The Mighty Female Immortal

Chapter 1549: Bullying home

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Xu Linghou led the joint fleet to catch up behind, and every monk was morally high. Especially those who have joined the Xu family, everyone has a feeling of exaltation that has never been seen before.

In the previous few meetings with the Mozu, they were all passive, just as the current Mozu was chased. But now, they are chasing the Mozu in a vigorous manner. From time to time, some of the damaged Mozu Xianzhou were caught up by them. It was a runon gun that smashed them into powder, and the heart was called a cool one!

How fast is the cloud baby!

Just a dozen breaths of time to catch up with the Mozu, one catches up with the Mozu, but Xu Ziyan does not attack them, but instead flies away from the sky, with the speed and dexterity of the cloud baby to avoid the Mozu Rune Cannon The bombardment then released the war castle above the sky.

The war castle was instantly enlarged to a radius of a few dozen miles. Like a steel castle, it circling downwards and falling downwards. At the same time, more than 10,000 rune guns spewed out a dazzling flame, covering the sky.

The Mozu only lost thousands of boats in an instant, and fled to the distance without a life.


The shield on the war castle opened dozens of windows, and the small fairy boats that had already waited on the platform swarmed out. These small fairy boats have low defenses, but they are characterized by speed and attack.

Four hundred small fairy boats rushed out of the war castle, like four hundred silver lines across the sky. In an instant, I approached the Mozu fairy boat, and four hundred rune guns violently bombarded the Devil's boat.

"Hang ~ ~ bang ~ ~ bang ~ ~"

The violent artillery fire constantly bombarded the fleet of the Mozu, and a Demon squad collapsed in the rune gun and crashed...

The Mozu looked back. There is not a large number of fairy boats in their rear, that is, the war castle is also far away from themselves, but there are four hundred small boats that can't be smaller and can't stop firing at themselves. And it is these small can not be able to shoot down their fairy boat.

The Mozu is angry!

Isn't this bullying his mother to open the door to bullying and bullying home?

Thousands of Mozuxian boats in the back suddenly turned around. Approaching the past with four hundred small fairy boats. However, before they even gathered the rune guns, they saw that the small fairy boats flew away, pulling out four hundred silver lines and flew toward the huge war castle in the distance. The shield of the war castle opened dozens of windows, and the 400 boats flew into the window.

Then the war castle sharply shrunk...

not good!

The Mozu immediately realized that it was not good, and immediately turned around and rushed to escape. Xu Ziyan took the war castle into the cloud baby and slammed it toward the Mozu.

The Mozu was determined this time. It was the next few hundred small fairy boats that came back. They ignored it and quickly fled back to their nest. Just after making this determination, I saw a fleet flying over them, with more than two thousand ships. The devil will be shocked. Is it true that Xu Jia knew that he would run away in this direction, leaving a team of ambushes here?

The opposite Xiangzhou obviously paused. It seems that the monks in the fairy boat are stunned. Then he turned around in a panic and fled.

The Mozu fleet saw great joy at the first sight, and did not catch up with those who escaped. They deviated from the course and fled to another method.

However, just as the two sides had just escaped from each other, a light of light had already rushed to the heights of the Mozu, and then a huge war castle appeared again above the Mozu Fleet, and more than 10,000 runes were directed to the Mozu fleet. bombardment.

"Hang ~ ~ bang ~ ~ bang ~ ~"

The huge roar made the monk in the fairy boat fleeing in the other direction, and looked back. It is a glimpse. Then the heart was ecstatic, and countless interrogations in the jade slipped into the cries of joyful crying:

"It is a war castle!"

"It is the war castle of Xu family!"


"Go to the devil!"


More than two thousand Xianzhou hurriedly turned around and rushed toward the Mozu. The rumbling rune guns violently bombarded the Mozu. At this time, there are only 10,000 ships left in the Mozu fleet. Hundreds of ships were lost by the bombardment of more than two thousand boats. This is not the most important thing. The most important thing is that they have been dragged out by more than two thousand lucky boats. Plus the war castle over the sky. At this point, the melee has become a piece.

In the distance, more than 10,000 bright spots are rapidly approaching, it is the Xu family fleet that is being pursued. At the same time that the Mozu was flustered, the two thousand tanks of the Terran were overjoyed.

"The Xu family fleet is here!"

"Drag the Mozu!"

More than two thousand fleets seem to have extreme hatred. At this time, they saw the hope of revenge. They completely forgot the fear of the Mozu, and there was only hatred left in their hearts. Although from time to time a ship was destroyed, it was frantically blocking the fleet of the Mozu.

At the same time as the war castle continued to bombard, dozens of windows opened, and four hundred small fairy boats once again rushed out of the war castle and slammed into the past.

"Hang ~ ~ bang ~ ~ bang ~ ~"

More than 10,000 Xu family fleets chased them up, and more than 10,000 road runes fired at the Mozu. The Mozu began to scatter, without organization, without formation, and fled to any gap that could escape.

The defeat of the Mozu was out of control. After these scattered escapes, the power was even more dispersed. Under the cover of the Xujia fleet, it suddenly died.

The whole scene was confusing, and the war castle was hung high in the air, and more than 10,000 cannons were covered underneath. There are more than 10,000 Xu family fleets around the Mozu. Xu Ziyan is a foot cloud baby with four hundred speedy small fairy boats swimming in the outer, once the escaped Mozu fairy boat quickly flew past and destroyed it.

The devil will sigh and know that the fleet is completely ruined. It’s fortunate to be able to escape. However, he did not have much worry about himself. As the commander of this operation, there are two positive and negative devils. These two devils will be the early stage of Xianjun. The two of the entire fleet could not protect them, but the two of them wanted to escape. They thought that no one in the first-class family could stop them.

The two Mozu Xianjun glanced at each other, flew out of the fairy boat, waved the fairy boat, and the body shape teleported away. Its speed exceeded the Xu family fleet and even exceeded the speed of the Rune Gun.

Only a few teleports rushed out of the battle group and teleported toward the distance.


With a loud tweet, the two demons will feel that they are covered in a shadow. I looked up hurriedly and saw a huge 鲲鹏 flying on their heads. Two huge claws were found from the clouds and they were caught down to them.

The two demons will be in a panic, and each of them will fight each other with a giant claw.


After the loud noise, the figure of that Peng Peng did not stop, and continued to press against the two demons. On the other hand, the figure of the two Mozus was bombarded by the giant claws of Kunpeng as the meteors fell toward the bottom.

The two devils will be hit by the two claws of the Peng Peng. The bones of the whole arm are broken many times. Just want to sacrifice the magic weapon, but they see a touch of green and fall from the sky.

"哗啦", splitting out numerous large ancient vines will entangle the two magic layers, the huge force makes the ribs of the two magical ruptures in an instant.


Two giant claws are caught on the heads of the two magical men...

Waiting for the purple smoke to return to the battlefield with the ancient vine and Xiaobai, the war is over. Many monks in the air are watching around the war castle, and they are shocked and excited.

Xu Ziyan smiled and put Gu Teng and Xiao Bai into the purple smoke space, and made a gesture toward the four hundred small fairy boats. The four hundred fairy boats gathered in one place, like a silver chain, circling around the war castle, and then flew over the war castle, banging like a silver flower bloom, scattered around Open, flew into the war castle and landed on the platform inside.


"Too cool!"

Surrounded by amazement, the war castle quickly shrank, flew toward Xu Ziyan, and finally shrank to the size of the palm, and was admitted to the cloud baby by Xu Ziyan.

Xu Ziyan looked around and she wanted to know if the two thousand boats were belonging to the family. With a gaze, the look is a glimpse. As soon as the figure fluttered, I came to the front of a female repairer and asked in a hurry:

"Ziyi, how come you are here? Is this fleet your purple house?"

When I saw Xu Ziyan in the purple dress, my face was a joy, and then there was a sad color, and he said:

"Ziyan, the purple star of our purple family was broken, the patriarch was killed, and our purple family is coming to the purple smoke."

"Haiqixing... Broken?" Xu Ziyan lived there for a while.

"Xu Daoyou..."

A voice rang at the side of Xu Ziyan, and Xu Ziyan looked back and couldn’t help but say: "Sun Qian?"

"Hai Jiexing was also broken, my father was killed!" Sun Qiang said bitterly.

For Haijiexing to be broken, Xu Ziyan is psychologically prepared. If Haijiexing is not broken, they will not be ambushed by the Mozu fleet. But the death of Sun Hao is still unexpected. When I heard what Sun Qiang said, I only said one thing:


Sun Qiang suddenly shook his head and said: "This time, the Demon Wars have dealt a heavy blow to the Terran. The Mozu suddenly changed their attack plan. At this time, the nine first-class families and many second- and third-rate families are afraid of being attacked by the Mozu. When the four super families reacted, it was over. Our Terran was defeated this time."

Speaking of this, Sun Qiang’s face showed a hint of envy: “After this fairy war, the pattern of the Terran will change dramatically, and your family will ride from the dust.”

The look hesitated again: "In the future, perhaps the Terran will appear in the fifth super family."

Xu Ziyan shook his head and didn't want to talk about it. He looked at the purple dress and said: "The purple clothes, you purple family will want to..."


*(To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to vote for the recommended ticket, monthly pass, your support is my biggest motivation.)

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