The Mighty Female Immortal

Chapter 1574: Mighty Thunder

I am very grateful to the students of cathyankawai, who lost his heart. My classmates, hknt16104 classmates, Dahuoluo Pills, Zi Yan? Zhao Yilin, Lu Xihua, the pink ticket of the students who floated in the wind!


Xu Ziyan clung to the last glimpse of the wisdom, and tried to think about the way to rob.

It seems that only defense! The offense only makes the situation worse.

Xu Ziyan took the five-color sword and put it up. The medicine was tripped in the air, and then it was drilled into the medicine. The medicine tripod fell from the sky and the purple smoke was buckled inside. .

At that time, the mountain peak was less than four thousand feet. From the airborne robbery, the portal rushed out of the dense Thunder fairy, like a thunder and a long river upside down, and instantly hit the huge spherical lightning.


Those Thunder Xian soldiers rushed into the spherical lightning without hesitation. In Xu’s vision, those Thunder singers who rushed into the ball lightning were rushing to absorb the spherical lightning, as they absorbed the thunder and lightning, those The body of the Thunder Xianbing also grew up sharply. After the ball lightning was completely absorbed by the Thunder Xian soldiers, a big tripod appeared on the mountain peak. Those squadrons who have become tall and thundering and waving are also madly bombarded by Yao Ding.

At this time, the mountain has become less than three thousand feet, and a huge Thunder fairy has been bombarded around a drug, and the loud sound of the mountain shakes, so that the heart of Xu Tiantian and others is accompanied by every roaring convulsion. With.

When they saw the drug tripod, they knew that Xu Ziyan had hid in the medicine. It is mentioned that the heart of the blind eye has just relaxed slightly, and it is seen that the nine-piece fairy medicine Ding is becoming faint with the speed visible to the naked eye. What does this prove? This proves that this nine-piece fairy can't support it for a long time. I couldn’t help but mention the heart to the eyes of the blind.

At this time, Xu Ziyan was sitting in the medicine tripod, and swallowed the elixir. She was trying to run the sword and tempered the violent thunder of the body to quench her own body.

However, she found that she could not control the power of lightning that is now completely rioted. The power of her thunder and lightning is far beyond her ability to withstand. Follow this trend. She is bound to suffer a very serious injury. And she has been keenly aware that the nine-piece medicinal medicinal hood that is covering her own is rapidly damaging. At the speed of being damaged today, I am afraid that it will not take half an hour.

Xu Ziyan became anxious, she did not feel the pain of the nine products. Even if it is a congenital fairy, it is more important than his own life. She is anxious. If the drug was destroyed, then he was seriously injured at that time, and he could not resist the blow of the Thunder.

Purple smoke space!

Xu Ziyan’s heart was in the blink of an eye. At this time, he also refused to think about other things. Xu Ziyan immediately opened a crack in the purple smoke space, and the power of lightning in the body rushed into the purple smoke world.


The purple smoke world is roaring, the whole space is slightly turbulent, and a river of lightning is formed in the endless void. but. Xu Ziyan's body is much more comfortable. At this time, she has been able to control the power of lightning in the body, and swallowed an elixir. Xu Ziyan quickly ran his sword and tempered his body.

It was only less than two quarters of an hour, and Xu Ziyan stood up helplessly. Because she knows that Ding Ding has been unable to stand up, if it lasts for a while, then the drug Ding will be completely abolished.

At this time, Xu Ziyan, who had already thought of a solution, naturally refused to let this medicine die. Waving the medicine and collecting it, Xu Ziyan's figure once again appeared in the eyes of everyone.

She had just appeared outside, and she saw countless huge Thunder squadrons carrying a hammer to her.

Don't say that Xu Ziyan and those Thunder Heavenly Soldiers are just as small as the Thunder Hammers held in the hands of Thunder. The monks who watched Xu Ziyan’s robbery saw Xu Ziyan appearing. The original heart was still a joy, but when they saw the intensive ones than the purple smoke, they didn’t know how many times the thunder hammer was over her head, and they went down to Xu Ziyan. At the time, the nervous heart stopped beating.

Xu Ziyan’s double fists rushed out quickly, and the sound of “Booming Rumble” was heard. Thunder and lightning. Countless Thunder Xian soldiers were smashed by Xu Ziyan. A spherical lightning was formed outside the surface of Xu Ziyan.


As the Thunder's celestial forces continued to shatter, the Thunder's bombardment became more fierce, and the peaks at the foot were less than two thousand feet. A spherical lightning that drowned Xu Ziyan became bigger and bigger.

Within the ball lightning. The lightning flashed wildly into her body, just an instant. Xu Ziyan has a feeling of being blasted. The function of the body was madly destroyed. Although Xu Ziyan opened the purple smoke space, the lightning in the body was constantly sent in, but the power of lightning was too much, and the purple smoke could not bear it.

This is not the fear of Xu Ziyan. What makes Xu Ziyan fear is that the huge lightning power can rush into the purple smoke space. The space that originally shook slightly began to become unstable. Even the stars in the space began to shake, and the whole space was blown up. Thunderstorm.

Xu Ziyan was not the first to rob, she knew that her day robbery would be very long. How long has this been? For a long time, no time has passed. With today's trend, I am afraid that within a few days, the entire purple smoke space will collapse. Lost the space of purple smoke, what reliance does she have to resist the robbery?

At this time, Xu Ziyan was really gray, and even he was too lazy to move his fists, letting the Thunder Xianbing, who had once again rushed out of the sky, rushed to the side of her with a thunder hammer.

It is because of the mid-peak peak of Xu Ziyan's eight-piece fairy, and these intensive thunder hammers are constantly bombarding her. In the eyes of everyone shocked and scared, Xu Ziyan bleeds, the mountain peak becomes less than a thousand feet, and soon becomes a flat land, which in turn becomes a deep pit, and Xu Ziyan is smashed into the deep pit.

The last glimpse of Xu Ziyan has become blurred, and the purple smoke space has become extremely unstable, and some small planets have begun to collapse.

Suddenly, a bright ray of light emerged from the void, but it instantly turned into a huge and boundless Thunder giant sword.


The lightning in the entire purple smoke space gathered toward the Thunder giant sword, but in less than a quarter of an hour, the lightning in the entire purple smoke space was absorbed by the Thunder giant sword. And the radiance of the Thunder's Great Sword is more and more radiant, and the breath becomes stronger.


The Thunder giant sword smashed out of the purple smoke space and came to the head of Xu Ziyan. Xu Ziyan has been lying at the bottom of the deep pit at this time, and the gods have already fainted.

As soon as the Thunder giant sword appeared, it slammed into the top and bombarded it. Xu Tiantian and others on the outside of the cloud are looking at the deep pit, and the dense Thunder Xianbing is blocking the deep pit and stuffing the deep pit slowly.


An infinite roar...

The deep pit spurred the extremely dazzling light with the roar of the roar, and with the extremely dazzling light, I saw the dense thundering squadrons filled with deep pits smashed and flew out into the sky.

A huge Thunder giant sword rushed out of the deep pit, squatting in the air, letting the thunder and lightning bombarded it, frantically absorbing the power of lightning.

"It's the sword!"

Xu Qinyang shouted excitedly. He had seen the sword. It was the sword that broke the nine-bell space of Xu Tiantian.


The Thunder's Great Sword suddenly smashed, and countless Thunder's squadrons burst into pieces and turned into lightning. The Thunder giant sword is so constantly bombarding the Thunder fairy, absorbing the power of lightning, the breath released by the sword is more and more horrible. However, there is no trace of lightning power falling into the deep pit, falling on the body of Xu Ziyan.

The thunderous catastrophe lasted for three days and three nights. The portal above the robbery cloud seemed to have endless thunder celestial soldiers, constantly pouring down, but they were all smashed and absorbed by the Thunder.

During the three days and three nights, Xu Ziyan has not appeared, which makes Xu Haotian and others worry. But they also know that Xu Ziyan is not dead. If Xu Ziyan is dead, the robbery will end. However, Xu Ziyan has not appeared, which also proves that Xu Ziyan should be very heavy.

Xu Ziyan was awakened by the thunder of thunder, and opened his eyes and looked at the Thunder giant sword over the deep pit, with a smile in his eyes. She knows she is safe.

Struggling from the ground up, sitting cross-legged, taking the elixir from the storage ring and swallowing it, and releasing the white and the lotus, I saw the white and the lotus floating in the air, hovering around the purple smoke. Every time around Xu Ziyan, a circle of white lotus blossoms in the air, the layers of layers will be submerged by Xu Ziyan.

This time, Xu Ziyan was very hurt. Even if he swallowed Xiandan and had Helianlian, it took a full day to fully recover.

Looking down, although the dress she wore was also a refinery, but now it is a bit broken. Reaching out of the storage ring and taking out a dress and putting it on, looking up at the thunder and the giant sword constantly crushing the Thunder Xianbing, and then absorbing the power of lightning, Xu Ziyan can feel the power of the Thunder giant sword. Can be more than doubled.

The color of envy is exposed in the eyes, and Xu Ziyan also needs the power of these lightnings! She also counted on using the power of lightning to improve her own body repair.

Now that there is the existence of the Thunder giant sword, Xu Ziyan is not afraid of the robbery. In her mind, she believes that with the Thunder giant sword, she can absorb a part of the power of lightning, and then she will hide under the Thunder giant sword and use her sword to temper her body. Waiting to exhaust the power of the absorbed lightning, just go out and absorb some.

I thought of it, and with a bang, Xu Ziyan rushed out from the deep pit.



Ask for a pink ticket to protect yourself! (To be continued~^~)

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