The Mighty Female Immortal

Chapter 1578: All parties planning

I am very grateful to the bookmates 080910205917581 classmates, the cloudy 001 classmates, the parasitic heaven and earth classmates, the pink ticket of the parasitic heaven and earth classmates!


Chu Yun waved his hand and said: "Don't care, the strength of Xu's family in this big ratio must be the last one. At that time, Xu family will suffer heavy losses in both reputation and resources. I will let Xu family go, and the only way out for our four families is Xu.

What we have to do now is to be prepared. This time, it is based on comprehensive strength. In this respect, Tianzhu League is not dominant. Although Xu Tiantian is the peak of Xianjun, they only have four immortals, and A few days ago, people were sneaked into the sea star, and the losses were heavy.

Therefore, our four major families must lock the top four, so that Tianzhu League and Xu family will fight for the latter two. This will ensure that our four major families will not lose their reputation in the human race. It is absolutely not allowed that any of our four families will be surpassed by the Tianzhu League or the family in this big ratio. ”


Sea riot star.

Inside the hall of the council.

Xu Liangtian looked at the three lords below, and silenced for a long time. Then he said with a sigh: "You all know about it. This time, the super family is not like the past, it is a competition between monks, but it is attacking the magic. The family is based on the comprehensive strength. However, the participation of the six parties in Dabie is only the end of the Xianjun period of our Tianzhu League. If we can't win the first place, it is the failure of our Tianmeng League."

"But..." the first lord said softly: "Now we have turned against the thief, and the thieves have basically left the Xinghai at this time, without their help. We are not familiar enough with Xinghai."

Xu Liangtian frowned and said: "Indigenous? Indigenous people only have hatred against the four super families. We have not actively killed the Xinghai indigenous people. Since Xu can recruit indigenous people, we can also."

The two lords shook their heads and said: "The Xu family has always released goodwill to the Xinghai indigenous people since they came to Xinghai. That is the case, they have only conquered the Xinghai indigenous people. We want to recruit Xinghai indigenous among the rushes. This is not easy."

Xu Ditian changed his mind a few times, and finally he gnawed his teeth: "Then try to catch some Xinghai Indigenous and Mozu monks."


Hai Kuixing.

Inside the hall of the council.

Everyone is negotiating a big deal. Xu Ziyan looked at a few people there and argued, suddenly said:

"Everyone, this time is very important for the future of our family. But we can't just capture the planet of the Mozu just for the big ratio. We still have to base on our Xujia League area. We have successively captured the planet occupied by the Mozu, so that the planet we captured can be integrated with our alliance area. Otherwise, even if we capture it, if it is too far away from our alliance area, it may not be able to keep it."

"Not bad!" Xu Qinyang nodded. Turning head to the handsome war said: "Shuai war, you talk about the situation around the Xujia League area."

"Yes, the little patriarch!" The handsome battle stood up, took out a reel and sacrificed it to the air. The reel slowly opened in the air, and the handsome warfare pointed to the star chart inside the reel:

"Now our Xujia alliance has occupied twenty planets. It has formed a coalition region. The four super-families are adjacent to each other, and they have their own small league areas. The four have formed a major alliance area. Between them and us is the area controlled by Tianzhu.

There are a total of seventy-eight planets outside our region that do not belong to our human race. The pure demons occupy sixteen planets, the semi-magic people occupy twenty-five planets, and the Xinghai indigenous people occupy thirty-one planets. Six planets were not occupied. It was originally where the pirates gathered. Now the pirates flee from the Xinghai, where they are vacated. It’s just that the conditions in the six planets are complex, and there is no real power to dye the hand.

Of the seventy-eight planets, thirteen think of the planet between our Xu family and Tianzhu League. Only four of these thirteen planets are occupied by the demons. Five were occupied by the semi-robe, five were occupied by the indigenous people of Xinghai, and one was occupied by the original fairy thief, which was absurd. ”

"The six unmanned planets are close to us?"

"No!" Shuai war shook his head. "These six planets are some distance away from us. There are planets between them and the devils or semi-robes and the indigenous people, and the six planets are in the fog of the stars. Deep in the depths. There are many stars and beasts."

"Go ahead!" Xu Qinyang nodded meditation.

"In these seventy-eight planets, the sixteen planets occupied by the Mozu are far away from us. They are filled with the planets occupied by the semi-devils and the Xinghai indigenous people. So if we only want to attack the demons The planet occupied by the tribe is very unrealistic. If you want to capture the planet occupied by the Mozu, you must clear the planet between the semi-devil and the Xinghai indigenous people between us and the Mozu. The patriarch, this time, is it only attacking? The planet occupied by the Mozu is counted, and the planets occupied by the semi-devils and the indigenous people are not counted?"

"Not bad!" Xu Xiaotian said in a condensate voice.

The silence inside the main hall is very difficult to deal with. In order to occupy the planet of the Mozu, you must first sweep the planets occupied by the semi-devils and the indigenous people, which requires a lot of time and effort. Only half a year, it is not easy to occupy a demon planet.

Of course, if the Xu family concentrates on the monks only to capture a few planets of the Mozu, and then stay there for half a year until the end of the big ratio is not impossible, but this will be surrounded by the Mozu, the semi-devil and the Xinghai indigenous people. It is difficult to stick to it. I am afraid that by the end of the big ratio, I have to retreat.

In this way, it is a waste of time and energy, and it will lose a lot of strength. This is a thing that is not worth the candle. The result is nothing more than a shameful ranking, Xu Ziyan can conclude that the four super families and the Tianzhu League think so, and are prepared to do so. However, this is not the result that Xu Ziyan wants. What Xu Ziyan wants is permanent occupation and the real expansion of power.

"Ziyan, you see how we should do it?" Xu Xiaotian turned to Xu Ziyan and asked, the eyes inside the hall were gathered on her body.

Xu Ziyan frowned slightly and thought: "I don't have any specific ideas right now. But my suggestion is that we must capture a planet and permanently occupy it and incorporate it into our alliance. We are not lacking in our monks. Nowadays, more and more monks are attached to our Xu family, and we are aware that there are more and more families with abundant resources in Xinghai. They are constantly mobilizing monks from the family to come to Xinghai. Now the number of monks in our Xujia alliance has expanded. It is very necessary to divert again. So my opinion is not to take risks easily."

Speaking of this, Xu Ziyan paused: "I am going to set up an interstellar transmission array in the 20 planets that Xu family now occupy. So in the future we want to attack which side, we can quickly assemble monks. If it is just snuggling With the fairy boat, the speed is too slow."

“Great!” Xu Zhenshan applauded: “So relatively speaking, we have more time than the four super families and the Tianzhu League, and they have greater concealment. Unconsciously A large number of monks will be assembled on a certain planet. They will be attacked by the enemy with an unexpected attack."

"Not bad!" Xu Ziyan nodded. "But only by the strength of one of us is still too slow, time is not waiting for people. I will immediately set up an interstellar transmission array and the interplanetary transmission array of the Yuejicheng family in Haikuixing. Send the disciples of the family's fairy tales, and with their help, all this will go very fast.

After that, we first occupied the six temporarily unmanned planets. Then there are defensive big arrays and interstellar transmission arrays. With the interstellar transmission array, we can always increase the troops like the six stars, and the six planets are in a very complicated position, and there are many starry beasts. The family may not necessarily act on the six planets. ”

"Since the six planets are in such a situation, what do we still occupy?" Xu Qinyang frowned slightly.

"Qin Yang's brother, the starry behemoth is a treasure! The occupation of these six planets is equivalent to having six bases to kill the starry beasts. Why not?"

Xu Haotian nodded: "Ziyan, these things can be done by almost one person. What are we doing?"

Xu Ziyan raised his hand and licked the temple: "So we still need to think about the big thing!"

Xu Haotian also smiled bitterly: "We still come here one thing at a time."

His eyes swept over all the monks in the hall, and finally his eyes swept through the nineteen main stars except Haikui:

"Everyone, Xu will set up an interstellar transmission array on the planets under your respective jurisdiction. This resource and cost will be up to you."

"This is nature!" He said to Xiao Wu and other monks. With the interstellar transmission array, everything will be a lot easier. And most importantly, once your planet is attacked, the reinforcements will arrive quickly through the interstellar transmission array. To say that supporting a interstellar transmission array with the resources of a planet is simply a slap in the face. In fact, they had long wanted to make this suggestion, but Xu Ziyan was very busy before, and then closed again, so that they have no chance. Now Xu family put it up, they naturally agreed to come down with joy.

"Ziyan, how long does it take?"

Xu Ziyan is thinking and saying: "The transmission array on Haikui Star is more troublesome because it is not a transmission array with the adjacent planet, but it is docked with the family transmission array in Yueji City. It is too far away and takes ten days. The time will be followed by the disciples in the family refining hall."


*(To be continued~^~)

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