The Mighty Female Immortal

Chapter 1563: Mozu prince

I am very grateful to the classmates of the post-rain season (200) and the rewards of Shang Yi (100)!


Several of the first indigenous people hurriedly slammed the rune guns at the curtain, and the figure of the curtain disappeared in the air and disappeared without a trace.

Hundreds of fairy boats moved quickly, forming a defensive formation, which will be fully protected. Several indigenous people flew out of the fairy boat and flew to the side of Manjing, shouting in panic:

"The patriarch!"


There was a spurt of blood in the finish, and the look was awkward: "Return to the sea comet immediately, and subpoena, so that the sea lone star will return to the sea star, and it will change later."

Manjing was helped by the people in the fairy boat, and quickly wanted to fly to the sea star. At the same time, he told the sea star to tell the sea star to return to the sea star.

"The patriarch, why is the screen?" asked the elders of the family, angrily.

The look of Manjing was very weak, slightly frowned, and thought and said: "Yes, what is the benefit of the family? Is it because the weight loss of our full family has been heavier recently, and they have lost less? Swallowing our family?"

Shaking his head again, his eyes revealed confusion: "Or the Mozu saw us full of family and have not yet handed over the handsome family to them, and ordered the family to ambush me? What agreement did they have reached with the Mozu?"

The eyes of the two elders turned and said: "The patriarch, there is a possibility!"

"What is it possible?"

“Will you be prepared to go to the Terran and make our family a name?”

The fine eyebrows were twisted into one piece and shook his head. "How is this possible? Our Xinghai indigenous and human races are like the sea. Lijia will not make such unwise things. Besides, even if he has this idea, four Will the big super family take them in?"

The two elders: "The patriarch, don't forget. Xu has been releasing goodwill to our Xinghai indigenous people, and has also been in contact with us..."

Full of twinkling eyes flashed, and took a deep breath: "Return to the sea star, and then send out the news. I said that I was ambushed on the way home, unconscious, and you did not see the people who ambushed me. What is it like?"

"The patriarch, why is this? Why don't we immediately fight against the family?"

In the eyes of Manjing, there is a wise road: "I always feel awkward about this matter, and we are full of friends and friends."

The two elders asserted: "The patriarchs and allies are the products of interests. When there is greater interest, the family will not hesitate to abandon our family. The patriarch. For the family, you can't be soft."

Manjing nodded and said: "I know, only in the case that everything is still unclear, we can only do a good job of defense. We can't easily attack, and our home is now less powerful than the home..., and, and Xu. Get in touch..."

The curtain is standing in the clouds of the stars. Looking at the back of the full fleet of the family, there was a smile on his face, and his eyes were smug, and his face slowly changed into another face, which was Xu Qinyang.


The figure is flashing and disappears between the clouds and the sea.

Sea lone star.

The whole family was tangled up, and the patriarch was ambushed, unconscious, and the star of the sea was so sharp and sharp that he left the sea star. Fly to the sea star.

One day later. The handsome family left the sea lone star, and the full house monks staying on the sea lone star can only watch the handsome family lifted away, because the monks who stayed behind with them are not the opponents of the handsome family. The handsome family did not leave the monk for the sake of the family. The two sides can be said to break up in a tacit case.

Xu Ziyan returned to Haikui Star. Xu Tianwo and Ling Xiao also returned to Haikui Star with the War Castle, and Xu Qinyang came back and forth.

Xu Qinyang was the first to return to Haikuixing. Not long after he came back, the handsome battle took the people to come to the Xu family. After he arranged the handsome family, Xu Ziyan also returned to Haikui Xing.

Inside the hall.

Xu Qinyang and Xu Ziyan are chatting about the situation in Xinghai today. These days, the Xujia coalition forces have captured five planets. Xu Ziyan only waited for the families to send them up the sacred crystals or resources for the defensive array, and then set up the array for the newly occupied five planets.

Both of them looked very happy. They analyzed the situation in Xinghai in detail and made further plans. Finally, Xu Qinyang said with a smile:

"Right, when the handsome family came to go, they also brought a meeting to us."

“Meet the ceremony?” Xu Ziyan asked curiously: “What is the meeting?”

"Oh..." Xu Qinyang said with a smile: "After our family attack, the four big families finally couldn't sit still. Before that, the four super families sent monks to rescue other families, but the intensity was very small. It is better to say that it is pretending to be installed. However, since our Xu family attack, the four super families have finally moved to the real, and sent a strong monk. However, they also played a few wins.

A few days ago, a group of defeated Mozus fled to the sea star, headed by a young man who was seriously injured. When the handsome family left the sea lone star, they killed the hundreds of demons and arrested the young demon. According to the handsome war, the identity of the young man is not low, it seems to be a prince of the Mozu. One of the repairs is also a half-step Xianjun. This time I was seriously injured. I am afraid I met the fairy king of the four super families. ”

"A prince? Hehe..." Xu Ziyan smiled brightly.

"Ziyan, what are your plans? If you feel that it is useless, kill him." Xu Qinyang said without hesitation.

Xu Ziyan shook his head and said: "Leave it, I will go see it later. A half-step Xianjun is also a small force. What's more, with this Mozu prince, we can understand some more about the Mozu. If one day we want to go to the Mozu opposite the Xinghai, he is also a good guide."

"What?" Xu Qinyang looked incredulously at Xu Ziyan: "Do you still want to go to the Mozu area?"

Xu Ziyan whitened him and said: "Is there anything wrong with this? The Mozu can come to us, why can't we go to them?"

Xu Qinyang shook his head with a smile and really didn't know what to say with Xu Ziyan. Xu Ziyan stood up from the chair:

"I am going to see the demon prince!"

"I will accompany you!" Xu Qinyang also stood up from the chair.

Inside a house.

A handsome young man in a golden robe leaned back on a large bed, his eyes flashing uneasy. Golden hair, pale face, exudes a noble temperament. However, at this time he was very weak, and the air machine on his body was also sealed, and even the healing could not be done. Hearing the sound of opening the door, Huoran turned his head and looked at the door.

Xu Ziyan's gaze looked at the demon prince and saw a golden robe worn on his body. Although it was worn out, it could clearly feel that it was a low-grade magic.

No loss is the prince of the Mozu, that is, he is seriously injured, and a noble temperament can not be blocked. Blue eyes, white skin, the edges and corners of the face are more prominent than the human race, and the body is higher than the human race.

Xu Ziyan stepped forward and pulled a chair to sit down. The opposite Mozu prince sat up from the bed and looked at Xu Ziyan with pride, not speaking.

"You are the prince of the Mozu?"

"Not bad!" The demon prince said proudly: "Our great demon has only one great demon, that is my father. And I am my father's seventh son."

"Just the seventh son!" Xu Ziyan’s face showed no disappointment: "I thought it would be a big prince, it was just a seven prince."

There was a sigh of anger on the face of the seven princes. The anti-sound said: "If my older brother came, your people will have been destroyed. Where is your turn to be arrogant?"

“Oh?” Xu Ziyan said curiously: “Tell me about your devil!”

"Hey!" The seven princes snorted and turned their heads to the side.

Xu Ziyan is not annoyed, he said leisurely: "You know, I have to know that the memory in your mind is very easy, as long as you search for God, you can. But I still want you to tell me personally. Right, you call what name?"

"Pierre!" The seven prince hesitated, and finally said: "If I said, can you let me go? Rest assured, our Mozu will use a large ransom to redeem me back."

Xu Ziyan shook his head and said: "I can't promise you for the time being, but as long as you say the details, it is okay not to kill you."

Pierre thought about it, and this may be the best result at the moment. As long as you don't kill him, there is hope. Besides, even if you tell the situation of the Terran Mozu, what can you do? Does the Terran dare to cross the Xinghai to the realm of the Mozu? When I thought of it, I licked my mouth with disdain. I thought that I am now in the hands of the Terran, and this is the disdain of the corner of my mouth:

"We have only one great king of the Mozu..."

Xu Ziyan frowned, but did not interrupt Pierre's words and listened patiently. But in my heart, I thought, is the Mozu so embarrassed?

"My father is the great king of the Mozu. He is the master of the late Xianjun. I have a total of thirty-two brothers and sisters. I am a half-step master, my brother, my brother is a fairy. In the middle of the monarchy, the third sister was the peak of Xianjun, the fourth brother and the fifth brother were the early Xianjun, and the sixth brother and I were half-step Xianjun. The rest of the repairs were not as good as me.

My father's men have many peaks of the late Xianjun, as well as monks who were later cultivated by Xianjun. There are only nine peaks in the late Xianjun period, and there are dozens in the late Xianjun period. ”

Xu Ziyan screamed and frowned: "Since the Mozu has nine princes in addition to your father, how can you not see one in this Xinghai?"


*(To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to vote for the recommended ticket, monthly pass, your support is my biggest motivation.)

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