The Mighty Female Immortal

Chapter 1586: The Mozu arrived

I am very grateful to the classmates of the rainy season (400) forever!


"Please ask the Holy Father to wait for the surname!" The rest of the more than one hundred monks also bowed on the ground.

Xu Ziyan turned around and said faintly: "Liben, you asked me to give you a name before, I did not agree. Do you know why?"

"It is our heart that is not sincere. It is our fault!" Li Ben succumbed to the ground.

"No!" Xu Ziyan shook his head faintly: "I can see your sincerity, I know that you are sincerely loyal to Xu."

"Xie Shengzu!" Li Ben got the approval of Xu Ziyan, and he cried.

"Get up!"

Xu Ziyan waved his sleeves and gave a soft boost to lift more than a hundred people. His face showed a mournful attitude and sighed:

"Lei Ben, I don't know why the Li family and the Manchu family want to open a family war! And it is not just a family war, it is to pull in their respective subordinate forces, which is almost the entire Star Wars indigenous war. I am afraid this war. Will cause the Xinghai Tujia people to paint charcoal.

Although the indigenous people of Xinghai have gone to the Mozu, they still belong to humanity. Therefore, after our family came to the Xinghai, they ordered that they would not conflict with the Xinghai indigenous people. Our enemy is the Mozu, not the people who belong to the Terran. It is today, I also do not want to see the Xinghai Tujia cause huge casualties for some reason.

You guys attacked Sirius because of greed, but Sirius did not hurt them, so you will not die. The reason why I did not let your great elders bring you back, but left you, is afraid that because of this matter you have been separated from the curtain. Ultimately it hurts. ”

The tears of Lieben and others flowed down. This matter is very clear to them. If Xu Ziyan really released them back, then Li Lei did not dare to harm himself and others. But there will never be a monk who has been alienated from him. I will definitely look for an opportunity to secretly solve myself and others. So this hundred-dollar monk said excitedly:

"Thank you for being kindly!"

Xu Ziyan shook his head and said softly: "But I still hope that you can return to the Li family. After all, it belongs to your family. So I have not promised to let you join the Xu family.

This time the Li family and the Manchu family fight, I am coming with you. I just want to see if there is any chance to persuade the Li family and the Manjiahua to be a jade. I had long wanted to talk to the family and the family. But I have never had the slightest grasp. I think you can understand this point. After all, the relationship between us and the indigenous people in Xinghai is not harmonious. So it has been dragged to the present, it is really impossible to drag on, and only try to come over.

It’s also a helpless move to drag you down. After all, you are a good person, not an outsider. Maybe then you can make a difference. If you have stopped this family war for your reasons, you will avoid the casualties of the family. Maybe the Lizu patriarch will release the suspicion with you, and you will be able to return to the family. ”

At this time, Lieben and others have been moved to hate to give their hearts to Xu Ziyan, one by one sobbing:

"The Holy Father, no matter whether we can return to the family in the future, our heart is always a family!"

Xu Ziyan waved his hand: "This thing will be discussed later, we will solve the problem first!"


The cloud baby is flying fast. The sea speed star is getting closer and closer and is clearly visible.


The cloud baby flew into the sea speed star and hid it into the clouds. Everyone looked down at the cloud baby, and saw that the air and the ground above it had become a group, and nearly a million monks were screaming fiercely.

In the gaze search, I quickly saw two battle groups. Because the two groups are small, but the momentum is the biggest. It is exactly where the two princes fight.

At this time, the two places where Xianjun fights are not only the immortals of the two sides, but also the peaks of the nine days of Xuanxian, but they are full of monks. The Manchus are more than 200,000 more than the monks. This has taken advantage from the beginning. Take the battlefield of Manjing and the curtain. The curtain is not only to deal with Manjing and another Xianjun. There are also five nine-day Xuanxian late peaks in the family, taking advantage of the opportunity to give him so much, so that he can not help.

Li screen wanted to take the opportunity to kill the five peaks of the nine-day Xuan Xian, but the second time was blocked by Manjing and another Xianjun. The monks of the Manchu Alliance are more than the League of Lijia, and there are no other monks who can attack the five peaks of the nine-day Xuanxian.

At this time, the curtain was also starting to be a little nervous. He has some regrets about his impulses since he broke through the peak of the late Xianjun. There has been a change in mentality, and I can no longer afford the fullness of Xianjun. However, now he knows that the peak of Xianjun was strictly in the same sense as the early days of Xianjun, only slightly higher.

Not to mention that his opponent is still the beginning of two Xianjun, is it not Xianjun, a monk in the early days of Xianjun is really nothing in this nearly one million monk melee? There is no such advantage in imagination.

Looking at the battlefield below, Liben and other Lijia monks showed their worries on their faces. After all, the monks who were constantly in casualties had their own monks. Under the anxious, Liben could not help but whisper:

"Holy ancestors!"

Xu Ziyan shook his head regretfully: "We are late, and now the battle between the two communities has begun. At this time, we can only make the occupation more chaotic. Liben, although I want to help you, but not I can get involved in the Xu family."

"Understood!" Lieben said hard.

Xu Ziyan regained his gaze on the battlefield below. He knew that there was no such thing as a war that could not end in a dozen days. It might even last for a month, and it would be several months.

Xu Ziyan contacted Pierre by controlling the soul and issued an order to him: "Action!"

Within the Xinghai, the Mozu fairy boat hidden in the fog rushed out of the fog and flew toward the sea speed star. The Mozu on the four Mozu planets almost came out halfway, and the six emperors were all dispatched, plus some semi-devils. There were more than 30,000 fairy boats that rushed like a steel torrent.

Xu Ziyan and others stayed in the high clouds and looked at what was happening underneath.

One day... two days... three days... eight days...

Looking at the people below, their own people are constantly being killed. The muscles on the faces of Lieburn and others have become distorted and closed their eyes in pain. There was a soft voice from Xu Ziyan in the ear:

"If you want to help your people, go on!"

Li Ben **** ran his eyes, but he closed his eyes again and said, "There has been nothing to do with the family, and this heart has already belonged to Xu."


Xu Ziyan’s heart was dark, and he saw that more than 30,000 ships were surrounded by two monks who were fighting in the chaos. It’s already late when the monks and the family’s monks have noticed.


More than 30,000 rune guns fired together, and the sea speed star instantly became a massacre.

Limu and Manjing saw the surrounding fairy boat, and the two looked at each other again. This two eyes understood the meaning of the other party at the same time. The two sides immediately stopped their hands and shouted:

"The two stopped and joined forces to deal with the Mozu!"

The two sides in the fierce battle actually stopped when the Mozu released the rune. At this time, I heard the high drink of the patriarchs of both sides, and immediately shocked the past with the Mozu.

The Mozu was only able to release a round of rune guns, and they were approached by the Xinghai Tus. The Mozu and the Semi-Devils rushed out of the fairy boat and fought a battle with the Xinghai Indigenous.

But on the one hand, there are no more devils and semi-devils, and there is no demon high. The most important thing is that they have been fighting for eight days, while the devil and the semi-devil are refueling. The two sides of this fight, Xinghai indigenous people began a wide range of casualties.

Xu Ziyan’s gaze closely locked the five immortals of Xinghai’s indigenous people, and also benefited the two great elders of the family and the family. These people must die in the Xu family's plan. Only when they die, Xu Qinyang's plan can be completely successful.

Sure enough, in accordance with the instructions of Xu Ziyan, Pierre quickly became the five immortals of the Li family and the family, and Pierre himself rushed to the great elders of the Li family.

The elders of Lijia are just the peak of the nine-day Xuanxian period. How is Pierre's opponent? Moreover, Pierre was afraid that he had not completed the order of Xu Ziyan. When he got started, he made all the effort. Only a few rounds took the elders of the family to the air, and then they rushed to the full elders.

The other five immortals of the Mozu, only one is the same as Pierre, and is the beginning of Xianjun. The other two are the peaks of Xianjun, and one is the middle of Xianjun, and the other is the late Xianjun. In this way, how can the Lijia and Manchu Xianjun be the opponents of these Mozu? In addition to the stalemate of the other side of the Xianjun, the remaining four immortals were completely suppressed by the Mozu.

It didn't last long. Pierre soon smashed the full elders of the family and began to join the early stage of the immortal king who joined the family.

Inside the cloud baby, Li Ben looked anxious. From time to time, he looked at Xu Ziyan and his lips moved, but in the end he did not speak. Because he also knows that there are so many people in the cloud baby, and only Xu Ziyan is the early stage of Xianjun. It’s just that going out can’t help.

Below, there are six demon sages, that is, Xu Ziyan is only equal to the number of the demon sage. However, the number of the Mozu is almost double that of the Xinghai indigenous people. Under this circumstance, an Xianjun can't play any role at the beginning, just like a stone thrown into the lake, just a circle of ripples.

Xu Ziyan's hands in the sleeves clenched quietly, and her heart was very anxious. Xu Jia just wants to be a family and a few elders and grand elders in the family, but he does not want to make the Xinghai indigenous people lose too much. After all, Xu family is paying attention to them and trying to keep their strength.


I want a pink ticket!


*(To be continued~^~)

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