The Mighty Female Immortal

Chapter 1564: Conquer

I am very grateful to the bookmates 110410192204613, Songlin Pony, Xueye Pistachio, Mudfish, A_bin, Tianlong Wang 2263, Condensed, Dengshan! Lao Yang is still an old Yang classmate, Nuo Yanyan classmate, a stray dog ​​classmate at the water's edge, Kiki 198 classmate, Xiaoyue Yu classmate, belly black Nemo classmate, Xia Zhiwu classmate, wqiy2003 classmate's pink ticket!


Pierre smiled disdainfully: "With your people, you don't need our demons to send such a monk."

Xu Ziyan frowned slightly, but he was not angry at all, but said with great interest:

"speak politely."

Pierre looked awkward and hesitated. He remembered the search for the gods that Xu Ziyan just said. In the end, he actually said:

"In our field of the Mozu, there is also a power against my father, so..."

Xu Ziyan’s eyes flashed: “So, your father should focus on his opponents and not pay too much attention to the Terran.”

"Yes!" Pierre said honestly: "However, my father said that when he solved the matter of the Mozu, it was the time when the Terran was heavily mobilized. I advised you to let me go. When our Devils destroy your people, I can maintain and your family."

"So, in the Mozu also have hostile forces equal to your father's strength?"

"Yes, but..."

Xu Ziyan put on the sway: "Give me the status of the Mozu in Xinghai!"

Looking at Xu Ziyan's faint expression, the Seven Princes could not help but feel a little depressed. But for your own life. Still playing the spirit said:

"Now we have less than 800,000 demons in Xinghai, but there are three late emperors. Five immortals in the mid-term, twelve in the middle of the Xianjun, eight in the early Xianjun and eleven in the early Xianjun ""

Xu Ziyan wrinkled his brows when he heard it. This is not a small force. If the four super families and the Xu family do not have a big defense, I am afraid that something will happen.

Even with large arrays of protection, if these demons are concentrated to deal with a family, not all families can resist. It seems that the appetite of the Mozu is still too big. Wanting to win the Terran together, I did not think of a joint attack on a family. But will they still be like this in the future? Will it jointly attack a family? If these people come together to bombard Xu, how can Xu family deal with it?

Thinking of this, Xu Ziyan's eyebrows were screwed more and more, looking at Pierre and asking:

"Since your Mozus have such power, why not concentrate on attacking a family. If you do this, I am afraid that the four super families have been broken now?"

Pierre proudly said: "We are proud of the Mozu. Before the war with your Terran, an agreement has been reached. How can each attack their opponents, how can they jointly attack your family? You are too small to see us. The Mozu, this is a shame to our Mozu, you have to apologize!"

Xu Ziyan heard it and couldn't help but laugh. This...the stupid!

Xu Ziyan no longer speaks, but stands up from the chair. Came to the front of Pierre. There was a flustered look on Pierre’s face, and he hurriedly asked:

"What are you doing?"

Xu Ziyan raised his hand and took a palm on his head. The body of the fairy rushed into Pierre's body. He stunned him in an instant.

Xu Qinyang also stood up from the chair at this time and walked to the side of Xu Ziyan, curiously watching Xu Ziyan take out a symbol from the storage ring.

He didn't know that this was the control of the soul of Xu Ziyan. A drop of blood was on the control of the soul, waiting for the blood to spread completely on the soul of the soul, completely hidden in the soul of the control. Then turn the hand to the soul of the soul into the sea of ​​Pierre.

Then, Xu Ziyan returned to his chair and sat down. Drinking tea with Xu Qinyang. Xu Qinyang looked at Pierre who was in a bed in a coma. After a while, I looked at Xu Ziyan, who was leisurely drinking tea there, and finally did not hold back and asked:

"Ziyan, what have you been doing?"

Xu Ziyan put down the teacup and whispered: "That is the soul of the soul. With that character entering his knowledge of the sea, he will be under my control. Be my most loyal slave. Hehe... there is a demon prince as The slaves feel good too, oh..."

Xu Qinyang revealed his surprise in his eyes. He did not expect Xu Ziyan to have such a skill.

And at this time, Pierre lying in bed woke up. In the eyes, there was confusion. After a few moments, Huo Ran sat up from the bed and looked at Xu Ziyan.

"噌" slammed down from the bed, and "噗通" slammed down in front of Xu Ziyan:

"Pierre meets the owner!"

Xu Ziyan nodded in a faint spot: "You will be with me in the future! When you have nothing to do, practice well and help me."

"Yes, master!" Pierre said respectfully.

"Yeah!" Xu Ziyan stood up from the chair, and Xu Qinyang walked toward the door: "You will stay here to practice, don't make me trouble, when something happens, I will call you."

"Yes, master!"

Out of Pierre's room, Xu Qinyang asked: "Ziyan, where are you going?"

Xu Ziyan smiled and said: "I went to practice for a while, waiting for the cost of laying the defensive big array first, and then giving the first occupied planet to whom, then telling me, I will go and give them a big array. And, wait for them to hand in the fees, let me see, if there is any good material, I will pick it first."

"Well, I know." Xu Qinyang nodded.

Xu Ziyan and Xu Qinyang broke up and returned to their room, sitting cross-legged on the bed, thinking about their cultivation direction. Suddenly remembered Xiaobai, she has not seen Xiaobai for some time. Xiao Bai said that he was going out to practice and left. Therefore, this time the Xu family coalition army did not find Xiaobai at all.

Think of Xiaobai is the water attribute of the beast, in the Zhongyuan galaxies is undoubtedly the most abundant water in the Xinghai. In the extremely violent environment of the Xinghai, human beings can't cultivate, but they don't think that the beast can't cultivate. Didn't they see so many starry beasts in the Xinghai?

In this way, when Xiaobai comes back again, maybe it is the middle of Xianjun. If the strength of Xiaobai reaches the middle of Xianjun, I am afraid that the peak of the ordinary Xianjun is not necessarily the opponent of Xiaobai.

Thinking of this, Xu Ziyan could not help but look forward to the return of Xiaobai.

Slightly wrinkled her brows. Recently, she also took time to observe Xu Xiang. Xu Xiang was silent a lot, no longer always entangled her to play, it seems that there is something in mind. Xu Ziyan also tried to ask a few times, but Xu Xiang was silent. After asking more questions, Xu Xiang just said that there seems to be something in the Xinghai that attracts him. It is only a long distance apart, he is not sure about the direction.

Xu Ziyan took a look and understood. It should be caused by that black space. However, the space Xu Ziyan is absolutely not allowed to let Xu ring, so Xu Ziyan also pretend not to know, comforted a few words. However, the state of Xu Xiang still made Xu Ziyan feel worried. Sigh a sigh, only hope to end the fairy war, and then leave the Xinghai with Xu Xiang.

Withdrew my mind and wondered what I should cultivate now?

Thinking about it, I felt that the best shortcut from the half-step Xianjun to Xianjun was to continue to refine the black space, the huge heart gave her black Tiandao beads. The bead has been refining one-half of Xu Ziyan. As long as the remaining one-half is refining, the worst will also cultivate the dark attribute to the realm of Dacheng, thus breaking through to the early stage of Xianjun.

Xu Ziyan no longer hesitated, took out the black dark attribute Tiandaozhu, held it between his hands, closed his eyes, began to refine the black heavenly beads, and realized the dark attributes of the heavens.

With the understanding of Xu Ziyan, the beads gradually rose from the hands of Xu Ziyan, floating on the top of Xu Ziyan, a trace of black and air with a complex mysterious pattern into the sea of ​​Xu Ziyan, so that Xu Ziyan completely immersed in comprehension Among them.

For five days, the black beads were narrowed. However, at this time, there was a knock on the door. Xu Ziyan opened his eyes and closed the black Tiandao beads. With a sleeve and a door open, Xu Qinyang’s figure appeared.

"Ziyan, there are already three resources sent, you pick and pick."

"it is good!"

Xu Ziyan smiled and stood up, and Xu Qinyang went to pick the materials. After that, Xu Ziyan went to the planet that was captured by the Xujia Allied Forces.

Xu Jia was completely functioning as a huge machine. The Xu family united the fleet and continued to levy on the west. After occupying the planet, Xu Ziyan was busy setting up a large array. The families and monks in Haikuixing also began to divert to the various planets, and each family and the Xianxian League constantly recruited new monks from their own ethnic groups to come to the Xinghai.

A year's time.

The Xu Jialian Army has a total of 18 planets, forming a coalition region. Moreover, these eighteen stars all have a large array of seven-defense defenses, and there is a dense array of Qiankun Lei outside the big array.

It’s just that this defensive array is set up, and the sale of Qiankun Lei makes Xu’s family full of pots, not to mention the resources of each family who go to Xu’s family every year. Xu family really advances on the road to becoming a super family.

At the same time, the Xu Jialian army had a new boat brought by the monks, a fairy boat that seized the Mozu and the indigenous people, and a Xuzhou refining hall that was refurbished day and night to sell to the families and the Xianxiang League. The Xuzhou Union’s Xianzhou has reached 70,000 ships.

The most delightful thing for the family is that there are more and more families going to the Xu family. Although the first-class family who went to Xu family was still only the Sun family, the Zi family and the Xue family, and the second-rate family did not grow much. However, there are more and more third-rate families who have gone to Xu family, and there are a large number of small families who do not enter the stream to go to Xu. Although these families are small, they are cumulative, but they are a terrible number.


*(To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to vote for the recommended ticket, monthly pass, your support is my biggest motivation.)

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