The Mighty Female Immortal

Chapter 1584: I was robbed

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Xu Ziyan is sitting in the hall and is reading the message from all parties. A monk hurried into the hall and prayed:

"The Holy Father, the elders of Xinghaili came to visit and asked to see the Holy Father."

"Oh?" Xu Ziyan said, still reading the message in Yujian, said faintly: "Let him wait."

After half an hour, Xu Ziyan read several jade slips and combed these messages in his mind.

When the Chu family and the Tianzhu League attacked the third planet, the initial success was smooth, but then the monks who lost the planet at the beginning of the Mozu gathered there, so the Chu family and the Tianzhu League encountered tenacious resistance, both sides There are no small casualties. Now in a stalemate, there is no hope of capturing the third planet of the Mozu.

Yunjia, Jiangjia and Xiangjia have already captured two planets. For these two Mozu planets, each of them has paid a price. Originally, I was thinking about launching an attack on the third Mozu planet, but when they saw that the Chu family and the Tianzhu League could not attack and the heavy losses were lost, they all temporarily pressed the decision to continue the expedition and began to occupy the two in the occupation. On one side of the planet, you will be able to raise your interest while you are ready to go.

Xu Jia has now taken down two and a half devil planets, and the Xu family has reached thirty-four planets. And Xu’s actions are not blind. Instead, they captured a semi-devil planet in the vicinity of the four planets occupied by the Mozu.

The Mozu on the four planets saw Xu’s family capture a semi-devil planet so close to themselves, half of the panic and half of the anger.

What is flustered is that the current situation in the Xinghai is no longer their Mozu. Today's Mozu is retreating. The four super families and the Tianzhu League are attacking the Mozu. Only Xu is fairly gentle. They don't deal with Xinghai indigenous people and they don't deal with them. They just chase the semi-devils. However, now Xu has already forced them to come. They are very afraid that Xu will attack them like the four super families and the Tianzhu League.

What they are ashamed of is that Xu has actually forced them to come. If the Xu family attacked the semi-devils who were farther away from them, they could also close one eye and pretend that they did not know to cover up. However, now Xu family has forced them to come forward, and they don’t know if they want to pretend.

Take the initiative to attack?

This decision was difficult, so they all came to Haishuxing to see the Seven Princes. Although Pierre is not the highest among these people, his status is the highest. After thinking for a while. Pierre gave a suggestion, and did not move, closely monitoring the actions of Xu.

However, Xu did not stop, but began to rumbling to attack the next half of the demon planet. This move made the Mozu's heart relieved, but what he did not know was that the semi-devil planets that were very close to them were captured under the cover of the defensive array. Master Xu Jia is establishing an interplanetary transmission array. The Xu family's monks can gather millions of people here at any time.

Sitting in the hall, Xu Zi’s mouth was filled with a smile, and the jade was collected and whispered:

"Please ask the elders."

After a quarter of an hour, two figures landed at the entrance of the main hall. One figure was Xu’s lead monk, and one figure was a great elder.

Xu Ziyan looked to the elders of the Lijia, a medium-sized monk, wearing the armor of the six-phase mid-class fairy, the face is not very sharp, giving a sleek impression.

The monk who led the way to Xu Jia stopped outside the gate. I am pleased to ask the elders of the family. At this time, Xu Ziyan also stood up from the chair. Go to the gate.

The elders of the Lijia family saw Xu Ziyan walk down and hurriedly stepped into the hall. They made two steps in a hurry and applied a courtesy to Xu Ziyan:

"Prosperity to meet the Holy Father."

Xu Ziyan smiled and lifted his hand gently. A soft temper will lift the profits. Said faintly:

"I am just the ancestor of the Xu family, but there is no relationship with your family. You still call my name."

"Don't dare, it's still called you a senior." Lee said with respect.

Xu Ziyan was faintly undecided, and returned to the seat in the middle of the upper head to sit down, and then asked to come and sit down. After the goodwill and conscientiously sat down, he secretly looked at Xu Ziyan, and he secretly sighed:

"It is said that this purple smoke is very young and beautiful. It is said that it is less than a hundred years old. I don’t know how old I am now. This beauty is amazing."

When I think of the age of Xu Ziyan, there is a hint of fear in my heart: "This age has reached the beginning of Xianjun, and it is said that her fighting power is amazing, and the same as the family patriarchs are the five spiritual roots. In the future, This purple smoke is definitely a man of the fairy world. I hope that we will not conflict with the Xu family."

Xu Ziyan looked at the profit and said faintly: "Prosperity, what happened to you this time?"

Lili rushed to collect his heart and respectfully said: "The next time I came to represent the Li family leader, I came to see my predecessors, hoping to form an alliance with Xu."

"Allied?" Xu Ziyan repeated softly, and frowned slightly: "Prosperity, since you have a good family, I will talk about things, I hope you don't blame."

"Don't dare!" Lili rushed to swear and said: "Please excuse your predecessors."

"Since you have a good alliance, you want to put your family in the same position as our home."

"Yes!" The look of the exchanges is a bit embarrassing.

"But..." Xu Ziyan looked at him faintly and said: "Do you think that the strength of the Lijia is enough for this position?"

Lili had been silent for a while, but before he came, he had studied the possible things in detail with the screen, and looked up and looked at Xu Ziyan solemnly:

“If we have a unified family of Xinghai indigenous people?”

“Oh?” Xu Ziyan showed an expression of interest: “If Lijia can do this, we will be willing to form an alliance with Lijia and be willing to coordinate with the four super families.”

"Good!" Li said seriously: "As long as the Xu family has not intervened in the Xinghai indigenous people in the recent period of time, we must be able to unify the Xinghai indigenous people."

"We will definitely do it." Xu Ziyan also solemnly nodded: "You should be able to see that since our family came to Xinghai, they have not interfered with the affairs of Xinghai indigenous people. Recently, they only targeted the half-devil. Family. So, please rest assured."

Lee left and returned to the Cape Star. The situation of talking with Xu Ziyan was told to the screen in detail. Listening to the report of the profit, the heart of the curtain has stabilized a few points. After all, from the past behavior of Xu’s family, there is indeed no intention to intervene in the indigenous people of Xinghai.

It also summed up the information that Xu Jia had been fighting for monks outside. He learned that Xu Haotian was attacking a semi-devil planet, and he did not intervene in the signs of the indigenous things in Xinghai. A heart was completely put down.

The curtain began to prepare for the family war with the family. At this time, he was full of hatred for the family, and the family was actually shooting at the home when he was retreating. Needless to ask, the whole family is also thinking about unifying the indigenous people of Xinghai. To achieve self-reliance, retreat can be the status of alliance with Xu.

I got the promise of Xu Jia, and I have already broken through to the peak of Xianjun in the late period. The ambition of the curtain has been ignited.

The fog of the Xinghai is surging, and a double-roach rides out of the clouds.

The first feeling of these two driving carriages is noble. The two white horses are full of wings, the four hooves are on the clouds, flying in the air, the whole body is flowing with beautiful curves, full of dynamic beauty. . The carriage is made of jade, inlaid with enamel gems, and a yellow snail umbrella cover adds extravagance.

Under the yellow umbrella cover, a jade table was placed at this time, and six white jade chairs were placed around the jade table. Sitting above the West Gate solitary smoke, Yan Xingyun, Di Yidiao, Gongzi Forging, Fire Dance and Xu Lin.

There is a jade pot and six jade cups on the jade table. At this time, six people are chatting while drinking tea while watching the scenery of Xinghai.

"This Xinghai is really vast and invisible!" Xu Lin exclaimed. Everyone also nodded unanimously, and his face was full of exclamation.

"Forging brother!" Fire dance turned to look at the son of the forging: "You have been to Xinghai for so long, now where are we? What strange places, take us to see."

"Yeah!" Three old-age figures, such as Simon's solitary smoke, also became interested: "Forging Xianxian, we are all coming to Xinghai for the first time, you take us to watch it."

The son looked forward to the five people in front of him and said with a smile: "After I came to Xinghai, I have been staying at Haikui Star, and I have never been there. I am leaving Haikui Star for the first time today. I am like you, I don’t know where there are strange things. Where do you know where we are now?"

"How come?" The faces of everyone are a strange color, and Xu Lin said: "Forging brother, you have been to Haikuixing for several years. How could it be the first time to leave Haikuixing?"

Gongzi Forging once again smiled bitterly: "I have been practicing! Do you think that I can cultivate to the peak of the late Luo Jinxian?"

The voice of the male forging did not fall, and suddenly there were more than twenty boats in the clouds and surrounded them.

Xu Lin thought about it, and the yellow Luo umbrella cover released the Bao Baoguang, covering the entire carriage including the two Pegasus.

"Who are you? What is your intention?" Xu Lin stood up from the chair and looked out at the fairy boat outside.

"Leave the carriage and let you go." A fierce voice came from inside a fairy boat.

The male forged eyes swept over the fairy boats and saw that the fairy boats had a unified mark on them, engraved with a large "li" character. Immediately shouted:

"You are the patrol of the Lee family. We are Haikui Xing Xu."


Ask for a pink ticket!


*(To be continued~^~)

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