The Mighty Female Immortal

Chapter 1588: conquer

I am very grateful to the fat cattle ah classmates, Zhang Danya classmates, Bohai dark blue classmates, happypin66 classmates, crystal ~ angel classmates pink ticket!


The hands in the sleeves suddenly slammed, and one of the sages of the Li family was the first to be killed. The demon sage was rushing to another Manchu Sinjun and began to slap each other with another Mozu.

Xu Ziyan sneaked a sigh of relief. Now there are four immortals left in the Xinghai Indigenous People. Two of them face the late Emperor of the Mozu, a middle of the Xianjun, and the remaining two are indeed the two Mozu Xianjun pinch.

The overall situation has been set!

Looking at the precarious Xinghai indigenous Xianjun, even Liben, the peak of the nine-day Xuanxian period, can see that it will not last long. He hesitated for a while and eventually gritted his teeth:

"Sanzu, please save the indigenous people of Xinghai."

Xu Ziyan frowned slightly, and his face was: "Li Ben, I think too! Just..."

Li Ben stunned his face, and he knew that he was urging him to smoke. At this time, let Xu Ziyan go down, saying that it is to ask Xu Ziyan to save the Xinghai indigenous people, it is better to let Xu Ziyan go to death.

“Is it the end of the Xinghai indigenous people?”

Thinking of this, his heart suddenly had a grief and hatred of the curtain. If it wasn't for him to break through the peak of Xianjun, he felt that he could unify the indigenous people of Xinghai, and asked the family to fight for the war of the whole family. Will the family fall to the present level?

If it’s not that Li Jia and Man Jia have been killed for nearly ten days, it’s already exhausted. Even if the Mozu is twice as big as himself, will it be so miserable?

I think that I am waiting for someone to be punished by the screen. Just to make the Xu family neutral, the heart is even more hateful to the extreme.

"I try it, I just don't know if I can't come."

Xu Ziyan’s voice suddenly sounded softly, and Li Bai’s eyes and other monks’ eyes were bright. All of them looked at Xu Ziyan with hope.


Xu Ziyan sighed softly and took out the message. Yu Jian said softly to the other side:

"The patriarch, I am a purple smoke. No matter what you are doing now, stop the action at this moment. Attack the Mozu planet!"

Li Ben’s face was a joy, and he immediately understood the meaning of Xu Ziyan. That is to use the attack on the planet of the Mozu to force the Mozu to withdraw. He firmly believes that if the Xu family is fully attacking the Mozu planet, the Mozu here will definitely withdraw. After all, there is the old nest of the Mozu, and the Mozu cannot give up.

However, his joy just floated and he was stiff on his face. Because he heard Xu Ziyan being there to explain and persuade Xu Tiantian on the other side of the jade, it must be that Xu Tiantian over there did not agree to do so.

Lieben’s look was tense, and he watched Xu Ziyan tightly, and his heart was praying with enthusiasm:

"Agree! Agree!"


There was a huge roar below. The eyes of the people could not help but look for the sound, and they saw that they were full of death. The body of the Mozu monk who killed Manjing came to the back of the curtain in the air, and began to attack the curtain with another mid-June. As a result, the six Mozu monks attacked the three Xinghai indigenous immortals, making the people such as Limu more flustered.

Xu Ziyan put away the communication jade, Li Ben has been listening to his ears. It has been known from Xu Ziyan's words that Xu Tiantian over there was finally convinced by Xu Ziyan. At the beginning, he led the Xu family to attack a magical planet.

Lieben’s heart was anxious. He didn’t know that Xu’s actions were not coming, and he couldn’t help but pray that Xu Haotian could hurry.

"It's over!"

Lie Ben closed his eyes in pain, and the curtain below died. He is not suffering for the curtain, but for the sake of the family. Today, the three demon sages are besieging two Xinghai indigenous people, even if Xu Tiantian is too late to come.

Sure enough, just a dozen breaths of time, the last two Xinghai indigenous Xianjun were also killed by the Mozu.


The six Mozu Sinjuns scored in the air and killed the indigenous monks in Xinghai.

"This is really over!"

It’s just that this time. Pierre screamed in the air:


The sound rumbling violently in the space. Clearly passed into everyone's ears. Both sides stopped and looked towards Pierre.

"Xinghai Indigenous, you listen." Pierre's body is full of anger and savage: "As long as you go to the Mozu. Today, this Jun will give you a way to live. Otherwise, this sea speed star is your cemetery."

"The Holy Father!" Li Ben's face was full of anxiety.

Xu Ziyan bit his teeth and said: "You are waiting inside. I will go out and see."

"Ziyan!" Ximen solitary smoke and Xu Tianwo and others looked tight and stopped.

Xu Ziyan’s eyes became firm: “It’s not tight, I just went out for a while, and when the Mozu learned that their nest was attacked, we would no longer be in danger.”

The words fell, Xu Ziyan's body shape floated out of the cloud baby. The solitary smoke of Ximen and Xu Tianwo and others looked at Liben for the murder. Lie Ben is like a child who is doing something wrong, with his head sweating down his head, but in his heart is full of emotion. At the same time, it is full of worry about the safety of Xu Ziyan.

Xu Ziyan’s footstepping cloud baby fell to the bottom, revealing the clouds and shouting at Pierre:

"This is not the cemetery of the indigenous people in Xinghai. You don't count."

Pierre narrowed his eyes, his body was more fierce, and he snorted:

"who are you?"

"Xu Ziyan!"

"Xu Ziyan" three words, the whole sea speed star is quiet. Today's Xu Ziyan is not the time before it was unknown. She took the war castle and took out the name of Hehewei in Xinghai.

Xinghai indigenous heard that Xu Ziyan reported his name, and his heart was overjoyed. Xu family has always released goodwill to the Xinghai indigenous people. Every indigenous monk knows that the emergence of Xu Ziyan is not necessarily to help them. They all looked at Xu Ziyan with a pair of hopes.

The Mozu monks were nervous at this time. They did not expect Xu to be attacking their planet, but worried that Xu had already surrounded them. One by one quickly looked around and looked for the shadow of the Xu family.

Silent and silent, there is no trace of the monk's monk, but it gives the Mozu a lot of pressure. They would not believe that Xu Ziyan dared to appear in front of them alone, which was irregular.


Many of the Mozu monks' communication jade slipped, and the Mozu monks were shocked. This must be an accident, otherwise there will not be so many Demon monks getting a message. One of the demons took out the jade, and their gaze changed. Pierre will summon the jade, and hatefully shouted toward Xu Ziyan:

"Xu Ziyan, you are enough, I remember you! Let's go!"

When the words fell, Pierre took the lead in releasing the fairy boat and went to the fairy boat to turn around and leave. The remaining Mozu monks also released the fairy boat, followed by Pierre and flew away from the distance, and soon disappeared into the Xinghai.

The cloud baby at the foot of Xu Ziyan opened a door, and Li Ben and other monks flew out from the inside and fell to the Lijia monk. At this time, those monks and monks also saw Li Ben, and their eyes became very complicated. At this time, the atmosphere has become very subtle. The Mozu monks have left, and they have returned to the situation where the Lijia Alliance and the Manchu Alliance are opposite.

And Li Ben and others are obviously brought by Xu Ziyan, which can not help but make the full house monk nervous. Is the Xu family already reached an agreement with Lijia? Now the Xianjun of both sides are dead and dead. At this time, if the Xu family helps the family, it is only a matter of time before the family is destroyed.


Li Ben stood in the middle of the Lijia and the Manchu family and began to talk about why he came here with Xu Ziyan from the beginning to the end. How is Xu Ziyan kindly, how to persuade the Xu family to attack the Mozu nest to solve the problem for the Xinghai indigenous people. . His words and feelings with sincere feelings, full of gratitude and worship to Xu Ziyan...

The sea speed star is very quiet, Li Ben has already finished talking, and no longer speaks, just quietly looking at these Xinghai monks. However, the hearts of these Xinghai monks are not very calm. They were moved by the actions of the Xu family. Although the Xinghai indigenous people have not had any direct conflict with the Xu family, they also handed over the Mozu and the Xu family. Nowadays, Xu family does not care about their suspicions. They help them at their critical juncture. This cannot help but move them.

And the most important thing is that they are now different in the past, and they used to have five immortals, but now they are all dead. The strength has fallen to the lowest point, and at this time there has been no strength against the Mozu or the Terran. No matter which force, no effort is required to destroy them. They have lost the qualification to cooperate with the Mozu or the Terran.

They must now make a choice and choose to belong to one side.

Return to the Mozu?

How can this be? In order to completely control their indigenous people, Xingzu has already killed their five immortals. This time, they will be attached to the past, and what can be done besides making cannon fodder?

Attached to the four super families?

Do not make jokes!

When the four super-families went to Xinghai, they began to slaughter the indigenous people. Now the Xinghai indigenous people have lost the immortal, but they have gone to the four super-families. Isn't that a dead end?

Attached to the Tianzhu League?

The Scorpio Alliance did not launch a massacre against the indigenous people of Xinghai, and recently released goodwill. However, the predecessor of the Tianzhu League is the fairy thief, and they have colluded with the fairy thief. Xinghai indigenous people also heard about it. Such a scorpion alliance is difficult to gain trust.

If you count it, you can only go to Xu.

Since Xu came to Xinghai, he has always released goodwill to the Xinghai Indigenous People. Nowadays, after the handsome family has attached Xujia, he has already occupied a single planet, and there is a large array of defenses for the layout of the Xujia. Up, enviable. Most importantly, in order to save them, the Xu family launched an attack on the Devil's Nest. This friendship has conquered these Xinghai indigenous people.


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*(To be continued~^~)

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