The Mighty Female Immortal

Chapter 1577: Escape the conspiracy

Thank you very much peigougou (588), the hidden wind traveler classmates (100) reward!


The spirit of Xu Ditian is a revival, and the dim gaze is once again burning. Xu Ziyan’s heart was also a move, and he lifted his eyes slightly and looked at Chu Yun.

"Three years ago, our four ancestors discovered a mysterious land. After that, the four ancestors joined forces to explore and have not returned. The wishes of Xu Mengzhu can only be realized after waiting for the four ancestors to come back. ......"

Chu Yun paused, and his face appeared proudly: "But when the ancestors left, they said that when they returned from the mysterious land, they should have been the king of the time. Xu Meng, you can rest assured At this time, Ben will definitely ask the ancestors to discuss with you."

Xu Tiantian’s face is a stagnation, let a fairy king and himself learn? It is almost the same as pointing. However, Chu Yun said that it is true? It is not impossible to explore this matter. It is not a few years to find a mysterious place to return. Sometimes it takes a few decades or even a hundred years to be extremely normal. If this is true, the plans for the four super families will be temporarily slowed down, and they will be able to make a decision after slowly testing.

But what if it is not true?

Xu Liangtian frowned slightly, and his mind was thinking fast. Which speculation is more likely? In the end, Xu Ditian still chose to temporarily believe Chu Yundong. Because the four ancestors went to explore the mysterious land together, the credibility of this matter is much higher than the death of the four ancestors.

There is a trace of regret in my heart, only the plan for the four major families is temporarily put down. Looking around, I looked at the four people in Xu’s family.

"It seems to be the first to deal with Xu."

The four super-family patriarchs looked at the amount of heaven that converges their eyes. The heart is certain, Chu Yun moved in the heart to secretly wipe a sweat, said with a smile:

"We still have to discuss this big ratio."

Having said that, Chu Yun’s face is full. Seriously said: "Now we are in the midst of the Great Devils. If we follow the rules of the previous big ratio, we may be attacked by the Mozu when we are big. After all, we will concentrate the power of Xianjun in one place. It will give the Mozu the opportunity to attack our families. So after our four major families negotiated, we decided to change the rules.

"Change the rules?"

Xu Liangtian Huo Ran Zhang, Xu Ziyan's eyes are also shining.

“Not bad!” Chu Yun said faintly: “Our six major forces have their own actions, and they are limited to half a year. See who has captured the number of the demon planets to rank this big ratio, Xu Meng and Xu Thinking how?"

Xu Ditian’s heart quickly thought that the four super-families changed the big ratio rule, which is undoubtedly fear in the heart. Their four families know that they only follow the rules of the past. With their own alone, they can swept their four super families and won the first place in this super family.

However, Chu Yun said that it is not unreasonable. If they are in a big comparison, the Mozu will act violently and attack each family. At that time, everyone is not on their own planets, once such a thing happens. The loss will be very large. And this kind of thing is very likely to happen, the Mozu will not give up such an opportunity.

The most important thing is that if the ancestors of the four super-families are not dead, they will win the first place desperately, and when the four ancestors return, they may join forces to destroy the Tianzhu League. Now my enemy is not the four super families, but the Xu family...

Xu Ziyan’s heart is also thinking rapidly. The purpose of changing the rules of the four major families is very clear. They don’t want to want to sweep their four families, but this is also good for Xu. Avoid the hard hit with the amount of money now. If it is still in accordance with the original big ratio. Xu family hit a lot of days, it is simply sent to the door to find death.

"I agree!"

Xu Liangtian made a decision very quickly. He did not know the real situation of the four super ancestors, he decided not to provoke the four super families.

Xu Haotian turned his eyes to Xu Ziyan. When I saw Xu Ziyan nodding his head, he said, "We promised."

The four super-family patriarchs took a long sigh of relief in their hearts. The four ancestors died in the past and finally concealed the past. The rules of Dabi also changed with their own minds, and the four super families did not have to be swept away. After stabilizing my mind, I began to suppress Xu’s plan to pull Xu into the league. Chu Yun’s face smiled more and more at this time:

"Since it is big, it is impossible to have no rewards. Everyone knows the source of these rewards. The second place in the previous Dabi will take twice as much as the first, and the third will triple, fourth. Take four times. Now there are new members to join, but Tianzhu League and Xu family who is the fifth, who is the sixth, you need to determine."

The face of Xu Liangtian and Xu Yutian is a change. They are very clear in their hearts. The four big families want them to fight first, whether it is the fifth position of Tianyi League or the fifth place of Xu family. The position, I am afraid that the sixth will have damage, and the hatred of the two will be deeper, which will make the four super families stand in a more favorable position.

Xu Zhantian’s mouth gradually passed a sneer, this is also an opportunity to kill Xu’s several immortals in a bright and honest manner. At the very least, he can kill one. Xu will not even dare to fight, and admit himself. Is it the sixth?

The loss of the Xu family can be great. Not only is the reputation lost, it will make those families who follow Xu family lose confidence, and they will lose a lot of resources. You must know that the sixth place has six times the resources of the first place, and with the strength of the Xu family, it should be ranked last in the big time. At that time, their reputation will be further declined and lost. A lot of resources.

And his own Tianzhu League has its own existence, even if it does not earn the first, it will not be worse. How to count, I don't suffer. Thinking of this, I smiled and looked at Xu Tiantian:

"Hu patriarch, or do we have two families first than the previous one, to determine the ranking?"

Xu Haotian's face became very ugly, and his eyes could not help but look at Xu Ziyan. Xu Ziyan slightly frowned, and thought of the volume of the nine-bell space, Xu Ziyan is really not sure. If the war does not fight, the reputation and resources of Xu’s family will be lost. If you fight, you will suffer losses when the big ratio has not yet begun. This is not acceptable for Xu Ziyan.

Shouldn't you fight?

As long as the Xu family gets a good position in the big ratio, the reputation will not suffer losses, and the resources will not suffer losses, but will the Xu family get a good position?

Xu Ziyan quickly thought about it, suddenly felt a move, she remembered Pierre. The seven princes of the Mozu should have a good understanding of the Mozu, and he fell into his own hands and became his own servant. The four super families and the Tianzhu League did not know, and the Mozu did not know.

With the help of Pierre, plus himself and Xiaobai, there are also a large array of Qin Yang, Xu Yantian and Xu Zhenshan using the seven-character flag. Well, there is a war castle, and it may not be possible to get a good ranking, and maybe even get the first place. At that time, not only will you get back all the resources you have handed in, but you will get back a lot. Fame will naturally reach its peak. Just before you need to think about the words, you can't fall too far into the reputation of your home.

Xu Ziyan’s mouth gradually floated a smile and said: “As the Chu chief said, at this time we are in the midst of the Great Devils, everything should be dealt with against the Mozu. If at this time we Xujia and Tianzhu League first When the battle is over, the two sides will inevitably have damage. Isn’t this the strength of our own people?

We Xujia thinks about the human race, such a thing can not let it happen, even if the temporary reputation of the Xu family is damaged, sacrificing the interests of our family, but also all the premise of the human race. Therefore, our family decided to voluntarily temporarily rank sixth. Anyway, it won't take long, the rankings of the super family will be rearranged. ”

Xu Tiantian’s look is a stagnation, but he can’t refute Xu Ziyan. Everyone has said that all of this is for the people of the world. In order to preserve the strength of the Terran, they would rather sacrifice their own fame and interests. If at this time the Scorpio Alliance is still entangled, it will be rejected by all Terran. After all, No one can go against the trend before the righteousness.

It’s just that this is a feeling of depression in the heart. Xu Ziyan said so, they at least have a reputation before the big results, and they will get a reputation for knowing the truth.

"But it!" Xu Ditian thought in his heart with hatred: "Just let the Xu family swear by the eyes. After the end of the big ratio, Xu Jia got the last one. At that time, not only was the resources lost, but also the loss of resources. There is no reputation. The words that Xu Ziyan said today will become a big joke. After that, she will operate a little bit, and the Xu family will fall apart."

After thinking about everything, Xu Tiantian’s face recovered and smiled and said: “I agree with Xu’s suggestion.”

The faces of the four super-family patriarchs passed a disappointment, but they quickly hid. Chu Yun moved more and he said with a smile:

"Good! In this case, after ten days, I hope that all parties will hand over the resources that should be handed over to us. At 20 days later, the time begins to be big, and the time is half a year. At the end of the big ratio, we will gather here again. ”

Hai Qiaoxing.

After the departure of Xu Jia and Tian Yi Meng, the gate was closed again, and the four chiefs sat on the main hall.

"It's a pity! The purple smoke is a personal thing. I didn't think she decisively admitted that Xu was in the sixth position."


Anyway, Xu is also ranked sixth, my pink ticket list? Ask your comrades to work hard!


*(To be continued~^~)

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