The Mighty Female Immortal

Chapter 1548: A glimpse of the sky

I am very grateful to wqiy2003 classmates, petnut classmates, Xuexue 1225 classmates, Linglong filming classmates, Nanling classmates, Lao Yang or Lao Yang classmates, Baomu Rijin classmates' pink ticket!


Xu family is not stupid, Haikuxing's shield is no longer throwing out the Qiankun Lei, so that the magic will intend to use the idea of ​​Qiankun Lei. Xu Jia appeared in the crack of the shield, a canoe, and sprayed a rune gun.

In the narrow strip, the war castle has swept away the Mozu on the left side and rushed toward the front, because at this time there were more than 10,000 boats in front of the hair. These Xianzhou were originally in front of the Mozu waiting to block the lost boat of the Xu family fleet, but they did not get the Xuzhou defeated Xianzhou, to wait for the news of the Mozu ambush on the left side. So they can no longer wait, and only take the initiative to attack the Xu family fleet.

At this time, Xu Ziyan stood on the cloud baby and looked toward the battlefield on the right side. He saw a Mozu Xianjun flying back and forth on the fairy boat. A personal monk was easily killed by him.

Xu Ziyan’s double sleeves rose upwards, and Gu Teng hopes and Peng Peng Xiaobai rushed out from the purple smoke space. One rushed to the foot of the Mozu Sinjun, and turned out countless ancient vines, entangled toward the Mozu Sinjun, one Rushing into the sky, a giant claw was swept from the clouds, and the head of the Mozu Sinjun was captured with a sharp, broken voice.

It is impossible for the Mozu to attack the nine first-class families to be the masters of the mid-Jianjun period. Those monks must be guarded by the four super-families of the Terran, and the Mozu sent most of their power to attack the nine first-class families. There is no high-ranking fairy sitting in town. Didn't you give the Terran four super family opportunities?

Therefore, they sent out the early days of Xianjun. With their understanding of the Terran, Xianjun is enough for the first-class family. Is the Terran family with Xianjun still a first-class family? That was the super family.

How can an early Xianjun be able to withstand the attack of Gu Teng Hope and Kuang Peng Xiao Bai?

Although the two princes of Gu Teng and Kuang Peng are only the beginning, their fighting power is definitely not in the middle of Xianjun. Especially white. I am afraid that it will surpass the strength of the mid-Jianjun. Is the ancient animal beast called white?

In the early days of these two immortals, let alone two, that is, a Mozu Sinjun is not an opponent in the middle. Just want to be entangled with Xiao Bai, and then die.

Xu Ziyan’s body shape suddenly rises from the cloud baby, and as the war castle rushes forward, the figure rises sharply beyond the height of the war castle.

On the other side of her, on the other side of the war castle, a monk was also raised, and it was full of magic. Released the power of Xianjun in the early days. At the same time, the two men rose to the heights, surpassing the war castle and looking across the war castle.


The two people are like two meteors, and they are striking toward each other. The bodies on both sides burst into a dazzling light. Shocking the air out of the two semicircular masks...

A dark black ink...

A blue sky like the sea...


Two people slammed into one place and each flew backwards...

In the middle of the collision, a huge mushroom cloud was rushed...

There was a hint of surprise in the eyes of the Mozu Sinjun, who had a black and white ink. He did not expect that a half-step Xianjun would make him slightly injured.

Xu Ziyan's hands are one-on-one. The meaning of the water is transported to the great consummation, and a blue water dragon roars out...


The water vapor of the riots in the Xinghai was opened, and it rushed to the Devil.

The demon sage was equally lifted, and a black dragon came out and slammed into the roaring water dragon.

Xu Ziyan's finger is slightly moving, and the five-color sword is held in the hand. The figure is vertical and the clothes are fluttering. Immediately after the blue water dragon, it rushes to the demon fairy.


One black and one blue two dragons collided together. There is boundless power in the storm.


The azure dragon screamed. Broke the black dragon and swooped over to the Mozu Sinjun. The Mozu Sinjun has a double eye, and his hands are in the air, and there is a black giant axe in his hand. Squatting toward the blue water dragon.


The blue dragon is instantly broken and turned into a mist. The mouth of the Mozu Sinjun passed a sneer. This sneer just floated up. Suddenly stiff in the corner of his mouth, a sapphire blue figure rises from the mist of the water, holding a long sword in both hands, and smashing out the sword. Splitting the sky, splitting the demon sage, spreading to the distance...

The body of the Mozu Sinjun is silently divided into two halves, and the one-eye on each half releases an unbelievable gaze.


The swordsmanship spread like a pair of swords, and countless demons of the demons collapsed.

"Booming ~~"

The war castle rumbled forward toward the front, and the Wanmen Rune Guns opened, and the opposite of the Devil's Fairy Boat was like the fireworks of the festival...

Xu Ziyan's body shape fell to the bottom, stepping on the cloud baby, looking up, his face smiled.


Above her, a red-colored river drifted over, which solved the otter of the Mozu who blocked the Xu family.

Xu Ziyan looked around and looked around. The left side of the Mozu had been solved, and the right and front of the Mozu also came to an end, and soon they could all be eliminated.

After half an hour, the 50,000 Mozu fleet was almost swept away by the Xu family fleet. Only a small part of the Mozu escaped. Xu Ziyan will squat, hope and Xiaobai will be collected, and the war castle will be collected into the cloud baby. After changing the former army to the army, the latter army changed its former army and returned to Haikuixing.

"Ziyan, we don't go to Haijie Star?" Inside the cloud baby, Xu Tianlang asked quietly.

"You don't have to go." Xu Ziyan shook his head. "Since there are about 50,000 or so demons coming to kill us, it proves that Haijie Star has been completely occupied by the Mozu, and the Sun family is finished. And we will also be this magic. The family is almost killed, and they have no ability to occupy Haijie Star in a short time.

Today, our family's Haikui Star is being attacked, so we have to return immediately. Waiting to eliminate the Mozu who attacked our Xu family, it is not too late to come back to receive Haijiexing. In a short time, Haijiexing will be a star without the monk's occupation. The Terran has no energy to occupy, and the Mozu also has no energy. I am afraid that the planet occupied by the first-class family is already in the flames of war. Whoever can end the war on his own planet will have the energy to expand his power. ”

Hai Kuixing.

The fairy boat of the Mozu has only 30,000 ships left, and nearly 20,000 ships have been lost. The four thousand ships that Xu Ziyan left, also lost nearly two thousand, which is because the Xu family’s fairy boat hides in the crack of the shield. When I saw the fire of the Mozu violently, I hid to the side. But even then, when they couldn't do it, they lost nearly half of their lives. If the Xu family loses two thousand ships, it will lose its counterattack ability and only completely close the passive defense.

Although this big battle is tough, if there is no counterattack, even if tens of thousands of fairy boats are bombarded, it will not last for too long and will be smashed by the Mozu. Therefore, hundreds of thousands of monks in the Xu family have also made a big crash and prepared for the **** battle of the Mozu.

More than 30,000 Mozu Xian boats bombarded the rune guns without stopping. The cracks on the Haikui star mask were almost filled by the light bombs bombarded by the Mozu. Numerous light bombs traversed the cracks of the big array. Haikui Xing. Some of Xu’s sacred boats saw a violent light bomb that had already flashed to one side. The group of light bombs exploded on the empty ground inside the Haikui Star, and the earth was blown out of the deep crater.

However, there are also some Xu family boats that do not catch up, and they are instantly bombarded with light. The Xuzhou’s Xianzhou only waited until the round of the Mozu’s fairy boat, and suddenly appeared in the crack in the short moment of the condensed rune gun, issued a rune gun, and attacked the Mozu fleet.

The Xu family fleet has the protection of a large array of shields that can be dodged at any time and disappear into the cracks. However, the fleet of the Mozu is not protected! And they still can't go back. Because they only have to retreat, Xu will throw out countless Qiankun Lei from the crack, so they only have a hard bombardment with Xu Jiafu artillery, which makes their losses much more than Xu Jia.

As time went by, the Xu family was covered with a large array of shields, leaving only more than 500 boats. This situation immediately made the Mozu feel it. Because the Xu family's gunfire is no longer dense, and many shield cracks have been closed. The devil will be overjoyed in his heart. As long as he persists for a while, he can destroy the fire of the Xu family and bombard the shield of the Haikui Star.

At this time, suddenly the roar of the sky came from behind the Mozu, and the sky behind the whole became bright. When the devil looked back, he saw more than 10,000 light bullets screaming at them. On top of a light bomb, a huge war castle ran across the sky, and the pressure of the demise fell from the sky.


Above the war castle, more than 10,000 runes and cannons roared at the same time. From the sky, more than 10,000 light bullets were thrown at the Mozu Fleet. This added up to more than 20,000 rune guns rushing into the Mozu fleet, the entire Mozu fleet. Flowering everywhere, just an instant, was destroyed more than 6,000 boats, and more than 2,000 boats were damaged and lost their fighting ability.

The devil will sigh and know that his attack on the Haikui Star has failed. Today, his fairy boat is only 20,000, and the other party obviously has more than 10,000 boats, and the most fearful of the Mozu is the war castle covering dozens of miles. If you wait until the Terran in the Haikui Star rushes out and closes together, they will be wiped out. Still squatting before the Xu family did not get together!

The fleet of the Mozu escaped, and this situation made the Xu Jialian army morale. The large array of shields was opened, and the remaining more than 500 boats were rushed out, and the fleet of Xu Ziyan was combined to catch up with the Mozu.

Xu Ziyan took the war castle into the cloud baby. This war castle is strong in both defense and attack power, that is, the speed is not good. It is simply impossible to point to it to catch up with the Mozu.

After handing over the command of the joint fleet to Xu Linghou, Xu Ziyan rushed to the fleet of the Mozu in the cloud baby.


*(To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to vote for the recommended ticket, monthly pass, your support is my biggest motivation.)

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