star belt, and a canoe releases the luster of metal. The spread of densely spread. The Xu family fleet has already lost its head and is waiting for it.

The devil will not think that the Xu family fleet seems to have seen their plans. With all the preparations, and seeing the left side of the Xinghai fog, the Mozu fleet is rapidly dying. Under the shock, the anger is pouring into the heart, and the boundless murderous The body has spread out.

What will happen if I get rid of it?

In this narrow strip, it is fierce. The Xu family fleet is powerful, but the fairy boat in this fleet is not all Xu family monks. There are many monks who have just joined the Xu family. They are all defeated by the Mozu. When they see our Mozu, they can only flee. As long as they start chaos and escape, it will inevitably affect the Xu family monks. When they are, they will become a pot of porridge. It is only a matter of time to annihilate this coalition.

What's more, they entered the entrance to this narrow strip and have now been sealed. Another 10,000-strong fleet of the Mozu has been ambushed there. There are also more than 10,000 boats in front of it, and even if you lose a fleet of troops on the left, Xu has no possibility of escape.

Looking up at the war castle that was being crushed everywhere, the greed was revealed in the eyes of the Mozu. Part of the reason for this ambush was to destroy the main force of the Xu family, but the most important reason was for this war castle. The deterrent power of this war castle is too great. If the war castle can be seized, it is worthwhile to lose the Mozu in this operation.

On the right side of the Xujialian Army’s right-hand fleet, the top of each fairy boat emits dazzling light. A series of rune guns spurt out. Thousands of runes are drawn across the sky, like a wave of light slamming toward the Mozu Fleet.

"Hang ~ ~ bang ~ ~ bang ~ ~"

The fleet of the Mozu also opened fire. The rune guns of the two sides collided in the middle, and a great power was erupted. The entire narrow space violently vibrated, and a small space could not be cracked.

Most of the fairy boats on the right side are the fleets of the Xu family. These monks have repeatedly fought the Mozu, never suffered defeat, and faced the attack of the Mozu. There was no panic, and the roads continued to run. The land bombarded the past with the Mozu fleet.

The monks under Jiang Liang were still a little bit flustered at the initial stage, but soon under the influence of the Xu family monks, the mood stabilized, watching Xu Jiaxian accurately bombing the Mozu fleet, and their rune guns began. Have a head.

The tens of thousands of fleets of the Mozu quickly lost more than 2,000 ships in the intensive bombardment of the Xujia coalition, but the fleet of the Mozu rushed to the Xu family with the fastest speed. fleet. Because they know the power of the war castle. If you let the war castle sweep away the demons on the left side and then fly to the right side, the Mozu will have no other way than being crushed. Only by quickly rushing into the Xu family fleet and twisting together with the Xu family fleet will the war castle be scrupulous and lose its effect. Waiting to destroy all the Xu family fleet, and then join forces to encircle the war castle.

Therefore, the Mozu would rather put on the loss and lift the speed of the fairy boat to the extreme, and rushed toward the Xu family fleet.


The distance between the two sides is already only 50 meters.

At this time, both sides gave up the rune gun. With such a short distance, the rune gun had lost its effect. The figures on both sides of the fairy boat flew over, stood full of monks, waiting for each other, waiting to hit a place. , launching a fierce strangle.

The Xu family fleet moved, bravely rushing over to the Mozu, and the fairy instruments in their hands were sacrificed, releasing a thousand ray of light and smashing the past.

The narrow strip became a ground meat farm...

In the rear of the Xujia fleet, the tens of thousands of Mozu fleets that had been ambushed for a long time saw that they had already started fighting. They rushed out from the Xinghai fog and the star belt and rushed toward the Xu family.

They did not find a red and purple river flowing above the sky, like a red and purple nebula that people would not pay attention to.

When all the Mozu fleets rushed out of the Xinghai fog and the star belt, and chased them away from the Xu family, "嗡", the red and purple nebula shattered, but it was A red-purple otter, a few water scorpions joined a Qiankun Lei, scattered around, and then threw a scorpion lei to the Mozu fairy boat.

This is the Mozu Fleet that sealed the entrance to the narrow strip. Their main task was to prevent the war castle of Xu from escaping. As for the Xu family's fleet, they simply did not look at it.

Several times with Xu's family, they believed that the main reason for the failure was because of the Xu family's war castle. As for the Xu family's fleet, the Mozu fleet with the front sides could completely solve the Xu family fleet. As long as the war castle can be taken back this time, the Mozu can use this war castle to destroy the defense of the four super families and drive the Terran out of the Xinghai.

"Hang ~ ~ bang ~ ~ bang ~ ~"

The fleet of the Mozu suddenly had no warning, and it exploded inexplicably. In an instant, thousands of Xianzhou collapsed, and the Mozu fleet from the back breadcuffs panicked. They did not know where the attack came from.

"Hang ~ ~ bang ~ ~ bang ~ ~"

Thousands of Xianzhou explosions, the Mozu looked around the air, only to find that there was a river of red and purple flowing in the air, and the outside of the river was constantly thrown out of the sea. Those who are 乾坤雷.

Qiankun Lei’s Weineng Mozu was naturally monitored. When they attacked Haikuixing, they were not bombarded by Qiankun Lei. Today, I saw the Qiankun Lei, who was hanging down in the sky, and the Mozu panicked.

"Hang ~ ~ bang ~ ~ bang ~ ~"

Thousands of ships were hit by the squadrons, and the collapsed shards of the swan were tumbling in the air...


The figure of a Mozu rushed out from the fairy boat and stood on the fairy boat. The power of the Xianjun period spread out, and the hands rolled and pushed. The great power formed a black tornado toward the sky. The red and purple river rolled over.



*(To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to vote for the recommended ticket, monthly pass, your support is my biggest motivation.)

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