The Mighty Female Immortal

Chapter 1554: Constant internal disturbance

I am very grateful to the bookmates 090808154340312 classmates, Nanxun rain frog classmates, ykwxh classmates, leisurely 99 classmates, xsdhuafen classmates, I love Manchurian classmates, Kdnio classmates, jj Xiaojin adults classmates, ruthless demon classmates, star-1999 classmates, nike59817 classmates, wd2222 Classmate, Xuan Tian Ziwei Xingjun's pink ticket!


At this time, not only Sun Qiang and Xue Xiao, but also the purple gas is a surprise. Going to such a family, the future is boundless! To know that the four super-families have become super-families, it is because they each have the alchemy system and a heritage in the refinery. This is the inheritance that allowed them to stand out from the thousands of families and become super families.

Nowadays, all the people in the fairy world know that Xu Ziyan's array of techniques is more than four super families, and now it shows super-healing treatment. This is not just a healing treatment, because Xu Ziyan just took out an elixir that they can't see the grade. If the immortal is Xu Ziyan refining, then is it not that Xu Ziyan itself is an elixir teacher who surpasses the four major families?

When I think of the achievements of the Xu family in the alchemy system and the refinery, their hearts are even more excited. The four super families only have no family to master a kind of inheritance, but Xu family?

Xu Jiake has mastered four inheritances. As long as he gives Xu time, Xu will definitely become the fifth super family in the Zhongyuan Galaxy.

Do not!

It is beyond the existence of the four super families. I am afraid I have been able to compete with those hidden families.

As long as you give Xu family time, as long as your family follows the Xu family, help Xu Jia survive the difficult time. After Xu’s take-off, his family will surely get a huge boost. At that time, maybe the family can become a super family, and the original four super families will be squeezed.

Sun family. The monks of Zijia and Xuejia were excited, not only their patriarchs, but also those family disciples who wanted to understand. Before, their surrender to Xu’s family was not 100% in mind, and a small part was forced by the situation. There is no idea in my heart that I will not leave the Xu family in the future. However, at this moment, they began to admire Xu Ziyan from the heart and surrendered to Xu.

In the silent waiting, it is more than an hour. Xu Ziyan stepped back, and the blossoming lotus flower drifted from the body of Xuefeng, hovering and forming a string, and swam past Xu Ziyan. Encircled around the body of Xu Ziyan. Then he hid into the foot of Xu Ziyan and took it into the lotus.


The snow peak floated from the ground and fell lightly on the ground. Close your eyes and check your body, leaving tears of excitement in the closed eyes.

"噗通" slammed down in front of Xu Ziyan, and even screamed and shouted: "By thank you, from now on, Xuefeng is willing to go to the benefactors for the benefactor."

Xu Ziyan sleeved a wave, issued a soft force to help the snow peak, then took the hand back to the seat to sit down, no longer speak.

At this time, Xue Xiao had already made a decision in his heart. He stepped forward and first leaned toward Xu Ziyan and leaned down to the body:

“Thank you for the rejuvenation of the Holy Father!”

Before the Haikuixing, although some of the younger generations called Xu Ziyan as the ancestor, the monks who attached Xu’s family did not have a person’s name. Although Xu Ziyan is a half-step Xianjun, but the age is too small, this "Sanzu" is still true for these monks who have practiced for thousands of years.

However, the current snow scream is very smooth. There is no stagnation at all. This is the conviction of Xu Ziyan from the bottom of his heart.

Xu Ziyan waved his hand gently. There was a trace of exhaustion on his face. This made the snow and snow more touching, and the snow peak saw the exhaustion of Xu Ziyan's face, and the tears flowed down again. When he was abandoned, there was no tear left. But the tears at this time rushed out uncontrollably.

The snow whistle is a deep ritual towards Xu Ziyan, and then a deep ritual to Xu Qinyang: "The patriarchs. Everyone has responsibility for this matter, and now Xuefeng is also cured by the ancestors, and our Xue family will not care. And that Sun Fu’s cultivation is also good, so it’s a pity to kill it. It’s better to let him kill a few demons on the battlefield of the fairy.”

Xu Qinyang’s face showed a kind smile: “Since the Xuezu pleads for Sun Fu, I will sell you a face. But...”

Speaking of this, the smile on his face disappeared and became strict: "But the death sin is exempt, and the living sin is difficult. Now that the fairy war is fully open, the Terran is in danger. You monks do not think how to repel the Mozu, But they fight each other and kill each other. You have temporarily recorded these sins. I look forward to your efforts to wash your sins by killing the demon's merits. The three of you lost to Xiandanpu will take the initiative to pay."

"Yes!" The three family leaders answered in unison.

Xu Qinyang stood up from the chair and said: "I know the grudges between the three of you, but now you are all attached to our family. You have turned from the original hostile relationship to an ally. I hope that you three from the patriarch to the disciple. Can understand this truth.

how? Do you feel that you are being punished when you are punished? If you have the ability, you will use this bone on the battlefield of the fairy, not the human race itself.

From this incident, I also see that your three patriarchs are incompetent. I hope that the three patriarchs can go back and take a good look at your family rules and work hard to cultivate. After some time, we will kill Haikuixing and Mozu. Combat, when your grandson, Zijia and Xuejia will be the main force, whoever has the bones, who is the coward, speaks on the battlefield of the fairy. ”

The three patriarchs glanced at each other, and they broke out with a war. They shouted in the same voice: "I will not disgrace the mission!"

Xu Qinyang nodded with satisfaction, smiled on his face, and sat back in the chair. Xu Ziyan and Xu Haotian were also very satisfied with the performance of Xu Qinyang, and they all showed a smile on their faces. At this time, there was a sound coming from outside the hall.

Xu Ziyan looked at the outside of the main hall, and his look was a surprise. He saw more people coming out of the hall at this time. The Xu family’s monks were holding hundreds of monks walking towards the hall.

The head of the Xu family is a nine-day Xuanxian late peak, called Xu Tianguan. At this time, I was striding towards the inner hall. When I saw dozens of injured monks in the hall, my look was a glimpse. I saw the Xu Ziyan, Xu Yutian and Xu Qinyang sitting in the top, and the look calmed down. Going forward to court:

"See the ancestors, patriarchs, and patriarchs."

Xu Ziyan’s gaze looked behind Xu Tianguan’s body. He saw the lord of the scattered alliance and the patriarchs of several second-rate families. The ally of the squad is a half-step sinister, but at this time it is followed by Xu Tianguan with anger, and the patriarchs of the second-rate families are also full of anger. Fortunately, there are no scars on their bodies, unlike the appearance of a battle. This makes Xu Ziyan's mood slightly loose.

But when she looks back, her look can't be changed. Hundreds of monks behind him have scattered alliances, and there are monks in the second-rate family. Although there are no scars on the body, the hostility between them is very obvious. Xu Haotian and Xu Ziyan still looked at Xu Qinyang without words. Xu Qinyang showed a bitter smile on his face and reorganized the color road:

"what's going on?"

Xu Tianguan said with a bitter face: "Several second-rate families and scattered alliances have been fighting on a large scale!"

"Fighting?" Xu Qinyang looked at the hundreds of monks, and there was a trace of suspicion in his eyes. It didn't look like they were fighting, and the clothes on them were neat!

Xu Tianguan saw the suspicion in the eyes of Xu Qinyang and immediately explained: "The residences of these second-rate families are adjacent to the scattered alliance. Today, several second-rate families jointly exercised the fairy boat battle, and the scattered alliance is also practicing the fairy boat. Fighting. The two sides did not know how to laugh at each other and then they fought each other."

Xu Qinyang stood up and started fighting with Xianzhou! This is a big move! Now every boat on the Haikui Star is a baby, and the two sides are so daring to fight with the fairy boat. This is really not to put the Xu family in the eye. In the instant, Xu Qinyang’s face was full of murderousness and spread out to the entire hall.

Xu Qinyang's imposing manner was released, and everyone inside the hall immediately felt a suffocating feeling. It was the fear that the master of the Allied Alliance also showed a fear in the eyes of the unscrupulous.

"This...the little patriarch..." Xu Tianguan said with a scalp: "They didn't open the cannons on both sides, just using the fleet's formation to squeeze each other..."


Xu Qinyang breathed a sigh of relief and glanced at Xu Tianguan. Then Xu Tianguan was a neck, Xu Qinyang calmed down and sat down on the chair. I couldn’t help but feel a little annoyed and shouted:

"Who is involved in the fight? Stand up!"

Hundreds of monks took a step forward at the same time, and Xu Qinyang’s heart was a little easier. Fortunately, the patriarchs and the ally of the family did not participate in the battle. Otherwise, this matter is really difficult to deal with. Decisively waved:

"Pull it out, seal the air machine, and each person will punish the fairy whip!"

Immediately, a group of monks from the Xujia criminal hall emerged, and a group of monks were pulled out of the hall. Then they sealed their air and set off the punishment of the whistle whip.

Several second-rate family patriarchs and scattered allies have changed their faces, and their lips have squirmed twice. In the end, they still have nothing to say. At this time, they have also seen the scars on dozens of monks in the main hall, and they seem to have just been whipped. And they can't see the slightest resentment from their look.

This made them calm down, and when they calmed down their minds, they felt that they were doing something wrong in this matter. Anyway, everyone is a monk who is attached to the Xu family. Now, fighting inside, is this not a mess? When I think of it, the anger in my heart is reduced by a few points.

The whip outside the hall has been heard all the time. After finishing a batch, they dragged them in, and then dragged them out again, and once again set off the punishment.


*(To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to vote for the recommended ticket, monthly pass, your support is my biggest motivation.)

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