The Mighty Female Immortal

Chapter 1583: Conflict escalation

I am very grateful to the classmates of the post-rain season (400), gg77167716 classmates (100), and the heart of a tree 12 classmates (100)!


"Right, the Lower Yuan Galaxy and the Cangwu Continent are okay?" Xu Ziyan looked at the fire dance and asked Xu Lin.

The fire dance said with a smile: "We are not very clear about the things on the mainland, but the monks who have come up from the sky say that there has not been any major event. The Xu family of the lower galaxies is also very good, everything is fine. Purple Smoke, you can rest assured."

"How is the repair of Xingfan?"

Xu Lin drank a sip of scent and laughed: "Your righteous father has no name to repair the highest, has reached the peak of Luo Tianshang's late stage, and will soon soon break through the Da Luo Jinxian to the fairy world. Among the rest, Ling Yijian and The cultivation of Ximen jade is higher, and now it is also the late stage of Luo Tianshang. Later, Ye Fei, his cultivation is now the middle of Luo Tianshangxian. The repair of Xingfan is lower, just in the early days of Luo Tianshang."

Speaking of this, Xu Lin shook his head, and there seemed to be a trace of regret in his look: "The aura of the sky on the mainland is becoming rich, but the qualifications and understanding of the monks are not as good as ours. If you want to appear again later I am afraid that a monk like us is very difficult."

"Yeah!" The fire dance also sighed: "At that time, the aura on the vast continent was very weak, and we stood out in that environment. The hardships and dangers were not on the current continents." The monk can understand."

Xu Ziyan put down the glass in his hand and smiled: "Jiangshan has talented people, you should not sigh here. People who don't know think that you two are touting each other there."

"Ha ha ha..." The people couldn't help but laugh.

Pushing the cup for a few hours, everyone is drinking. Chatting is also very happy. Drinking to the excitement, Fire Dance and Xu Lin proposed to leave Haikuixing to Xinghai tomorrow. Several people will bother to go out together tomorrow.

"I still don't go out recently." I didn't think that Xu Ziyan stopped them.

“Why?” Simon’s solitary smoke asked inexplicably.

Xu Ziyan said softly: "Now the Xinghai is not stable, the Terran and the Mozu are undergoing a fierce battle. And there is also the participation of the semi-devil and the Xinghai indigenous people. In short, it is very chaotic and very unsafe. You are still practicing at Haikui Xing. After waiting for the situation to stabilize, it is not too late to go out to see the Xinghai."

Xu Ziyan did not think that her words were exported, but it aroused the character of several big men. Noisy one by one to go out and see the Xinghai.

"Ziyan, I am your brother, you can't manage me, I must go see the Xinghai."

"Ziyan, I am your brother, you can't manage me, since we came to Xinghai. You shut us in Haikuixing, what is this?"

The solitary smoke of Ximen, Yan Xingyun and Di Yi, but laughed and said nothing. Xu Lin suddenly turned his hand and took out a fairy. He placed it on the table and said to Xu Ziyan:

"Ziyan, I know that you don't let us leave Haikuixing is afraid of us. But you don't have to worry. On the one hand, we don't know that you are all from the edge of death. I am in the family. There is a good thing in the trial tower of the Holy Land. Purple smoke, look at it."

Speaking of it. Turned to the son of the forging smile: "Forging brother, you also come to see, is it a bit envious of hate?"

The male forged did not smile with a smile, but when his gaze fell on the fairy on the table, the smile on his face froze. At this time, Xu Ziyan’s gaze was also attracted by the fairy on the table.

It is a slap-sized fairy, a troika. The two front-winged Tianma, behind Tianma, is an open-top carriage, but it has a yellow-roofed umbrella cover to cover the entire carriage.

Xu Ziyan's knowledge was swept away, and there was a trace of horror on his face. He reached out and took the carriage to his hand and carefully examined it.

"This... turned out to be an eight-piece fairy?" Xu Ziyan looked up at Xu Lin with amazement.

Xu Lin smiled and said with a smile: "Not bad. I got it in a cave in the world of the tower."

Xu Ziyan flipped the carriage and said softly: "The eyes of these two horses are attacking fairy. It is composed of a combination of cannons. The wings on the back of Tianma speed up the flight, the yellow Luo on the carriage The umbrella cover is a defensive fairy. Lin brother, this fairy is really good, collecting offense. Defense and speed in three aspects."

"Ziyan, with this fairy. Plus Ximen predecessors, Yan predecessors and Di predecessors are nine days of Xuanxian mid-term monks, we left Haikuixing to go out and see nothing. Besides, there is nothing, we are not afraid ""

Xu Ziyan thought about it for a moment, and he only nodded: "With you, but don't leave too far, be careful."


The interplanetary transmission array on the Haikui Star shines from time to time, and a team of monks walked out of the transmission array. The repair of these monks was not very high, between the late Luo Jinxian and the early days of Xuantian. These monks are all accompanied by Xu Haotian and others, but they do not participate in the battle, but the monks who deal with the spoils. They constantly transported the spoils back, and then managed them by the Xujiagongde Hall, leaving the share that the Xu family won, and distributing the remaining contributions according to the various ethnic groups.

Inside and outside the Gongde Hall, there were still hustle and bustle, and there were still monks who came down from the air, and then greeted each other with enthusiasm and entered the Gongde Hall.

Beyond the sea.

From time to time, the fairy boat flies into Haikuixing from time to time, and there are also Xianzhou flying out of Haikuixing.

These monks are all sea urchins who are monks in the nearby Xinghai or looking for resources, or hunting stars and beasts. A busy and prosperous scene.

Xu Ziyan held his hand and looked at Xu Lin and others. She could not leave Haikuixing. Now the news of the wars of all parties is being summarized daily to Haikuixing. Xu Ziyan is sitting in Haikuixing every day.

Cape star.

The curtain was cleared, and the body was repaired to reach the peak of Xianjun.

Within the hall, he gloomy face and listened to the report of the family monk, the more the face was thicker. After the family monk reported, the curtain did not have the irritated anger, but gradually calmed down the anger. But the sound is extremely cold:

"Great elders, are you saying that the whole family has already turned to the Xu family?"

"Yes!" said the elders indignantly: "Although there is no real evidence, but through the familiar relationship between the handsome family, the family has repeatedly sent monks to Haikui Star to give gifts."

The curtain fell slightly and sat there thinking. The hall was quiet, and everyone's eyes were focused on the screen. For a long time, the curtain sighed softly and lifted his eyes:

"The elders, you immediately prepare a group of precious resources, and then go to Haikui Xing Xu home to discuss the alliance with Xu family."

The spirit of cultivation within the main hall is a shock. The elders blurted out and debuted: "The patriarch, do we really want to form an alliance with Xu?"

The look of the curtain became serious and solemnly said: "The situation in Xinghai is very unfavorable to us today. Our indigenous people in Xinghai have not become the strength of the three-legged, so we can only expect the balance between the two sides, we are between the two The gap is seeking space for generation. However, this equilibrium has now been broken. The Mozu is still unable to stand up.

At this time, if we are still following the Mozu, not to mention being the cannon fodder, or waiting for the Mozu to retreat, the Terran's goal will turn from the Mozu to us. Do you think that by then, are we the opponents of the Terran? ”

The monks in the main hall are all in a stunned state. It is really uncomfortable for this fate to be in the hands of oneself.

The voice of the curtain continued to sound: "We have no choice but to form an alliance with Xu. To be honest, I am worried that Xu will be willing to form an alliance with us. Grand elders, you remember, you must be polite and patient when you go to Haikui. When you reach the goal of forming an alliance with Xu, you will be rewarded for your work."

"Yes! The patriarch!" The elders respectfully responded.

"The patriarch!" The two elders stood up from the chair and said with anger: "Don't we find a revenge for the whole family? They will be robbed of the family under the family of our family." Five or six, and also killed hundreds of monks in our family. Is that all right?"

The curtain is sullen and sullen: "This thing is naturally not going to be the case. Immediately, all the family members can fight the monks, and then the whole family will be escorted. One month later, between the Cape Star and the Sea Star. On the sea speed star, carry out the ethnic war between our two races, ask him to be full of courage? If he does not dare, let him return the stolen family to our family, and then from their original home. Ten of the family powers were chosen as compensation for us."

"Yes, I will prepare immediately."

"Well, come back." The curtain suddenly recruited the two elders: "When you give the whole family a gauntlet, don't forget to tell him that Ben is now the peak of Xianjun."

The two elders looked a glimpse, and then laughed loudly, and the monks in the entire hall laughed. The dark clouds that had been in their hearts for many months dissipated with this laugh.

After the two elders left the main hall, the elders asked inexplicably: "The patriarch, since we are preparing to fight with the family, why are we eager to form an alliance with Xu? It is better for us to destroy the whole family and gather the whole Xinghai. Force. At that time, even if you don’t form an alliance with Xu, can you protect yourself?"

The screen looked at the elders and said faintly: "Is it possible to protect myself? It is a matter of the future. We are now talking with Xu family about the alliance, in order to prevent Xu family from intervening when we fight against the family. ""

The look of the elders is a shock: "The patriarch, do you mean that Xu family has the possibility to help the family?"

The look of the curtain became a bit tired: "Yeah, I hope that the elders will be able to bring back good news to Xu family this time. At the very least, Xu will not easily fall to the full house and help the family." ”




*(To be continued~^~)

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