The Mighty Female Immortal

Chapter 1552: Civil strife

I am very grateful to Yan Da Niu classmates, Wei Feng like floating classmates, zm2003 classmates, eryanu classmates, little love cc classmates, xsdhuafen classmates, lonely pink tickets for fled classmates!


The face of the snow turned into a sauce purple. When the snow came to Xinghai to participate in the first Xinghai patrol, he met the Mozu. At that time, he was scared by the murder of the Mozu. When the two sides just met, he could not help but flee and throw his people on the battlefield. . Later, the 100-person patrol team was killed by the Mozu, and only he escaped his life.

This matter was widely circulated in Xinghai. Although after this, the snow gradually adapted to the battlefield of the fairy, and also tried to kill the demon to wash their stains, but it was still despised by many monks and made fun of. This became his demon, and whenever he was teased, he would become furious and mad.

Now I heard that Sun Fu reveals disdain without any disguise. When he reveals his scars, his eyes touched the anger and squeezed out three words from his teeth:

"you wanna die!"

Sun Fu said with disdain in his arms: "Be careful when you talk! Don't bother your companion. When you fight, you will run fast, and your companion will give you a black pot."

The snow-off lips began to groan, and the body's murderous cockroaches burst out. It suddenly slammed into Sun Fu, and a fist shadow was sharply magnified in the air, hammering Sun Fu.

This Sun Fu is willing to let half of the points, and the time and snow are fighting. The monks of both sides were also unwilling to show their weakness, and they released their own magical spells. They dried up in the Xiandan shop.

Dozens of monks played in the Xiandan shop, and they all played real fire. All kinds of immortals try to release. Customers in Xiandanpu have already ran out and stood outside the door to watch.

The boss of Xiandanpu is not in a hurry. The various shops on Haikuixing are all opened by Xu Jia. How can Xu family, a family with a fairy tales master, not be prepared for such things?

Just when the snow was just getting started, the shop owner opened the battle. Cover the entire store and counters inside the defensive shield. There are a few tables and chairs, and some decorations have been smashed by Sun Jia and Xue Jia.

In the counter, the shop owner stood by and watched, and a man was holding a pen and paper to record how many things Sun Jia and Xue Jia had smashed.

At this time on the street, a young woman in a purple dress is carrying a few monks through the Xiandan shop. The gentle temperament between the eyebrows is the purple coat.

The purple dress has now been repaired to the peak of the nine-day Xuanxian, and only one line will break through the nine-day Xuanxian mid-term. With her qualifications, under the strong cultivation of the purple family, the cultivation is extremely fast.

I glanced at a group of monks gathered in Xiandanpu, wondering what happened.


A figure flew out of the door of Xiandanpu and crossed the onlookers. "嘭" fell in front of the purple clothes. The monk leaped from the ground with a bang, and his mouth screamed and rushed to the Xiandan shop.

The purple coat recognized that the man was a monk of the Sun family. The Zi family and the Sun family were originally allies. The purple figure was flashing and grabbed the monk.

"Sun Xiang, what happened?"

Sun Xiang turned his head and looked. Seeing the purple clothes, I was very happy in my heart: "The purple clothes, the people of the snow family fight with us, come and help."

The purple clothes have a sharp look, and the purple family and the snow house have not played a small family battle. In this case, it is natural to help their ally, the Sun family, to hear the words and talk to the monks of the purple family:

"Come with me!"

The onlookers of the monk ran out of a road, and the purple dress with the purple family monk followed Sun Xiang and rushed into the Xiandan shop. When the eyes swept away, they saw the snow and shouted:

"Snow is off. It turned out to be your coward!"

The snow turned around and saw the purple coat. I laughed and said: "The purple clothes, I am not a coward, you have to try to know. Are we two to find a bed to try?"

"court death!"

A face of the purple dress is instantly red, and the repair of the other person is higher than himself. As soon as the figure was vertical, it drifted away toward the snow. She rushed. A few purple monks behind him shouted and rushed into the battle group.

This whole Xiandan shop was completely chaotic, and there was a roar of "roaring rumble". Dozens of monks fought all the way in the Xiandan shop, and the roar of the roar came out dozens of miles.


Dozens of figures in the sky fell in front of Xiandanpu, headed by a nine-day Xuanxian late peak, which is the Xu family's monk. The Xu family monk went to the Xiandan shop and took a sigh of relief:

"Give me a hand!"

The power that belongs to the peak of the late nine-day Xuanxian will be pressed into the Xiandan shop. Of the three monks who fight in the Xiandan pavilion, there is really no one in the late nine-day Xuanxian. This is the power of the peak of the late nine-day Xuan Xian. It spreads in and immediately wakes up the three-character monk, and then sees it as a Xu family monk.

Xu Jiake is a family with Xianjun, and these three parties are now dependent on the Xu family. And their attachment is not limited to the Xinghai, but the entire family is completely attached to the Xu family. Now I saw the appearance of the Xu family monks, and where to dare to fight, stopped one by one, and stood there with some embarrassment.

"Give me a hand!"

Xu Jia, the nine-day Xuanxian late peak, immediately ordered a dozen monks from behind him, sealed the Sun, Zijia and Xuejia tripartite monks, and then ejected the Xiandan shop.

Inside the hall of the council.

The three-family monks who had been ragged were each standing on one side, and there was a monk lying on the ground in the middle of the main hall. His face was pale, and blood was pouring from time to time. His eyes looked desperate, but it was A nine-day Xuanxian mid-term monk Xuefeng of the Snow House.

Xu Ziyan sat in the middle of the head, Xu Haotian sat on the left side of Xu Ziyan, Xu Qinyang sat on the right. Looking at the monks in the three-party family, there was a surge of anger in my heart. Within this hall, they still glared at each other and died, as if they were not sitting there, and they would immediately fight again.

Sun Jia’s current family, Sun Qiang and Zi’s current family, Ziqi, and Xue’s current family, Xue Xiao, are also sitting at the bottom of the scene. All three people are also angry, and there is still anxiety between them.

The patriarchs of the three families were killed in this battle of the demon, and all three of them were just taking over the position of their homeowners. And now the strength of the three of them is greatly reduced. It is not the strength of the original first-class family. It is also attached to the Xu family, which is now famous. It is really afraid of Xu’s opinion on them.

It is important to know that although the three of them succeeded as the head of the family, they were not stable in their respective families. Not all the tribes are convinced, and there are faint forces that compete with them for the position of their homeowners. Nowadays, because of the existence of Xu family, Xu Jia admitted that they are the promise of the family, only to suppress the different voices in the family. If Xu Jia feels that they are not qualified for the position of the owner and support others to be the head of the family, are they not going to cry?

Therefore, the three patriarchs were glaring at the door of the main hall. Outside the main hall, the Sun family, the Zijia and the Xuejia’s priests personally took the punishment priests and each of them was smoking toward a family disciple who participated in the fight.

The punishment of the fairy whip was originally a six-piece fairy, and each family had only one, which was used to punish the disciples who made mistakes. At this time, these disciples who had made mistakes were sealed up, and they could not resist the movement. Every whip took a flesh and blood. It hurts in their bones. But these monks also have a hard temper, and each one is clenching their teeth, and no one is crying.

After the three criminals had finished the one hundred whip, the three monks who were sentenced were pale, and the blood in the mouth came out uncontrollably. Although the figure was shaking, they would faint on the ground, but they still insisted on sticking their teeth. With.

Two monks from their respective families took them to the main hall, and then towed one of the monks in their respective families to the outside of the hall. The three criminals once again set off the punishment of the punishment. On the bodies of the three monks.

The monks within the main hall were pulled out with the "squeaky" voice of the punishment of the whistle whip, and they were put in after the fight. The atmosphere within the main hall is getting more and more heavy. The monks who had been beaten were still there, but their eyes were no longer fierce before, and they did not glare at each other. Every monk was shaking and screaming, and the pain in his body made them no longer fighting. thought.

Xu Ziyan sat silently in the middle. She consciously ignored these things and handed them over to Xu Yutian and Xu Qinyang. After all, the current patriarch is Xu Yutian, and the future patriarch is Xu Qinyang. She wants to get time to practice in the future, she must learn to let go now.

Xu Haotian did not speak, consciously exercised Xu Qinyang. He had already intended to pass the position of the patriarch to Xu Qinyang, only to wait for the end of the fairy war, and pass the position of the patriarch to his son.

The voice of the punishment of the fairy whip finally stopped, and the three monks who were finally sentenced were dragged in. Xu Qinyang saw that Xu Ziyan and his flying father did not speak, and immediately thought of the two people's minds. Lifting his eyes and glanced glanced at the monk standing below, faintly said:

"Who is this one picking the head?"

Sun Fu and Xue were bitterly biting their teeth and stepping forward: "It's down!"

"Name!" Xu Qinyang's tone is still faint.

"Sun Fu!"

"Snow is off!"

Although every two people say a word, there will be a blood in their mouth, but the sound is still loud and revealing a reluctance.

Xu Qinyang said faintly: "Recognize it, drag it down, and add 50 lashes per person!"

The monks in the main hall are all a glimpse, but Sun Qiang and Xue Xiao have reflected in time, and glanced at the monks of his family:

"Don't pull down the execution!"

Two monks came up and dragged Sun Fu and Xue away, and the whip of "啪啪" sounded outside the hall.


It’s too hot, it’s so tired!


*(To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to vote for the recommended ticket, monthly pass, your support is my biggest motivation.)

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