The Mighty Female Immortal

Chapter 1553: White and lotus

I am very grateful to the quiet classmates (200), the forever post-rain season classmates (200), Shang Yi classmates (100), Dan Yu Sihan classmates (100), sea ~\\(≧▽≦)/~ la la classmates (100), the reward of the rolling classmates (100)!


Xu Qinyang’s voice became dignified: “You can do it! Great! Why didn’t you see you so brave when you played the demon? I see that your bones are very hard. The air is sealed, one hundred punishments Pumped on the body, no one shouted. But it is the bones of our human race.

However, the Xu family gathered you here, is it for you to show your own whips? Is it that we humans kill each other? ”

The gaze fell on the monk lying on the ground and shouted: "And it broke the meridians, and the people were repaired, who did it, and stood up for me!"

Sun Fu is being punished by the scent of the scent, and he screamed outside the hall: "It is playing."

Xu Qinyang looked cold and shouted: "Oh! It is you who picks up the things. It is also you who are repaired by the waste. You don't have to smoke him anymore. Where is the Xu family?"

The previous execution has always been the execution of the Sun family, the Zijia and Xuejia's respective criminal courts. This time, Xu Qinyang directly called the Xujia's torture hall, and the repairs in the main hall were changed.

"In!" Xu Jing's prisoner Xu Jingtian stood up.

"Take Sun Fu down!"

Sun Qiang’s face is a change. Sun Fuke is his family in the family. Although his cultivation is only in the middle of the nine-day Xuanxian, Sun Fu’s father, Sun Dingtian, is the peak of the nine-day Xuanxian period. And it is the elders of the family, not the branches. The team has a strong strength and has been supporting itself.

If you look at Sun Fu in front of his own eyes, he will be killed by Xu, and he will not do anything. Let Sun Dingtian become distracted, and his homeowner position will be shaken. Thinking of this, Sun Qiang couldn’t sit still anymore, and Teng Di stood up from the chair. Speaking to Xu Qinyang:

"The patriarchs, all of them are Sun Qiang's discipline, and Sun Qiang is willing to be punished on his behalf. Please ask the young patriarchs to spare Sun Fu."

Xu Ziyan looked at Sun Qiangdao coldly: "Sun Fu took the lead in the first place, and he also became a waste man who was attached to the Xu family. He did not kill him. How to make the Xue family convinced? How to let the Xue family fight against the Mozu? Do you want to die for Sun Fu?"

Sun Qiang’s look is a stagnation, let him die instead of Sun Fu? How can this be? And Sun Fu is one of the best people to pick. But the first thing to pick is the snow of the snow house. The two sides fought, and it was with their own cultivation. If they were defeated, they would be defeated. What? Is it still necessary for our grandchildren to pay their lives? What's more, the snow peak is only abolished, and there is no death!

However, at this time, Sun Qiang was driving the ducks to the shelves, but he did not have to. And he heard the meaning of Xu Qinyang's words. It is to give the snow family an account. If Xuejia can ignore this matter, Xu Qinyang will not kill Sun Fu.

However, let him bow to the enemy's snow house of Sun's family, how can this heart not come too far, and the face can not fit. However, if he does not bow to the Xue family, Sun Fu will die, Sun Fu will die, what will his father Sun Dingtian think of himself? Thinking of this, Sun Qiang lamented in his heart, only pulled down a face. Reluctantly squeezed a smile. Towards Xuejia’s home, Xuexiao Gongdao:

"Snow master, you and me are different now and in the past, and now they are all under the family. We should also let go of the previous things. Sun will ask you to drink alcohol on the next day. Also ask the Xue family to help Sun to ask the young chief. situation."

The snow screamed and didn't talk, and my heart was thinking fast. It is natural to say that the two have hatred. Sun Fu’s abolishment of Xuefeng is also a fact. With his original mind, he can’t wait to kill Sun Fu. However, Sun Qiang said that there is nothing wrong with it. Today, the two companies are different from the past and are attached to the Xu family. In other words, the relationship between the two original hatreds has changed and become the relationship of allies. This is a fact, and it has to be acknowledged. If he refuses Sun Qiang’s request, will he leave a bad impression on Xu’s family?

However, if you let Sun Fu like this, how can you explain to your own people?

Xuefeng was not injured and was scrapped. Under this circumstance, the self as a family leader does not avenge the tribes, but instead pleads for the enemy. This is how the family can not explain. Unless it is the patriarch of his own, he does not want to be.

He was hesitating there, and Sun Fu, who was being beaten, was full of emotions. When he saw Sun Qiang pleading for his own enemies to Sun’s family, he had been punishable by the punishment of the flies, and he did not wrinkle his brows, tears. It ran down and shouted:

"The patriarch, don't ask him, all this is the fault of Sun Fu, Sun Fu is willing to die for death!"

Sun Qiang looked back and said: "You shut me up!"

Xu Ziyan sighed softly, and she knew that this thing was dead here. Sun Qiang Ken pulled his face and pleaded with Xue Xiao, which means that the power behind Sun Fu is very important to Sun Qiang. If Xue Xiao is so forgiven, Sun Fu can't explain it to the people. Maybe the position of the patriarch is not stable.

If the final result is to kill Sun Fu, Sun Jia and Xue Jia will have no chance to have a good chance, and they will all have a slight resistance to Xu’s toughness. This is not the result of Xu’s desire. What Xu wants is to completely conquer these families and let them be convinced, so that in the war against the Mozu, they can give up hatred and erupt a powerful force. It is even more able to follow the Xu family behind Xu family and the four super families in the future, and fight for the Xu family.

This crux is on the wasteed snow peak. If the snow peak is not abandoned, there will be a turning point. Xu Ziyan stood up from the chair, and she stood up. The eyes of everyone in the hall looked at her. At this time, everyone in the hall knows that Xu Ziyan is the person who Xu really is the master. Although she does not usually participate in the family, as long as she speaks, Xu will not have a voice of opposition.

Sun Qiang and Xue Xiao’s expressions were tense, and both of them were afraid that Xu Ziyan made a decision against him. Once Xu Ziyan opens, things will not have any room for conversion.

However, Xu Ziyan did not open her mouth, but walked slowly and came to the front of Xuefeng. She lowered her head and opened her eyes to scan the snow peak.

Xu Ziyan, what is this?

Is she going to heal Xuefeng?

How can this be?

Xuefeng’s injuries have been seen before they came here. Not only the meridians broke, but even Dantian was damaged. It was simply an incurable injury.

However, at this time, I saw Xu Ziyan take a jade bottle from the storage ring and pour out a medicinal herb from the inside. When the medicinal medicine was poured out, the whole hall was filled with a medicinal fragrance. Not to mention the monks in the hall immediately felt the vitality of the body, that is, the snow peaks lying on the ground at this time are all refreshed.

"What is this elixir?"

"What is the grade of elixir?"

This is the common voice of all the monks in the entire hall. All the eyes of the monks are focused on the body of Xu Ziyan. There is a glimmer of hope in the eyes of Sun Qiang and Xue Xiao.

Xu Ziyan squatted down and gave the eight-character Xiandan to Xuefeng, then stood up and gently massaged his left foot.

"Step by step lotus!"

I saw a white lotus flower from the foot of Xu Ziyan, spread to the foot of Xuefeng, covered in the snow peak, wrapped the entire body of Xuefeng.

Xu Ziyan and Tilian have one on each of the left and right feet, and the right-handed Lotus is red for killing. The double lotus on the left foot is white for treatment, and the inside is full of life. At this time, Xu Ziyan is focusing on the life of the body in the white and the lotus, so that the life of the gas is more intense.

The white and white lotus was crystal clear, slowly rotating, and a trace of life gas drifted out and entered the body of Xuefeng. The monks in the entire hall felt refreshed, that is, the monks who had been punishable by the punishment of the fairy whip. At this time, they felt that the pain of the body was alleviated, and they were shocked to see that their physical injuries were Better.

These people have seen the fighting power of Xu Ziyan, and also know that Xu Ziyan is a half-step Xianjun. However, Xu Ziyan has never been seen to heal others, that is, Xu Yutian and Xu Qinyang are also the first to see Xu Ziyan with white Heidilian, and both eyes are shocked to see Xu Ziyan.

This... what is the secret of Xu Ziyan!

A glimpse of the vitality of life in the body of Xuefeng, combined with the eight products of his body began to repair the snowy Dantian. The effect of Xu Ziyan's life on the healing effect was extremely powerful. Now it is amplified by the effect of Heidilian, and the effect is amazing.

The desperate gaze of Xuefeng instantly became full of hope, and he could feel that his own dantian was being repaired quickly. Gradually, a few meters around the circumference of Xu Ziyan filled the holy snow lotus, layer by layer, a circle of rotation, over the waist of Xu Ziyan, setting off the purple smoke more and more holy, so that all the monks in the hall rise in the heart An impulse to worship.

The monks in the hall held their breath and looked at the Xu Ziyan in the lotus. The time passed silently. After a full hour, the sound of "嗡", not to mention the immersive snow peak, is other The monks within the main hall also felt the volatility of the breath from the snowy peaks in the lotus.

Danfeng of Xuefeng was completely repaired, and the air machine started to operate in Dantian. A trace of Xianyuan force began to run in the meridians along with the operation of Dantian, and began to repair the broken meridians with the eight-character elixir and the gas of life.

Sun Qiang and Xue Xiao’s faces are all happy. From the fluctuation of the snow peak, it is known that Xuefeng’s Dantian has been completely repaired. So two people's hearts are a lot easier, looking at Xu Ziyan's eyes full of gratitude and shock.

I didn't think that it was so serious that it had been treated as a waste. Xu Ziyan was able to repair it. Isn't this purple smoke besides a fairy singer, or a top sect?


Ask for a pink ticket!


*(To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to vote for the recommended ticket, monthly pass, your support is my biggest motivation.)

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