The Mighty Female Immortal

Chapter 1572: Tragedy of lightning

I am very grateful to Eryanu classmates, Xiyu Moonlight classmates, Meng o(∩_∩)o... classmates, Yu Yu 645098 classmates, classless classmates, Guling Phoenix classmates, 450405162 classmates, Lingna linna classmates, wqiy2003 classmates pink ticket!


The four super-families are also restless, and Xu Qinyang is being slain. The reason is that their four super-families want to gather forces from various parties to gather in Tianqiao. Imagine if Xu Qinyang did not go to Tianqiao, would people be ambushed?

Moreover, the Tianliang League’s Xu Tiantian has not only been stunned by the thief, but has also been screaming. They said that they had encountered a thief ambush on the way because they went to Tianqiao, and suffered heavy losses. On the contrary, the four super families did not lose the slightest. Although there is the wind of the collusion between Tianzhu League and the fairy thief, do you have evidence?

No evidence!

On the contrary, there is evidence that both Xu Jia and Tian Hao Meng were ambushed by the fairy thief. Moreover, Xu Jia and Tian Hao Meng have now started to fight back against the fairy thief, but did not inform the four super families before the counterattack.

What does this mean?

What effect does this have?

Explain that Xu Jia and Tian Hao Meng no longer trust the four super families, resulting in the prestige of the four super families is not as good as before.

The four super families can't sit still. At this time, they don't do anything. I am afraid that those families who are attached to them will make a move to abandon them. Therefore, the four super-families also attacked, and the entire Terran began a big sweep against the Xinghai fairy thief.

How can this Mozu be able to do this?

They contacted the Xinghai fairy thief and wanted to form an alliance with the Xinghai fairy thief. While starting to attack the Terran. But what disappointed the Mozu was that Xinghai Xiandiao not only refused the Mozu, but also wisely saw the situation in Xinghai and decisively withdrew from the Xinghai.

In fact, this is also the helpless move of the fairy thief. They can't do things like the alliance with the Mozu. Once the alliance is formed, I am afraid that I will become the cannon fodder of the Mozu. Most importantly, most people’s views on the fairy thief are. As long as the thief does not provoke them, the Terran will never unite to collect the pirates.

However, once an alliance with the Mozu will become the enemy of the entire Terran, that is the real crisis. The fairy thief came to the Xinghai to make a fortune, not to die. When I saw things, I couldn’t do anything. They were very quick to evacuate. The evacuation was very quick and clean.

There is no fairy thief. The situation in Xinghai has suddenly stabilized. In fact, the Terran and the Mozu are deadlocked again. The war between the Terran and the Mozu began to decrease, and the skirmish was constant.

The war between the Terran and the Mozu has been going on for nearly five years.

Chu family.

Chu Yun moved to the top and his face was full of sadness. Several Xianjun of the Chu family were also sitting in the hall at this time, and their faces were all full of grace. The door of the main hall was closed tightly, and a fairy squad was set up to isolate the inside and outside of the main hall.

The hall is very quiet. I can breathe even if I can breathe. It seems as if the air has become stagnant and oppresses the heart of their hearts.

Half-sounding, Chu Yunfei, sitting at the bottom, broke the silence whispered: "The patriarch, what do we do? I immediately went to the super family, and at that time, if we had no ancestors in the Chu family..."

"The patriarch..." Chu Yunhai said, "Can we say that the ancestors are retreating..."

Chu Yun shook his head and shook his head. "This method does not work. In the past, every super family was born, the ancestors of the four major families would appear, and they personally went to the game. Because they reached the level of their ancestors, It is not easy to have an opponent. They also cherish the opportunity of this discussion. I hope that I can use this opportunity to help me understand. So these ancestors are all participating in this year, if this time we are old If the ancestors do not participate, they will certainly cause doubts from other families..."

"But..." Chu Yunfei said with a bitter face: "But our ancestors have... and for many years, we still haven't found out who the murderer is..."

Cloud home.

The clouded leopard sits on the top of the hall. Looking at the few immortals sitting underneath, he whispered:

"How is this thing good?"

"If we say that our ancestors have been retreating..." Yunjun, a fairy, said softly.

Yunbao shook his head and said: "Once the ancestors of the other three super-families ask our ancestors to go out and learn from them. Or the words between our ancestors degraded our ancestors and feared them, or the three ancestors simply ran to our Yunjia 嚷I want to see our ancestors... You know, our ancestors are no longer there. At that time, it was really shameful and lost home."

“Hey!” Speaking of this, Yunbao took a chair and said: “Who is it? What is it for killing our ancestors?”

Jiang family.

The main hall of the House of Representatives was closed, and the Xianzheng separated the inside and outside of the hall.

Jiang Zixiong said with a dignified face: "The other three super-families still have nothing to do. After all, although the four super-families have battles and friendships, the alliance will be different that day. For example, today's alliance's lord Xu Ditian is the peak of Xianjun. Let him know that the ancestors of our Jiang family have died. Do you think that Tianzhu League will let this opportunity pass?"

Item home.

Within the hall of the House of Representatives.

The project shot finally said helplessly: "The super family is about to arrive soon, and the things that the ancestors have eliminated can't be stopped. Hehe... I still go to Jiang Xing to discuss it."

Celestial alliance.

Xu Liangtian sat on the top and his face was dignified. In his next head sat in the three main halls. The first lord said with indulgence:

"Lord, do you say that the four super families are not prepared to hold this big ratio? How come this time, I don't see them give us a post, let alone the four ancestors of the four super families?"

Xu Tiantian’s look was hesitant in dignity: “Is it true that the ancestors of the four super families are really in trouble?”

The eyes of the second lord said: "If it is really the four old guys who have an accident, this is a great event for us." They don't have the ancestors of Xianjun's late peaks, and who can stop them? The lord your footsteps?"

Hai Kuixing.

Within a courtyard, suddenly slammed into a breath, and then Xianyuan, centered on it, began to fluctuate and rushed to the place and gathered.

The figures flew, and many monks looked toward the courtyard. Two figures fell on the ridge, looking at the fairy tales gathered around the courtyard, Xu Xiaotian said:

"Zhenshan, you said that the monks in the vast mainland are all enchanting, this male son has only been here for more than two years, and all the way from the early stage of Da Luo Jinxian to the late Luo Jinxian, at this speed, it will not last long. It is another nine-day Xuanxian."

Xu Zhenshan said with a smile: "These monks should be the elites of the elites on the mainland. I think that as time goes by, the monks who will fly up from the mainland will not necessarily be like this."

"Yes!" Xu Haotian also nodded: "If the monks on the mainland are so enchanting, let us not live?"

"Ha ha ha..." The two laughed loudly.

At this time, the thunderstorms in the sky began to gather. A figure rises from the courtyard and goes to an unmanned mountain in the distance.

When the son fell to the top of the mountain, he immediately began to prepare for the robbery.

Xu Yutian and Xu Zhenshan floated in the air, looking at the son of the waiting for the robbery: "I really envy the qualifications and understanding of the purple smokers. Ziyan has not yet gone out, when she leaves the customs, I am afraid it is a fairy. Jun."

Xu Zhenshan made a strong effort to say: "Yes, and the purple smoke is different from the beginning of the ordinary Xianjun in the early days. I think at least her combat power is equivalent to a mid-June."

"Not bad!" Xu Haotian's face is full of joy: "Now Qin Yang has not gone out, I don't know if there will be a breakthrough after he leaves the customs?"

Xu Zhenshan hesitated and said: "Qin Yang is the root of the five attributes. It will be difficult to break through. However, I think that after the two people of Tianwo and Ling Xiao go out, they may break through to the late nine-day Xuan Xian."

"Yeah!" Xu Haotian nodded. "There are also Xu Lin and the fire dance that are now practiced in the Xujia Holy Land. It is also an amazing entry. It is really a kind of gathering, people are divided into groups. The friends of Ziyan really don't have one. Poor."


The robbery of the day came down, and the look of Xu Zhentian and Xu Zhenshan was changed. From the thunder and lightning, both of them felt a kind of sadness.

Thunder and sad songs!

"This gang of forgives is really chic!" Xu Zhenshan said softly.

"Yes!" Xu Haotian also whispered: "The monks with low realm are afraid that they will fall in love with this sad song."

Sure enough, many monks who watched the robbery had a sad face on their faces, and even some monks had tears in their eyes. Xu Haotian sighed a bit:

"It's really amazing. A big Luo Jinxian robber can actually affect the mood of the monks in the early days of Xuantian."

When the words fell, Xu Haotian shouted: "The monks below the mid-ninth Xuanxian are immediately away from the land of the robbery."

Under this order, many monks in the early days of the nine-day Xuanxian became color, and they woke up from the loss of their hearts and minds, one by one and with fear.

As the road robbed constantly, the figure of the male forged was somewhat embarrassed, but the breath of his body gradually grew stronger, and in the robbery, he heard the thunder and sorrow of the thunder, and his mind had a breakthrough. Actually, he climbed all the way to the peak of the late Luo Jinxian, and he stepped into the nine-day Xuanxian.

The three-day catastrophe blasted the peak of the birthplace to less than nine thousand feet. The male forged gray head flew down, but his face was full of joy.


Xu Haotian and Xu Zhenshan did not because they were patriarchs, but one was the saints and they swayed the males, but they congratulated them far away. Gongzi Forging just wanted to return, but Huoran turned to look at another courtyard.


A silhouette of the sky rises in the sky, and I look around in the air, and flies past the mountain peak that the son had just forged.


Ask for a pink ticket on the list! (To be continued~^~)

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