The Mighty Female Immortal

Chapter 1582: Newcomers come again

I am very grateful to June_8306 classmates, escent 629 students, parasitic world classmates, happypin66 classmates pink ticket!


Xu Ziyan used his mental power to sweep away. The storage ring was filled with more precious resources in the Xinghai, and he smiled and collected it. The three people chatted for a while, and the elephants quit, and Xu Ziyan personally sent him away from Haikuixing.

Looking at the back of the elephant, Xu Ziyan turned to look at the son of the forging smile: "Forging brother, your idea is enough."

The son of the forging sad smiled: "That is not my intention, it is my intention to use your mouth."

Xu Ziyan looked a glimpse, and then "snap" a laugh, the son of the forging also smiled and said:

"Let's sit and watch the wind and clouds!"

The full image returned to the sea star, and the matter was detailed to the end from the beginning to the end. After finishing the silence, he said:

"So, the scene of the attack was to kill me. I thought that after killing me, I swallowed our family and then swallowed our family to quickly improve the overall strength of their family. After seeing no success, then Turning to a retreat to break through the peak of Xianjun to reach the strength of alliance with Xu family?"

"It must be like this!" said the hateful hate.

In the secret room, it fell into silence.


Full of fine shots of the table, the eyes are filled with cold roads: "Since he wants to improve the training to achieve the conditions of alliance with Xu family, we will enhance the comprehensive strength to achieve the conditions of the Xu family alliance. It’s so easy to fix it, pass on the order, and immediately start with those families that don’t support it.”

The whole family is working towards families that have no background. They punched a heavy punch on their already unbearable body. Those families suffered heavy damage during these three months, and even if they were not seriously injured, their strength was not as full as their home.

The family was as devastating as it was, killing several family leaders who were not convinced, and shocked all the fallen families without background. They were completely incorporated in just a dozen or so days.

At this time, the Mozu was shocked by the four super families and the Tianzhu League, and there was no time to pay attention to the family. In the mind, they also thought that these fallen families would be more powerful after they were compiled. Therefore, it was just urging the family to immediately turn their energy to the battlefield of the fairy, but it did not blame the family.

Once things start, it is very difficult to end. After the family has been compiled, the comprehensive strength is rapidly improved. How can it be possible to help the Mozu with the benefits of the family and the dissidents of the Mozu? But those fallen families without backgrounds have already been compiled by the whole family. How can the full family who have benefited from the benefits stop the development? The eyes of the whole family are fixed on the small and medium-sized families protected by the family.

At the beginning of the family, there is still scruples, but forcibly compiling those family hands that are farther away from the family. Gradually with the continuous improvement of their comprehensive strength, the family finally began to advance toward the near home.

The family is angry.

But the curtain is really in retreat. And when it comes to a critical moment, as long as you wait until the customs clearance, it will become the peak monk of Xianjun. Therefore, it is impossible for Lijia to disturb the curtain in this situation. Under the wrath, they sent people to Haishuxing. When asked about the whole family, what do they want to do?

Manjing’s injury at this time is already good. Not pretending to be unconscious. In my heart, I hate the ambush of him. Where will I give a good face to the monk?

The monks of Lijia were directly bombarded by the whole family, and the contradictions between the two were open. The family is not hiding their desires, and began to add a family that is dependent on the family. Lijia also launched a small-scale conflict to protect those families and the family. It’s just that the two have not yet started a full-scale war. The family is only attacking and compiling the families that depend on the family, and they have not attacked the Cape’s Cape Star.

The situation in Xinghai is even more chaotic. The indigenous people of Xinghai have already been stunned at this time. The Mozu and the semi-devils are also wary of the whole family. But they did not have the energy to deal with the whole family. When they saw this situation, the ambitions of the family were also inflated. They feel that as long as they have compiled more Xinghai indigenous people. It is in the future that it is enough to make a foothold in the Xinghai and become a full-fledged one in the three pillars. Therefore, they completely removed the monks from the battlefield of the fairy, and increased the intensity of the collection.

The four super families and the Tianzhu League are happy to see this chaotic situation. The withdrawal of the Manchu family weakened the strength of the Mozu Alliance, and the Chu family and the Tianzhu League looked at each other to win the third Mozu planet. The Yun family, Jiang Jia and Xiang Jia also successfully won the second Mozu planet.

Only Xu Jia still did not win a planet occupied by the Mozu, but Xu Jia won a planet of the semi-robe, and the planet occupied by the Xu family has expanded to 32.

The son is forging opposite the opposite of Xu Ziyan, and his body has a tendency to break through the nine-day Xuanxian. Looking at the opposite Xu Ziyan smiled:

"The shots of the whole family are very fierce. The battle between the family and the family is inevitable."

When the words fall, the son is forgiving and laughing, there is no trace of sadness in the laughter, and the joy is abnormal. Xu Ziyan looked at the unfettered smile on the face of the son, and her heart was full of joy. Her joy was not for the upcoming war between the family and the family, but from the laughter of the male son, he felt that he was already sad. I realized the great realm of perfection, and I have been free to accept the meaning of sorrow and no longer suffer from the sadness. In the mood of joy, I can't help laughing.

The monk outside the bamboo forest looked out to the two people, not knowing why the two people laughed so happy. It is said that the four super families and the Tianzhu League have captured the Mozu planet. Only the Xu family is still there to capture the planet of the semi-devil. One of the demon planets has not been captured. Why do two people laugh so happy?

Sea comet.

The seven princes of the Mozu were sitting in the big chair in the middle of the first place. There were also several Mozu monks sitting in the main hall. One of the demon monks swayed with the peak of Xianjun.

"Seven princes!" The Xianjun monk monk in the early days of Xianjun said: "The situation of our Mozu is very bad now, and it has already become a defeat. And our sinjun of the Mozu also died five, although the Terran also Three immortals have died. But they are constantly adding new Xianjun, especially the Tianzhu League has a tens of days of the peak of Xianjun, and our Mozu is not an opponent at all."

Pierre’s look was very strange, and some smiled like a smile: “How is the situation recently?”

"The planet occupied by our Mozu has lost ten now. The demons who have retired from the ten planets now occupy the planet of the semi-robe. They are laying defenses and preparing to resist the offensive of the Terran. But we are here. The four planets occupied are still stable now, because this area is close to the Xu family, the four super families of the Terran and the Tianzhu League did not attack the four planets, but the Xu family has been launched against those semi-robes. Attack, so there is no loss in the Mozu in our area."

Seven princes Pierre closed his eyes without words, and the Mozu Sinjun sank:

"Seven princes, are we going to help other planets?"

Pierre's eyes opened and he said, "We have the honor and pride of our Mozu, and the problems in their respective regions are solved by themselves. We can do our own defense."

Having said that, the look seems to be a bit tired, waved and said:

"You go ahead!"

The monks of the demons rose to leave and went outside the hall. At the beginning of the demon sage, the peak went to the entrance of the main hall, stopped, and turned to look at Pierre:

"Seven princes, before you come back, we have already sent back the news, I hope that the demon king will send a few Xianjun late peak monks to help us. Do you also send a message to the Mozu adults, ask the devil to send more magic The family monk is coming?"

"I know!"

Pierre nodded lightly, looking at the back of the demon sinister, and slowly closed his eyes.

Hai Kuixing.

The five figures came out of the interstellar transmission and were excitedly looking around.

"This is the Xinghai?" said the fire dance excitedly.

“Not bad!” Simon’s solitary cigarette nodded: “Let’s go see the purple smoke.”

In the courtyard where Xu Ziyan lived, everyone sat around the table. Xu Ziyan’s eyes swept through five people in turn, revealing a happy color in his eyes. The solitary smoke of Ximen, Yan Xingyun and Di Yidiao are now the cultivation of the mid-ninth Xuanxian. Fire Dance and Xu Lin also reached the middle of the Da Luo Jin Xian.

"Ziyan, the son of the forging to the Zhongyuan galaxy is not good practice, went to Xinghai, and now his cultivation has been smashed by me and the fire dance?" Xu Lin asked smugly.

Xu Ziyan licked the long hair on his ear, and his face looked a little speechless. Standing up from the chair, I came outside the courtyard and let people go for the son.

Soon, the son of the forging pushed the door and came in. When I saw the solitary smoke in Ximen, everyone was happy and laughed. Everyone stood up and greeted each other. You hammer me, I hammered you.

Waiting to be re-settled, let alone the fire dance and Xu Lin looking at the son of the forging is strange, that is, the solitary smoke of the West Gate, Yan Xingyun and Di Yidiao are also strange to the rapid advancement of the son's forging. Xu Ziyan smiled:

"Well, you don't have to be surprised. After the forging brother came to Xinghai, he had a new understanding of the meaning of sorrow."

Everyone was ashamed, and they all looked envious of the eyes of the son. The male forged is waving at the side:

"My qualifications are not as good as you. This breakthrough is the result of sudden comprehension. But if you want to comprehend one more time, it is difficult. With your qualifications, I am afraid that as time goes by, it will be me."

Xu Lin smiled and said: "It is difficult to understand, but from the mainland of the sky to the present day, you have a lot of insights. You don't have to comfort me and fire dance, we won't lose you."

"Right, the Lower Yuan Galaxy and the Cangwu Continent are okay?" Xu Ziyan looked at the fire dance and asked Xu Lin.


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*(To be continued~^~)

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