The Mighty Female Immortal

Chapter 1575: Early Xianjun

I am very grateful to the classmates of the post-rain season forever (400), who lost his heart and lost his classmates (100), and the bookmates 130702223848906 (100) rewarded!


Xu Haotian and others saw that Xu Ziyan rushed out of the deep pit in an intact way, and could not help but cheer up.

Xu Ziyan was standing under the Thunder giant sword and waved his hand around, and then he focused on the Thunder giant sword. I saw that the Thunder giant sword kept crushing the Thunder celestial soldiers in the air, and then madly absorbed the power of lightning.

Xu Ziyan was swept away and wanted to spare the Thunder giant sword and rush to the top of the Thunder giant sword to absorb some of the power of lightning. However, the Thunder giant sword suddenly a cross-sword body will hold the purple smoke under the bottom, the lightning will be fully absorbed.

Xu Ziyan's body shape flashed again, and the Thunder giant sword stopped again.

Flash again, stop again!

Xu Ziyan was angry at the time!

This Thunder giant sword actually wants to eat a single food, wants to swallow all the plagues of Xu Ziyan, and does not leave a little bit for Xu Ziyan.

"This is my god!"

Xu Zi was eagerly looking at the Thunder sword across her, my heart, this is my day of robbery, I don't believe you can really stop it? Isn’t the day robbery running with me?

Thinking of this, Xu Ziyan proudly took a look at the Thunder giant sword, a teleport to the other side, and sure enough, those Thunder fairy soldiers turned in the air, rushed toward her.


A dazzling light flashed through, and the Thunder celestial blasts burst into flames, but they were smashed by a Thunder giant sword. After that, the Thunder giant sword slammed into the top of Xu Ziyan to absorb lightning.


Xu Ziyan took a deep breath. Smoothed up my emotions. Once again, the teleport, but the ending is the same, then the speed of the Thunder giant sword is much faster than the purple purple smoke teleport, each time blocking the head of Xu Ziyan. The Thunder fairy will be smashed, and the thunder and lightning will be absorbed.

In the eyes of Xu Yutian and other monks who were stunned, they saw Xu Ziyan constantly teleporting, and the figure flickered in the air. But every time I didn't get rid of the Thunder.

At this point, they all understand it. Xu Ziyan seems to want to use the thunder and lightning to quench the body, but the Thunder giant sword seems to need to rob the thunder, so that one person is fighting for the thunder and lightning, and it is obvious that Xu Ziyan is not the opponent of the sword. .

What sword is that sword? Ziyan actually couldn’t grab a sword, and I’ve never seen a purple smoke like this!

Everyone knows at this time that there is a Thunder giant sword, and Xu Ziyan’s robbery should have no danger. Now, see if Xu Ziyan can win a little lightning from the Thunder giant sword.

It’s funny to think about it. One by one watched Xu Ziyan still teleporting there.

Xu Ziyan stopped, and her chest was so angry that she waited for the thunder giant sword on her head. She couldn’t help but feel the anger of her heart and shouted at the Thunder giant sword:

"The robbery is mine..."

The Thunder giant sword simply ignored her, and still erected a sword and smashed thousands of Thunder. Then all the lightning is absorbed into the blade.


Xu Ziyan looked at the Thunder Giant Sword, which was enlarged like a giant tree at this time. His body shape suddenly slammed, and his hands hugged the hilt of the Thunder Giant Sword. As far as her thoughts are concerned, as long as she grabs the Thunder giant sword, it will discharge. In this way, I can't absorb the thunder and lightning, and use your lightning to quench the body.

However, what disappointed her this time is that she does not know that the Thunder giant sword is deliberately mad at her, or she is patronizing the sword to absorb the thunder and lightning. Not too rare to take care of Xu Ziyan. The hilt is not released at all.

Xu Ziyan held his hilt with his hands and looked at the shining sword. He said, "Do you want to be so embarrassed! Don't give it to me!"

In the eyes of everyone, Xu Ziyan at this time is holding the hilt of the Thunder giant sword and crawling upwards. The Thunder giant sword simply ignores Xu Ziyan and violently smashes the Thunder. Then slam the thunder.

Xu Ziyan finally climbed over the thunder guard's hand and sat there. A Thunderbolt was also absorbed by Thunder's giant sword while a small part of it fell on Xu Ziyan's body.

This is a small part of Xu Ziyan. Because the Thunder giant sword is constantly smashing the Thunder singer, and the number of its smashed Thunder squad is more than the original Swift.

Xu Ziyan sat on the thunder's guardian's hand, holding his hands tightly on the part of the Thunder's great sword's hand guard, and quickly running the sword to quench his body.

The Thunder giant sword also seems to accept Xu Ziyan's result of a small part of the robbery of lightning, no longer paying attention to Xu Ziyan, but only concentrate on the Thunder Xianbing, and then absorb the power of lightning.

The situation lasted for nine days and nine nights, and the robbery cloud in the sky finally dissipated.

Xu Ziyan opened his eyes and checked his body. Nowadays, she has become a real Xianjun early, and the strength of the body has also entered the late stage of the eight-character.

The figure was a vertical, jumped from the thunder guard's hand, and stood in the air, kicking angrily toward the Thunder giant sword:

"Not going back!"


Xu Ziyan’s knowledge of the sea came from a roar of the Thunder’s giant sword, but the Thunder’s giant sword was still small and suddenly surrounded by Xu Ziyan. When Xu Ziyan thought about it, he took it into the purple smoke space.


Prison star.

Inside the hall is a group of demons.

"Heinda, now we are no longer dominant, especially after the arrival of Xu Tiantian, there is no monk in the late stage of Xianjun. We are very disadvantageous with him. We are not going back to the devil to let the devil Send some of the peaks of Xianjun later?"


Hai Kuixing.

Inside the hall.

At this time, Xu Ziyan had already finished washing, and everyone sat in the hall to accept the congratulations of everyone. After a congratulation, Xu Haotian said happily:

"The super family is about to start, and it is at this time. The purple smoke broke through the early days of Xianjun, and we have Xiaobai, and we can qualify to participate in this big ratio."

Everyone nodded, and all faces were happy. Xu Jia won the second-rate family first from a second-rate mid-stream family. Then he won the first-class family first, and now he has to participate in the super-family ratio. At this time, every monk is like a dream.

"The patriarch!" Xu Zhenshan frowned slightly. Thinking about it: "The four super families have not heard the news of the super family ratio, and their four ancestors have no news yet. What is going on? What do you say... the four old people The ancestors will not..."


Hai Qiaoxing.

Inside the Chu Family Hall.

The door was closed and the fairy squad separated the inside and outside of the hall.

Chu Yundong, Yunbao, Jiang Zixiong and Xiang Ying looked four people in a dignified manner, no one said. For a long time, Chu Yun said softly:

"That said. Our four ancestors are no longer there. Who is it? Or is that party capable of killing our four ancestors without knowing it?"

Yunbao thought and said: "I have not heard of any powerful people in the Zhongyuan Galaxy!"

Jiang Zixiong’s face suddenly flashed a trace of fear: “Will it be a hidden family?”

Everyone's look is a glimpse, and then the face is worried. For a long time, the project hesitated and said: "Even if it is a hidden family, it may not be able to do this. Our ancestors are also the peak of Xianjun, and the masters of the hidden family are just the peak of Xianjun. How can we do it? Silently killing our four ancestors? Unless..."

"Unless what?"

"Unless there is a fairy king in the hidden family, before he leaves the Chinese galaxies, he secretly kills our four ancestors. But what is their purpose?"

“Yeah!” Chu Yun moved and frowned. “Our four super families also had the peak of Xianjun before, and they have never been killed by the hidden family. If this thing is really a hidden family What is their purpose? They have no reason?"

"Chu brother!" Yunbao said, "This thing can be put down first. What we have to deal with now is the super family ratio. If it is before, it doesn't need to prepare anything. Anyway, this super family is bigger than us." The family participated. But now it is different, and there are more Xujia and Tianzhu League. The Xu family is still the best. They are the highest in the early days of Xianjun. But the alliance has a great threat to us that day. The peak of the late Jun. If you let him know that our four ancestors are no longer there. I want to ask three brothers. Do you think that Xu Tiantian will let this opportunity pass?"

The voice of the clouded leopard fell, and the faces of the three men were gloomy. Don't forget, the predecessor of Xu Tiantian is the fairy thief. If you let Xu Tiantian know the truth. I am afraid that Xu Tian will not hesitate to start to annex the power of the four super families, and eventually even completely annex the four super families.

but. How can this thing get past?

"If you don't..." Xiang Yan said with a sigh: "We don't hold this super family ratio? Just say everything is waiting to fight back the Mozu?"

Chu Yun shook his head and said: "Whether your proposal can be successful, it will be suspected by the sky. I am afraid that after that, Xu Tiantian will start to test the four super families constantly, we will not last long."

"That... not as good as this." Jiang Zixiong said: "Dabi continues, saying that our four ancestors are retreating and not participating in this big match."

Chu Yundong still shook his head: "Xu Tiantian is also the peak of Xianjun's later period. If he visits our four super families one by one after Dabi and challenges our ancestors in our ethnic land, how about we?"

Within the hall, it was still in silence. The four immortals felt very depressed and had a feeling of being out of breath. They all know that if this matter is not handled well, it will shake the foundation of the family. Perhaps the family that has passed down millions of years will decline or even destroy in its own hands.


Xianjun period, ask for a pink ticket to congratulate!


*(To be continued~^~)

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