The Mighty Female Immortal

Chapter 1551: Cruel double emperor

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"No!" Xu Qinyang shook his head. "This loss of Xinghai is not a trivial matter. If the four ancestors can come, it will undoubtedly end this fairy war ahead of time. Is the four super families willing to drag on?" The result of dragging down is obviously not good. Is it that the four princes of the late Xianjun will not see it?"

"What do you mean?" Xu Ziyan's look became cautious.

"I think..." Xu Qinyang's tone paused, and he lowered his voice and said, "Will the four of them have an accident?"

“How come?” Xu Ziyan said shockedly: “I don’t know if things will happen with four people? Where is it so smart?”

Xu Qinyang is also a bit of a distress: "This is where I can't figure it out."

Xu Ziyan’s eyes suddenly light up and said: “If the ancestors of the four super families are really having problems, the gap between our family and them will be reduced.”

"Yeah, it is not sure now!"

Xu Ziyan’s eyes looked at Xu Qinyang, but there was a wave in his heart. She remembered that the ancestors of the four super-family had once robbed the four Yanshan souls in the house of evil spirits. Will it be that the four ancestors cultivated problems under the four hands of Yanshan soul? Or is it a crucial moment to retreat?


With the temperament of the mountain spirit, he refused to suffer from childhood, will he kill the ancestors of the four super families. Take his men back?


Xu Ziyan’s eyes showed the evil smile of Yanshan’s soul, as if he was talking about the words that were hanging all day long:

"I want you to know the cruelty of my brother!"

"噗嗤~~" Xu Ziyan laughed out loud.

A big hand swayed in front of Xu Ziyan's eyes. Xu Ziyan was shocked and woke up from the illusion. It was discovered that Xu Qinyang was swinging a big hand in front of her eyes. Looking at her with a strange look.

Xu Ziyan’s face was “red” and red, and he was so shy that Xu Qinyang could see it. Half loud, Xu Qinyang said in a weird tone:

"Ziyan, this is not like you! I am seeing you for the first time. I told my brother. What did you just think?"

Xu Ziyan lowered his eyes, and the face became more and more red, like Yunxia.

"Well, I know, did you just think of that... Yanshan soul? Not right..." Xu Qinyang said with a strange look:

"We were talking about the ancestors of the four super families. How did you think of the Yanshan soul? I still thought about it and laughed, and my face was happy..."

Xu Ziyan stood up from the stone bench with a bang, and picked up the skirt and ran down the steps. Xu Qinyang chased after him and shouted:

"Ziyan. Tell me!"


"Little sister, I am your brother, not an outsider, talk about it!"


"Fighting..." A pair of wings appeared behind Xu Ziyan, and disappeared instantly.

Xu Qinyang stood on the stone steps and looked at the direction in which Xu Ziyan disappeared. His face was curious and muttered:

"What kind of person is that Yanshan Soul? Really curious!"


Upper Yuan Galaxy.

"I want you to know the cruelty of my brother!"

A black robe youth has a big hand. A group of monks burst into countless blood flowers and fell to the ground. Yanshan soul fell from the sky and smashed their storage rings one by one. When he walked over to a **** monk, his eyebrows picked up slightly and said faintly:

"Your vitality is really strong!"

If you fall, you will pop your finger and kill the dead monk. The monk rolled over and climbed up from the ground, shouting and yelling:

"The Shaodi is forgiving! The Shaodi is forgiving!"

Yanshan soul snorted and said: "When you just robbed me, why didn't you keep it? If it wasn't my strength, I am afraid that it is me now!"

"Oh..." The monk slammed his head. The mouth whispered and shouted: "The Shaodi is forgiving, the Shaodi is forgiving!"

Yanshan soul frowned slightly: "Do you admit the wrong person? I am not a young man!"

The monk stopped the girl and raised his face and looked at the Yanshan soul and said with pity: "You don't want to make fun of the villain."

"Well?" Yanshan soul eyebrows said: "Why do you say that I am a young man?"

The monk said cautiously: "Do you often hide the repairs. Attract some monks to rob you, then kill them. Take their resources?"

"Hey!" Yanshan soul slap in the face of the monk: "Goma is a low-key, not intentionally hidden to attract others to rob me!"

"Yes! Yes! You are low-key! Are you saying "I want you to know the cruelty of your brother" before killing those monks who rob you?"

Yanshan soul nodded: "This is true, what happened?"

"That's right, you are the cruel little emperor!"

"The cruel little emperor?"

"Yeah! You don't know how big your name has been in the fairyland, which caused a lot of sensation. In the past few years, you have killed three or four thousand monks. I don't know how many forces are waiting for you. But you are still old. Live and be comfortable."

"I am not asking this!" Yanshan soul shook his head: "Since I am only a cruel emperor, then there should be a cruel emperor?"

The monk immediately nodded like a chicken and glutinous rice: "Yes! Yes! There is also a cruel emperor. He is a legend of the generation! Millions of years ago, he was wanted by several large gates. He killed and did not know How many masters of the monarchy suddenly appeared after more than five million years of disappearance. The means are still hot, and he also has a mantra that is 'not to be confused by my cruel appearance, my heart is kind.', So it is called the cruel emperor. Only then you appeared again, you and he became the cruel emperor by the fairyland. He is old, so it is called the cruel emperor, your age is small, it is called Cruel and less emperor."

"Interesting!" Yanshan soul snorted and said: "What is the cruel emperor called?"

"He is called Miles!"

"Take a thousand miles..."


Zhongyuan Galaxy.


Hai Kuixing.

The streets are full of monks, and on the planet in the stars, they are greatly affected by the Xinghai. At the edge of the planet, it is impossible to cultivate, because the eternal riots there. Only when you go inside, Xianyuan will gradually calm down. Therefore, most of the stars in the Xinghai Sea are not cultivated, and the central area where they can cultivate is not large.

At this time, more than two million monks gathered here, which is not so spacious. And these monks are almost all fleeing here, feeling extremely depressed, emotionally very bad, trapped here, the future is unknown, and the temper has become violent.

More than a dozen monks of the Sun family walked on the street. They wanted to go to the Xiandan shop to buy some Xiandan for cultivation. Looking at the flow of people coming and going on the street, Sun Zhuang said a little embarrassed:

"Xu is developed. I want to be a veteran first-class family in our grandchildren. Now I have to rely on Xu, which is really impermanent!"

Sun Fu looked at it and said calmly: "There is nothing here. Now Xu has a fairy, and the strength has indeed reached the level of the super family. Since our Sun family is attached to the Xu family, we must treat it calmly. This matter. Maybe a few years later, our grandson will also have a genius like Xu Ziyan. By that time, our grandson will be like the Xu family today."

Sun Zhuang smiled and said: "Fou Ge said, let's go, let's go buy Xiandan. Let's improve our strength and make a contribution to our grandchildren."

"Yeah!" Sun Fu’s eyes showed a trace of loss: "If Xu Jia can make another war castle, our grandchildren will buy it, and there will be nothing terrible in Xinghai."

Sunzhuang shook his head and said: "How is this possible? It is said that the war castle was spent by the Xu family for nearly ten years to produce successfully. The materials consumed cannot be counted. I think even if Xu Jia made another ship, our grandchildren Home may not be able to afford it."

At this time, Sun Fu was dissatisfied: "Our Sun family's strength is not as good as that of the family, but it does not mean that our grandson's foundation is not as good as the Xu family. Just buy a war castle, can't afford it?"

Sun Zhuang sighed a sigh: "Fu Ge, Xu family had a refining system of alchemy in the past few years, but quickly accumulated wealth, I think their Xu family's heritage is no worse than us. Then create a war castle. Do you think Xu will sell it at a cost price? According to the old rules of the fairy world, their prices will double. Moreover, this war castle is a single one, will it be doubled? ?"

More than a dozen chatted into a Xiandan shop, just entered Danpu, Sun Fu and other people's face is a change, the eyes fell on the dozens of people in Danpu.

Several of the dozen or so people also saw Sun Fu and their faces changed. These dozens of people are disciples of the Xue family. The Xue family and the Sun family have always been inconsistent. Before the Star Wars, the two families continually rubbed and played countless small ethnic wars. At this time, although both sides were attached to the Xu family, the hatred accumulated over the years has not been resolved.

"Hey, isn't this Sun Fu? How? Buy Xiandan to practice?" The snowy monk looked up and down Sun Fudao: "It has been many years, and you are still in the middle of the nine-day Xuanxian. Eating Xiandan is also a waste of things. Keep that point. It’s good to train the next generation. I have forgotten that you don’t have a next generation. If you die in Xinghai, you will be gone, hehehe...”

The other side of this mouth can not be said to be unscrupulous, a few words to Sun Fuzhen straight eyes. Click on the target channel:

"Snow leave, you are a coward who abandoned his companions. You are repaired to be taller. It is also a thing that is not as good as a pig or a dog. I don't understand, people like you, how can you let your house live?" Are things that are not as good as pigs and dogs?"


*(To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to vote for the recommended ticket, monthly pass, your support is my biggest motivation.)

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