The Mighty Female Immortal

Chapter 1576: Super big ratio

I am very grateful to Kdnio, zhaojade, full-time bookworm 888 classmates, Dengshushan! Classmates, JessieL classmates, silina0628 classmates, susantsh0905 classmates. Bohai Dark Blue classmate, Eason to classmate's pink ticket!


The clouded leopard's eyebrows evoked: "Not as good as we are, we said that our four ancestors discovered a mysterious place and jointly explored."

Chu Yun moved for a while and thought for a while: "Good idea. Since it is a mysterious place, naturally only four ancestors know that we don't know where it is. And since it is to explore a mysterious land, naturally I don't know when. Come back. The amount of heaven is doubt, I am afraid that it will not immediately act against our four families. As long as time can be dragged for a while, it is the opportunity of our four families. Perhaps during this time, we also broke through to the late Xianjun. At the peak, I am not afraid of the amount of time."

Chu Yun’s words, Yunxiao, Jiang Zixiong and Xiang’s face are very complicated. They also know that Chu Yun’s words are very reasonable, but at the same time, they know that the most promising among the four of them is the Chu Yun movement. Because at this time only Chu Yundong is the late Xianjun, and the three of them are the peaks of the mid-Jianjun.

Hey, these four super families may be headed by Chu in the future!

The hearts of the three people sigh at the same time. Looking at Chu Yun, the three monks at the same time vowed: "I will listen to the Chu brother."

Seeing the attitude of three people, Chu Yun moved to the initial glimpse, and then he understood the hearts of three people. The heart is not happy. However, he also knows the situation of the four super families today, and he is not arrogant. Politely courtesy:

"Three brothers, now our four big families must be united!"

"Not bad!" The other three immediately nodded, and the clouded leopard thought and said: "We are better able to make a good home!"

“Not bad!” Chu Yun nodded and said: “Xu Jia and Tian Hao’s alliance is like the sea. I think Xu will not refuse the goodwill that we released.”

Jiang Zixiong’s eyebrows screamed: “If we don’t make a good home, we don’t make a good deal. Just sit next to each other and watch the Xu family and the Tianzhu League fight?”

Within the hall, it was quiet again, and four people were there to think about the gains and losses. In the end, Chu Yunfei shook his head:

"No, the strength of the current Xu family is not the opponent of the Tianzhu League. If the Xu family is destroyed by the Tianzhu League, we will lose one strength. Only by uniting all the forces that can unite can we Fight against the amount of heaven."

"Isn't Xu family not so weak?" The project shot slightly frowning and said: "In the beginning, Xu Tiantian once took people to kill Xu, but was not successfully escaped by Xu?"

Chu Yun nodded and said: "As you said, it is Xu family to escape. But when Xu Jia and Tian Hao Meng face the battle, they can not escape. If you do not escape, you think that Xu Jia will be the Tianzhu League. Opponent?"

"No!" The project immediately shook his head.

"That's it! So we must unite Xu, anyway. Xu family also has a few Xianjun!" Chu Yun said faintly.

Clouded leopard, Jiang Zixiong and Xiang Lu thought about it and nodded.

"Then, is the rule of our big ratio still the same as before? If so, this time the first one will be won by the Tianzhu League." Xiang shot said with some concern.

Chu Yunfei said with a smile: "Now is an extraordinary period, naturally it is necessary to do very much. I don't think it should be carried out according to the original big ratio. Since it is now in the battle of the fairy, it is not as good as our big ratio. In the time, see who has captured the planet occupied by the Mozu.

Everyone's eyes are bright. If it is a big ratio between monks, you can sweep their four families by just one person. However, if the big ratio rule is changed and the number of planets occupied by the Mozu is ranked, the Tianzhu League may not be ranked first. After all, it is based on comprehensive strength, not on the strength of a peak in the late Xianjun. But will Xu Tiantian accept it? With this question raised, everyone went quiet again. Half-sounding, Chu Yun moved to show Yan Yixiao:

"Before Xu Tiantian did not figure out the real situation of our four ancestors, he would not force us too much. The rules change, we can vote by hand. Our four families join hands. Naturally will pass. And..."

Speaking of this, Chu Yun smiled and said with a smile: "Family participating in Dabi according to the rules is to reward resources. Tianjia League and Xujia as the super family just joined, they will be ranked fifth. And sixth. The number of resources in the fifth and sixth rankings is very different, in order to be fair. We can ask them to compare them first to determine who is ranked fifth and who is ranked. In the sixth. I want Xu to be defeated by Tianyi League. I will be very happy to form an alliance with our four families."

"Not bad! Hahaha..." The four great monks laughed loudly.

Hai Kuixing.

The main hall of the proceedings.

A monk hurried into the hall and gave a courtesy to the crowd: "The patriarch, Chu Jia Chu Yunfei came to see."

“Hmmm?” The crowd looked at each other and Xu Xiaotian asked with a sigh: “Only he is alone?”


Xu Haotian slightly thought for a moment, stood up from the chair and said: "It seems to be a super family ratio. Let's go out and meet."

As the people walked out of the hall with Xu Haotian, they emptied into the sky and flew toward the distance.

In addition to the Haikui Star shield, Chu Yunfei took the lead and stood up. Looks proudly at Haikui Star. Although the Xu family rises very quickly, but in the eyes of his old Xianjun, he still looks down on the Xu family. If it is not a fairy war now, if it is not a Tianzhu League, maybe the four super families will join forces to destroy the Xu family. However, in his heart, there is also a trace of exclamation for the Xu family. The rise of this family is really fast.

In front of him, the densely-knit Qiankun Lei began to move to both sides, giving way to a passage. A portal was also cracked on the khaki shield.

Chu Yunfei's big sleeves squatted, and his body shape floated into Haikuixing. In front of him, Xu Haotian laughed and greeted him;

"Welcome Chu brother! Chu brother is coming to visit, let Xu Jiapeng shine! Hahaha..."

"Xu Xiong is very polite!" Chu Yunfei looked faint, with a trace of pride.

"Chu brother please!"

"Xu brother please!"

"Peer! Peer! Hahaha..."

The group returned to the hall of the parliament again, and the guest was seated. Xu Haotian said with a smile: "Chu brother came here this time, but what care for the younger brother?"

Chu Yunfei sat in a chair with a sigh of relief and said faintly: "There is still two months to go to the Super Family Day. For this time, the brother invited Xu to join the super family."

The spirit of the Xu family monks in the hall is alive, although they think that Xu is already a super family. However, it is justified to be able to get an invitation from the old super family. Even Xu Ziyan is no exception, and I am very happy.

Looking at the excitement of Xu Jia’s monk, Chu Yunfei sneered at his mouth with a slight disdain, and said in his heart: "This is unsettled! It’s a bunch of earthen buns, and there is no super family temperament at all."

Swinging the sleeves and squatting, said: "This time in the super family, in addition to the original four super families, there are also your Xu family and Tianzhu League. After 20 days, everyone discussed this in Haiqiaoxing. Big than everything."

Sea riot star.

Xu Liangtian looked at the back of the Chu family monks who had left, and there was a strange smile on his face. Turn around and ask softly:

"Three lords, what is the intelligence collected recently?"

The three main priests frowned slightly: "I have not heard any news from the four super-family ancestors. What is certain is that the four ancestors never came to Xinghai."

Hai Qiaoxing.

Within the hall of the House of Representatives.

Chu family, Yun family, Jiang family, Xiang Jia, Xu Jia and Tian Jun Meng's immortals gathered together. Xu family came four people this time, namely Xu Ziyan, Xu Yutian, Xu Zhenshan and Xu Qinyang. Xu Ziyan left Xiaobai in Hailie, and she had a small white sitting. She was relieved.

As for coming here, in the face of Xu Tiantian, Xu Ziyan felt that even if he could not beat each other, there was no problem in running away with the cloud baby. After all, she is not the first time to escape under the tens of thousands of hands, it can be described as experienced.

Xu Liangtian came with the three lords and left the first and second lords in the sea tyrant. After the last sneak attack on the sea riot star, he never dared to care.

The four super families are also the patriarchs who led the two immortals to come, and they all sat in the hall.

"Oh..." Chu Yun, who was sitting in the main position as the owner, smiled affectionately and said: "You, the super family will soon be on the big day. This time, the big four families are happy. There are two more members. This proves that the power of our Terran is constantly increasing, and we are more confident in expelling the Mozu, huh, huh..."

The faces of Xu’s four people showed excitement, and Xu Guan’s eyes flashed with a smile on his face:

"Chu chief!" Xu Liangtian's gaze swept through Chu Yun, Yunbao, Jiang Zixiong and Xiang Lu: "This gentleman admires the four ancestors of yours. I wanted to talk to the four brothers long time ago. I don't know if the four patriarchs can give a referral?"

Xu Ziyan’s mouth passed a hint of meaningful smile. For the ancestors of the four super families, they were not seen for a long time. Xu Ziyan’s heart was also very suspicious. He lied slightly, and did not seem to care about these things. His ears were quietly standing. Start.

In the gaze of Xu Tian, ​​the movement of Chu Yun, Yun Bao, Jiang Zixiong and Xiang Lu is very quiet, without any change. This made Xu Tiantian’s heart sink, and could not help but think:

"Is it because I thought wrong, and the four ancestors did not have any problems at all?"

"Oh..." Chu Yun said with a smile: "I am afraid I will disappoint Xu Mengzhu..."

The spirit of Xu Ditian is a revival, and the dim gaze is once again burning. Xu Ziyan’s heart was also a move, and he lifted his eyes slightly and looked at Chu Yun.


*(To be continued~^~)

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