The Mighty Female Immortal

Chapter 1573: Fairy

I am very grateful to the classmates of the post-rain season forever (400), sea ~\\(≧▽≦)/~ la la classmates (200), maomihao classmates (200) for the reward!


"It’s Xu Tianwo!" Xu Haotian screamed: "He broke through to the late nine-day Xuan Xian."

It was another three days and three nights of robbing, and Xu Tianlang stood on the peak of eight thousand feet and laughed.

The matter of Gongzi Forging and Xutianlang’s double robbery has not been calm for a few days, and Ling Xiao began to rob again. He also successfully broke through the peak of the nine-day Xuanxian period.

After that, Xu Linghou and Xu Tianzhu did not break through Xianjun, but they reached a half-step Xianjun. Xu Qinyang also went out. He did not break through to the middle of Xianjun, but he reached the peak of Xianjun.

Someone has robbed. This time the robbery was Yang Linglong, who stood on top of the peak of less than seven thousand feet because of the smashing of the mountain. After the robbery of the day, she has become the late nine-day Xuanxian. At the same time, his mountain peak became less than six thousand feet.

Long Aotian also went out. He and Xu Ling waited for them. They didn't break through to Xianjun, but they reached a half-step Xianjun.

At this time, everyone is sitting in the hall to chat, and now the Xu family is different. There is already three peaks in the early stage of Xianjun, namely Xu Yitian, Xu Zhenshan and Xu Qinyang. What's more, there is also a white in the middle of Xianjun. If you wait for Xu Ziyan to go out, there will be more than one force in the early days of Xianbai. And in the past five years, the Yueji City Xu family has heard good news from time to time. With the existence of a holy place and a steady stream of resources, Xu has now broken through five people.

Everyone was chatting, and suddenly a huge breath swayed.

"Ziyan is out!"

Xu Haotian and Xu Ziyan stood up. As soon as the figure floated, he flew outside the hall. I saw a figure flying from the courtyard of Xu Ziyan, and looked around and flew over to the mountain that had become less than six thousand feet.

With the shape of Xu Ziyan crossed in the air. Pulled out the atmosphere of a fairy period, across the sky.

"Ziyan broke through the Xianjun period!" Xu Haotian said with amazement, the figure flew toward the air, and other monks also floated into the clouds. Looking at Xu Ziyan from afar.


The robbery clouds began to converge, layer by layer, spiraling, as if there was a mysterious world behind the thick clouds. The Thunder flashed from time to time behind the thick clouds, and Tianwei descended from the sky. The great power of the day made Xu Yantian, Xu Zhenshan and Xu Qinyang of the early peaks of Xianjun fall into disarray.

Xu Haotian suddenly slammed into the heart, and his body flew backwards. While shouting loudly: "All the monks are back ten miles."

The onlookers of the monks flew back to the rear, and they could not help but be shocked. The ravages of this purple smoke have not yet landed. It is such a great power that it is no wonder that the strength of Ziyan is so strong.

On one of the ridges, Pierre Pierre, the seven princes of the Mozu, looked at the horror of Xu Zi’s cigarette in shock. Under the catastrophe of the mighty and mighty people, Xu Ziyan’s body shape is so small. but. The tall and straight spine makes people feel very tall.

"Do the masters break through this robbery?"

Above the cloud, Xu Haotian looked at the distant robbery, his eyes falling from the robbery cloud, and looking at the Xu Ziyan above the peak. The look is a glimpse, turning to Xu Zhenshan:

"Zhenshan, purple smoke is not prepared, is there standing?"

Xu Zhenshan’s face also showed a trace of anxiety: “Ziyan has always been doing things steady, there will be no problem!”

Xu Haotian frowned slightly, turned his head and looked around, his eyes lit up. Only then, I waved to the Xutian wolf. Wait until Xu Tianwo flies to his front and says:

"Sirius. Have you seen the purple smoke and robbery?"

"Have seen!" Xu Tianlang nodded.

Xu Haotian once again glanced at the robbery in the air: "How about the purple smoke? How do I feel different from ours!"

Xu Tianwo said: "The smoke of the purple smoke is very powerful. I think it is at least ten times more powerful than my day."

"Ten times?" Xu Haotian was shocked.

"More than ten times!"

A voice rang from the side, and everyone turned around and looked at it. That Xu Tiantian is even more happy in his heart:

"Xiaobai. How can I forget you? Let me talk about the extent to which the purple smoke is so powerful?"

Xiaobai snorted and said: "The purple smoke sister was at the time of crossing the Da Luo Jinxian. The robbery was the prince."

"Sinjun robbery?"

All of the people in this group were stunned, and turned to look at Xu Ziyan under the cloud. Xu Haotian’s stunned look suddenly changed. Huoran turned his head and asked anxiously:

"How is the white robbery of purple smoke compared to your robbery?"

Xiaobai shook his head in a speechless voice: "My **** is not as good as my sister. I really don't know who two of us are beasts!"


The dense and dense robbery clouds in the sky slowly opened a portal in the hovering...

"What is this?" Xu Haotian screamed.

At this point everyone is very ugly because they have seen such a robbery. Even the beast and white have not seen it. I saw a number of heavenly soldiers formed by lightning from the portal in the air, holding a fairy made up of lightning, and the dense Thunder squadron was hanging upside down like a Thunder Tianhe, and the purple smoke of the peak slammed the past.

Xu Ziyan has been carrying his hands on the peaks, and saw that the Thunder Heavenly Soldier fell from the sky toward himself as a waterfall, and his eyes passed a trace of fear. Such a Tianwei makes a sense of fear in any one person's heart, and the upside-down momentum is unstoppable.


Thunder Tianbing immediately hit the top of Xu Ziyan's head, watching the monks of Xu Ziyan's robbery around, and all the hearts mentioned the blind eyes at this time.

Others are prepared to wear a bunch of defensive charms on their bodies, in their hands, and prepare a bunch of symbols. Xu Ziyan can do this well, and he is not prepared, just standing there with his hands on his back.

Just when everyone mentioned the heart to the eyes of the blind man, he saw that Xu Ziyan suddenly slammed his hands behind him.


Numerous Thunder celestial soldiers burst into violent blasts, turning into dense lightning to instantly submerge the shape of Xu Ziyan. In the vision of everyone, a spherical lightning consisting of lightning was formed.

"This..." Xu Qinyang’s face was immediately full of worries: "Father, this day the robbery is too abnormal. It’s ten that I can’t stand this kind of catastrophe. Can purple smoke stand up?"

Xu Haotian is also a worried face: "I can't help but also top, we can't help, everything can only rely on herself."

"How can this be good?" Xu Zhenshan anxiously rubbed his hands and said: "We can't see the situation inside the spherical lightning, and we don't know how the purple smoke is inside?"

Within the spherical lightning, Xu Ziyan runs the sword and decides to bring the lightning into the body. Quenching your own skin, meat, tendons, bones, marrow, dirty, veins.

However, there are too many thunder and lightning, and there is no need to let the purple smoke guide. They are madly pouring into the body of Xu Ziyan. At the beginning, Xu Ziyan was able to use his thunder to quench his body. But soon the energy of these lightnings exceeds the limits that her body can carry.

Xu Ziyan has been unable to control the power of lightning in the body. The power of these lightnings is not tempering his body at this time, but destroying her body.

The spherical lightning is still flashing, and the dense lightning explodes with countless electric lights. All the monks looked anxiously at the spherical lightning. If they didn’t see the punches from the ball lightning from time to time, the Xu Yuntian and others thought that Xu Ziyan had already vanished. It is. After all, everyone present is convinced that they are devoid of physicality under such catastrophe.


Xu Ziyan spurted a spurt of blood, and when he thought about it, he had a sword in his hand.

That is the congenital fairy treasure five-color sword.

A shout.

Such as cranes!

Such as Feng Ming!

A sapphire blue figure rushed out of the ball lightning, rushing over the dense Thunder fairy, holding a five-color sword in both hands, and the body's fairy power was frantically poured into the five-color sword.

In an instant, the five-color Jianguanghua was released, and Xu Ziyan took a sword and went out.

The swordsmanship is like a pair of exercises, spreading from the bottom to the top. The dense Thunder squad from the sky to the peak was hit by a heavy waterfall like a frozen waterfall, broken from bottom to top.


The broken Thunder fairy turned into a thunder, and the thunder and lightning quickly rushed to Xu Ziyan, forming a spherical lightning that was ten times larger than the previous one, and drowned Xu Ziyan again.

At this time, the mountain peaks at her feet were less than five thousand feet. This kind of power made the watched monks have to retreat ten miles. At this time, Xu Tiantian and other people’s faces are completely fearful.

They had been keenly aware that Xu Ziyan was injured when Xu Ziyan rushed out of the ball lightning and pulled out a sword. Although it is not heavy, but now it is submerged by a spherical lightning that is more than ten times more powerful than that. Can she still get past the purple smoke?

Xu Ziyan regretted it! It is really regrettable!

She did not expect this sword to make the situation worse! At this point she has understood that her condition is extremely dangerous. This Thunder fairy is too pitted. If you ignore them, they will rush to your front, and then pick up the fairy to mammoth you. Ask, who can withstand so many Thunder fairy bombardment?

If you bombard these Thunder Xian soldiers, then the result is the current situation of Xu Ziyan. After they are broken, they will become intensive lightning and rush into your body, destroying your skin, flesh, bones, marrow, ribs, dirty, veins, and letting you out.


Very painful!

Extremely painful!

The intensive thunder and lightning crashed in the body of Xu Ziyan and was destroyed. This is not only the pain in the body, it has already hurt the soul, and even the wisdom of Xu Ziyan has a tendency to collapse.


Ask for a pink ticket on the list!


*(To be continued~^~)

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