The Mighty Female Immortal

Chapter 1585: Push hand

I am very grateful to you for your smile (100), the classmates in the water (100), the sea ~\\(≧▽≦)/~ lala classmates (100)!


The outside of the fairy boat was silenced. Within a large fairy boat, a nine-day Xuanxian late peak and two nine-day Xuanxian late monks looked at each other.

"They are the masters of Hai Kuixing Xu, what do we do?" asked a monk.

"Now the patriarch is talking to Xu family about the alliance. Since they are Xu family monks, we... let them leave!"

"But... the carriage is an eight-piece fairy! With it, we can cross the planet."

The eyes of the three people all revealed the color of greed, looking at each other, and the face was hesitant to hesitate.

"But... they are Xu family monks..."

"You see, the highest of the six of them is the mid-ninth Xuanxian mid-term, and there are only three. The other three are just Da Luo Jinxian. Just because of their cultivation, they can’t sustain the release of the yellow umbrella cover. How long does it take for the defensive treasure?

When we fired more than 20 Xianzhou boats, they will soon smash their defenses and kill them all. No one will know that we killed them. As long as Xu’s family does not know that we are doing it, it will not Something. Besides, even if the family knows it in the future, we have this carriage, where can we go? ”

"Okay, done!"


Cape star.

Inside the hall of the council.

Lee Curtain is negotiating with the family elders and fighting the Manchu family. Li Jia went to the Manchu family to fight the book of war, and the family did not hesitate to take the gauntlet. In the following days, the two communities were caught in a temporary calm, calmly preparing for the upcoming ethnic war.

Just at this time. A monk hurried into the hall and reported to the top of the curtain:

"The patriarch, the patrol squad led by the two elders, robbed the Xu family in Xinghai."

"What?" The curtain turned pale: "I didn't tell you, during this time, I was not allowed to clash with the Xu family? Who gave him the courage. Dare to defy my orders? Where is he, let him Give me in."


The monk retired, and in a short while, Li Ben walked in from outside the hall. His face was pale, his eyes were filled with fear, and he gave a courtesy to the curtain:

"See the patriarch!"

Lee curtain said with a calm face: "What is going on?"

Li Ben said: "We patrolled in the Xinghai and found a carriage of eight ornaments. There were six monks sitting on it. Three of them were in the middle of the nine-day Xuanxian, and three were just the Dalujinxian period. I grabbed the carriage."

The curtain frowned and said: "When you grab it, do you know that the other person is a Xu family monk? Does the other party know your details?"

"Know!" Li Ben said with a low head.

"Do you know if you dare to grab it?"

Lee’s head was lower and lower. Lee screen took a deep breath. Smoothed the emotional condensate and asked:

"What is the result? Can the six masters be killed?"

Liben’s body stunned and the voice became even smaller: “ kill...we lost two of the fairy boats.”

The face of the curtain changed and it was gloomy.

"The carriage is so powerful, not only has defense, but also the horse's eye is a compound rune gun that day, and the wings of the horse's back that day make the entire carriage fly very fast. We were bombarded by the composite rune. They opened a gap and ran out. Our fairy boat couldn’t catch up."

At this time, the curtain of the curtain has no heart to listen to Liben Talk there, and at the critical juncture of the family war with the Manchu family, his own tribe has attacked the Xu family! Can a monk who has such a fairy be in a low position in Xu? Will Xu family be so angry that he will help the family to deal with himself?

The muscles on his cheeks twitched slightly, sinking for a while, slowly squeezing a word out of his teeth:

"Two elders, this matter is only for you to bear."

Li Ben’s face was shocked: “The patriarch... you are... what do you mean?”

In the eyes of the curtain, there is a faint color, and whispered: "The two elders, now we are clear about the situation of the family. If you let the family turn to help the family because of what you do, we will have the genocide." Danger. So, this thing only makes you bear."

Li Ben’s face showed bitterness: “How is the patriarch ready to take me?”

The look of the curtain became awkward: "Take those who attacked the Xu family to the Xu family. Let the Xu family fall."

Lie Ben’s body swayed, his eyes were desperate, and he suddenly slammed from the ground:

"Do not……"

"This does not allow you!"

The words fell, and the curtain stretched out a big hand. The past has been shrouded in the past. Li Ben was imprisoned in the moment, and the big hand in the air played a middle finger. It sealed the opportunity of Li Ben. The curtain retracted the big hand and said faintly:

"The elders will press Liber to fight down, and then grab the disciples of his small team, and then you personally take them to Haikui Xing and hand them to Xu Ziyan. To make a good gift, you must not let Xujia help the family. Go Treasures pick up some treasures and give them to Xu."

Xu Lin and others spent a long time to look at the direction and escaped to Haikui Star. I told Xu Ziyan about things, Xu Ziyan was furious, but the movements of Lijia were also very fast. Xu Lin and others came back no more than one hour, and Li Bai and others came to Haikui Star.

Lee left the Sea Kuixing and returned to the Cape Star. Although Xu Ziyan smiled and forgiven Li Jia, promised not to participate in the dispute between Li Jia and Man Jia, but he was not happy.

This is the first time that the family has sent the people to others. This makes the heart of the exchanges very lost, and it is also mixed with anxiety.

Li Ben and others will be treated by Xu, he does not know. But he knows that the family at this time is floating with an uneasy feeling. The curtain will hand over his own people to the Xu family, which has a great impact on the family. A family can not only protect its own people, but also send its own people to others, which makes the cohesiveness of the family begin to decline.


This day.

Xu Weitian, Xu Zhenshan and Xu Qinyang secretly returned to Haikui Star through the interplanetary transmission.

Four people sat in the hall, and Xu Ziyan listened to Xu Yutian and other people happily telling about the attack on the semi-devil planet, and his face was also smiling.

"Ziyan, Lijia and Manjia are about to fight, how do we want to do it?" After the speech, Xu Haotian looked at Xu Ziyan with gaze, Xu Zhenshan may also have a gaze focused on Xu Ziyan. On the body.

Xu Ziyan took a sip of tea and gently lowered the cup, thinking and saying: "This thing has been promoted from the beginning to the end by our Xu family. From the beginning of Qin Yang’s brother as a sneak attack, it is opened. The curtain of this promotion. However, this matter cannot withstand the scrutiny. If in the future, Lijia and Manjia will be attached to our Xu family, as time goes by, Limu and Manjing will prove each other, they will find out Many vulnerabilities. At the very least, I know that he has not attacked the full.

Then they are full of re-thinking about the conditions that we proposed by our family when we talked with our family. The curtains also calm down and think, and it is easy to find that all this is a conspiracy of our family. At that time, they will definitely revenge us. ”

Xu Haotian also frowned slightly, thinking and saying: "Ziyan said it is good, so even if we conquer the Lijia and the family, not only has no benefit, but also buried an unstable factor, not Know when you will be bitten back. Purple smoke, what do you have?"

Xu Ziyan spread the handkerchief: "What can I have? The matter of accepting the indigenous people of Xinghai has always been the responsibility of Qinyang brother, or what is the idea of ​​Qinyang brother!"

Xu Qinyang locked his brow and thought and said: "If you want to solve this problem, there are three ways."

“Oh?” Xu Ziyan’s eyes lit up and could not help but praise: “It’s really the patriarch’s talent, and I thought of three ways in such a short period of time.”

Xu Qinyang turned a white eye: "Do you mean that I am good at conspiracy?"

Xu Ziyan spread his hands innocently: "No, absolutely not."

On the side of Xu Zhenshan smiled: "Qin Yang, you don't have to pay attention to purple smoke. Uncle believes that you are a bright and honest person. Hurry, hurry and talk, what harmful way do you have?"

Xu Qinyang couldn't help but turned a blind eye and sat there in a hurry. Xu Haotian said with a smile:

"Well, Qin Yang. Purple smoke and your uncle Zhenshan are joking with you, do you have any way to talk about it."

Xu Qinyang nodded and looked serious. "The first way is to take advantage of the loss of the family and the family. When we make a big loss, we will send a large army to destroy the Li family and the family. Since then, there is no benefit in Xinghai. And the whole family. Just like this, from now on, the indigenous people of Xinghai will lose trust in our family, so this is the best policy."

Xu Haotian, Xu Zhenshan and Xu Ziyan heard the words and nodded. However, no one has spoken, looking at Xu Qinyang, waiting for him to say the other two.

"The second method is that we will not let the family move, but let the Mozu take the shot, and when they are both at home and in the family, they will destroy them. So, we can still get the trust of Xinghai indigenous people. Other Xinghai indigenous. However, after all, the two biggest forces in the Xinghai indigenous people have been eliminated, and they have not been used by us, so this is a policy."

"But how do you let the Mozu shoot?" Xu Haotian frowned and asked.

Xu Qinyang learned Xu Ziyan's hands and said: "I can't do this. You have to ask Ziyan. Didn't she conquer a demon? What seven princes?"

Xu Ziyan nodded lightly: "This thing can be done."


Ask for a pink ticket!


*(To be continued~^~)

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